Jesse and Jeremy

By ten.vtbew@81saltA

Published on Dec 25, 2004


Disclaimer: this story is fiction: no sexual preferences are inferred about the celebrities involved. Enjoy the story; if you have any comments please send them to Mitch at

Jesse McCartney was strolling along a secluded beach near Malibu in sunny California. He was kicking the sand up between his toes. He was shirtless. His tanned smooth hairless chest and abdomen glistened with drops of perspiration that clung to his delectable torso. He was wearing a pair of cut off light blue denim shorts. They hung halfway down his sweet buttocks and his hips. The waistband of his Joe-boxer's was in plain sight, just a trace of faint blonde and brown hairs could be seen trailing from his belly button to below his Joe-boxer label.

He looked to be the prime example of young male perfection. His dirty blonde hair, intriguing green eyes, his lean, smooth, faintly muscle-toned body. His handsome, hairless, and acne free face. His nickel sized succulent nipples. His broad shoulders, the way his torso narrowed down to his luscious hips. His round buttocks and developed leg muscles. The evident bulge in his light blue cut off denim shorts. The dark hair under his armpits. The dark hair that sparsely covered his thighs and calves. It was no wonder girls drooled over him and gay young men fantasized about him.

He was walking along the sandy beach without a worry or concern. He just finished taping his final episode of season 2 of his hit TV show "Summerland". He was going to be touring and promoting his new CD soon, but for now he was just relaxing and enjoying the beauty and tranquility of this secluded beach.

As he was walking along and soaking up the sun, he noticed someone surfing. Whomever it was, was impressive.He observed this person doing some pretty cool tricks. As he was getting closer, he noticed the person was a teenage boy and from what Jesse could see the boy was really cute.

Jesse had always known he was gay. When he was younger travelling and performing with Dreamstreet, he came to realize that the screaming girl fans just did nothing for him.Yes, some of them were really pretty and some had really big boobs. He even made out with some of them. On two different occasions he let a girl suck his dick. He had to admit it felt good, but he came to the conclusion that messing around with girls was just not his thing. There was no satisfaction, no fulfilment.

He had a homosexual experience with a boy when he was 12 at a hotel he and his family were staying at. He enjoyed it so much touching the other boy's dick, rubbing it, even sucking on it. The boy did the same in return. It was embedded in his head as one of the greatest pleasures he had ever experienced.

He was getting closer to where the cute teenage boy was surfing. Jesse was captivated by the boy's good looks. He stopped in the sand to watch the boy. The boy on the surf board was really into it. You could see the intensity on his face as he performed one trick then another.

"Wait a minute", Jesse thought, I recognize that boy. That's Jeremy Sumpter, the star of "Peter Pan". He looked so good in that loin cloth as Peter Pan."

Jeremy Sumpter was on the surf board and noticed the boy watching him from shore. He waved to the boy not sure who he was or why he was there. Jeremy decided to go to shore and find out who this boy was.

"Hi", Jeremy said dragging his surfboard behind him.

"Hi", Jesse said in return flabbergasted at the beauty of Jeremy Sumpter.

Jeremy looked so hot coming out of the water. His wet light brown hair clung to his cute handsome face. The combination of his blue eyes that had that certain twinkle about them and his radiant smile, were even brighter than the blazing sun. His smooth young tanned muscular body shimmered as the water dripped all over it. His red Hawaiian board shorts clung to his crotch and cute adorable butt. Jesse took a quick glimpse to notice the outline of Jeremy's cock that lay beneath the wet shorts.

"Whoooah!!", was all Jesse could think. "Hey aren't you Jesse McCartney?", Jeremy Sumpter said realizing who this boy was that had been watching him.

"Yes, I am and you're Peter Pan, oops, I mean Jeremy Sumpter." , Jesse said a little embarrassed.

"Yes, I am and don't worry most people know me as Peter Pan not Jeremy Sumpter.", Jeremy said trying to make Jesse feel at ease.

"You're a real god surfer.", Jesse said.

"Thanks.", Jeremy replied. "What brings you out here to my secret surfing spot?", Jeremy asked shaking his hair loose of the dripping water.

"I was just out for a walk.", Jesse said, "I come here every once in a while. It's a great place to get away and chill."

"Yeah, it is." Jeremy said, "But it's not an easy spot to get to."

"Once you climb over the rocks, it's worth it.", Jesse said with a big smile on his face.

"I'm getting ready to eat.", Jeremy stated, "Would you like to join me?"

"Sure", Jesse said.

"Over there", Jeremy said pointing to a blanket with a small cooler on it.

They walked together towards the blanket. From behind, they looked so good together - two handsome young men, about the same size, broad shoulders, narrow hips, lean muscular backs, nice round asses. It would make an excellent picture for any teen magazine.

Jeremy put his surfboard down, sat on it and then reached for the cooler. Jesse sat on the blanket.

"I have a couple ham and cheese sandwiches, crackers, chips, fruit and sodas.", Jeremy said flipping through the cooler.

"Here", he said as he handed Jesse a sandwich and soda.

"Thanks", Jesse said taking them.

"Why do you come here to surf?", Jesse asked.

"I can surf here without getting bothered by all the girls on the main beach. It can get ridiculous on the main beach sometimes.", Jeremy stated.

"I hear that .",Jesse said, "That's why I come to this spot so I can have some time to myself."

Jesse glanced over as Jeremy's head was tilted back drinking down his soda. Jeremy's adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped the soda. Jesse slyly looked at Jeremy's smooth sweet chest and followed down his tanned tight abs. He noticed how the wet boardies clung to and outlined the head of Jeremy's dick. Jesse gulped himself but not with soda instead with desire.

"I'm really impressed with your surfing skills.", Jesse said as he finished eating his sandwich.

"Thanks, it's been a hobby of mine since I was six.", Jeremy said with that breath-taking smile.

"I've been trying to get better at surfing so I can do some of my own stunts on my TV show.", Jesse said.

"Well maybe I can help you.", Jeremy said smiling at Jesse.

Jesse could not help but feel a twinge beneath his Joe boxer's as he was mesmerized by Jeremy's smile.

" My show "Clubhouse" got the axe.", Jeremy said begrudgingly.

"That's too bad.", Jesse said, "I saw it a couple of times and thought that it was pretty good."

Honestly, Jesse had seen every episode. He loved how cute Jeremy's ass looked in those tight fitting baseball pants.

"I like your show also.", Jeremy said, "If I can help you with surfing that be really cool. I'd be watching your show knowing I helped you with some of the surfing stunts."

"Here have this banana.", Jeremy said, "The potassium will help keep your muscles from cramping."

Jesse took the banana from Jeremy their hands touched ever so gently. Jesse peeled the banana as he watched Jeremy eat his own.

Jesse put it in his mouth slowly and envisioned that it was Jeremy's dick. He gently put his succulent lips around it and pushed it into his mouth.His thoughts were of Jeremy's package. Jesse's dick began to stiffen. He finally bit the banana and tried to break the thought as he realized his dick was hard.

Jeremy ate his own banana oblivious to all Jesse's sexual thoughts and desires.

After eating, kicking back, and chatting away, Jeremy and Jesse went into the water with the surfboard. Jeremy demonstrated a couple maneuvers for Jesse.

"Ok, now you try it.", Jeremy said as he put the surfboard in front of Jesse.

Jesse got on the surfboard but kept falling off in his attempts to imitate Jeremy. Jesse paddled over to Jeremy. He looked so hot with the water glimmering across his smooth tan skin. His round ass looked so delectable as his wet cut off jeans draped over his round buttocks.

Jeremy really looked hot also with his wet boardies clinging to his crotch and and ass, showing all those luscious curves in the right places.

"Here now hop unto the board. I'm going to hold you steady." Jeremy said patting the surfboard with his right hand.

Jesse complied. Jeremy held unto Jesse's calves. Jesse's coarse wet leg hairs lay flat against his skin. The grip of Jeremy's hands sent a chill through Jesse.

"Now bend your knees a little more.", Jeremy said struggling to hold unto Jesse and keep him balanced.

Jesse slipped and fell into Jeremy.

"Oh shit, sorry about that.", Jesse said fumbling to get off Jeremy.

Jeremy just giggled. Jesse could not help but feel aroused with the skin on skin contact. He again got on the surfboard, however, this time he had an evident lump in his wet shorts as his dick was beginning to get hard.

Jeremy grabbed Jesse's calves once more then noticed the bulge and giggled.

"What's so funny?", Jesse asked feeling a bit self concious.

"Oh nothing.", Jeremy said with that million dollar smile of his.

This time Jesse kept his balance a little better as Jeremy steadied him. Jesse's dick was at about at "half-way boner" stage. Jeremy liked what he saw. It just kind of dawned on him that Jesse might be gay. Jeremy glanced over Jesse's body as he struggled to keep him balanced. Jeremy really liked what he saw. Jesse had one hell of a body, and what a great round ass, his face was gorgeous. Jesse reminded him a little of the stud, Aaron Carter. Jeremy took advantage and studied that bulge jutting out of those wet blue shorts.

Jesse fell once again into Jeremy knocking him backwards a little. Jeremy instantanously grabbed unto Jesse's ass to pull himself back up and regain his balcance.

The two boys were now bare chest to bare chest, crotch to ctroch, face to face.

"Whew, you almost knocked me over that time.", Jeremy said as he loosened his grip on Jesse's ass but still maintaining a gently touch of those soft round cheeks.

"I'm sorry about that.", Jesse said enjoying the skin on skin contact and how close Jeremy's face was to his.

An awkward silence fell between the two boys as they gazed into one another's eyes. Nothing was said. Hormones were racing, dicks were getting hard, their libidos were in overdrive. In an instant they kissed. It was smooth and felt so natural. They broke the kiss and gazed into each other's eyes.The sun's warmth embraced their wet and bare-chested bodies. They did not feel ashamed or embarressed, it felt so right.

They again embraced more passionately and kissed. Their tongues wrestled with one another's. Their hands ran up and down each other's backs. Their dicks now very hard forceably poked at one another's.

"God, this feels soooo good.", Jesse thought. He even grabbed Jeremy's wet round ass and squeezed it.

Jeremy wimpered as the touch sent jolts through his body.

After 10 minutes or so of heavy kissing, rubbing one another's backs and buttucks and their dicks sword fighting amongst themselves, they held hands and headed to the beach. Neither one spoke, they just headed towards the blanket; their dicks straight as arrows making very evident bulges in their wet shorts. Jeremy's was most apparent as he was wearing boardies.

They both laid on the blanket and began kissing feverantly. Jeremy was on the bottom and Jesse was to one side of him leaning over. Jesse ran his free hand up and down Jeremy's smooth chest and abdomen.Jeremy's body twitched from the pleasure.

Jeremy held one hand behind Jesse's head and held tightly as they kissed so aggressively, his other arm lay straight by his side. His dick looked like a flagpole as it tented out his boardies straight towards the sky.

Jesse finally reached down and gently snugged at Jeremy's eager, hard dick. Jeremy twitched once again. Jesse kept fondling that stiff, hard, boy tube. He then sleekly slid his hand beneath Jeremy's shorts and lay hold of that blood-engorged, rock-hard, boy-toy.

Jeremy let out a wimper of pure ecstacy. Jeremy's dick felt sooo good in Jesse's firm, masculine hand. Jesse was thrilled to have his hand wrapped around this gorgeous boy's dick and tugging at it. Jesse broke the kiss and smiled into Jeremy's sparkling blue eyes. He reached towards Jeremy's shorts to pull them down. Jeremy raised his hips to make the task easier. As the shorts pulled down, Jeremy's ever so hard dick sprung out and slapped into his abdomen.

Jesse stared at Jeremy's dick as Jeremy shufled his feet to get the shorts completely off.

Once more the silence remained. Jeremy smiled back at Jesse. He did not feel any shame laying there nude. It actually felt very invigorating. Jesse sat up on one elbow he ran his hand over Jeremy's hairless, smooth chest. he pinched at Jeremy's erect nipples. Jeremy interlocked his hands and put them behind his head. He closed his eyelids and surrendered to the erotic pleasures. He was in utter ecstacy.

Jesse studied Jeremy's stiff blood engorged dick, pre-cum ran down the mushroom shaped head. It was about 6 &1/2 inches long, a nice thickness to it, nestled in a patch of thick, coarse black pubic hairs.

Jesse knew he wanted to snack on that flesh-skinned piece of candy. Without further delay, he bent over, opened his mouth and engulfed it. Jeremy instinctively thrust forward so his dick sort of rammed into Jesse's mouth.

The sensation was phenomenal for Jeremy, having Jesse's wet warm mouth and lips sliding up and down his dick.

Jesse could not believe all this was happening. His only thought was to please Jeremy. He rubbed his right hand gingerly over Jeremy's abs as hs left rubbed Jerem'y inner thigh. As he continued sucking gently and passionately, his left hand tenderly carassed Jeremy's balls.

He came to the edge of Jeremy's warm hard dick, the mushroom head, he put his lips around it and nursed it as a mother's tit. He slid his tongue on Jeremy's slit.

Jeremy could not stand the sensation any longer. It hurt, but hurt sooo good. He thrust his hips forward as he grabbed Jesse's head and pushed it down.

"OH, GOD!!" he screamed as his hips froze in the forward postion. His dick touched the back of Jesse's mouth. Jesse gagged a little.

Instantanously Jeremy's dick EXPLODED with teen boy jiuce!! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - huge loads squirted into Jesse's mouth. Jeremy's breath was taken away from the almost unbearable sensation.

Jesse gulped once, twice, three, four times, consuming all that teenboy gator-ade.

"WHOOOOOoooaaahh!!" Jeremy said as his body naturally unlocked. He patted and gently rubbed Jesse's head.

"That was sooo freaking incredible.", he said as his now semi-limp dick slid from Jesse's mouth.

Jesse looked at Jeremy's wand then looked up at Jeremy. He smiled as his tongue licked some cum that was caught in the corner of his mouth.

"I want to try." Jeremy eagerly said reaching for Jesse's shorts. He undid Jesse's shorts and pulled both the shorts and boxers off of Jesse. Jeremy lay back down as he grabbed Jesse's hips and pulled him towards himself.

Jesse's rock hard dck was just inches from Jeremy's mouth. Jeremy licked the tip.He looked it over. It actually was quit similar to his own but just a little bit shorter. He was amazed at how stiff and hard it was. "It looked like a piece of sausage", he thought.

Jesse was straight over top Jeremy. He was leaning on his elbows while his dick hung in front of Jeremy's mouth. Jesse's soft, round, white ass, glittered in the sunshine.

Jeremy pulled at some of Jesse's pubic hairs, he then opened his mouth and went for the prize. He licked his tongue all around Jesse's musroom head and thick shaft. It tasted sooo good- very warm, and very hard. Jeremy then stuck his tongue out to lick and suck on Jesse's balls.

Jesse was feeling the extreme sensation of pleasure as Jeremy's warm, moist, tongue, lips and mouth comforted his manhood beyond his wildest dreams.

Jesse started rhythmically thrusting in and out of Jeremy's mouth. His cute white ass pumping in the sunlight, almost like a beacon for ships in distress.

Jeremy was enjoying this newfound activity. He liked the way Jesse's dick tasted. It pulsated in his mouth. Jeremy grabbed Jesse's ass cheeks with more authority. He pulled them foward forcing the thick shaft deeper into his eager mouth.

"OOoohh man!!", Jesse groaned. He pulled his dick back out slowly from Jeremy's wet, moist mouth. The tight grip of Jeremy's lips felt sensationable. He slowly pushed his dick back into Jeremy's mouth. Jeremy held tight to Jesse's ass cheeks.

Jesse's body was overcome with the epitome of sensation and pleasure. He pulled his dick out of Jeremy's mouth quickly and just as quickly thrusted it back in. Jesse's dick EXPLODED into Jeremy's mouth - load after load after load firing from his ever so stiff dick into Jeremy's mouth.

Jeremy's mouth was filled with this salty warm fluid. It ran out the sides of his mouth. Jeremy could not believe the amount of teenboy fuel that came from Jesse's cute ball-sac.

Jesse leaned forward on his elbows, sweat dripped from his brow. "Good lord, that was the best fucking experience of my life.", Jesse thought to himself. His dick became limp, but Jeremy kept sucking on it. His dick plopped out of Jeremy's mouth. Jeremy nibbled at Jesse's pubic hair.

Jesse leaned back to one side of Jeremy. He lay his head on Jeremy's chest. Jeremy caressed Jesse's blonde hair. Jesse reached down towards Jeremy's dick; he gently fondled the semi-erect dick.

The silence was golden. Neither boy ashamed of their lustful activity. They both felt extremely satisfied beyond belief. Their naked forms laying nestled together on the sandy beach, the sun warming them.

Suddenly - "Oh Shit!!", Jesse said his head snapping off Jeremy's chest.

"What's the matter?", Jeremy asked.

"Your surfboard, where the hell is your surfboard?", Jesse asked a little panicked.

Jeremy smiled that gorgeous smile, his eyes twinkled with the sun's reflection. He reached down and grabbed Jesse's dick. He began fondling it. He was so enthralled with all that had just happened.

"I really don't care. ", Jeremy said as Jesse's dick began to stiffen in his hand.

Next: Chapter 2

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