Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on May 14, 2004


Ch. 9 Interlude: The Bad Boy

Jenna was a lucky find for Trey; she was kinky, had a hot body (but her face could use some work), didn't give him too much shit, and was even damn stupid in the best kind of way, but most of all he knew he could trust her to keep her mouth shut. Thus far, it didn't matter how kinky the request, Jenna would indulge him, and the quiet little flower wouldn't breathe a word of protest or spread a shred of gossip. It didn't take long before Trey put one and one together and mixed his two most frequent hook-ups into sweaty trysts when the urge for a three-some would hit him. As expected, Jenna didn't complain or turn down the request, even though she did express no small amount surprise when she discovered Trey wanted the three-some to be with another guy.

Since coming to college Trey found himself indulging in activities that he thought the wild and willing women of dorm life would surely have caused him to lose his interest in, but even then he still found himself jerking off and thinking about what secretly shamed him. When he was starting varsity football his last two years of high school, Trey had first noticed what had to be, to him, an unnatural reaction when he and the other varsity guys would haze the freshman players. Trey, like the rest of the varsity team, had been forced to shave his balls when he was a freshman, so in turn the new freshmen always had to do it too, but Trey never expected that he would get a boner thinking about the freshmen fuckers doing it. Trey didn't think about his unexpected arousal too much until his senior year, when he started to sell a little on the side. The extra cash was a sweet benefit (but mostly unnecessary for a spoiled rich kid such as himself), but to Trey the status it gave him played to his ego enough to make it worth his time.

After his parents split up, Trey opted to stay with his dad, his town house just outside the City (New York) was unsupervised most of the day, and provided the perfect pad for all sorts of illicit activity. The adult-free atmosphere mixed with Trey's overtly social nature allowed for him to be both a steady and lucrative ganja merchant. One of his customers was a friend of his older sister who Trey didn't want to deal with at first. The guy had graduated the year before Trey, and had been ousted from the proverbial closet his last year there. He had hung around Trey's house with his sister every once in a while, but Trey was a jock and certainly couldn't be too social with a fag. But Business is business, and the dude became a regular and reliable customer. By the time graduation neared Trey had gotten to be friendly with the guy, and even started to smoke with him when he would stock up. The guy came by one night right as Trey was getting ready to go out. He half intentionally answered the door shirtless, and was only half surprised when he caught himself looking to see if his guest was checking him out. Normally, Trey thought, catching the awkward and scanning looks the gay dude did his best not to give him should have provoked a response of either revulsion or anger, but this was not the case. He found himself sizing up the dude in his head, and for an instant he recalled his sister mentioning that the dude was on his college gymnastics team. The dealer's cheeks flushed slightly, although his olive skin made this difficult to notice, and the horny devil inside of him began to scream out for all sorts of mischief. Trey all but broke his arm to get the guy to stay and smoke up with him, and couldn't resist but be more than a little bit flirtatious with the guy as they smoked the blunt he rolled up, still shirtless.

Trey joked about how it must be getting cold and pinched his hardening nipples. He could sense that his guest was getting nervous, yet as Trey became more stoned he kept stuffing his hand down the front of his jogging pants. The guy wasn't sure how to take the out of character behavior from his dealer, but at the same time his body couldn't help but react at the taunting flirts of the jock. Trey had been thinking of exploiting this possibility for a while now, he had jerked off thinking of the guys he saw almost every day in the showers, but he wanted to try more. Sure, he had a girlfriend, and he got enough sex from her, and sure, he cheated on her on the side anyway, but Trey kept thinking about the situation at hand. The thought of trading pot for sex had appealed to him since he first started selling, and for some reason he kept thinking of this guy as the perfect prospect to indulge two of his more illicit fantasies.

Once the blunt was finished, Trey was both sure he wanted to go through with it, and disappointed he hadn't hit pay dirt yet, insofar as receiving an obvious reaction from the dude. Trey though fast, and told the dude to come to his room to check out his bong. The dude, both intrigued and bewildered by Trey's flirtatious behavior, agreed, and followed the jock to his bed room. Trey tossed the dude a bag and brought over his large, red, 4 1/2-foot water bong and set it down on the floor next to his guest.

"Pack this while I change really quick," Trey said as he handed the dude the bowl of the colossal bong. The dude was a bit shaky as he both packed the bong and tried his best not to notice that Trey had slid out of his jogging pants, a task that would have been difficult enough but made even more strenuous by the fact that Trey wasn't wearing any underwear. Trey slid into a pair of tight grey and black-stripped boxer-briefs and pulled a bright white wife beater over his head as he walked back over to the dude.

"What do you think? It's a big ass mother fucker isn't it?"

The dude blinked for a short moment before responding.

"Uh, yeah, the bong is nice. How much did this thing set you back?"

"Yeah, heh, the bong. It was up there but this thing is worth it. Here, Put your mouth on there and try it out, its hot." Trey bent down and lit the bowl of the large pipe, swaying his head suspiciously close to the dude's package as he did so.

"Nice, nice, suck it all in, suck it all in. Yo, you're a pro!" Trey praised as the dude pulled in his bong hit. "Now, here, get down there and do me, light me up!"

After a few rounds of bong hits, it became obvious the dude didn't know how to react to how close Trey would move his bare legs towards him when he would crouch down and light the bong for his host. It also became obvious to the dude that Trey's boxer briefs were getting tighter, but the thought of this gay-hater-jock getting a bulge for him was way to surreal. Finally, Trey figured it was now or never, and pushed the envelope in one last shot.

"Yo, so what did you want, and eighth?"

"Nah, I only got enough for a twenty, but damn, you smoked me up probably more than that even."

"Don't worry about it. Hey, I can even give you a deal on that eighth if ya want."

"A deal? How much?"

"I'll give ya the eighth for twenty if you give me a little some-thin'."

"A what?"

"You know," Trey's eyes quickly looked down at his prick, which was slowly hardening in anticipation. "What do you think?"

"What, you serious? You?"

"What the fuck's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, I just meant," the dude's eyes quickly glanced down to Trey's bulge and then did a fast double-take. There was a small dark spot in one of the grey stripes of the jock's boxer-briefs, and it was right at the, now obvious, location of Trey's cock-head.

"Yo, you just gonna stare at it?"

"Look, I don't know what the fuck... but this is kinda... I'm too high to know when you're fuckin' around."

Trey moved face to face with the dude, so close that the dude could feel Trey's hot breath brush his lips. The dude resisted the urge to flinch, but if this jock was fucking with him he wasn't about to put up with it. Trey's hands cause the dude to tense and glare wide-eyed at the dealer as they suddenly clasped the dude's tight butt. The dude surprised Trey by suddenly pressing his lips tight against his, slowly licking at the dealer's slightly parted lips with his tongue. Trey wasn't even remotely thinking of kissing this guy, he just wanted head, but now that he found himself in the situation, he ran with it.

That was how it started, Trey peeled off his boxer briefs and let his boner and balls plop out in front of the dude. The dude stared for a moment, some-what awe-struck, at the magnificence of the perfectly straight, uncut dick that jutted forth from between Trey's thighs. The head swelled from beneath the foreskin, and to the dude it seemed to be the thickest part of the well-girthed jock-cock. He swirled his tongue around the cock-head for a while before peeling back the fore-skin and engulfing the fat spear into his throat. It was the best head Trey had ever gotten up till then, and it was the first time he had some one really suck and lick his balls to the point where he nearly shot his wad from that alone. The dude would stroke his shaft as he sucked his head, and always took care of the "step-children". It became a regular hook-up between the two of them throughout the spring and summer, and Trey even let things progress beyond their original "arrangement".

College started out different. The lust for other guys was temporarily drowned out by a sea of skanks who passed through his fingers, so to speak. History, however, has a tendency to repeat itself. Trey had started to sell again on campus, and found his business booming. He also found that his campus had legions of gay guys, and a lot of them smoked. Every time one of his non-breeding customers came by, he thought of the dude. Every time he thought of the dude, he got horny. The day Trey found gay porno on the computer of his friend Tim; he decided to indulge in old habits.

Trey had quickly found a crew to run with at school; mostly it was the guys from the football team or old friends from high school. Trey had befriended Tim through a combination of Tim's room mate (Chad) and his friend Sean, both of whom were Trey's team-mates. He had stopped by Tim's room one night to smoke up, but mostly he had need of Tim's laptop. When Tim left the room to take a piss, Trey used to opportunity to swipe his host's computer, which by this point in the semester wasn't too uncommon, Trey would slip off with the notebook whenever he got the opportunity and go use it in his own room until he was finished with it, which was usually whenever Tim managed to steal it back from him. Some portions of Tim's computer could only be accessed with a pass-word, which was where Trey suspected his buddy hid all his porno-files. This night, however, Tim hadn't gotten the chance to move all of his more-recently acquired file-share porn into the protected files. What really perked Trey's interests was the fact that all the porno was either gay or bi-themed. Trey's mind flashed back to images of his cock being worked over by the dude, and before he knew it he was watching a jock-themed gay-vid, his concentration only broken as he heard the door to his room shake with the pounding of a fist, quickly followed by Tim's yelling. Trey glanced back at the notebook's screen as an all-too-evil grim grew across his face.

"How's it hangin' Tim?"

"Dude, this isn't funny, stop jackin' my shit!"

"You always get it back, don't shit your pants, dude."

"That's where all my homework and shit is yo, I can't risk it breakin'!"

"Yeah, I noticed you keep more than your homework on there," trey said as he swung his door completely open and gestured to the computer screen which Trey had turned to face out towards the hall-way. Tim's face went pale and he seemed to go slightly weak in the knees. Trey only smiled.

"Dude, look..."

Trey cut Tim off quickly by grabbing the collar of Tim's blue jersey and pulling him into the room and slammed the door behind him. Trey cornered Tim in the door way, standing so close in fact that Tim all but cowered before him as he pressed his back tightly against the door. Trey grilled him hardcore for a long moment, and then cracked his evil smile once again.

"Interestin' shit, bro. What's the story there?"

"I don't know what you mean man."

"Don't bullshit me bitch. I see that you like the cock."

Tim suddenly found himself being tossed onto Trey's bed, and then quickly tossed up slightly again as Trey's body plopped down next to him in a less intimidating manner than Tim expected. Not that any of this was expected or in anyway normal.

"Come on Tim, I think you know what you can do to help me out, ya know?"

Tim blinked a few times as he glared in disbelief at his friend, who, as he lay next to him, groped what was obviously a hard-on through his pants. Trey then moved his hand to between Tim's legs and began to fondle his friend's growing erection. Tim watched intently as Trey massaged his dick to full attention through his baggy jeans, and then abruptly began to shove his hand down Trey's pants, eagerly seeking the cock that seemed to be calling out to him for attention. Trey quickly swatted Tim's hand away and jumped off the bed.

"Yo, what the fuck? What you tryin' to do?"

Tim suddenly tensed in fear, and opened his mouth to respond, but failed to produce any comprehensible speech. Trey then smiled and laughed, which further confounded Tim.

"Nah bro, here, lets fuckin' get naked, I don't want to fuck my clothes up and shit, ya know?"

The two friend's were stark naked in no time, and Tim was swiftly on his knees before Trey. Trey gripped the sides' of Tim's head and thrust his hips forward time and again, with piston-like movements his cock was shoved deep into his friend's throat. Tim had sucked cock before, and Trey some-what aggressively feeding him his dick didn't cause him to gag. After some time, Trey dislodged his dick from his friend's throat and pushed his buddy's head down to get him to lick his balls. Tim playfully tongued the sack that bounced up and down on his face, but he really gave Trey a shock when he threw his head back and jammed his tongue up the jock's tight, smooth ass crack.

"Oh fuck man, what's this? Oh damn, nah, don't stop."

Tim complied, and ate Trey's ass like a professional. After some time Trey plopped down on his stomach onto Tim's bed and lifted up his ass for his host. Tim parted the firm round butt-cheeks and stabbed at Trey's tight virgin ass hole with his tongue. Trey had never been rimmed before, and the pleasure it gave him was so intense it almost made him feel ashamed. Tim kept his hands busy alternating between stroking both Trey's and his own drooling dick. Trey eventually flipped over on his back and Tim sucked down his dick once more. Tim lifted Trey's legs and them stretch over his shoulders as he slurped down on his cock.

"Ah, look out bro, I'm about to cum!"

Trey slid his cock out of Tim's mouth and began to jerk himself off in a frenzy. Tim lifted Trey's legs and moved his head down to rim and lick Trey's asshole as he prepared to shoot his wad. Just as Trey's legs began to tighten, Tim stuck his finger up past Trey's super tight ass ring, which caused the studly jock to lose control. Trey spewed his thick flood of cum onto his chin and loudly cried out in a mixture of shock, pain and (most of all) pleasure at the sensation of having a finger abruptly penetrate his butt. Trey panted, showing that the impromptu sexual romp with Tim had left him slightly physically vexed, but in an instant he sat up gripped Tim's head along the sides of his jaw, suddenly pulling him into a sloppy embrace. Tim was further shocked when Trey began to stroke his cock, which had not yet been relieved. Tim reclined back, resting most of his weight on the palms of his hands, and slightly bucked his hips as Trey's fist slid up and down the length of his boner.

"Oh man, I can't hold back any more," Tim cried out as he soaked Trey's fist in a tide of his seed.

After that eventful encounter, Trey arranged a deal with Tim to trade discounted pot in exchange for sex. It wasn't long before the two friends would just hook up for the hell of it, and Tim was always more than eager to swallow down Trey's dick whenever he called him up for a quickie. Trey's thoughts always trailed back to the dude, even though Tim gave great head, the gymnastic ability of the dude was not with out its own merit. The dude showed Trey the full extent of his flexibility, starting around two months after their initial hook-up.

The dude stopped by Trey's place to re-stock mid-afternoon in the middle of the week, knowing that his dad and sister would probably not be home until much later in the day, and knowing that if the jock was in the mood, he had a more devious plan than the usual sucky-sucky. Trey's reaction over the phone earlier, when the dude checked to see if he was in, seemed promising. Trey had no plans and no guests, which was usually the case when-ever they hooked-up in the past. The dude's inclination appeared to be confirmed when Trey answered the door even more dressed-down than usual. Trey's body was almost completely exposed, draped only by the small athletic shorts that tauntingly hid the most interesting areas.

"I didn't wake you up when I called did I?"

"Nah dude, I've been up, well in bed, playin' video games. What do you need man?"

The dude gave Trey's body a long, intense scan, smirking slightly as he pondered his dealer's question.

"You got an eighth?"

"Let me double-check, I might be a little low, but it should be cool."

The two of them headed off towards Trey's room; all the while the dude couldn't keep his eyes off of the dealer's tight, juicy butt that was all but jumping out of the skimpy little red shorts and into his hands, which the dude was straining to keep to himself. Loud hip-hop music blared from Trey's stereo, some racing game was paused on the TV, and the whole room reeked heavily of smoke and incense. Once the transaction between the two ended, however, Trey still had not shown any signs of being anything but either really tired or really baked, and even seemed a little annoyed that the dude had bothered him. So, the dude promptly thanked Trey, and was already to head home when hope was restored.

"I got a blunt rolled, if you want to chill for a little while."

"Do I ever turn you down when you offer to smoke man?"

"Ha, yeah that's true bro. Well we always have fun when we get stoned anyways. Do you want to play a quick game," Trey asked as he nodded towards the paused game-screen.

"Uh, sure, but I don't have clue one as to what this is you're playing."

"Basic racing game; X is forward, the joy-stick steers, the usual." Trey rapidly flicked at the joystick and grabbed his package. "I'm tempted to make an inappropriate and less-than-amusing joystick comment, but I'll spare you."

"I'm sure I would appreciate it."

"What? The joystick or the game?"

"That depends on the joystick, I guess."

"Now you're making inappropriate and less-than-amusing joystick comments. Well, maybe not inappropriate, but defiantly not amusing."

The two of them laughed for a bit, and then abruptly broke the awkward pause that followed by locking together in a rabid frenzy of kissing and fondling. It didn't take much convincing on the dude's part to entice Trey into taking things a step beyond the usual oral pleasures he would endow upon the well endowed dealer. For well into the afternoon the dude demonstrated to Trey the potential for sexual pleasure that his training as a gymnast had inadvertently provided him. Trey pounded into the dude as his feet locked behind the his own head, and the dude rode up and down on Trey's hungry cock in a rhythmic and intense state of sexual meditation and focus. Trey had not expected this turn of events, but the enticingly succulent butt of the dude could not be resisted, and Trey was fully in support of the idea the moment the dude suggested it. Trey and the dude were fused together in a blissful marriage of the flesh, and sweat precipitated their bodies in a salty tide tasted in every intimate probe of their hungry lips, tongues and fingers.

The dude pounded himself down upon Trey's dick, readily encouraging him to expel his seed and unleash his cresting tide of pleasure as they fucked. Trey shuttered, rendered speechless for several moments by the intensity of his orgasm, and them finally cried out in a loud string of obscenities as he gripped the dude's hips and pressed them tightly together. As Trey's orgasm subsided the dude jerked himself off, seeking to cum while the sexy jock's dick was still firmly and deeply thrust up inside him, but the moment Trey regained control over his body after having being sent into a spasm of bliss he lifted the overtly flexible dude off of his dick and pressed him onto his back against the mattress. A warm sensation washed over the dude, a feeling that would haunt his senses for ever after, and it was the unexpected and out of character act of Trey engulfing the dude's cock into his mouth. The sensations delivered to the dude by the dealer's dick were still rapidly summoning an orgasmic response, but the feeling on the jock's mouth around his dick was too much to take. The dude frantically warned Trey that he couldn't hold back any more and that he was going to cum at any moment, but Trey just kept on blowing him until the dude had delivered a massive load into Trey's mouth. Trey immediately kissed and subsequently snowballed the dude, and their seamen-spiced embrace continued for a good while after their loads had been spent.

Jenna and Tim were both more than willing to indulge any desire or request Trey set before them. Contact of a sexual nature between Tim and Jenna was severely limited, as Trey's indulgence was always the primary concern when they would get together for these intimate hook ups. Trey would take turns fucking them both, and they performed oral acts of pleasuring upon Trey of all stripes, usually alternating between heads and tails when doling out the favors. Another favorite of Trey's was to have them both suck on his nipples while jerking him off. Although Jenna was Trey's girl on all public fronts, Tim was the one out of the two whom Trey had sex with the most as the situation between them progressed. Jenna, ever the compliant individual, didn't express any protest or even acknowledgement of the eclipsing of her sexual services by Tim.

Trey had stumbled down the slippery slope of indulging his once suppressed desires for members of his own gender with Tim, and soon he craved more experience. As Trey began to express his desire to "experiment" with other guys, Tim mentioned that he had been found out by some one other than Trey. In fact, when Tim told him that their mutual friend Sean had traded sexual favors with Tim in a manner much like he had with Trey, the dealer was in utter disbelief. Sean was stunning physical specimen, and his well-endowed physical inheritance was almost as legendary as his womanizing amongst the football team. Trey simply couldn't accept that Tim had actually had sex with such an unexpected and improbable person like Sean. All doubt was cast away however, when Tim successfully brokered a threesome involving Sean, Trey and himself. Although the situation was passionately arousing, Trey was apprehensive of stepping over the line with Sean and the two of them completely avoided physical contact of a sexual nature. After all, Trey had no idea how welcome Sean would be to sexual advance son his part, as Tim filled the role of bitch to please the tow of them more so than integrating a hook up between the two team mates. After all was said and done, it did not seem as if the experience damaged the friendship between Sean and Trey (although they barely spoke together of the event after), and so the seed to see if things might progress further had been planted in Trey's head.


Sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter, finals and term papers had to take priority for me over the past couple of months. At first I was going to just break it into two parts, but what the hell, hopefully it isn't too long for you guys. The next chapter will return the focus to the "main" plot line, and I hope this little detour kept your interests for the time being. Trey becomes more involved in the story at this point, and I thought his back ground should be (thoroughly) covered; I also had planned on writing a few more chapters like this that just focus on one character out-side of the "main" stream of events. Anyways, I hope the story continues to entertain you guys, and as always let me know what you think (tree_smoker007@yahoo), good or bad.

Another obstacle that caused this chapter to come out so long after the previous one is that I have been writing other stories that I plan to start posting in the next couple of weeks; another on-going story like "Jerkin in the Dorms" but unrelated and college life is not the major theme. Once I figure out what the hell to title the damn thing and start posting it, I'll let you guys know, incase you were aroused enough by this story to check out some of the other horny trash born from my twisted mind.

Next: Chapter 9

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