Jesse and Nate

By Nate

Published on Apr 2, 2006


This story is a work of fiction. I do not claim to know Jesse McCartney (although I wish I did ;-D), nor do I know about his sexual preference (ditto). This story will contain some sexual content, and is about a relationship between two men. If this offends you, then I suggest you use that handy close button on your window. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, well then you shouldn't be here either, but you probably already knew that :- P.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Time:

We both laughed at my little joke, and we caught each other's eyes. I couldn't look away even if I tried, and he didn't seem to be able to either. Suddenly, almost as if it was happening automatically, I started to move my face closer to his, but never letting my eyes leave those deep pools of green. I kept on moving in, tilted my head a little, and, closing my eyes, gently touched his lips with mine. He pressed in a little, kissing back. I couldn't think at all, I was just feeling and letting my lips do the work. It was a very slow and gentle kiss, but it felt like enough electricity was passing through our lips that we could have lit up all of Manhattan for a year. I brought my hand up to his face, holding the side of his head as we kept on kissing. Finally, after what seemed like both an eternity and just a moment at the same time, Jesse pulled away. He looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his and, smiling, said one word.


Chapter 3:

"Was that a good wow or a bad wow?" I asked sheepishly.

"Definitely a good wow" Jesse answered, smiling and scrunching his face in a very cute way, before giving me another quick kiss on the lips.

"Well, I gotta agree with you, this is clearly a `wow' situation," I said, making him chuckle. "So, you're, like, ok with this, right? I wasn't totally sure about the vibes I was getting from you, but I dunno, I guess I just went for it anyways."

"Duh, of course I'm ok with it, man! I also wasn't completely sure about you, but lemme tell ya, if you didn't kiss me, I totally would have been all over those cute lips of yours within minutes!"

All I could do in response to that was grin like an idiot and plant another kiss on his lips, and then I put my arm around him, and he leaned into and put his head onto my shoulder. It just felt right to have him in my arms like that.

After a little while of sitting there like that, maybe two or three minutes, I felt Jesse start to shiver a little. I rubbed his arm and shoulder a little and said, "Yeah, it's getting a little cold. Wanna get going?"

"Well I don't really wanna, cuz this feels really nice. But if we don't, my ass may just freeze off, so we prolly should get up."

"Yup, we don't want anything to happen to that butt of yours. It's way too cute," I said smiling. We got up and started walking. Jesse rubbed his hand against mine and started to link our hands together, but I, albeit reluctantly, pulled mine away, which made him give me a quizzical look.

"What's wrong? Is this too fast or something?"

"No, no it's not that at all. I soo want to hold hands with you right now, but the fact of the matter is that you're famous and have an image to keep up. It looks like we were, hopefully, pretty lucky that no one saw us kiss or sit next to each other like that, but we probably shouldn't push it."

"Yeah, that's definitely true, thanks for looking out for me," he said with a half smile. He looked a little sad though, and I was gonna ask him about it, but he quickly changed his expression and asked, "So, what you got planned for tonight?" so I let him get away with it.

"Eh, studying, studying, and a little more studying. Lemme tell you, even though I toned it down a bit this semester, I can't wait `til college is over," I answered.

"Haha, yeah, that's gotta suck a bit. But at least after this semester is over, you got over a year until you gotta go to med school, right?"

"Yup, that's true. I guess I just gotta suck it up until then," I sighed. "So, how about you, what you got planned?"

"Hmm...lets see," he said, looking at his watch. "It's about 8 o'clock now, so that means I got about forty five minutes until I have to meet my parents and my agent for a dinner meeting."

"Look at you, mister big time celebrity with your agents and dinner meetings," I teased.

"Believe me," he replied, chuckling, "there're plenty of times when I'd rather be in your shoes, doing school and stuff, than having to be in meeting after meeting, having to debate over the tiniest details that don't even really matter in the end."

"Jeez, man, how do you deal with it?"

"Well, there're times when I almost can't. But, when I get on stage and start singing to all those fans out there, everything else just melts away and I know that it's all worth it," he said with a dreamy look on his face. "That's really what it's all about. The fame, money, prestige and celebrity are all nice, but when it comes down to it, it's the music that makes me happy."

"Wow, Jesse, that's really cool of you. Like, most people our age would just be constantly flashing around their money, or using their fame to get things for themselves, and that's what it becomes about for them. You even see it actually happen with some of the teen celebrities out there. It's awesome that you know what's, like, actually important."

"Aw, see, now you're gonna make ME blush!" he responded with a shy grin on his face.

"'Bout time I'm not the one getting all hot in the face!" I said, laughing.

"How `bout getting all hot somewhere else, not to mention a little bothered," he replied with a wink.

"Oooh, baby!" We were both laughing so hard by now that people started to stare, so we had to tone it down a bit, and Jesse ducked his head down a little and covered the bottom of his face with his hand.

"You are so cute, you know that?" I said, after the onlookers walked away.

"Aww, thanks. You're not so bad on the eyes yourself," he responded, before glancing around and giving me a brief, soft kiss. "Mmmm...your lips taste so good. Whatever you're doing to them, keep on doing it." All I could do in response was just smile and look into his eyes.

Jesse glanced down at his watch and said, "Aw, man! I really gotta go now if I'm gonna be on time for my meeting. It's back in Irving, so it'll take a while to get there."

"C'monnn, what's one little dinner meeting? I can think of several things that'd be much more fun," I said, shooting him a seductive look and rubbing his arm a little.

"Hmmm..." he replied, chuckling. "You have no idea how unbelievably tempting that is, but my agent'll kill me if I miss this. It's actually pretty important."

"Awww, okay, I guess it'll give me time to do some studying, anyway," I sighed.

"I guess I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Actually, lemme give you my screen name so we could IM later."

"Awesome!" I wrote it down on a piece of paper, and he gave me his. "I'm really sorry about this, ok?" he said, giving me a sad, puppy dog look that made my heart melt.

"Hey, listen, you never have to apologize for your career. This is who you are, and nothing should have to stand in the way of what you want. You do what you need to do, and I'll make sure that we won't let it get in the way of anything. Deal?"

He looked at me with sparkling eyes, smiled, and threw his arms around me and giving me a tight hug. "Deal," he whispered. We continued hugging for another few seconds, and then I pulled back, stroked his cheek a little, and let him go. "I'll talk to you later."

"Definitely," I answered, and watched him turn around and walk down the stairs into the subway station that was next to us.

"NATE!!!!!!!" Kyle yelled so loudly I had to take the phone away from my ear, "that's AWESOME, I'm so happy for you!!!" I'd just told him about everything that happened earlier that night.

"Thanks. You have no idea how unbelievably happy I am right now!"

"I could imagine."

"And it was just one night. I don't even know if it's gonna lead anywhere."

"C'mon, I'm sure it will if you want it to. You just gotta make sure you put some effort in keeping it going."

"Yeah, I know, thanks." I replied.

"So, when're you gonna be seeing each other again?"

"We actually didn't talk about that yet. We exchanged screen names and we're gonna chat on AIM some time tonight."

"Very cool. Anything other than just chatting gonna be going on as well?" he asked with what I know was a sly look on his face. "There ARE other uses for AIM, ya know."

"KYLE!" I yelled, laughing. "Even if there will be, I'm not all too sure that's any of your business!"

"Oh, c'mon. We always tell each other about our, ah, romantic moments."

"True...but I guess I just don't wanna jinx this or anything."

"Aw, that's sweet. But you know you'll probably be telling me all about it as soon as you're done."

"Yeah, you're probably right." I replied, chuckling.

"Of course I'm right. Hey, I think Kirsten's home. HEY, KIRST, GUESS WHAT!"

"What?" I heard her reply.


"OH MY GOD, NO WAY!! IS THAT HIM ON THE PHONE? GIMME THAT!" I heard them fighting over the phone, and then Kirsten yelling, "NAAAATE!!!! THIS IS SO FREAKIN AWESOME!"

"Jeez guys, you know that with modern cell phones you can talk at a normal decibel level, no screaming necessary."

"Well you know I've always liked retro better anyway, I'm just trying to bring back that old vibe."

"Ah, so it's just part of this whole vintage thing that's popular nowadays," I replied, chuckling.

"Yup, that's it. But enough of that. Tell me everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! Don't leave anything out."

"You're worse than Kyle, you know that?"

"Yup, and proud of it! Now c'mon, tell me what happened!"

So I told her everything that happened after we split ways. "And now I'm just waiting for him to come online, which'll hopefully be sometime soon, cuz, well obviously cuz I wanna talk to him, but also cuz I haven't been able to get any work done, I've just been so excited. Plus the fact that you two have been keeping me on the phone ever since Kyle called like two minutes after I got home!"

"Well soorry for wanting to know about what's going on in your life. You could get other best friends if we're too needy for you." I could practically hear her smirk over the phone.

"Eh, I guess I'll keep you around. It'd take too much work to have to go around looking for someone else to make fun of."

"Well if that's gonna be your attitude, maybe I should drop you and find someone else," she retorted.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry, I'll be good. Hey, why's it that even if you're the one that did something I'm the one apologizing?"

"Cuz I'm just that good at the whole guilt thing."

"Ah, that'd explain it." We continued talking about general things, classes, hot teachers and stuff, while I went over to my computer and logged on. "OH MY GOD, he's online!!!!!"


"H'yeah, ya think?"

"Sooo, did you IM him yet?"

"I'm about to. Listen, I wanna be able to concentrate on this, so I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Ok, no prob, it'll give me a chance to fill Kyle in and do some work. Just make sure you give us a call as soon as you're done. And by the way, I just gotta say this one more time. AHH, JESSE MCCARTNEYY!!!"

Laughing I said, "I know, I know. And don't worry, I'll call you as soon as I sign off." We hung up, I took a deep breath, and clicked Jesse's screen name, right before he IM'd me.

Jmac87: Hey!

Natedawg15: Hey man, I was just about to IM u!

Jmac87: guess i'm just too fast for u

Natedawg15: must be, flash

Jmcac87: hmm...flash. u know what, i like that

Natedawg15: haha

Natedawg15: looks like we gotta new nickname for u already

Jmcac87: now we just gotta find one for u

Natedawg15: yup, better get our heads cracking

Jmcac87: oh dont worry, i'll think of something

Natedawg15: i have perfect faith in you

Jmcac87: haha, thanks

Natedawg15: np. so, how was the dinner meeting?

Jmcac87: eh, it was ok. we gotta buncha stuff taken care of, which was good, but trust

me babes, i'd much rather have been with you

Natedawg15: aww, ur just, like, pure sweetness, you know that?

Jmcac87: hehe, blushes

Jmcac87: so, how was studying

Natedawg15: meh, didnt really get much done in the end

Natedawg15: kyle called basically as soon as i walked in the door, so i basically spent the

whole time talking with him and kirsten. lol, they cant get over the fact that ur

jesse mccartney

Jmcac87: haha

Natedawg15: omg, im sorry, i didnt mean to like, make u uncomfortable or anything

Jmcac87: hahaha, dude, its ok. believe it or not, i know im jesse mccartney!

Natedawg15: LMAO!!!

Jmac87: lol

Jmac87: but that's cool that you have such good friends, not everyone has that

Natedawg15: ya, its awesome, i dunno what i'd do without em

Jmcac87: aww, cool

Natedawg15: yup. so, wut u up to now?

Jmac87: not much. im actually playing with ideas for a new song, but its still in the very

early stages

Natedawg15: wow, cool!

Jmac87: haha, ya. im just hoping it'll come out well

Natedawg15: dont worry, im sure it will. ur quite a talented person, ya know

Jmac87: haha, thanks blushes

Jmac87: so, wut're u up to?

Natedawg15: meh, nothing really, just chilling basically

Jmac87: cool cool

Natedawg15: yupp

Jmac87: so listen, i actually should be getting to bed, cuz tmrw im starting to record my

next album. thats 1 of the things we worked out 2nite

Natedawg15: aww, but we just started talking!

Jmac87: BELIEVE me, i know, and i really wish i could stay on and talk more with u, but

the fact of the matter is that if i show up tmrw not in top form, the label'll have my

head on a stick.

Natedawg15: hmm...that wouldnt be good, ur head looks too good attached to ur body for


Jmac87: haha

Natedawg15: well, ok, i guess ill just have to find someway to live, but how `bout we

meet tmrw for lunch? u gotta eat!

Jmac87: thatd be great!

Natedawg15: cool! where're u gonna be?

Jmac87: hmm...lemme check, brb.

Natedawg15: k

Jmac87: back. the studio's on the lower east side, on west 27th st, between 8th and ave of

the americas

Natedawg15: ok, awesome - there's a great coffee house right near there, on 8th ave between

26th and 27th, called the brown cup

Jmac87: awesome, that's like right there! plus the fact that anywhere that specializes in

coffee is perfect for me

Natedawg15: haha, yup, my sentiments exactly

Jmac87: lol

Natedawg15: ok, so how bout we meet there around 1-ish?

Jmac87: ok, cool, its a date. and we have each other's cell numbers in case we get

delayed or anything

I practically did a little dance when i read the word 'date', it made me feel so good.

Natedawg15: ok, sounds good :D. and if we have time, we could also go walk around the

neighborhood there for a bit

Jmac87: haha, u, like, really like to walk, don'tcha

Natedawg15: lol, i guess. i just enjoy going around the city, you always see interesting

people and stuff, and its really healthy too

Jmac87: ha, ya, thats true. u prolly gotta great pack going on from all this healthiness u

got going on

Natedawg15: lol, wouldnt u like to know ;-)

Jmac87: ooo baby, u know it!

Natedawg15: lol

Jmac87: i think we just got ure nickname...pack

Natedawg15: hmm...pack, i think i like that

Jmac87: well u better, cuz thats it :-P

Natedawg15: lol

Jmac87: ok, well i should go, so g'nite, pack

Natedawg15: `nite flash, sweet dreams!

And we signed off. After that, I sighed contentedly and called up Kyle and Kirsten as promised, told them everything we talked about and about our date, after which they started to get excited even more. After we were done talking, I got ready for bed and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

[Note: The screen names used here are made up, so don't try IM'ing either of them expecting to get either me or Jesse, cuz it won't work.]

Hey guys and girls (well, actually probably just guys :-P), I'm really, no, make that EXTREMELY sorry about the loong long wait. Life has been pretty hectic lately with school and stuff and I just haven't had a lot of time for writing. I was actually planning on making this a much longer installment, but I figured that I should put out what I have now and make sure you guys don't just forget about me ;-). Thanks to everyone who wrote in, and don't worry, I'll definitely be keeping the story going, it's just a matter of how often I can get it out.

Again, please send any comments, critiques, questions, or suggestions to, or IM me on AIM at JesseandNate, I love hearing what you guys think.

Next: Chapter 4

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