Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on Feb 19, 2004


Ch. 6 A Small Gathering

The frat I had joined had the reputation of being the druggie club on campus. Eventually, our bad reputation and wild parties provoked the campus housing authority to yank our privileges to throw social events in our house. That did mean a few rooms there would be freed up by the guys who were either forced to leave by the school, who were too paranoid about campus cops, or just too bored with the place now that we couldn't throw parties until next fall. As a new guy, the new openings didn't effect me; there was still a long line ahead of me in the scroll order wanting to move in already.

This forced change in policy forced us to start parting in the dorms a little more, but specifically the campus apartments, which had even less restrictions than Greek-housing, and less supervision than any other on campus facility. I had become good buds with one brother, James, who had a hookah in his room in the apartments. Although James had been one of the brothers involved with bossing us around during pledging, he and I still always got along over all; I guess it was a mutual respect amongst pot heads. His room mate was Brent, a senior who I barely knew because he didn't hang around with the frat much any more. After I got in, I was surprised that only myself and a few of the other new guys who smoked pot were pretty much the only guys from the frat who hung out in James' room. Apparently he was a pretty wild drunk, and when he mixed that with coke it got him too wound up for the rest of the guys to tolerate.

Pledging didn't reflect any of the fraternity's little cliques or arguments to us while we were in the process of joining (i.e. doing goofy shit and taking orders). Although pledging sucked we weren't fucked with too badly, but I did pick up on some slight homo-erotic slants in some of our events. One involved us stripping down to nothing but our shoes and socks and funneling beers until we could barely move. Any pledge who couldn't drink or who up-chucked got tea-bagged (to put one's balls on the face of some one else) by one of the brothers. We also had to run laps around the track one night naked, in the cold, and then make a pyramid like a bunch of fucking cheerleaders. One time we fucked up an event, so we were punished by having to clean the house naked with a sock over our junk; but the gayest thing we had to do was during hell week when we weren't allowed to take a piss in the house unless the pledge whose last name came after our own alphabetically held our dick for us. It was easy for us to hold it in until they started making us do shots of beer.

One of my pledge brothers, Alex, became my best friend in the group. The two of us are both Italian (but I'm only half) and grew up in similar towns that were fairly close to one another in Jersey. He and I were also two of the biggest pot heads in our pledge class, so it wasn't long before we were hanging out quite a bit. Alex was actually the main reason I started to hang out over at James' place, and there were many nights when the two of us would go over and smoke out of his hookah with he and Brent. Brent turned out to be a pretty chill character, he was an art major and kind of a hippie, but more so in a surfer-dude kind of way.

It was one night in December, towards the end of the semester, when a pretty big blizzard swept in and shut every thing down for a day. Alex and I became stranded at James and Brent's apartment, and celebrated pretty heavily the second night of the storm when the snow kicked it up a notch and extended class cancellations into the at least the next day. James did a little "skiing" in his room with Brent, but Alex and I opted to just sick to weed and beer. James did get a little wild that night, but not nearly as bad as I expected from the stories I had heard. After a few rounds on the hookah and a several shots of JD, I was out like a light on the couch in their living room.

About 4:00 AM I had to piss so bad that my body forced me out of my coma-like state. My head throbbed as I silently stumbled back to the bath room attached to the little kitchenette space in the apartment. I stood and pissed for what seemed like and eternity, and then messily pressed my hand down on the toilet-handle. I cursed as I felt it jingle and realized the damn thing was off its chain or busted. In my current state I was too out of it to fool with any toilet fixing, so I just washed my hands and splashed some water on my face and headed back to the couch. After I settle myself back in I realized that the couch opposite mine was empty, meaning that Alex opted to pass out some where else that night. As I tried to drift back to sleep I noticed my mind was floating down the gutter, and I was imagining the faint sounds of sexual indulgence.

A loud creak followed by an obvious moan shook me back to full consciousness and I realized that I was not just dreaming that I was hearing sex; I actually was hearing it seeping through the walls. I sat up and quietly listened to see where the sounds were coming from. I looked over toward Brent's door and saw that it was dark and quiet, and then I turned over towards James' side of the place and realized it was coming from that direction. My curiosity peaked, and it wasn't long before I was inching slowly and quietly toward James' door way. The door was closed but I could make out that there was a dim light on peering through the crack above the floor. Slowly I leaned and my eyes grew ten times their normal size when it seemed that the only sexual noises creeping out of the room were coming from masculine voices. I could hear two different moaners, the familiar sound of a cock being sucked, and the sound of slappin' skins.

I stood there pondering what course of action I should take. Could it really be that James is in there with a guy? Was he in there with Alex or Brent, or both of them? I silently crept back to the living room area, and looked over at Brent's door. In as complete a silence as possible I slowly opened his door and peeked into his room. The dim light of his computer revealed that no one was in the room, raising even further the suspicion in my mind that Brent was fooling around with James at that very moment. I picked up a sketch book that was laying on top of his desk; a pencil held the place to a page that I found to be quite interesting. Brent had done a series of nude sketched of him self and James, and they were quite life-like, and scribbled notes on the "James" sketches made it seem that he posed for the drawings himself. The sketch that the pencil was book-marking looked like a rough drawing of Alex, although the face was the only part that looked really finished. I shut the book and placed it back on Brent's desk where I found it, and made my back over to James' door with a surge of adrenaline.

I knocked but then slowly swung open the door with out waiting for a response. Well, all my wet dreams seemed to have come true in that instant. All three were naked, Alex had apparently been getting a blowjob from James and was backing away at my abrupt entrance, James had semi-sat up and inadvertently pushed himself further onto Brent's cock as everyone of them looked over at me with nervous looks. I just smirked back at them.

"Is this a private party?"

"Vince, uh, what are you...," James stammered.

"Don't worry James, I figured out what was going on before I opened the door."

Brent smirked at me. "So does that mean you're interested in being our fourth?"

In a flash I was stripped and naked. Alex remained a little timid, but Brent came over and started to make out with me. Brent had a gorgeous body, it was trimmed and toned and tanned golden, and his stark tan line around his waistline and ass got my dick hard in an instant. He had a lot of typical surfer necklaces and several silver hoops in his ears, and a tattoo of a little devil face at the small of his back. James was short with a nicely toned body and the cutest little ass I've ever seen. He is a little hairy and keeps his brown hair trimmed short and spiky. Alex had a much sexier body than I though he would have. He was hardly the skinny little thing I assumed; his body was very defined, and his olive complexion was the perfect complement to his tight little frame. His hair was short, black and usually pushed all straight forward. His butt was kind of flat but he had a nice fat uncut dick and balls that hung down pretty low.

As I made out with Brent, Alex started to fuck James' pretty white little ass, and James seemed to revel in ever minuet of it. Alex laid down on James' bed and James road his cock with his back facing Alex. Brent had started to suck my cock as I still stood by the doorway, watching the show on the bed a few feet away from me. I probably watched blankly for a good five minutes while my two friends fucked and Brent sucked away at my dick. He shook me out of my daze when he suddenly slid his tongue up my ass crack. After he gave me a few good licks, Brent asked if I was cool with rimming, and I answered him by bending over slightly and widening my legs so he had an easier job at it. It wasn't long before Brent and I were 69-ing one another on the floor, and I reveled in sucking his perfectly smooth balls into my mouth. At some point Alex popped his dick out of James and the two of them were standing over us for god only knows how long before I felt a set of hands running themselves up and down the sides of my body.

"Hey fellahs, we're tappin' you out," James said as he pulled Brent to his feet. Alex had his hands on my sides and helped me up and pulled me toward the door as Brent and James moved over to a corner of the room. The two of us stepped out into the hallway, and Alex shut the door slightly behind us, then pulled his body tight against mine.

"Vince, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I should be asking you that, but seeing as we are standing out here naked we both know the answer to that," I whispered back into his ear.

"Did they know?"

"Know what?"

"Have you ever, you know, done, thins... with them?"

"No. Have you?"

"You didn't?! How did, why did, uh, I don't know. What are you doing?"

"You already asked me that!"


"Look, I woke up, I heard what was going on, and it uh, intrigued me."

"Fuck, I told them you would hear us."

"Is that bad?"

"Yes! Uh, well, no, I don't know, I mean, its..."


"Yeah, I just never thought you..."

I decided to put an end to our stalemate of awkwardness and took Alex's chin in my hand, turning his head so tha we were glaring one another in the eyes. Alex pushed forward and the two of us kissed one another, slowly at first, but then with such passionate fury that we didn't even realize we had fallen to the floor until we noticed James and Brent were watching us and laughing uncontrollably.

"Nice. So you two want a room, or is mine not good enough for ya?"

The two of us broke apart and looked up at the two people who actually lived there, and couldn't help but notice that they were both still quite naked as their cocks drooped heavily down towards us.

"I guess you got the answer you wanted Alex."

"Ha, uh, yeah, it works," Alex laughed. I quickly responded in kind with a loving smack on the ass, which gave Alex's monster a twitching surge of delight.

The four of us were back in James' room in a flash, and our hosts arranged us into a nice circle. As we reclined on our sides in the circular formation, we each took the cock of the person to our left and started to have our fun. Alex settled his head between my legs, and his lips and tongue lovingly probed my shaft. My mouth fell willingly onto James' dick, and I did my best to show him my deepest thanks for his generous hospitality. James got stuck with the familiar, but still much appreciated, territory of Brent's dick, and he seemed to be quite an energetic veteran at giving head. Brent got the dick I was really after, but from my vantage point I couldn't really tell what kind of working over he was giving Alex.

We finished off the night with a bang, excuse the pun, but I had yet to get the chance to really let out my lust for Alex. Brent surprised me yet again by asking if I wanted to fuck him. He laid me down on my back and began to make out with me as he balanced himself on all fours just above me. As Brent broke from our embrace and started to slip a condom onto my dick, I noticed James's head was right above mine. He was on all fours, facing Brent and myself as Brent positioned himself above my cock. I could see that James was pretty hard and that Alex was behind him, ready to plow his ass once again that night. While Brent was riding my dick, and as Alex pounded away at James from the back, my host leaned his face down to meet mine as I wrestled his tongue as it came down from above.

As I enjoyed the nice work Brent was doing as he road my dick, James moved closer to Brent and started to suck his cock as he road me. I happily let James' dick fall through my lips and continued the blow job I had given him earlier. It wasn't long before James pulled his dick out of my mouth and leaned back on his knees. As Alex continued to fuck him, James pounced up and down on his lap and then shot a heavy gush of cum all over his stomach and thighs. Brent then began to ride my dick much harder than before, and jerked his cock with a fury. He slammed down on me one final time and shot his wad across my belly and chest. Alex and I pulled out, peeled the condoms off our cocks and stood next to one another as we jerked off and kissed one another. In moments we were both sticky with our cum, but still lip-locked.

After we had all cleaned up, Brent told Alex and me that we could stay in his room for the nigh if we wanted to, seeing as he would be spending the night with James, as usual. Alex and I tip-toed into Brent's room in our boxers, hardly capable of keeping our hands to ourselves. I noticed that Brent's room seemed to be more than just a little smaller than James' due to the poorly-thought out architecture of the building which forced the room to be more of a tight squeeze than normal due to the fact that it was at a corner of the pentagonal-shaped apartment complex. I guess that explained why James' room was the, uh, place to be. Alex and I didn't speak much at all as we cuddled together in the warmth of Brent's bed. We had hooked up for at least an hour before we finally settled down and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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