Jesse and Nate

By Nate

Published on Apr 30, 2007


This story is a work of fiction. I do not claim to know Jesse McCartney (although I wish I did ;-D), nor do I know about his sexual preference (ditto). This story will contain some sexual content, and is about a relationship between two men. If this offends you, then I suggest you use that handy close button on your window. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, well then you shouldn't be here either, but you probably already knew that :-P.

And again, thanks to Kyle, Ty and Wes, for proofreading and critiquing the chapters!

Chapter 10:

We finally landed in LAX about forty-five minutes late simply because there wasn't an open runway, so we had to circle around until one we got clearance. I guess that's what happens when you go to one of the busiest airports in the world. Then it took another half-hour to get an open gate and another short while to get permission to open up the cabin doors. I have to say, in situations like these, business class seats definitely come in handy. I was able to stretch out and try and stay as relaxed as possible the entire time. If I were forced to spend the entire flight stuck in between two fat, hairy, smelly guys I probably would have gone insane. Don't get me wrong though, even with the comfortable seat I was definitely very antsy to finally go and see Jesse. I had no idea how I'd be able to keep my hands off him until we got to his place...or, if he got a limo with a private back seat, the car. The thought just made me squirm some more.

Finally they opened the doors and I was able to get out my carry-on luggage and leave the plane, after I took off my button down shirt so that I was just wearing Jesse's t-shirt. As good as business class is, breathing in air that hasn't been circulated throughout a huge metal tube for six hours definitely felt good, as did walking in huge hallways instead of small aisles. I got my luggage (quickly, thankfully), hurried off to the reception hall, and there he was.

He looked even better than I remembered. He was wearing my sweatshirt, jeans, and eyeglasses, and he had a new haircut. The entire combination made him look very cute; I had to consciously hold myself back from running into his arms and giving him a deep kiss. I saw him notice me and we gave each other a wave and huge grins. We walked up to each other and I gave him a huge hug (straight friends can do that, right?), and practically lifted him up in my arms. The thing that we really had to control ourselves for was to not even kiss each other on the cheek, which was definitely hard. "Ohh, I missed you so much!" I said.

"Me too. It's so awesome to finally have you in my arms again. And hey, what's this?" he asked, ruffling my hair. "When'd you get a haircut?"

"A little while ago," I said, chuckling. "The curls were getting a little out of hand, and most of my friends agreed, so I figured it was time to chop it off. You shoulda seen the stylist's face when I came in, it was priceless! And, I wouldn't let her buzz it off, which she wanted to do. I made her do it all with scissors, but I think it definitely looks better this way."

"Yeah, for sure. It looks awesome."

"Thanks. But who're you to talk? What's with this?" I asked, glancing up at his new cut.

"Yeah," he said, running his hand through his hair, "I figured that it was time to go for a more mature look. What you think?"

"It definitely looks more mature," I said, "and verrrry sexy," I winked at him.

"Thanks," he replied with a grin. "Okay, gimme one of your bags and let's head over to the car."

"K," I said, handing him my carry on, "sounds good." He led me past the various paparazzi, ignoring them as usual, and out to the warm L.A. night. Definitely a welcome change from the frigid winter going on in New York. "How could you wear a sweatshirt in this weather?" I asked, breathing in the warm air.

"Well first of all, it reminds me of you, so I've been wearing it all the time, I don't care how warm it is. I don't even wash it, just so I could always have it with me. And anyway, this is winter in L.A., this is considered cold here."

"Seriously? Damn, now I get why Californians have such a hard time in the city. They freeze to death!"

"Yeah," he said, laughing. "That's definitely got something to do with it. Plus L.A. is much more laid back than New York. They can't get used to a hundred people getting in and out of a subway car in a matter of seconds."

"Haha, yeah, I hear that."

"Mhm," he said, pushing up his glasses off his face and rubbing his eyes.

"You okay?" I asked. "Why're you wearing glasses? This's the first time I've ever seen you in them when we're not about to go to sleep or waking up."

"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired. That's why I'm wearing my glasses. My contacts were just getting too dried out cuz of the really long days."

"Aw, Jess, I'm sorry, that really sucks."

"That's okay, I'm used to it. You gotta do what you gotta do, right?"

"Yeah, I hear that. And anyway, you look cute in your glasses."

"Thanks," he said looking at me with that grin that makes my knees melt. All I could do was grin back. We continued walking, not to the passenger pick-up zone, as I expected, but to the parking lot.

"We're not taking a car service or something?"

"Nah, I drive a car here. In New York it's not really worth it, cuz of parking and the fact that there's a great public transportation system there. You kinda need a car here though, it's impossible to get around without one."

"Ok, cool." He led me to a really nice classic car. "This is yours?"

"Yup, this's my baby. I love it, it took me forever to decide on it, but it's just an awesome ride and so much fun to drive in."

"Very cool." We dumped my stuff in the trunk and got in, and my hand immediately went to his thigh, making him smile at me. "I've been waiting to do something like this ever since you left," I told him.

"Same here," he replied. "Now just wait until we get back to my place," he said with a devilish grin.

"Ohhh, baby," I said with a seductively raised eyebrow. "I've really missed you, Flash," I said sincerely.

"I've missed you too, Pack." He started driving, and we just went without really talking, just enjoying being with each other. Plus, I was pretty tired from the flight and everything, and I guess I fell asleep, because the next thing I knew we were pulling into a spot in a parking lot. "Oh man, sorry, how long was I out?"

"You were gone for about a half hour. It's okay, you had a long day, and I just didn't have the heart to wake you. You looked so sweet sleeping like that."

"Thanks," I said, rubbing my eyes a little. "You're the best, you know that?"

"Yup, but it doesn't hurt hearing it again," he said with a grin. We got the bags out of the car and took them up into his building. Jesse greeted the doorman, introduced me as the friend that'd be staying with him for the weekend, and led me to the elevator. It was definitely a nice building, I thought, looking around at the lobby and elevator, but it was nothing compared to his apartment. I didn't notice it at first, because as soon as the elevator doors closed (they open right into the apartment - you have to put a key in to the floor your apartment's on) we started kissing pretty heavily for a few minutes. As soon as we parted to bring the bags in, I turned around and took it in.

"Whoa, Jesse, this place is amazing!" I said, looking around.

"Thanks," he said sheepishly. "It does the job."

"H'yeah, I'd say so." He gave me the grand tour. It's a duplex, with the kitchen, living, and dining rooms on the first floor and three bedrooms on the second. Everything about it is really cool - there're plasma TVs in practically every room, cool furniture, and, the best thing in my opinion, a huge kitchen with all the modern conveniences. Well, the best thing is the king-sized bed in his room, but that goes without saying. "Really really amazing."

"Thanks," he said again, and led me back to the kitchen and offered me a cup of decaf, which I graciously accepted. I leaned on the kitchen counter next to him, and felt him rest his head on my shoulder and nuzzle it in a little. "Mmm, Nate, it feels so good to have you near me again."

I turned my head into his hair and breathed in his intoxicating scent. "Definitely," I sighed. I placed my mug on the counter behind me, and gently kissed the top of his head, lifted up his face to mine, and pressed my lips against his. We softly kissed each other for a few minutes, getting fiercer as time went on. I lifted him and placed him on the counter, rubbing my hardening crotch against his as we made out. After several minutes, he slid off the counter and started racing for the bedroom, laughing. I chuckled and ran after him, yelling "You're not getting away that easy," and pulled him around to me when I got near enough to catch him and started kissing him again. He led me to the bedroom as we attempted to keep our lips in contact, not an easy feat since we had to go up the stairs and we were leaving a trail of clothes as we went.

We fell down on the bed in each other's arms, pulling off what was left of each other's clothing. I leaned back long enough to take in his body, the body that I've been lusting for this long month. It was even more defined than I remembered. I ran my hands over it, and then continued to kiss down Jesse's neck, making sure to pay extra attention to all of his hot spots - the crook of his neck, his nipples, his belly button. I got down to his pubes and paused as I breathed in his musky scent, taking in the sight of his cock, and kissed my way up the shaft to the pink head. I heard him gasp when I put my lips around it and sucked on it gently, and then felt him put his hands through my hair, urging me to take more into my mouth. I began rubbing in between his legs, between his balls and his hole, pressing in until I heard him practically scream out my name and thrust his hips into my face. I continued sucking and massaging, with him pumping his hips in rhythm, until I heard him start to stammer, "Oh, Na..., oh, mmm, oh Nate, oh my G...oh, OH NATE!!!" and felt his cock begin to pulsate a few seconds before he unloaded his nuts into my waiting mouth.

"Whoa," I said, licking my lips and pulling myself to the head of the bed, "that was a huge load, Jess. I think the biggest you've ever had."

He didn't answer for a few seconds, just stared at me in what looked like bliss. "Nate, that was just...just awesome. Just amazing." All I did was grin at him. He glanced down at my throbbing dick. "But it looks like you could use a release, too," he said with a smirk before he went down on me and started expertly sucking me off. I was so horny from blowing him that it didn't take long for me to shoot my cum down his throat.

"Oh, Jesse, I missed you so much," I whispered, coming down from my after-climax high.

"Me too. I love you, Pack."

"Love you too, Flash." I gave a contented sigh, wrapped him up in my arms, and we fell asleep.

I woke up the next day slightly in disbelief as to where I was, pretty early because of the jetlag. I looked around and held Jesse a little tighter and felt completely at ease. I squeezed him slightly and closed my eyes again and lay there for a few minutes until I felt Jesse start to stir. "Good morning, baby," I said.

"Morning," he replied, stretching. "How'd you sleep?"

"Very well. First time I've slept well ever since you left, actually."

"Aww. Same here - I could never sleep as well as I do when I'm in your arms."

I sighed, giving him another squeeze. "Definitely. Plus the fact that your bed is much more comfortable than mine helps," I said with a grin.

"Oh shut up," he replied, squirming a little. "You always know how to take a romantic situation and make a joke out of it, you know that?"

"Yup, I know. It's a talent."

"Yeah, whatever," he replied rolling his eyes, but he was grinning.

"So I know that I'd like to just spend the day lying here with you, but that's probably not happening. What's on the day's agenda?"

"Well, I was thinking that we could go out and get some breakfast, and then I gotta go into the studio for pretty much all day."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

"Nah, you'll probably be bored out of your mind. There wouldn't be all that much for you to do there other than sit and watch. I was thinking that you could go around touring LA and stuff," he replied. He lifted up the covers and peeked down at my body. "Maybe hit the beach a little, too. You're way too pale, dude."

"Oh shut up!" I practically yelled while laughing. "It's been freezing in New York for the past like six months, what do you want me to do?"

"Okay, but haven't you ever heard of tanning salons?"

"Otherwise known as cancer in a box."

"Hmm...okay, fair enough. But you're in LA now on vacation, so you could tan a bit."

"I guess. But anyways, I wanna see where you work and how you do it and everything, I think it'd be cool."

"Trust me, Nate, you'll be bored after, like, an hour."

"Okay, how about this. For the first half of the day I'll go with you to the studio. Then after lunch or something I'll go around and do the tourist thing, then we'll meet up when you're done."

"Okay, cool, works for me."

"Gotta love compromise."

"Yup, the foundation of every relationship."

"Unless you're in one with a girl, in which case compromise means she gets whatever she wants."

"Yea," he laughed, "definitely true. Now how about we go get ready so we could get going, cuz I gotta be at the studio in..." he looked over at the clock. "Jeez, it's actually pretty early, I don't gotta be there for a couple of hours. You and your stupid jetlag robbed me of some of my sleep!" he said in mock anger.

"Well sorrrry. But at least this way we'll actually have time to get breakfast and stuff."

"Ehhh...okay, good point. Now let's get going." We got up and did our morning rituals, like brushing teeth and taking showers (separately, unfortunately - we didn't have enough time for what a joint shower would entail). After we were done and Jesse made sure he had a cap and sunglasses on to hide his face, he drove us over to a local outdoor caf‚, where we had a nice breakfast of croissants with various spreads, fruit and coffee. Nothing too romantic could happen, but just being able to talk to Jesse, to see his smile, hear his laugh... all of it was more than good enough for me. There were several times that I found myself just staring at him, not really paying attention to what he was saying, just taking him in.

After breakfast, Jesse drove us over to the studio, which was pretty cool. Right when you go in it looks like a regular floor in an office building; a bunch of offices, conference rooms, and, something that's probably not in most offices, a pretty cool break room, complete with pool and ping pong tables, gaming consoles, and big screen TVs. Apparently it's good for helping the creative process when you're stuck.

After all that, we got to, as Jesse calls it, "the place that the magic happens," i.e. the actual studios. It was pretty cool. There was tons of music recording equipment in one room, and in the other, which was separated by a glass soundproof window, some instruments and microphones. I met the tech's and then they got started.

They started with a song called `Blow Your Mind,' a very upbeat song that Jesse really got into while singing. They had to do it over a bunch of times to make sure that they had it exactly how they wanted, but it was awesome to see how the whole process worked. I even started dancing a bit to the music, it was so infectious.

The next song was called `Invincible'. It was unbelievably sad; it's about a friend of Jesse's that died while driving drunk, and tears formed in Jesse's eyes as he sang it, some of them even streaming down his face. I felt so bad for him that I just wanted to run in there and hug him. But the emotion behind the song obviously helped, because it was very strong and moving, and just extremely good.

When he was done with that song he came out for a bit of a break, and I looked down at my watch to realize that four hours had already gone by, and he only recorded two songs, which would have to be redone over the next few days. This really was a slow process. After they listened to the track, they decided to break for lunch.

"Wow, Jess, I can't believe how grueling this process is."

"Yeah, it is, but it's so awesome to be doing this, to be finally seeing all my hard work coming together. It's just an incredible feeling for it to be finally happening."

"Yeah, I'm seeing that."

"Yup, the only bad part is that it takes me away from you. But now that you're here, it's like everything is right with the world."

"Yep, it's definitely feeling like that," I said with a grin. We headed to a small diner and got some lunch, after which we decided to split up for the day.

"You're gonna be all right going around by yourself for the day, right?" he said before we separated.

"Dude, I'm from New York. I think I can handle it."

"Okay, fair enough," he said with a chuckle. "I'm really sorry that I can't hang out with you today, though. I wish I didn't have to work."

"Same here, Jess. But no worries, just being able to be here and know that I'm gonna see you at the end of the day is awesome. You go and do what you gotta do."

"Okay, awesome," he replied. "You sure that you don't want to take my car?"

"Yeah, if I can't go to the gym, I gotta get some cardio in somehow. Worst comes to worse, I'll take a taxi somewhere."

"Okay." He gave me a one armed hug, during which we whispered "I love you" to each other, and then separated for the day. We made plans for him to pick me up from wherever I was when he was done, and then he went to the studio and I went touring around.

It was all pretty cool; I saw the Chinese Theater, Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Hollywood Sign, Rodeo Drive, and the Sunset Strip. I even saw Jennifer Love Hewitt coming out of Valentino, which was pretty cool. All of that took around five hours, and by the time I was done I was a bit tired, but fortunately Jesse called me up right then to tell me he was finished, so he came to pick me up.

"So did you have fun today?" he asked.

"Yup. New York is still the best city in the world, but I gotta say, this comes in at a pretty close second."

"Yeah, definitely," he said.

"So where're we headed to now?"

"I was thinking dinner at a nice restaurant would be a good end to your day."

"That sounds awesome! Where're we eating?"

"A restaurant called Spago. It's a..."

"SPAGO?!?" I interrupted. "Are you kidding me? That's one of the most exclusive restaurants in L.A.! It's owned by Wolfgang Puck! How'd you get a reservation?!?"

"Well the hostess's daughter's a big fan of mine, so I, you know, mentioned my name, offered to meet her and sign some pictures tomorrow."

"Whoa, look at you, using your celebrity to get what you want," I said with a laugh.

"Yup, it definitely has its perks," he grinned. We got to the restaurant, gave the keys to the valet and went inside, and as promised, we were ushered to a table as soon as the hostess laid eyes on Jesse. We both said thanks and sat down, looking at the menus.

"Whoa!" I said, a little too loudly, causing several people to look up at us. "Oops," I said with a quiet chuckle, which grew a tad extended when I saw the look on Jesse's face. "Sorry, I was just a bit shocked when I saw the prices. I knew it'd be expensive, but damn!"

"Yeah, but quality comes at a cost, right?"

"I'd say so."

"But listen, don't worry about the money, this is my treat."

"You sure?"

"Yup, very."

"Okay," I said, looking closely at the menu. "Now where's that lobster?" We both laughed. I continued looking through the menu, and also looked around the restaurant a little. "Whoa!" I said, this time in barely a whisper.

"What this time?"

"That's Will Smith over there! And Jennifer Aniston over there!" I nodded at each of their tables.

He laughed. "Curls, this is a pretty high class restaurant. Tons of stars come here."

"I can see that. But jeez, you coulda warned me, you know?"

"Yeah, I coulda. But it was funnier to see your reaction."

"Thanks," I replied, rolling my eyes at him. After we were done deciding what we were getting (for five courses, mind you), the very cute waiter came over and took our orders. He flirted with me a little, but I didn't even realize; I was focusing too much on Jesse.

"Man, I don't know how we're gonna be able to walk out of here," I said when we were done ordering.

"Yeah, it seems like a lot," Jesse told me, "but the portions aren't big, so it's not too bad."

"Okay, cool." We ate our way through the five delicious courses. Jesse was right; it wasn't too much at all. They were delicious, but there wasn't much in them. After we finished dessert and paid the bill with a nice tip, we left and got into his car, where I promptly placed my hand on his thigh and started lightly rubbing it. "Thanks for dinner, Flash, it was awesome."

"Your welcome," he replied, grinning at me, and we set off for his apartment. "So, how're Kyle and Kirsten?"

"They're good. Same as usual, basically. How're Michael and Katie?"

"Also good. You know, you don't need me around if you want to hang out with them, they're your friends too, now."

"Hey, good point. I've actually been thinking of doing that lately."

"Awesome. You've got their number, just give `em a call."

"Okay, will do."


"Yup. And you know, you could call or IM Kyle and Kirst too, you don't gotta wait until you talk to me to find out about them."

"But I talk to you all the time! Not much waiting going on."

"Hmm...true, but..."

"I know, I'm just kidding. I'll do that, I love talking to them, plus I get all these funny stories about you."

"Just remember that I'm gonna be talking and hanging out with Michael and Katie too now. I'm gonna be getting all the stories I want."

"Good point."

"And you know what, I think I might give Lea a call. She'll really be able to give me the dirt."

"Oh, damn it! What've I done?" Jesse said in a scared voice, making me snicker.

"Hey, don't start anything you can't finish, brah," I replied.

"`Brah'? You've been in California for like twenty-four hours, and you're already picking up the accent?"

"Well it'sa sexy accent. Much sexier than my New Yawk accent."

"You're kidding me, right?!? Your accent is so sexy, I love it! I mean, yeah, the extremely thick accents can be a bit weird, but you've got just enough of an accent to give you that sexy masculine-ess."

"Yeah, you're just saying that cuz you're my boyfriend," I said with a grin.





"Nuh-uh! And that's final," he said, clapping his hand over my mouth (fortunately we were at a red light).

"Yurh-hurh" I tried to say in a muffled voice. He pressed harder, so I just stuck my tongue out and sloppily licked his palm.

"Eeeewww!" he exclaimed, wiping his hand off on my jeans. "You're nasty!"

"I don't recall you complaining about my tongue when we're in bed," I said mischievously.

"Well yeah," he said, chuckling. "But there's just something nasty about it when its on my hand and we're in the car."

"Well now you know to keep your hands to yourself if you don't want a soggy surprise."

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Looks like you'd be good at disciplining kids."

"Oh yeah, it's all about showing the consequences to your actions. Like, I'm not a complete disciplinarian; I definitely want my kids to be close with me and not be afraid to talk to me or anything, but I'm a believer in not letting your kids get away with anything major."

"That's good, cuz I'm a complete sucker. Just one look at their puppy dog faces and they got me in the palm of their hands."

"Oh man," I said, laughing. "There's no way they could get me with that, I invented that look!"

"Yeah? You a veteran of getting things out of your parents?"

"Oh yeah. I was a horrible kid, able to manipulate my parents to do anything I wanted. Just ask `em, they'll tell you how much of a terror I was."

"Seriously? But you're so sweet now! And you seem to have a great relationship with your parents."

"Thanks," I said with a chuckle. "But yeah, now I do. But it took a lot of growing up on my part, and understanding and tolerance on theirs, for that to happen. I just hope that the dream of every parent of a horrible child doesn't come true, that I have a kid just like me."

"Oh man, seriously. I don't think I'd be able to handle that. Fortunately I was a good kid, so hopefully that'd counteract it."

"Yeah," I said, chuckling. This conversation was starting to get to our future, which I gotta admit I wasn't that comfortable with yet, so I steered the conversation to something else. "Do you have any cousins or something that're kids?"

"Yup, a bunch of em. They're the cutest kids ever!"

"Uh huh."

"What, they are!" Jesse exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't doubt they're cute, but there's no way they're cuter than my cousins."

"I think we're gonna have to compare pics of them someday to see. Who knows, they might just all be tied."

"Nope, mine're gonna be cuter," I replied, and then laughed at the shocked look Jesse was giving me.

"Here I am trying to compromise and give you the benefit of the doubt, and you just automatically brush it aside? I should be insulted!"

"Oh you know I'm just joshing."

"Yeah," he replied, "but `joshing'? How old are you, sixty?"

"Don't I look good for my age?" He looked me over for a second.

"Eh," he responded, making my mouth drop and I punched him in the shoulder, causing him to laugh even more. Good thing we got to his place right then, cuz we could have gotten into a bit of an insult war (all in good fun, of course).

We got to the lobby, and after he hit the button for the elevator, Jesse turned to me and said, "Okay, can you wait down here for a few minutes? I just gotta go up and clean up a few things."

"Uh, okay, sure. But I could help you clean up if you want, although I don't recall it being especially messed up."

"Nah, it's fine, just gimme like five minutes, I'll give you a call when you could come up," he replied as he stepped into the elevator, turned the key for his floor, and tossed it to me. "Just wait for the call, k?"

"Oookay," I replied, giving him a bewildered look. He just flashed me his grin and went up, and I was left to make awkward small talk with the doorman. Finally, Jesse called me to come up. And when I did, I couldn't believe the sight that met my eyes.

There was Jesse, standing in only red silk pajama pants, in the middle of his foyer, which, along with the rest of the apartment, was filled with candles.

"Wha...what's all this?" I asked, looking around.

He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Well," he said kissing my neck, "I thought," he kissed the other side, "that we could have," my chin, "a nice," my forehead, "romantic," my nose, "night," and he deeply kissed me on the lips.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back, gently. "That sounds like a GREAT idea." I looked around at all the candles, listened to the soft romantic music playing, and set my eyes back on his perfect sea-greens. "Seriously Jesse, this is the perfect end to a perfect night. Thank you."

"Anything for my man," he replied with his knee-melting grin. We started to slowly kiss, pausing long enough to let me catch up and take off my shirts and toss em aside (making sure that they landed clear of the candles, of course), and we made our way up the candle-lined stairs, our lips barely parting, our hands deeply caressing each other's backs, as we essentially shuffled our way up to the bedroom, which was also filled with candles.

I let our lips separate long enough to look around the room and say "Wow, Jesse," and then we started kissing again. I gently pushed Jesse down onto the bed, and began to kiss down his neck, making sure to concentrate on his hot spots, to his nipples, taking them into my mouth, nibbling and flicking them with my tongue. I continued down, sensually licking and kissing his abs, digging my tongue into his sweet navel. I got to his silk pants, and gently kissed his body as I pulled them down, finally revealing his cock.

Kissing my way around it, I got to his smooth, large balls and took first one, then both into my mouth, sucking them and lathering them in my spit. "Oh God, Nate," I heard Jesse gasp as he ran his hands through my hair. When I heard him moaning like crazy and saw that his dick was as hard as I've ever seen it, I kissed and sucked my way up his rod, until I got to the gorgeous head. I licked around the slit, darting my tongue all over it, and then finally took it into my mouth. "Ohhh," was all I heard from Jesse as he clutched my hair even tighter, pushing his pelvis up toward my face. I dove down the shaft, taking it down my throat in its entirety in one swoop. I kept bobbing my head up and down as Jesse pushed his pelvis in and out in the same rhythm.

"Oh, Nate, I'm getting close," Jesse gasped just as I felt the head begin to swell, his telltale sign that he would blow his load within minutes. I began to go faster, but he reached down and pulled me up off his dick and looked into my eyes. I looked back at his hot, flushed, sweaty face questioningly.

"Nate, I want you inside me."

I blanched. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Nate," he replied, still breathing fast and loudly. He reached for a couple of things on his nightstand and handed them to me. They were a bottle of lube and a condom. I didn't need to be told twice. Well, three times. He moved back so his head was raised against the headboard and I put a pillow under him. I squeezed the lube onto my fingers and reached under Jesse, massaging his hole, then shoved my index finger inside, making Jesse gasp. It was so tight, I could barely contain myself, but made sure that I held to a slow pace for Jesse's first time. When I felt him relax enough, I inserted a second, and then a third finger, until I felt him relax as much as he was going to. I looked up at him, and with his face that looked loving and lustful at the same time, nodded. "Fuck me, Nate."

I put the condom on my throbbing dick and lathered it with lube, then grasped his ankles and placed them on my shoulders. I guided my rod to push against Jesse's hole and stared into Jesse's beautiful eyes, which stared right back. I applied a little pressure and felt my head pop into his tight hole. Just feeling my dick enter his ass sent an enormous wave of pleasure through my body, and I had to stop and remind myself to go slowly. I pushed further in slowly, inch by inch, pausing every so often to allow Jesse to get used to the feeling of my rod in his ass. There was some appearance of pain on his face, but I made sure that it was as minimal as possible as I was inserting my entire shaft was inside him and left it there, letting Jesse get used to it. I couldn't believe how good it felt; it felt better than any sex I've had before.

I pulled out slightly and began continuing at a slow, gentle rhythm, going in at slightly different angles and directions until I found what I was looking for. Suddenly, Jesse's face transformed from one of mild pain to one of absolute pleasure as I pushed into his prostate. Fresh beads of sweat formed on his face as his eyes rolled to the ceiling, gasping "Oh my GOD, Nate!"

I grinned at him. "That's your prostate, your sweet spot. Feeling ok?"

He arched his head back. "Oh MAN, much better than okay, Nate. Keep going." As if he needed to tell me that; the look of absolute ecstasy on his face was permission enough. I quickened my rhythm, occasionally hitting his sweet spot, but for the most part darting around it. I wanted to make sure that this time, our first time, lasted for as long as possible. I felt my pleasure begin to increase, so I began to hit his sweet spot with every thrust. I bent down and kissed Jesse forcefully, then pulled back, both of us gasping and sweating.

"Oh, mmmnnnhhh...Jess, I'm so close."

"Oh my...oh my...oh, GOD Nate, me too." I looked down at his dick and it was bigger, harder, and throbbing more than I had ever seen. It looked like it grew an inch in the past twenty minutes. The sight of it made me quicken my pace, and with one deep push, he began to shoot load after load of his sweet, white cum up to his face, neck, chest and stomach. It was the most I've ever seen him cum, even more than the night before. Feeling his ass tighten around me as he shot was more than I could handle, and I shoved my dick all the way in and unloaded my balls into the condom.

We were both gasping for air as I pulled out my softening dick and practically collapsed next to him. Breathing hard, he whispered "Remind me why we didn't do this sooner?" making me grin slightly.

"I...I can't remember." I looked down at his body, glistening with this cum, and slid down the bed so that I was positioned over his hips again. I looked up at him mischievously, and then reached my mouth down and began to lick up every drop of cum from his body, from his dick all the way up to his cheek. I then kissed him deeply, sharing the taste between us, then, after I threw the condom and the clean up tissues out into the garbage next to the bed, took Jesse into my arms, and whispered "I love you."

"I love you, too, Nate. So, so much." We lay there, cuddling, and were about to drift off to sleep together when I realized something and moved to get out of bed.

"Hey, where're you going?" he asked, reaching up for my hand.

"Well, someone's gotta be the responsible one," I replied, and began to blow out the candles.

"Nate, have I ever told you that you're too good for your own good?"

"Yeah," I laughed. "But like I said, got the `do no harm' thing going pretty early on."

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, you convinced me, I'll help."

"No!" I said as he got up and grimaced. "See, you're still a bit sore. You just lie there and look hot and I'll be right back."

"Yup, you really are too good," he said. "But I'm not complaining. Just hurry back, okay?"

"Yup, you got it." I hurried around and blew out all the candles in the apartment, then practically ran back to Jesse. He had his eyes closed, but he opened them when he heard me walk into the room. I stared at him for a second, then laid down, held him in my arms, and we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to Jesse sucking me. "Whoa," I gasped.

"Sorry," Jesse said, pulling off of me with a wicked grin. "I saw your morning woody and just couldn't resist."

"Hey," I said, reaching down and stroking his cheek, "I'm not objecting." He continued his expert blow job until I finally blew my load into his mouth. "Jesus, Jesse," I said in the afterglow, "who knew you were sucha horny bastard."

"Well, you for one," he replied, licking his lips and climbing back up to lie in my arms.

"Hmm...true. Imagine what your people would think if you actually didn't live up to this wholesome image of yours."

"Uh-oh," he replied, looking back at me, "is this blackmail?"

"Whoa, I wasn't even thinking that. Good idea, Mr. McCartney."


I laughed at him as I looked down at the top of his head and stroked his hair. "Hey, wait a second."


"Your roots are brown!"

"Oh man. I forgot, I gotta go to the hair salon soon and get my that taken care of."

"Wait, you dye your hair?'

" didn't know?"

"No," I said with a chuckle. "I had no idea. Although the brown pubes shoulda tipped me off."

"Yeah," he chuckled. "But some blondes do have darker pubes, so I guess that's what got you."

"Yeah, probably."

"Well I hope you're okay with it, cuz it's staying this way. I like being blonde better, even with all the blonde jokes."

"Well, I gotta admit, you do look very sexy as a blonde. I wonder what you'd look like brunette though."

"Well, you could find out."


"Mhm. I did a small indie movie last year that I dyed my hair brown for. I should have some pics on my computer."

"Okay, cool, I gotta see those."

"Yup yup."

"But only after we figure out what you're gonna have to do to buy my silence."


"What, you'd think I'd forget about it that easily? Remember, I don't got blonde dye affecting my brain."

"Ha. Ha. Ha," he replied with what I knew were rolled eyes. "Okay, what's the ransom?"

"Hmm...this will take some careful thought."

"Oh, I'm so sure," he said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Well...I suppose we could make this more of an an equal opportunity ransom. Hows about YOU have to take a shower with ME."

"Ooooh, you drive a hard bargain, Mr. Thomas."

"I know, I'm a devilish negotiator."

"Yes, yes you are. But, I think I'm gonna agree to this one."

I grinned widely at him and gave him a squeeze in my arms. "Awesome. Race you there!" I leapt out of the bed and ran to the bathroom, with him close behind, both of us completely naked, and we got there at the exact same time and both got stuck in the door trying to get in first. "Lemme in!" I yelled.

"No! You let ME in!" he yelled back, laughing. "It is my place after all."

"But I'm the guest!" We both struggled for another second before we both burst in to the bathroom and burst out laughing. I grabbed him and gave him a tight hug. "I love you, Flash," I said in between chuckles.

"You too, Curly Pack."

"Curly Pack? That sounds like I got the hairiest motha-fuckin body on earth. Even if I didn't wax, it wouldn't be that bad."

That made him laugh even more. "I know, but it's still pretty funny. It's just a combination of both of your nicknames."

"Yeah, yeah," I said as I put on the water. "Still sounds a little wrong though."

"Yup, it does, and that's what makes it funny."

"Uh-huh," I said, pecking him on the lips. We got into the shower, which was very cool; it had showerheads on both sides and also down the wall so the water is always hitting your body. I began to lather him up, starting with shampooing and conditioning his hair, smiling again when I saw the brown roots, and then gently moving down and soaping his body. When I got to his hard as a rock crotch, I couldn't resist returning the favor he gave me when I woke up. Fortunately I was able to swallow everything, so we didn't make a mess that'd need another scrub down. When I was done washing him off, we switched and he returned the treatment, including another washing of my dick with his spit. All in all, a great start to the morning.

When we got out and dried each other off, we went to have some breakfast, which I cooked. "Mmm, Nate, I've missed your cooking," Jesse said as he chewed on his omelette.

"Thanks," I said, grinning at him.

"Now I just gotta find those handcuffs to make sure you never leave."

"Handcuffs? Whoa, you really are kinky," I replied, making him laugh. "But if you chain me here, how'd we be able to do that other thing you've missed about me, that lil' something in the bedroom," and I joined in on his laughter.

Just then my phone rang. I saw it was Kirsten. "Hey Kirst," I said, still laughing.

"Nate..." I heard Kirsten say crying, immediately silencing my laughter.

"Kirst?" What's wrong?" All I heard was crying. "Kirsten? C'mon, Kirst, talk to me." More crying. "Okay, Kirst, listen to me, just breathe. Tell me what's wrong." Jesse gave me a questioning look; I shook my head.

I heard her take a deep breath. "You know how my period's been pretty bad this month? And how it's going on for much longer than usual?" she said in a barely controlled voice.

" said you were gonna go to your doctor, but it was probably nothing, just stress and maybe a hormonal imbalance."

"Well," she said in a shaky voice, starting to sniffle again, "it turns out that it's something. Nate..."

"Kirst, Kirst what is it?"

"Nate, I have cervical cancer," she finished, and started sobbing.

There's the chap! Hope you guys enjoyed it, and that everything's going well with all of you. And yeah, sorry for the long delay, my life's hectic-ness has taken a major upswing and I have essentially no time for writing anymore. I'm hoping to be able to get the next chapter out soon, but we'll see. And yes, I know it's not very fair to leave it at such a cliffhanger, but such is life :-P.

As always, your feedback is definitely appreciated, and I look forward to it, even when (or even especially) when it's from those who've already sent it in, so as always its at or JesseandNate on AIM. Thanks!

Also, I still have the MSN Group. C'mon guys, there's not that many people who've signed up, and basically nothing going on! I know I have more readers than that, and I'd hope that you guys are more interested than that. Anyway, right now it's a place to discuss the story, but it could be whatever you guys make it to be: a place to post and check out pictures of Jesse McCartney, meet new people, make friends, or discuss anything from movies to advice on coming out of the closet. Basically, it's up to you guys. If you're interested, you could find it at

Even if you're not interested in participating, I'd appreciate it if you'd join, since I'm curious to find out how many readers I have (plus, if you sign up, I'll be able to send a message to everyone when there's a new chapter posted). You'll need an MSN Passport to join, which is simple enough to sign up for. Let me know what you think of it, and any suggestions you have for improvement. Thanks!

And as always, thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 11

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