Jesse and Nate

By Nate

Published on Jan 23, 2006


This story is a work of fiction. I do not claim to know Jesse McCartney (although I wish I did ;-D), nor do I know about his sexual preference (ditto). This story will contain some sexual content, and is about a relationship between two men. If this offends you, then I suggest you use that handy close button on your window. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, well then you shouldn't be here either, but you probably know that already :-P.

This is my first attempt at writing a story, so I'd love to hear what you think. Please email me any comments, critiques or suggestions that you may have at, just try and go easy on me! You can also IM me on AIM at the screenname JesseAndNate.

I'd also like to mention three really good stories that helped inspire me to write this: Bumping-Into-Love, Spring-Break-Cruise (both in the High School section of the website), and Hayden (in the Celebrity section of the site). Thanks to those authors! Even though none of the stories have been concluded yet, they're really good and you should check them out. After reading mine, of course ;-). And if those authors are reading this, continue your stories dammit, I can't wait to see what happens next in each!

Chapter 1:

It was a beautifully warm winter day (ok, it was around 55 degrees, but hey, it's better than 20). I was sitting on a bench reading a book in the middle of Central Park in Manhattan, NY when I heard a voice in front of me say "Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to the ice skating rink?"

I looked up and saw a really good looking blonde haired guy that was around my five feet nine inches, looked like he was about 19, had these gorgeous blueish-green eyes, and was dressed pretty nicely as well. After about half a second of just staring at him, I gave myself a small shake and answered "Sure, that's, like, right next to my favorite place in the park. It's a little complicated to get there though, and a bit of a walk." His face fell a little at this, so I quickly continued "I'm not doing anything right now though, I could take you there if you want."

"No, no, that's ok, I don't wanna be any trouble. If you could just tell me how to get out of the park I could take a taxi," the guy replied.

I thought for about a second, and, deciding that he didn't look like trouble, said "Nah, it's no trouble, I was actually thinking of heading over there anyway." We'd be pretty evenly matched in a fight anyhow, I thought (hey, this is New York - you can't be too careful). He also looked kinda familiar, which helped put me at ease.

"Awesome! I need to meet some friends of mine there soon, but I did not feel like taking a cab, and it's much nicer to walk through the park. They're also usually late, anyway. Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm Jesse by the way," he said as he smiled and extended his hand.

Smiling back and shaking his hand, I replied "Nate," and so we proceeded to wind our way through the park, taking in the sights and people, and having some nice chitchat along the way. At first, we were just making small talk, like how nice the weather was, and how beautiful the park is. As were walking, we heard a woman's voice call "Jared! Get back here, don't you run away from me!" We turned around to see a boy around five years old running towards us, with a frantic looking woman chasing after him. Suddenly, Jesse reached out, caught the boy, and held him there while the as his mother ran up to us. Once she did, she looked at Jesse a little bashfully and said, "Thank you so much! He can be a bit of a handful, but he's really a sweet boy."

"No problem!" he replied, and then to Jared he said "Now Jared, you're gonna be a good boy for your mom, right?"

"Yes, mister" Jared replied, all the while looking at his toes.

"Good boy, now go with your mother and have fun"

"Okay, mister," he answered, and ran back to where their blanket was laying on the grass.

"Wow, that was cool of you!" I exclaimed.

"Eh,, it was nothing, besides, I would've wanted someone to do the same for me, ya know?"

"Yup, definitely a good point. Mister." I said with a wry smile on my face - I couldn't resist teasing him a little, and we both laughed. Everything this guy did was making me like him more and more; it was pretty hard to believe.

Continuing with our talking from before the Jared incident, I asked "So, you're not from around here, are you?" I was guessing this from the fact that he didn't know his way through the park. Plus, he also had a really nice tan, and his hair looked like it could have been bleached to that shade of blonde from long trips in the ocean and being in the sun rather than being naturally that light, neither of which would have happened in New York at this time of the year.

"Actually, I grew up and went to school not far from here, but I never really went into the city to hang out much. I just stayed in the neighborhood with friends as a kid, plus my parents didn't really like me going out to the city on my own. Then when I became old enough that they wouldn't freak out, I moved out to L.A., so I don't know my way around here at all."

"L.A?! Wow!" I exclaimed "I love New York and all, but it'd be great to be somewhere warm right about now."

"Ha, believe me, L.A.'s nice and all, but it's not always all it's cracked up to be. Even in the winter, it's good to be back here. Actually, it's nice to have some cold. It makes life seem more real. Constant nice weather is just another thing that makes Hollywood and L.A. seem so much more fake."

"Man, sounds like you've been a bit burned over there. Did you go there hoping to make it big or something?" I asked.

"You could say that" he answered, chuckling. This caused me to give him a puzzled look, but I decided not to pursue it. We were getting close to the ice skating rink anyway, so I figured it probably wouldn't be a good idea to start a big conversation if he had to go, something I was actually hoping he didn't. It had only been about twenty minutes, but I was actually starting to like the guy. "Wow, this walk really seemed to fly by," Jesse said, noticing that we were nearing the rink. Looking around, he said "Hey, it doesn't seem like my friends are here, so you want to hang out a little more? I mean, if you don't need to do anything or go anywhere, that is."

I smiled at his politeness while in my head I was doing backflips - I really was starting to like the guy. "Sure, that'd be great! Today was gonna be an off day for me, just to relax by myself, but I'd actually love to have some company for a while." I had to keep reminding myself that the Jesse might not even be into guys, so I had to calm my head down.

Jesse got this huge smile on his face, and led me over to a bench so that we'd have a clear view of the rink and the people skating as well as the entrance. "So, we talked enough about me, how bout telling me something about yourself?" He asked.

"Haha, sure, what do you wanna know?"

"Hmmm..lessee, where'd you grow up?" he asked.

"Well my parents and older brother, Jon, first lived in the city. Then when they had my sister, Mandy, they decided to move to Queens, and that's where I've lived all my life. It's nice, cause it's like a mix of being in the city and being in the suburbs, and it's only like a half-hour or so to get to Manhattan by subway. Soo, anything else?"

"Ha, that's cool. Well, you have an older brother and sister, any other siblings?"

"Yup, I got a younger brother, Jake. Man, we used to fight like crazy, and we still argue a lot, but whatever, he's still my little brother and I love him." I answered. "How bout you, any siblings?"

"Aww, that's sweet. Yeah, I got a little brother and sister, Timmy and Lea. They can be pretty annoying at times, but what can you do, that's how little siblings are, ya know?"

"Hahaha, yeah, I can totally hear that. Like my little brother sometimes starts a fight just cause he's bored. And this isn't just what I think; he'll sometimes come up to me, say `I'm bored,' then punch me and run away! What's with that?"

Jesse laughed and said, "Yeah, my little brother does the same thing. He'll come up to me and try to get me riled up by punching or poking me or something. It gets really annoying. And my sister, she doesn't fight, but she tries to play these mind games on me and stuff to get me into an argument. It's nuts."

"Ha, that's great. I mean, not great for you, just, uh, hilarious, you know?" I started to stammer, as my face began to feel a bit hot.

"Ha, yeah, I know what you mean, dude. Aww man, I see my friends over there now. Who woulda thought that I'd be upset to see them?" he said, chuckling. He had a really cute laugh, and realllly nice smile, with these sparkling white teeth.

I looked over and saw a guy and a girl walking toward us, so I sighed and said, "Yeah, I was really enjoying talking with you, Jesse."

My mind was racing, and just as I was about to continue and ask him if he wanted to get together again, he said "Hey Nate, how about we exchange cell phone numbers? It was great talking with you, and it'd be cool to hang out again sometime. If that's alright with you, of course."

For the second time in a half-hour, my mind was doing backflips, but I forced my voice to remain calm. "Yeah, that'd be great. Give me your cell and I'll put my number in," I said as handed him my phone. "Wow, this is a nice phone, man!" I exclaimed as I took his phone. It looked like the new Nokia N91, which probably cost something like 400 bucks.

"Ha, yeah, it's a Christmas present from my uncle. He's really awesome, there's no way I'd have gotten that on my own," Jesse explained.

"Awesome. And here I thought my phone was cool," I said laughing. We gave our phones back to each other just as Jesse's friends came up to us. Jesse took a step forward to shake their hands and give them hugs, so I was able to sneak a little look at his ass. `Pretty nice!' I thought.

"Nate, this is my friend Michael and his girlfriend (whew, not Jesse's girlfriend), and also my friend, Katie. Michael and Katie, this is Nate" Jesse said pointing to each of us, respectively. "Nate helped me find my way through this maze of a park" We all chuckled and shook hands, saying our "Nice to meet you"s.

Mike looked at Jesse and said "Sorry we're late, Jesse, it took forever for a train to get to the subway station, and then once we got on it went soo slowly for some reason."

"Yeah, yeah, always an excuse," He replied smiling. "Anyway, it's no problem, man. Gave me time to get to know Nate a bit better," he said, winking at me. I smiled as my face started to get really warm. I hate blushing so easily, but I was told it gave me a bit of a cute boyishness, so it could be worse.

I extended my hand to Jesse to say bye, and he suddenly pulled me into a one armed hug, which surprised me, since we just met about an hour before hand. "I'll give you a call sometime tonight, ok?" Jesse whispered into my ear. I rubbed his back slightly as I whispered back "More than ok."

I was about to walk away to read my book by the nearby pond when a teenage girl came running up to us and yelled at Jesse in front of my shocked face "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU JESSE MCCARTNEY? CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH? CAN I TAKE YOUR PICTURE? WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?!?"

Well there's my first installment, hopefully the first of many! I know it's not much right now, but hey, every story's gotta have a beginning. I hope I'll be able to write more, although since school starts again soon I'm not sure how often I'll be able to put out the chapters, but I'll definitely do my best to keep it going. Again, please email me any comments, critiques or suggestions you may have at!

Next: Chapter 2

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