Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on May 26, 2004


As the spring semester of my freshman year progressed, old wounds healed and my life reverted back to much the way it was before my disastrous and short-lived romance with Alex, and even our friendship mended its wounds. Things with Sean remained fairly stable; our casual sexual relationship had long since lost any hint of awkwardness, although our hook ups were random and infrequent and hardly the only aspect to our friendship. The frat once again became the center of my social world, and it even seemed as if the rough patch between Alex and me had gone largely unnoticed by the guys as a whole. The spring pledge class, however, was rather lackluster and small, but it did have at least one promising member, Marcus. Marcus was a stoner and quickly became a frequent smoking buddy of mine, and decided to join the frat at the behest of his high school buddy David, who had pledged when I did. Dave was a heavy drinker with a dry wit that kept everyone laughing their asses off whenever he opened his mouth. After Marc got in, the two of them became the people I spent most of my free time with.

Brent, James and me still hung out, although it was not very often. The two of them always dropped hints that I should go out clubbing with them, but at the time I didn't have any such desire, that just wasn't my scene. Another factor that played into the diminishing of our friendship, in terms of frequency, was the stabilization of the relationship between the two of them, and more often than not the two of them were off doing their own thing together, while I was still integrating myself into frat-life. I preferred to goof off and get fucked up with Marc and Dave and the other potheads than sit around talking about gay stuff with Brent and James. It was subtle and hush-hush, but still the feeling of some unspoken controversy around James and Brent circulated throughout the fraternity. I merely assumed that the true nature of the relationship between them was obvious to the rest of the guys, but it proved to go beyond than, and oddly centered on James rather than Brent in animosity.

Sean and I continued our relationship as usual, but our hook ups became a bit more frequent over the spring semester. I suppose the two of us were so used to indulging our sexual appetites with one another that the convenience lessened our drive to prowl around for action, most notably was Sean's dramatic decline in female guests to the point where he was only hooking up with one girl. The two of us never slept together, as in sleeping in the same bed, which highlighted the "informal" nature of our sexual relationship. Three days out of the week were guaranteed hook ups for us both, as we had both had a three hour gap between classes at the same time in the middle of the day. There was nothing better to look forward to than that middle of the day quickie; Sean's cock was more than a pleasure to suck on for a good half hour in the middle of the day and having him eat my ass was no small delight.

In February snowstorms hit pretty hard, bringing with them endless pain sin the ass, but at least had the bonus of providing us with a couple of snow days here and there, and I always seemed to always have a good time on such occasions. Sean and I awoke on one such morning just before March, more than pleased that classes were canceled, but less than thrilled at being trapped on campus for the day, unless we wished to take on a trek through the snow of Shakespearian proportion. As expected, it didn't take long before the two of us were horny and gifted with a whole day full of time to kill. Sean and I pulled a wake n' bake, which, not unexpectedly, lead to us hooking up and before long we were both writhing around on Sean's bed. As I started to rub Sean's hefty dick to attention, a knock at the door abruptly broke up our moment of impassioned fondling. Sean hopped up and peeped out the port-hole of the door in no time flat, and much to my dismay it was his chick at the door.

"Damn it, it's my bitch, I better let her in so I can come up with some way to put her off until later."

"What should we do?"

"I dunno, I'll think of something. Do you think you could peace out for a sec while I get rid of here?"

"No problem, I'll just go take a shower, I probably need one anyway."

Once Sean let the chick in I lingered in the room for a few moments before slipping off to the showers. My hard on was threatening to return at any moment, and seeing the hot blond guy from down the hall drying off in the corridor of the stalls didn't help the situation. As I rinsed my self off, I couldn't help but stroke my cock a little, and I wondered whether or not I should just finished myself off incase Sean couldn't toss his bitch out of the room. I was so preoccupied with debating how into stroking my meat I should get that I failed to hear the community-bathroom door swing open. I nearly collapsed when the shower curtain to my stall suddenly opened, revealing me in quite an embarrassing predicament.

"What the fuck man, you didn't have any faith in my ability to bullshit that ho?"

I was more than a little shocked and thrilled at having my jerk off session interrupted by my mostly-naked roomie.

"Jesus, Sean, you scared the shit out of me. Wait up isn't this a little bit risky? You and me and the showers here and all that shit?"

"Don't worry, no one else is in here, besides, I have wanted to do this all year."

Sean removed the towel from his waist and stepped into the shower stall with me. Sean took my bar of soap off of the ledge upon which it rested, positioned himself behind me and started to soap up my back and shoulders. His soapy hands slowly massaged the tense spots in my muscles, making his way down ever so slowly. Once his hands reached my ass, Sean pressed tightly against my upper buttocks, and then slid his hands down to cup my ass cheeks. He rubbed the bar of soap between my butt and massaged my hole with his middle finger. His hands kept fondling and rubbing me and before I realized it, Sean had parted my cheeks with his hands and sent a shock of bliss all through me by jamming his tongue up my ass.

I reveled in Sean's rim job for a while before the moment was broken up by the sound of the bathroom door swinging open. I tensed every muscle in my body and looked back at Sean to express my overwhelming nervousness, but he just kept right on licking away at my ass. Luckily, whoever entered the community restroom wasn't there to shower, just to take a piss, and was gone in no time. Still, Sean kept his face buried in my butt cheeks, totally undaunted, if not wholly emboldened by, the intruder that had come into the bathroom. Once the guy had finished his business and left, Sean stood up and pulled me tight against his body.

"Dude, that was a fuckin' major turn on."

And he was not ling, because between my legs I could feel the unmistakable presence of his cock, which had grown to full attention. Yet about that time the hot water in the shower began to noticeably diminish, and before long we would be stuck in a hail of freezing water.

"Lets get back to the room and finish this Vince, I'm so fucking horny."

We turned off the water and pulled our towels into the stall with us to dry off. Sean told me he wanted me kind of wet, so neither of us did more than dry out our hair. The trek back to the room was thankfully with out any obstacle, had any one seen us leaving the showers together on the way back it would have required more than a spot of explanation.

Once back in the room the two of us were on top of one another in no time. Our slick, wet bodies were entangled in a mesh of flesh, light and dark. I returned the favor Sean had given me in the shower, and as always loved every moment of eating out his tight, brown bubble butt. More than a little cock sucking ensued, but as things progressed, I kept pondering the full potential of Sean's dick; so seductive a serpent has not been known since times of Eden.

"Sean, dude, I was just wondering, do you have any condoms?"

"Condoms? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do." A look of blended confusion and intrigue graced his face. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking, since we do have a whole day to kill, and since it has been a while since we first hooked up, and all we ever do is suck or jerk each other off, maybe we might try something different."


"I know you know what I mean; at least I think ya do."

"And that is?"

"Well, just wondered if ya might want to, you know, fuck."

"Fuck? Do you need to ask?"

"Well, I have wanted to but, ya'know, that weapon you have is pretty intimidating, but I don't think I'll be able to keep resisting the urge."

"I didn't think you were into that, you know, a bottom."

"I'm not really, but for you I think I should make an acceptation."

As the moment of truth neared, I became nervous about having that massive dick pierce my butt, I had only let one other guy fuck me before, and that was ages ago. Sean and I lubed up pretty good before we started, and I opted to lay on my back with my legs pressed against my chest for our first go at it. His fat, bluish-purple cock head pressed against my hole for a painfully long moment, every millisecond an explosion of pressure that seemed to increase a thousand-fold with every tiny push. I clenched my teeth tight and gripped the mattress as though I needed to hold on for dear life, and Sean pressed his dick into me ever so slowly. Once the head had advanced past my ass-rim, the impressive girth of Sean's cock diminished the previous shocks of pain with a whole new wave of force. For a second I thought I was going to be absolutely split in half by this thing that I had lusted after for so long that now thrust itself deeper into me. Sean fucked me very slowly and very gently for quite some time. As my ass began to adjust and the pain began to ebb towards pleasure, we shifted positions so that I was on top of Sean, and thus sliding myself down onto his dick, allowing for me to set the pace. Although the monster dick was way to big for me to fully adapt to, I did eventually manage to take the whole thing. Before long I was riding Sean's dick like an old pro, and every hard thrust against my prostate sent unspeakable waves of pleasure throughout my body.

"Aw, yeah Vince, ride that dick! Yo ass is so fuckin' tight I could fuck you all day."

Sean was usually some-what talkative during sex, but this time he didn't shut up the whole time as we fucked. The constant flow of his sexual blather was indeed a major turn on, and I even found my self helplessly joining in on the dirty talk.

"Damn Sean, you're cock is going to split me in two! Fuck me harder!"

Sean screwed me silly for well over an hour, and we tore through the entire gauntlet of sexual positions. I think my favorite was when we would fuck on all fours, old fashioned doggy style. Sean would smack my ass and play with my cock and nipples as he thrust into me again and again. Sean's lady-friend from earlier even made a second go at (unknowingly) interrupting us, but we both ignored her loud knocks and yells at the door, Sean was too preoccupied with pounding my ass on the cold hard floor between our beds. I'm not sure if she could hear us, or if any one in our wing of the hall could hear us either, but neither Sean nor I attempted to diminish our moans, the slapping of skins or the filthy talk spewing from our mouths. When Sean shot his load, he had pulled out of me at last, and splattered a heavy load of cum all over my chest, leaving me both sticky and feeling hollow now that his cock was gone. Ever one the give pleasure as much as indulge it, Sean had me stand up and face-fuck him while he crouched down in front of me. The head was good, but was mostly turned on by the fact that when I was on the verge of spilling my seed, Sean popped a finger up my ass and deep throated me.

Tim hungrily slurped down the jock-cock of his favorite dealer as he sat at his desk, watching a gay porno on Tim's sleek black laptop. Trey usually popped in for a quick fuck or a blow job, and especially so on snow days; it seemed like everyone on campus was always off fooling around with someone on snow days. It wasn't long before Trey was pressing Tim's head down on his cock and flooding the back of his throat with his cum.

"Ah, nothin' like a fine b.j. right after you wake up. So Tim, you mind if I borrow this," Trey asked as he pointed to Tim's computer. "If I'm gonna be snowed in all day I'll probably be jerking off a lot."

"Uh, if ya want you can borrow it later, or I could just come up or something."

"True, but I'm having customers all day I'm sure, so can't be foolin' around with o during peek hours, and Doug (Trey's room mate) is hangin' right across the hall, so he'll be in and out. But tonight, late tonight, I'll be down to `chill' if ya feel like it."

"That's cool, but you aren't the only one with roomies to worry about, might be back by then, he isn't off campus."

"Shit, well, if both of them are around, do you know any spot we can go to?"

"I'm not goin' to some bathroom or lounge or something!"

"Fuck no, dumb ass! I meant like some one else's room. Don't you know any other gay guys on campus?"

"Well, I could try, but I can't think of any one, well except..."


"You remember the fun night we had with Sean a couple of months back, right?"

"Fuck yea I remember. But I dunno, Sean and I never really touched or talked about it, so I'm not sure if doing it again would work for the friendship."

"Maybe, but I have a feeling that Sean would be chill."

"Oh shit, I forgot, you used to fool with him like you do with me. Do you still go down on him and stuff?"

"Uh, well, not a lot, but yeah we hook up every once in a while."

"Ha, like that big cock huh? You cock-sucker."

"Shit, I bet you want to wrap yo mouth `round that thing!"

"Heh heh, shut up. Okay, well, I guess if that's the only plan it could work, but I'm still not sure if he is comfortable with me and him together and all that. Wait, what about his roomie? That Italian kid."

"Oh, well, I don't think Vince will care to much dude. I'm not totally sure, but one time when Sean called me over we had a three-some."

"God-damn! And you didn't tell me yo? Do they hook up and stuff?"

"I think so, but I don't know how much, or if Vince is as horny a fucker as Sean with that stuff."

"Well, see what you can find out. I'll be takin' this here for the moment," Trey said as he closed the laptop and stuffed it under his arm. "You know where to find me. Later!" As Trey left, Tim pondered the mission given to him. A little bit after he started to think of what to do for the night, his concentration was broken by an out-of-the-blue phone call.

A little bit after dark, Sean and I awoke from a long nap that came after our intense fucking earlier in the day. Sean got up, totally naked and half-hard, and checked out pot stash.

"Shit yo, we just about killed our supply. You want to re-stock?"

"Fuck yea, it's a snow day, we can't not get baked!"

"Okay, okay, well, let me get dressed real quick and I'll go check to see if my boy Trey is home."

I opted to go with him, and in no time we were knocking at Trey's door. Although he seemed more than a little surprised to see us both, I hardly noticed because Trey was shirtless and possessed a hypnotic stomach.

"What's up guys, you need any thing?"

"We need to re-stock. You got an eight?"

"Sure, let me get it."

We moved from the door way to the middle of the room and waited as Trey pulled his stash out of a box in the room. As he weighed it out for us, he and Sean made small talk of a bit.

"So, you talk to Tim? I snagged his computer again earlier today."

"Tim? Nah bro, we ain't seen him."

"Ah, cool."

"You guys wanna hang out later?"

"Who? Me and Tim?"

"That's... who we're talking bout right?"

"Heh, don't get smart with me yo. True, well, I'll call you up later."

A knock at the door woke me from a half-sleep at about 3:00 AM. In my state of half-sleep I didn't even care to check the peep-hole before swinging the door wide open. Seeing Trey standing there somewhat surprised me.

"Hey man how's it goin," he asked in his thuggishly sexy voice.

"Not bad yo, I was just kinda drifting off."

"Ah, true," he said as I shut the door behind him. "My bad, I didn't mean to wake ya up."

"It's cool. Thanks for the hook up earlier by the way."

"No worries, no worries. Yo, is Sean around?"

"Nah, I think he went to some chick's room for a bit, but it's about that time when he usually sneaks back in, unless they are really having fun, you know?"

"Ah, true. Did Time ever call or stop by?"

"Tim? Nah dude, I haven't seen him all day, I don't know if Sean talked to him or not though."

"Oh, shit."

"Were you guys still supposed to chill with Sean tonight?"

"I dunno, I didn't get back to either of them, just came down here to see if Sean wanted to smoke or if he had heard from Tim, I couldn't reach him."

"Ah cool, well, I'll smoke ya up if you want to wait and see if Sean gets back."

In no time Trey and I were rolling up a blunt, which we had both thrown down on. Trey did the rolling as he had far more experience at it than I had. As we smoked he left a message on Sean's cell phone, but by the time we had killed the blunt we were both so high and so chummy by then we forgot all about him. I had been buying pot from Trey all year and he came by to see Sean now and then, but before then we had never hung out. The two of us hit it off pretty quickly that night, and before we knew it we were going bong rip after bong rip. By the time 4:00 AM came near, the two of us were shocked at how late it was but decided to stay up until 4:20 and smoke another blunt. 4:20 hit us soon enough and once again the room was flooded with the stench of burning herb. Trey suggested we give each other shot-guns, and so the proverbial Pandora's Box was soon to be opened.

Neither of us had brought up sex once during our conversation that night, but as it turned out both of us had all the while been mulling over one another's history with Sean and Tim, not knowing we were both filled in. The suggestion of giving each other shotguns was like a deafening whisper that touched at the thoughts creeping in the back of our heads. For those of you who do not know what a shotgun is, in stoner terms, an explanation is in order. A shotgun is done with a blunt (a cigar rolled with pot) or a joint (cigarette papers rolled with pot), one person puts the lit end between their lips, the lit end being carefully away from the skin, and the unlit end the other person puts their mouth upon. The person with the lit end blows and the smoke from the unlit end is forced down the other person's throat, resulting in a very heavy hit. It very much looks like kissing, as the two people's lips are extremely close, and if done properly should be pressed together as it is sort of an intimate thing between pot-head lovers. Usually, however, and with guys most certainly, the lips are not pressed together in a kiss, for what I hope are obvious reasons.

Getting back to things, Trey and I had both given one another a shotgun, but the second time he gave me one his lips pressed lightly against my own and our eyes remained locked. He causally passed the blunt to me then, and we held our gaze. It seemed as both of us pressed our lips together that time, and Trey's eyes widened then dimmed ambiguously for a moment. Once I had given Trey his shotty (a slang term for the slang term of shotgun) I gave him the blunt once again, and he in turn gave me another shotgun. This time we did it the "proper" way, our lips meeting in obvious embrace and the blunt hidden between our mouths. When Trey took the blunt out of his mouth we held out stare for a long while, having all but forgotten the still blazing blunt. Trey inched close to me as though he were about to pant one on me, but suddenly stopped and just handed me the blunt. I took it and sucked in a heavy drag and gave it back to him. The tension in the room was thick enough to slice with a knife, and the two of us held a long gaze into each other's eyes as the blunt burned in Trey's hand.

As it were I don't think either of us knew what was happening, but by the time I once again became fully aware of myself Trey was pulling my shirt over my head and then we were hitched together in a sloppy embrace that had hands grabbing nipples and lips and tongues wrestling around in a messy symphony of slurping and sucking. Trey threw me down on my mattress and all but choked me on his tongue. We pulled and prodded at one another's jeans and were soon writhing around on my bed in our boxers. Ever since I met this stud my body had been calling out to just touch him, every movement, every square inch of skin, every syllable he uttered, it was all a rapture of delight to my baser senses, and now, as though caught in some surrealistic fever-dream I was sucking away at his quarter-sized and all too erect brown nipple. In our mostly undressed state our, how shall I say, invigorated dispositions were all but obvious and poorly held at bay by our tight skivvies.

In a flurry of groping and prodding, Trey and I were bare ass and tumbling heard first down a spiral of blissful indulgence. Trey's hands surely spread themselves over every inch of my body, and before it was over no part of him was unknown to my touch either. The two of us locked into an embrace of mutual oral pleasure, and at the time it seemed the warmth of his mouth around my cock was too guilty a pleasure for any mortal to endure. Every taste of Trey's dick was not unlike a flood of devilish ecstasy, each savoring seeming to last but an instant yet within the flash of millennia of delight unknown. His powerful hands pulled my pelvis tight so that my dick thrust deeper into his throat, and all I could do was beg to reciprocate even a fraction of the sensations of bliss Trey evoked within me. As though it needed to be further illustrated, the point is that Trey suck my cock like I have never know before or since, it was as if the very touch of his flesh all but brought be to orgasm, and I was humbled before him. Much to my surprise, my attempts to pleasure this sublime demigod seemed to be worthy, and he moaned and twitched in ecstatic delight, especially when I would engulf his balls. After some time of this, and as the sun began to rise high in the sky, Trey and I sat upright in my bed, shoulder to shoulder, and jerked each other to orgasm. We cleaned off our spunk and slid back into our boxers, but much to m delighted surprise Trey stayed and the two of us made out in my bed until we both passed out for sheer exhaustion.

Well, now its on to the Spring semester of year one, hope I haven't lost your interest yet. Please let me know what you think, good or bad, I enjoy critics and will always consider what you have to say or suggest.Too much sex and not enough story? Too much story and not enouugh sex? Do I just plain write silly? Should I give it up? Let me know.

Next: Chapter 10

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