Jerrys College Days

By Bryan Johnson

Published on Jan 17, 2011


All the standard caveats apply. If you shouldn't be reading this, please leave. If there were any names in this story they'd be fictions, just like the story. I love hearing from people about the stories. Please e-mail me. Enjoy!

Jerry's College Days, Part 2

I opened the door to our room. Carl's bed was unmade. His Tee-shirt from last night wasn't on the floor anymore; it was balled up in the middle of his bed. I picked it up and unwrapped it. There was a really big wet spot in the middle. I smelled it and the sharp odor of fresh cum filled my nose. I balled the shirt up and threw it back on the center of the bed.

Yeah, Warren was right. I was gonna like college!

Part 2

Carl and I sent most of Sunday morning getting the lay of the campus, finding out where our classes were, the bookstore, the gym, lookin' for pizza joints and generally just wandering around. I was gettin to like his goofy sense of humor more and more. We spent a little time playin one on one at the gym. Then some other guys showed up and it became 2 on 2, them a classic pick up game. By the time we were finished, Carl and I were drenched. Problem was classes hadn't started yet. Gym was open but the towel room wasn't, so no shower and you can't dry off much in Chicago in the summer what with 90 degree heat and 80 per cent humidity. We had to head back to the dorm.

We stripped, the nudity thing no longer a problem, and headed for the showers, towels over our shoulders. This nerdy guy with thick, horn rim glasses and packin about 30 pounds more than was good for him stepped out of his room and scowled at us.

"For God's sake guys, cover up!"

Carl just laughed at him.

"And deprive you of the chance to perv us? Couldn't do it to you, Guy!"

The shower room at the dorm was set up differently than any I'd ever seen before. The four private cubicles I've already mentioned. The main gang shower had 16 showers on the wall, six on the 2 long sides and four on the end, and four shower stands along the center with six shower heads each. I guess the idea was to provide total privacy for those who needed it, semi-privacy (facing the wall) or speed (using the stands) when the crowds were there. Carl said the cubicles were for guys who's dicks were two inches or less, the walls were for three to four inches, and the stands were for five inches and above. Like I said, he had a goofy sense of humor.

Carl took his place at the stand closest to the open end of the shower room, facing out and I joined him, facing back into the room. I was beginning to realize that, given the chance, Carl liked to show off his dick. I was really getting curious to know what he sported when he was hard. My five inches (alright, four and three quarters) grew to barely over eight when I was ready for action. Did that mean Carl's six put him over ten inches? I'd really like to see that! I figured it would happen, eventually. Can't live with a Dude in a small room for a year and not see the lumber sometime!

We were heading back to the room, when we ran into Danny, my Asian buddy from the morning, and I introduced him to Carl. It was pretty obvious Danny liked what he saw. Carl didn't react, but I could see Danny's attention kept being caught by Carl's meat. Danny said he was going to take in a movie that evening and did we want to come. He admitted he was mostly going to get away from his roommate and said he'd like some company. We agreed and set up to meet at 7:30. I was half expecting some comment from Carl about Danny checking out his goods when we got back to the room, but Carl didn't say anything. "Typical straight boy," I thought, "He didn't even notice some dude scoping out his junk."

The three of us had a great time. Movie, pizza after then beers in Carl and my room. Seemed like we had a million things to talk about. Then Danny chimed in.

"You guys smoke weed? I got some killer shit."

"Thanks for the offer, Dude," Carl said. "Don't think I'm up to it. Besides tomorrows' the first day of classes. I need every brain cell I got workin! You guys go ahead if you want."

I felt my shoulders relax. Since doin weed with Carl last might, the first night at school, I was a bit nervous he might be a pothead and I didn't want to have to deal with that! Him turning down free weed made me feel better.

"Yeah, I'll pass to. Maybe next weekend."

Danny agreed it probably wasn't a good idea, and with obvious reluctance, headed back to his room. He did not like his roommate.

Carl and I discussed the morning schedules. He was not a morning person so he hadn't scheduled any early classes. I am, so I had 8:00 classes all week. I set out my clothes for the morning. Around 11:00 Carl got naked and lay on his bed, reading some spy novel. I really liked the way his body looked. His meat lay across his lap lookin really good! Then I realized that if I kept thinking about how his dick draped across his thigh, my dick was going to insist on introductions!

I stripped to, but I got under the sheet. I'd learned long ago my `little friend' didn't need me to be thinking about sex to stand up and be noticed. He did it anytime he wanted. I read my book (Eye of the World by Robert Jordan) for a bit, and then turned off the light.

"Good night, Carl."

"Good night, Jerry. Don't worry about waking me in the morning. I could sleep through a train wreck."

And so my second day at college ended.

The next morning proved to be a template for the whole week. Gettin up long before Carl, looking at his long naked body under the sheets and wondering when I'd get the chance to check out the goods. He slept on his stomach, so though I had a great view of his ass (he had a terrific bubble butt for such a skinny guy!) I still didn't know if he was ten inches or not.

Carl and I had lunch together four out of five days and shot hoops a couple of nights in the week. We shopped our books together and found a coffee shop we liked. We weren't glued at the hip or anything. I went running most nights, and Carl found some dudes who liked to rollerblade. I found a bookstore to hang at and Carl settled in at the Student Union. Still, all in all we spent about three quarters of our free time together. But there was a problem developing and I had no idea how to approach it.

I'd been having sex three or four times a week since I was 15! I hadn't been without sex, well, since I started having sex, three years ago! Every day that went by was adding pressure. I JO a lot even when I am having sex. If I'm not, I do it at least three a day, usually more. I didn't want to do it in the morning with Carl sleeping across the room. I didn't have time to come back to the room and have a relaxing session during the day. Carl's classes got out the same time as mine, so I could never be sure when he'd walk in and there was no dead bolt on door. I was stuck getting off in the shower in the morning and finding toilets I could use around campus during the day. Tea room sex didn't interest me. There were always too many people walking in and out and I didn't want to throw my business in their faces if they weren't interested. I had tried to get something going with Danny, but he had the same problem I did; his roommate was always there.

Carl, however, was definitely not having the same problem. He spewed every morning. He came back to the room during at least once during the day and worked one out. He did it while I was in the lounge. He did it while I was taking a dump. How do I know? Remember, like he said, "I'm not neat." There was cum rags all over the room. He used his tee-shirts, his socks, tissues, his underwear and he never put any of it away! Hell, twice the first week? He'd humped the bed and left a big wet stain in the middle and he didn't even throw the sheet over it!

If I hadn't been so tired of my limited JO opportunities and the fact that I hadn't had to go without sex for a week since I was 15, I would have thought it was funny. But like I said, it was becoming a problem and I didn't know how to approach it.

Friday night, with our first week a college over, Danny, Carl and I took in a movie again and this time went down to Howard Street, which was the closest place to the NU campus you could buy beer. We had pizza and bought a couple of six packs and headed back to the dorm. Danny brought some weed, and this time Carl and I thought it was a great idea. We had on some soft jazz; a candle was lit and we were sitting on the floor on pillows passing the pipe and getting very mellow.

"Gotta drain the lizard dudes," Carl said. "Be right back."

He walked out the door, and Danny looked at me, then leaned in and kissed me. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I smelled the pot on his breath. Running my hands over his strong back, I felt his hand between my legs, massaging my prick.

"Dude," Danny said, "if you don't fuck me soon I'm going to have a stroke! All I have to do is see you in the hall and my dick's like a rock."

Just then, the door to the room opened, and then stopped just before it would have shown Danny with his hand down my pants.

"Don't worry, Dude, I'll be there in the morning!" Carl called to someone outside in the hall as we scrambled to get back to our pillows.

"I forgot, I gotta return a book to Alan. Just be a second." And Carl was out the door again.

"Even I can't cum fast enough for that," Danny said. "Isn't gonna work tonight, is it Jerry?"

"Don't think so." I said. "We need to plan this. You want my dick up your ass and I want to put it there. Let's have breakfast tomorrow and we can see if we can come up with something."

"I'm going to the john and get rid of this." Danny said, looking down at the tent in his pants. Don't want to sit here all night boned and dripping, staring at you!"

By the time Carl got back to the room, Danny was gone, I had put the pillows back, blown out the candle, turned off the music and was under the covers.

"Where's Danny?"

"He was tired," I said. "I'm tired. Good night."

Not very gracious, I know, but there it was. I was hornier than I could ever remember being, I was being unintentionally cock blocked by my best friend at college and I had no idea how to bring the subject up because I was gay and Carl was straight. Fuck!

The next morning I was startled awake by music. Music? Where the hell? Oh, Carl's alarm. I'd never heard it before.

"Sorry, Jerry. I'm trying out for the dorm volleyball team this morning. Didn't mean to wake you."

"No problem," I said, as my alarm went off. "So am I!"

I started to get out of bed, then I felt my morning hard-on rub the sheets. Damn! I lay back.

"I'll let Carl leave for the showers," I thought, "then I'll get up."

But Carl didn't get up. I looked over and he was lying on his back, arms stretched over his head with the sheet down around the middle of his flat belly. His near leg was bent and his eyes were closed.

I lay on my side, cuddling the pillow to my face. About a minute passed.

"Don't you have to get ready, Carl?"

"Don't you?"

Another minute passed, and he looked at me, "You got wood, right Jerry?"

`Yeah. You?"

"Yeah". Then he laughed. "Okay, let's get this over with."

He threw back the sheet and stood up facing me, his meat pointing at me like an arrow. He wasn't anywhere near as long as I thought, but he was sure a lot thicker. He was a shower, not a grower. His six inch soft dick had turned into a six inch bone that was probably also six inches around, except for the head. That was a whole lot bigger. How can he get anyone to take that thing? It's so thick! At the same time, I barely stopped from licking my lips.

I pulled off the sheet and stood up so he could see my package. Like I said, I'm just barely over eight inches, but the head is just normal sized. Maybe it's a little less than normal. Thing is, I get thicker and thicker the further down my dick you go. Where it joins my body, most guys would have a problem getting their hand around it. Warren had gotten me started on trimming my pubes (manscaping he called it) which made it seem even longer.

"Damn! That's not a dick, its' a tusk! You could put holes in trees!"

"Look who's talking. That beer can you got would make anyone stay virgin. Who do you fuck with that monster!"

"Let's take these bad boys over to the shower room," Carl said, laughing. "We can use the two inches and under section and work on getting them under control."

Well, at least part of the problem was solved. We'd seen each other hard and no problems seemed to develop. Now how could I get around to the point where I could at least JO in the same room with him and not be afraid he'd freak? As we wrapped our towels around, I didn't know that Danny was going to help me solve that situation real soon.

I have to admit, I never spent much time studying when I was in High School. All my classes were a breeze for me. College was entirely different. By the second week, I was spending a few hours every night studying. There wasn't much time for fun. Carl was also studying the same amount. We were well matched in our study habits as well as our social habits. When we took a break, we tended to want to start back studying at the same time. It seemed like every day we were finding more ways we fit.

By the time Friday of the second week rolled around, I was ready for some R & R. Danny and I still hadn't come up with a plan to get together. Horny as I was, I still needed some relaxation, so Carl, Danny and I went out to dinner. Afterwards, Danny and I decided to take Carl to a couple of bars. We rolled in to the dorm about 2 AM feeling very happy indeed. We did some weed in Carl and my room, sitting on the floor with conversation going all over the place and probably not making a whole lot of sense, when Danny mentioned he had just finished the new Robert Jordan book. That started a whole new discussion and next thing we knew, it was about 3:30 in the morning.

"Dudes," Danny groaned, "I'm wasted! I gotta crash. I'll bring the book over in the morning. Sleep well" and he slowly wove his way out of the room.

Carl and I passed the pipe one more time, then got up to get ready to call it a night, when there was a knock at the door. I opened it, and there stood Danny naked with a towel over his shoulder.

"Here's the book, Dude," he smiled handing it to me. "I'm gonna shower and get the smell of smoke from those bars off me before I go to bed."

He turned and headed for the shower room. I watched his taut butt as he walked to the shower room. Danny didn't usually walk the halls naked like Carl and I tended to do. Just before he entered, he looked down the hall at me, blank faced, and then went through the door. I put the book on my night stand. Carl had sat down on his bed, looking like he was about ready to fall asleep sitting up. I pulled off my boxer briefs and stood there for a second, staring at my bed. Danny had looked so hot, standing there naked. He'd be there, probably alone, in the shower. I was so damned horny! It had been over two weeks since I'd gotten laid.

"Danny's right," I said. "I smell like an ashtray. I'm gonna shower to."

I grabbed my towel and headed out the door, being careful not to turn to where Carl could see I was chubbing up. Carl mumbled something as I closed the door and walked through the empty corridor to the shower room, and I hope my first college fuck.

Danny was standing at the gang shower, looking towards the door as I walked in. He smiled as I walked over and took the shower directly across from him. Neither one of us said anything. He was lathering body wash over his hairless, beautifully developed, but thin chest. I watched the water forming rivers through the thick bubbles. The white of the foam contrasted with the light brown/tan of his perfect skin. It ran down into his jet black pubes. They lay flat against the base of his dick, so soft, so straight. My half hard-on instantly flashed to full attention.

I looked down to his thighs, and then his legs. There wasn't a single hair I could see anywhere on his body, Head, pits and pubes, that was it. He kept smiling at me as he reached for the bottle of body wash and knocked it off the ledge. He looked down at it, lying on the tiles.

"I dropped the soap."

Danny turned his back to me and bent from the waist to pick up the bottle. Stoned as I was, it almost seemed he was moving in slow motion. He kept his legs straight as he bent. The muscles stood out, each clearly defined. The broad dimples in his butt showed perfectly. As his hands grasped the fallen bottle, I looked up to see the light pink circle of his hole framed by his muscular brown butt cheeks.

"Oh, fuckin' awesome," I sighed.

He stood and smiled at me again, then looked over at the far wall of the shower room where the shower cubicles stood. His dick was at full mast, seven inches of hard, thick Asian meat. He walked out from under the shower, crossed the room, opened the shower curtain and walked into the cubicle. I stood there for a second, staring at the water he had left running. Danny closed the curtain and I heard the water start.

I was in a weed induced fog as I followed his path. I found myself standing outside the curtain, listening to the sound of the water. I was aware of watching my hand move forward to grab the curtain and pull it back, looking into the small cubicle.

Danny was standing there, leaning on the wall, hands above his head. His legs were spread open, his head hung down and the water running off his short, black hair. I could see his nuts hanging between his legs. I stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain mostly closed behind me. Stepping between his legs, I wrapped my arms around his lightly muscled chest. My dick naturally nestled between his butt cheeks. I slid it up and down in his cleft, feeling his wrinkled hole rub on my shaft.

I kissed the back of his neck as my right hand slid up to find his nipple and gently pinch it. My left hands slid slowly down his torso, until it touched those soft pubes I was so attracted to. I stroked them and lightly tugged at them. I moved on to feel the base of his hard cock. I ran my fingers slowly out to the tip and drew a soft gasp from him.

I moved my hand backward and explored his nuts. They were medium sized, and almost totally bare. I grabbed the body wash and squirted some in my hand. Rubbing it into his pink butthole, I slid my finger into him. He started clutching it with his eager ass. The second finger invaded, then the third. His butt was very tight, but he seemed to have perfect control of it. It loosened to let in each finger, and then tightened to form a strong tunnel around them.

I slid my fingers out of his butt and replaced it with my thumb, found his p-spot and pressed hard. He moaned, softly. My fingers cradled his nuts. And I found kissing his strong neck wasn't enough. I bit down. Danny's breath hissed in.

"Oh, yeah!" he groaned. "Do it Dude! Fuck me Jerry; I need your dick in me now!"

My dick is like a guided missile. It always knows where to go. The tip slid along the back of my thumb and found Danny's entrance. I felt my foreskin being pushed back by his waiting hole and my meat continued into his rectum in one smooth stroke, burying the first six inches deep alongside my thumb.

I withdrew my thumb, but kept my dick buried deep within him. Wrapping my arms around his chest, I hunched my dick another inch into him, bringing him up on his toes and dragging a loud, "Oh, fuck yes!" from his throat.

Danny was up on toe tips as I started thrusting into him. His tight ass was making my dick feel almost like it was being sucked by a really talented mouth. This boy had great control of his ass muscles and was using all of his talents to pleasure my dick. And it had been so long! I could feel my foreskin covering my crown as I pulled out and then exposing it to Danny's heat as I forced my dick back into him. I needed this. I needed to fuck someone, anyone! And the fact that the guy I was fucking was someone, I liked, someone hot, someone hung and someone who really was getting off on being fucked had me almost cumming in the first minute.

"I've wanted to fuck your ass since the first day I met you, Danny," I wanted your tight butt wrapped around my pole just like this. You like me fucking you, Dude? You like my dick up your butt?"

Danny was far beyond words by this point. He was groaning and whimpering and muttering words I couldn't understand. As I was drilling his ass from behind, the water flowing over our backs, the tiles around us echoing our breathing and the slap sounds of my hips pounding his muscular ass, I realized I was way too close to cumming. I really needed to get off, but Warren had taught me well over the last three years. Fucking just to get off was something you did either to someone you didn't care if you ever got back into him again, or to someone who already knew you were a great fuck. Always make the first time special. Then you're more likely to get a second time. And I really wanted to spend a lot of time fucking with Danny!

I had to slow this down, at least a little bit. I pulled my dick out of his tight ass, and spun him around to face me.

"Aww, Jerry, put it back! I need your dick in me. Come on Dude, fuck me some more. I really need it!"

I silenced him with my mouth. Grabbing the back of his head, I forced our lips together and pushed my tongue into his mouth. My other hand slid down between his butt cheeks and found his eager hole. I slid my fingers into him as he gasped around my tongue. Our dicks dueled each other, caught between my six pack and Danny's flat muscled stomach. Leaning forward and maneuvering him with my hands, I forced him down to his knees, then stood up and pushed my erect cock into his mouth. He sucked me in and started some really talented tongue action.

"Come on Baby, suck my dick. You been wanting it for weeks, haven't you? You dream of sucking it, don't you! You been jacking off thinking of how it would taste, right? You been fantasizing about it, haven't you. You know how it feels shoved up your ass, this is how it feels shoved down your throat!"

Danny seemed to come alive. My words were setting something off inside him. I had my dick as deep down his throat as it would go and he was struggling to get it deeper! Groans and grunts were escaping from his mouth as he used his throat muscles to clutch my meat. Every time I tried to pull out so I could thrust back into his mouth, he pulled be back in even deeper than I had been before. He had his hands grabbing my butt cheeks and kept forcing my dick ever deeper into his throat. I couldn't get a rhythm going. I'd been with guys who lost it when their dicks were sucked, who really went over the top. This was different. Danny was going nuts from sucking me; he was raping my dick with his mouth.

I had to get back in control of the situation. I'd come too soon if I let him have his way, but he wasn't willing to let my dick free. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed, when he still didn't back off I shoved him away, and he fell back to the shower room floor, looking up at me, seeming a bit surprised.

"You're mine," I growled, dropping to my knees in front of where he was sprawled on the tile floor. We do this MY way."

I flipped his knees over my shoulders and bottomed out my dick with one thrust.

"Aww Fuck," Danny bellowed!

I bent him practically in two to get my mouth sealed to his. Driving into him as fast and as hard as I could, I was long dicking him and I could feel the vibrations in my tongue as he tried to shout around it. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and lifted him up as I leaned back until I was sitting on my heels, Danny squatting on my thighs impaled on my dick.

I let him ride me. I could feel the hardness of his dick sliding up and down on my stomach as he fucked himself on my meat. He threw his head back, water splashing across his face. He kept shaking his head, throwing water spray from his thick, black hair in my face. I leaned back and supported my weight on my arms, leaving Danny free to use my cock any way he wanted. He grabbed my shoulders and put his feet flat on the shower room floor and started bouncing on my dick.

"So good, so good, big dick fucking my ass. Gonna cum in my ass."

I was looking down at his swollen dick rubbing across my six pack and saw the head swelling and the color deepening. The pressure in my nuts was so intense it almost hurt. I needed to nut real bad, but I wanted to see Danny cum first. I had to get his load. I started thrusting up into him, meeting every downward push with a thrust up into his hot ass. He was almost beyond thought.

"Too sweet. Too good. Gonna do it! Gonna cum! Gonna cum! gonna cu... huH... HUH!!

I actually saw the slit open just a second before Danny spewed in my face. Cum went up my nose, in my eyes and in my mouth. The first taste of Danny's sweet cum pushed me into an explosion. My cum spurted up the length of my dick and into his hot ass. I felt like I was never going to stop cumming. The spasms in my dick were almost painful. But such an incredibly good pain!

"Danny! Take it take my nut!"

Five spurts, six, neither of us was ready to stop. Danny kept riding and I kept fucking into him, the pace gradually slowing, until he was almost gently rubbing his dick through the cum coating my abs, enjoying the feel of my dick moving inside his butt. He rested his head on my shoulder and let out a contented sigh. We sat there, warm water pouring over us.

Finally, Danny slowly lifted himself off my half-hard cock. He started to sit next to me, and I put my hand under his butt. When he sat on it, I curled my fingers up into his open hole and gently rubbed the place where outside became inside. I could feel my cum beginning to flow back out of him. He laughed, weakly and lay down beside me, his hand softly wrapped around my dick and rhythmically milked it.



We slowly stood up; neither of us was into quick movements just them. We embraced; I rinsed his slowly closing hole as he washed my softening dick. We kissed a bit and explored each other a little. That desperate hunger was gone and we both knew that this was just the first of many times we'd do this. Both of us were exhausted as we turned off the water and dried off outside the cubicle.

It was really intimate, looking at the guy I'd just bred. Danny looked at me like he owned me and just then, I think he did.

"I think we should turn in," Danny said.

"Yeah," I replied, "but I really wish we were going to the same bed."

"We will, Dude. We will."

We walked out of the shower room, towels over our shoulders and big grins plastered on our faces. I was moving more smoothly than I had since the last time Warren fucked me. Tensions that I didn't even know were there had released in me as I released my load up Danny's butt. I looked over at him and saw his uncut meat was pointing our way to our rooms.

"Yer hard, Dude," I said.

Danny laughed, "Look who's talking! You got bone for days!"

Well, neither of us was totally hard, but we were both well on our way. If it wasn't for our respective roommates, round two would have been only a few minutes away. Not only was Danny a totally hot fuck, I really wanted to feel his seven incher fucking me. Just the thought of it and the `angle of the dangle' was getting more acute every second.

We stopped outside our respective doors and without thinking, Danny started wrapping his towel around his waist. I looked over at Danny and laughed.

"Don't want to scare the roomie," I asked?

"He's a perv. I don't want to give him the pleasure." Looking at my dick, "You not covering up?"

"No, Carl and I worked through that. Night guy."

"Sleep well, Stud."

I laughed as he went into his room.

I was in a really good mood as I walked in. Surprisingly, Carl was still up, sitting at his desk reading, his back to the door.

"Hey, Dude," I said.


There was a short silence as I turned my back and started drying my crotch. I was coming down from my sex high and still a bit mellow from the weed. The towel on my slowly softening dick felt really good. Damn, Danny had a really tight ass. I needed to get that hot body of his in a nice big bed real bad. Carl kept on reading.

"So is Danny as good a fuck as you thought he'd be?"

"Oh yeah," I answered without thinking. "His ass is so...." What did he just say?!

"But, what...How did...," I stuttered.

"You were gone a long time," Carl said in a monotone voice still reading. "I thought you might have passed out, so I checked the shower room. You hung your towel outside the cubicle. I recognized it. Dude, the two of you left the shower curtain open and you weren't exactly quiet. You didn't even notice when I closed the curtain. I stood outside to make sure you weren't interrupted."

"I wasn't totally sure Danny was gay." Carl went on. "I knew you were since I saw you kissing your boyfriend Warren that first day."

My mind was reeling as I sat down on my bed. I did not want to start a conversation like this now. I just wanted to come down off my sex high and get a good nights' sleep.

"I saw Danny checking out my junk that first day, of course," Carl continued. "And he never asked me about me having a girl friend or anything about chicks in general. Gay guys usually don't."

"That doesn't mean anything," I muttered, feeling surly and very trapped. "You're straight and I never hear you asking about chicks."

Carl let out a huge laugh as he pushed his chair away from his desk.

"Dude," he said, standing up and turning to face me, His sweat pants were tented like he had a telephone pole stuck down them and there was a big wet spot in front. "Who the hell ever said I was straight?"

He skinned the sweats down and freed up his wet, hard dick. The head was almost purple and it was bouncing with his heartbeat.

"And now that I know you and Warren aren't exclusive," he stepped out of his sweats, and wrapped his big paw around his dick, half offering it to me "you ready to try some of this, or you want to wait till morning?"

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