Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on Mar 2, 2004


Ch. 7 What's the deal?

When I awoke I was momentarily startled to find that I was in Brent's bed, but the events of the previous night came flooding back when I noticed that Alex and I were spooning in our underwear. I pulled Alex's back tighter against my chest, and our naked flesh was stung by a tender mixing of our bodily warmth. It wasn't long before Alex stirred and the two of us kissed and cuddled one another in an all too short period that felt like an infinity of bliss mixed with an astounded sense of surprise. The two of us were shivering slightly as we bathed in the bright radiance of the day light reflecting off the fields of snow as it oppressively forced its illumination into the tiny apartment through a set of large, Eastward-facing windows. Brent and Jacob were both already up and about, and got more than a small bit of amusement at the sight of Alex and myself squinting and damn near cringing at the utter brightness of mid-morning.

"Well, the snow's finally stopped, but it's still a bitch out there. Did you two kiddies have a good night's sleep?"

Alex and I let out polite laughs at Brent's less-than-hysterical ball-breaking; he did let us crash in his bed after all. James appeared to be cooking in the meager space allotted for a min-kitchen in the apartment, seemingly oblivious to our sojourn out from the bedroom.

"Hey, you kids look chilly. We put your clothes on the desk in James' room, not that I'm not totally enjoying the peep-show," Brent said with a wink and a glance up and down at Alex and me, "the hard nipples are a nice touch, but I figure you night want to warm up a bit."

After Alex and I dressed, we ate some eggs and toast with James and Brent, who spoke more in a half hour span that morning than I had ever heard him speak the entire (albeit short) time I've known him; usually Brent was reclusive and quiet. Conversely, James was much quieter than normal, for some odd reason he and Brent seemed to have switched personalities, but I began to ponder an answer for this when I saw Alex and he exchange a few "knowing" looks as we ate and took note to Brent's uncharacteristically charismatic conversation. Our discussion of the previous night was brief, and all my questions as to what past encounters the three of them had indulged in together were met mostly with evasive and vague answers, and more than a little bit of nervous laughter. Mostly I felt like I was on the stand, so to speak, being grilled ever so subtly by Brent as to my take on the current situation. Even in my somewhat abstract and shagged state, my suspicions were peeked, and I managed to be as vague as the suddenly secretive trio had been with my more direct inquiries.

"So do you guys give this treatment to all the new guys, or is this just some random quirk?"

All eyes shifted to Brent, who glanced quickly at James and Alex, and then back down to his plate.

"A random quirk? Can you run that by us in English el professor?"

"Right. Well, it's unlikely you three didn't suddenly start hooking up last night out of the blue."

"It's not that unlikely, but, yeah, you're on to something."

"Okay. So, is this a fraternity past-time, or did you two just happen to get lucky, or what?"

"Let's just say that this might be a good thing to keep on the DL with the rest of the guys. Sure, some peeps probably have some inkling as to the truth about me and James, we have been best-friends' for quite some time now, but Lex, much like yourself, is a recent... discovery."

I noticed Alex blush, which was quite cute, but I was still a little put-off by the awkwardness of the three of them, as well as their reluctance to be too forthcoming.

"So, I guess we can all keep everything and anything of an," I paused for a moment to find the right word, `unorthodox' nature amongst us to ourselves?"

"That would probably be the best thing for everyone concerned, yeah."

"Fine with me. So what's the deal? Are you two dating or what?"

I was not expecting such uproarious laughter from my two hosts, but apparently the idea of the two of them dating was something they found quite hilarious.

"I don't think `dating' is the right word for it. Like I said, James and me are very close, close friends."

The rest of our meal-time conversation went along those same lines. It wasn't long before we were done eating, and Brent excused himself to get dressed and ready for work. James invited Alex and me to do a few rounds of bong hits with him, and seeing as how the three of us had the whole day to kill thanks to the snow canceling all our classes it seemed like a perfect idea. Once we were all pretty far gone under the sweet kiss of Mary Jane we ventured out from James' room into the main living space of the apartment once more. Brent was long gone, and the three of us zoned out to some cartoons for a good while before even the thought of speech returned to us. This time around our conversation was less rigid, but at the same time I wasn't pressing either James or Alex for ant sort of "serious" information.

James explained briefly how he and Brent had started to hook up back when they were room mates their freshman year. Brent had picked up on James' subtle, yet long, looks at him both during pledging and at choice times in their dorm room. So the studly surfer slowly seduced James and soon enough, according to James, the two of them had forged a lasting bond. He described their relationship as being midway between fuck buddies and boyfriends. Apparently Alex had caught the two of them "in the act" soon after pledging, and the rest was history.

"So what's your story Vincent? None of us pegged you for a gay-boy."

"Well, I guess we were all surprised last night then."

"That's for sure; I know Alex got the shock of his life when you opened the door. Brent and I spent an hour trying to convince him to get over his paranoia of you waking up and catching us, and we were all shocked as shit when you suddenly popped in."

"Sorry, my interests were perked."

"Don't be sorry, your abrupt entrance made the night."

"He's right Vin, we actually were joking about how hot it would be if you did come in and... uh, join in."

"Well, ha, thanks for the flattery."

"No flattery at all dude. So what's the deal? Are you gay or what?"

"Nah guys, sorry, I'm a straight boy. Last night I was just drunk and horny."

My dry wit didn't seem to go over too well with Alex, who looked ghastly all of a sudden, but James noted the sarcasm. "Dude, Alex, chill, I'm kidding. I would think the hour or so we spent making out this morning would tell you that much at least."

Before Alex could respond with anything more than a laugh and a smile, James went into hysterics once more.

"Aw! You two made out for an hour this morning? How sweet."

The three of us busted each other's balls and joked for a little while before the laughter died down, and the tingle of lust began to grow from a tickle at the back of our minds to a flurried rush of hormones that flushed our lips and caused our mouths salivate at thoughts of indulgences of the flesh. Before I even realized what was happening Alex and I were locked in an embrace once more, our tongues furiously battling as our hands probed every obvious and readily accessible pleasure zone. I soon noticed James' efforts to undress us both as Alex and I coddled our fiery desire to taste, touch and maul one another in a frenzy of passions.

A paradox can often be found in the act of "love-making". It can seem like an intense infinity and an unknowable blink in time simultaneously, a haze of bliss and a jumble of timid distress, a span of ones with the other person, or in this case persons, involved coupled with an often overwhelming anxiety of alienation. Although a long list of conflicting feelings sweep over an individual during the span of the sex act, for most of us (males especially) the sensation of wanting often overwhelms all others. The sex is the preeminent concern, the burning desire, the act almost drowns out all else, even those involved, and, at least for the duration of the indulgence, all musings on consequence are drowned in the juices of want.

It seemed as though Alex and I were lip-locked for the entirety of the tryst, hardly breaking our embraces for more than a moment before finding ourselves lost in the delight of the kiss once again, but James wielded absolute control over the tempo of the situation in all other matters. As if last night weren't proof enough, it became all too obvious that James was a bottom through and through. Here and there the head's of Alex and I both took turns bobbing up and down on his dick, licking and flicking our tongues in all manner of naughty deeds, and seemingly giving James no small amount of pleasure. Mostly, however, we refrained from deviating from taking turns fucking James at both ends. If it wasn't my hard cock pumping in and out of the tight white bubble butt of James, it was Alex's, and our gracious host made damn sure that he was sucking which ever cock was not plowing into him from behind.

Fucking James was quite the enjoyable experience. Although he must have given up his ass to Brent on many occasions, he was still tight, and his light dusting of hair was a perfect complement to his well toned, light little frame. As I fucked him I alternated from fondling his nipples to giving him a much deserved hand-job. When Alex fucked him, James showed off his cock-sucking skills with a zeal I had rarely experienced. The fact that he was our elder in the fraternity yet still a willing "bitch" in the sack was not lost on Alex and me; it just proved to make the situation even hotter (for me at least). The two of us would have probably fucked him until sunset if the majority of James and Brent's condom stash hadn't been spent the previous night, which left Alex and I with only three a piece that afternoon. So after our three rounds of animalistic ass fucking, we decided to wrap things up.

The three of us three-way kissed, sucked quite a lot of dick and finally piled on the smaller of the two couches in the apartment once James had gotten his fill of dick for the time being. Alex and I sandwiched James in between us, thanked him for letting us ride his ass by giving him a very through and extensive blowjob. Our tongues wrestled around the shaft and head of his dick, then took turns sucking either the cock or the balls of our hot little host. Before any of us blew our loads, James arranged us in a circle on the floor allowing for us to circle-jerk our way to orgasm. James stroked me, my sexy Italian buddy stroked James, and I finally got to indulge my endless desire for Alex-cock. We circle-jerked for a wonderfully long, yet painfully short, five or ten minutes before we all started to reach our breaking point. We ultimately finished ourselves off, and when it was all said and done the three of us piled upon one another amidst a flood of sticky white cum.

James cleaned up and started to work on the dished he had piled up in the sink after breakfast this morning. He tossed Alex and me a pair of towels and told us we could shower if we wanted to. Alex smiled at me and asked if I wanted to go first, but I suggested that it might be fun if we both went together. The shower stall was large enough for the two of us to fit inside comfortably, and we were kissing even before we were drenched in the warm water. I wasn't quite sure what to make of this recent development between myself and my best friend at college, it all seemed too good to be true even as our lips were pressed tight under the spray of chlorine-smelling water that washed away the sticky patches of male seed that covered out chests and stomachs. The two of us didn't speak much, we just kissed and cuddled and cleaned off pretty quickly. After we had both dressed and gotten our shit together, we thanked James for everything and walked down to the shuttle stop to get back to our part of the campus.

"So, I hope that wasn't, uh, how do I put this, too awkward or anything like that for you."

"Nah Vince; I'm just still in a slight state of disbelief dude, ya know? You and I come from the same background and the same kinda town, so you know how stuff like this isn't exactly encouraged. I mean, if I were to do it with anyone, you would be the one I would want to do it with, I mean, we are pretty close anyways... I just never thought you and I would ever, well, I never thought I would ever do that. I don't know what I'm trying to say."

"Its chill dude, don't worry. I feel the same way. I wasn't so shocked about Brent and James, but you I didn't peg for that kind of activity at all. I just don't want shit between us to get strange, I mean you are my best bud and I wouldn't want anything to fuck that up."

"Well, I hope not. But, so far it hasn't really made things strange between me and those two, so I hope you and I will stay chill."

Alex and I both went back to his room to talk for awhile, which proved to be fairly productive. I asked him why Brent and James seemed so weird this morning, and all Alex could tell me is that's how they acted after the first time he had hooked up with them. He told me that for some reason they became more nervous and secretive when he probed the history of the two of them, but he did say he had heard them make cryptic remarks about a few individuals from the frat. It seemed as though something had happened involving them and the frat, but no one would talk about it. All I could fathom was that it had something to do with the over-all disdain the fraternity possessed for the pair of them, but for now such information was for the privileged few to know and for those of us in the dark to find out.

Later the two of us went down to dinner together and got a bite to eat. Afterwards we returned to Alex's room to get a little high after dinner. When we got back Alex's room mate was home and had his girlfriend over. Luckily the two of them slipped out to eat after the four of us smoked a fat bowl, and as soon as the two of them were gone Alex and I were all over each other. We didn't have the time to get off again that day, but we did make out pretty intensely for about twenty minutes before Alex's room mate got back to the room. Not long after that I excused myself and headed back to my room, still aching for more from Alex, but knowing I would have to wait. Then again, if my room mate were to catch us in my room it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal, considering the history between us. Although that might make things even more awkward, depending on where this thing with Alex was going. Would he want things to become "exclusive" between us? And if that's what Alex did want, would I be able to tell Sean no when he wanted sex? Hell, for all I knew both situations could never even come up again. All I could do was wait and see.

Next: Chapter 7

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