Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on Dec 10, 2003


Ch. 3 A Shattering of Barriers

The next morning I slowly awoke, hung-over, and found myself very, very groggy. I sat up sluggishly and stretched as I let out a yawn. My dick stirred a bit at the thought of yesterday's escapade, and I looked over towards Sean's bed. He was still sound asleep, and fell asleep naked for some reason, which allowed me to get a good look at his perfect brown bubble butt. The sight gave me a little chubby, but I stood up, adjusted my swelling dick, and slipped on a pair of shorts.

It wasn't long before Sean awoke; he stretched and yawned loudly, seemingly unaware of how his sheet just barely covered his package. I tried not to notice all this too intently, but couldn't help but make a quick glance here and there. Sean stood up, scratched his heavy, exposed balls, and walked over to his dresser. He seemed so comfortable and in his element naked, and seeing as how his body was akin to that of Adonis himself, he had every right to feel as such. I guess since we both partied a little that previous night we were really lazy that day and just bummed around the room.

After I showered and came back to the room, Sean was still lounging around, now in his boxers, so I thought fuck it, I'll do the same. The two of us played video games for a little while before we decided to roll up a blunt.

While we were getting high, our conversation turned to Sean's porno box. We had only viewed a tiny percentage of his collection yesterday, so he was pushing to watch some more. Obviously, I wasn't about to say no in light of the possibility of seeing him jerk off again, so before I knew it we were sitting there watching yet another porno. This one, however, had a group theme, which sparked Sean's memory of his activities back home.

Apparently, my roomie had a thing for, as he eloquently puts it, "running a train up on a bitch". He and his boy Darren from back home frequently hooked up with one or more girls at the same time, and Sean said they had even done it one weekend here in the dorm room, but he said they were polite enough not to do so on my bed, at least. The TV screen flashed scene after scene of two thugs doing the exact same thing as Sean and his friend had enjoyed, with hardly any depicting two girls and a guy. The whole situation was getting me hot again, and since we were both in our boxers I'm sure Sean could see my arousal as easily as I could see his. It wasn't long before our stoned-asses were totally hard and horny.

"So, uh, Sean, did yesterday make you uncomfortable at all?" He looked over at me with a look of confusion, as though he had no idea as to what I was referring to.

"Ah, no dude, I told you, it wasn't like the first time it's happened. I mean, we all do it anyway, so what difference does it make if we just happen to do it at the same time?" Well, I thought to myself, it's extremely homoerotic, but shit, not like that bothers me.

That sweet and short conversation broke the ice for good. Sean stood up, allowing me a glance at his tight butt and his immensely swollen basket.

He searched his desk for a moment and then sat back down once he had found his big-ass bottle of lotion. Now, keep in mind that yesterday we were on our respective beds when we were stroking away, but today there we were right next to each other in our desk chairs. Sean slid his boxers off completely in one swift, fluid movement. I did the same, and we were both sitting next to each other, stark naked, lubing up our dicks. Now, I know shit like this doesn't pop up everyday, and that Sean might not have been solely interested in the porno right now. Well, in any case, I was too high to be crafty, and couldn't help but become mesmerized by looking at Sean's stroking his hard on. His hand slipped slowly up and down the length of his uncut dick, its foreskin peeled back at the moment and its dark reddish-purple head was exposed and slick with pre-cum.

Sean's fat balls bounced up and down beneath his impressive cock as he stroked away. My hypnotic stare was suddenly shattered by my roomie's deep, slightly panting, voice.

"You ain't so bad yourself, kid." I nearly jumped up out of my seat out of fear for getting caught staring to blatantly, and I was on the verge of drooling.

Sean laughed at my tensed reaction, and put his hand onto my shoulder.

"Vince, you want to touch it, don't you?"

Sean took his hand off his cock, letting his arm fall loosely to his side. He pushed his butt and hips forward slightly, allowing his dick to jut out and up towards my direction. My hand reached over and I tentatively wrapped my fingers around his drooling, twitching cock. As I slid my hand up and down the length of his dick, I let my thumb gently rub and explore the pulsing, exposed cock-head. Sean moaned in delight as I stroked him, soft and slow at first, but with mounting speed. Sean leaned back and soaked in the hand job I was giving him, and really turned me on when he methodically pinched his nipples and licked his lips. I then used my free hand to cup his plump balls, which invoked deep moans from Sean.

After I stroked him for a while, Sean sat up a little and looked me in the eyes, and then trailed down to my dick. His hand reached out and suddenly I felt its warmth surge through my erection. Jerking him off had gotten me so hot that my dick was drooling despite having been showed very little attention. His rough digits probed my cock head softly and then slipped back down around my shaft. I moaned in pure ecstasy as his fist rode up and down the length of my cock, and after a while of mutual jerking, our eyes locked. Our gaze was held as we pumped away with growing velocity at each other's dicks.

Sean was beginning to twitch and tense and I knew he was about ready to shoot his load. I roughly rubbed his exposed cock head and sent spasms of pleasure throughout his body.

"Oh fuck Vince, oh fuck man." he repeated over and over. Sean's legs tensed, his stroking pace slowed, and his eyes rolled back in his head as thick globs of cum erupted from his cock and splattered onto his ridged six-pack and dribbled down around my fingers as I slowly stroked away at that big slab of meat. After a few quick moments of recovery, Sean's hand, which the whole time had not loosened its grip on my still erect dick, returned to its vertical strokes. He rubbed away at me until I tensed up, much like he had done, quickly reached up and pinched my nipple, and then splattered a heavy pool of cum allover my stomach.

Following that fun little jerk-session, Sean and I got our respective cum rags and cleaned up our sticky mess. After awhile we went about our usual routine on a lazy Saturday, basically hanging with our friends, eating, and making excuses not to do homework. That night I stopped into the room to wait to hear if we had any sudden pledging events or if anything was going on at the frat house. Sean had some friends over, Tim included, and I treated them all to a round of bong hits. After we were a little baked, Sean got up and told his buds that he had a paper to write and that he couldn't smoke any more. After his buds left, Sean locked the door and sat by me on my bed.

"About this morning. I just don't want it to cause anything. funny to come between us."

"No man, not at all; I couldn't believe you were. into that."

"I'm usually not. I didn't think you were either, really. The real reason I kicked them out is so we could talk. Yo, Vince man, I know dat before we stroked dat you were shootin me some looks. The night ya watched me get head from that bitch I thought you was lookin more at ma dick than anythin else."

My body heat suddenly soared, and I was totally unsure of where he was going with this.

"Wha-what? I...." Sean laughed and quickly cut me off.

"Nah, when I saw ya I wasn't sure, but it did get me kinda hot. Yo, it was the first night when we started jerkin to dat porno that I was sure ya were checkin out ma junk. I know dat when we stroked each other today it was just two horny bros helping each other out, and I can't stop thinkin dat ya might be down for a, uh, more effective way to get off." For a short moment we stared at each other in near-silence, the dorms are never completely quiet, before I cleared my throat and forced out some garbled commentary.

"Dude, I'm not sure what you're getting at here, I don't know what to say."

Sean eased the tension like he always does, by laughing. "Bro, you don't need to say anything. All I'm saying is that I lucked out with my room mate selection this year. We both stay up late partying, we both smoke trees, and we can get off when we're both in the mood." I followed Sean's eyes as they trailed down between his legs. His Leviathan had stirred once more, giving the appearance that some fat serpent had slithered its way into his baggy, grey sweat pants. My eyes bulged out of my head as my cock bulged in my jeans, and all I could think of was wrapping my lips around that ever expanding tent in my over-sexed room mate's lap. Sean abruptly diverted my attention by asking, quite slyly, if I was "in the mood".

Before I knew what was happening, Sean and I were fondling each other once more. I firmly gripped his huge dick through Sean's pants, but he made no short work of getting my jeans open and down around my knees. He then stood up and quickly tugged down his sweat pants, finally freeing his big black bulge, which was dripping with tiny droplets of pre-cum. Sean headed over to his bed and motioned for me to follow. Once I was right next to him, he pulled my shirt over my head, and then I eagerly stripped him of his bright-white wife beater.

Sean pinched my nipples and then told me to lie down. As I adjusted my self on his mattress, my roomie positioned himself above me in the 69-position.

The heavy black cock flopped down on my lips, and in an instant I was doing my best to fashion my lips around it. I sucked in thick shaft and obsessively flicked my tongue around the fat purple head before Sean slowly fed me his dick, pushing it deeper into my hungry mouth. Sean moaned and grunted words of encouragement as I started to go to town on his perfect specimen.

Soon, I felt the shocking sensation of wet warmth around my own stiff hard on. Sean sucked my dick timidly at first, exploring the head and shaft slowly as I had done to his dick, but quickly began to show me, much to my overjoyed surprise, that he was quite adept at giving head. With our hips thrusting, and our mouths stuffed full of stiff dick, my roomie and I reveled in an indulgence of oral pleasure for nearly an hour. After a while we had switched to side-ways 69ing, and at that point neither of us could help but squeeze, caress and fondle one another's butt cheeks. To give my jaw a little break, I bathed Sean's fat ball sack with my tongue, lapping and then sucking as much of the bulging mounds of dark egg-shaped flesh into my mouth.

I fought hard against the urge to go north and start rimming Sean's ass with a vengeance, but held back for fear of going too far, this whole escapade was still totally unexpected. In my wildest fantasies about my room mate (and I had pretty much used him in countless jerk-off fantasies that got more and erotic the more I saw of his Adonis-like figure) I never expected that I would one day feel the sensation of his mouth enveloping my cock.

We finished each other off by our "old-fashioned" method of stroking one another's dicks until we were practically drowning in pools of cum.

The two of us finally broke through the last layer of the ice that night. I told him how I had been bi and fooling around with guys since high school, and Sean told me how he and his friend who was into threesomes ended up hooking up themselves after a few times splitting a girl.

He also told me about his gay cousin who would suck his dick at family functions, and even about someone he met from our college.

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[ Part 2: "jerkin in the dorms pt2.txt" ]

(Chapters 1 and 2 were both int he first post)

Ch. 3 A Shattering of Barriers

The next morning I slowly awoke, hung-over, and found myself very, very groggy. I sat up sluggishly and stretched as I let out a yawn. My dick stirred a bit at the thought of yesterday's escapade, and I looked over towards Sean's bed. He was still sound asleep, and fell asleep naked for some reason, which allowed me to get a good look at his perfect brown bubble butt. The sight gave me a little chubby, but I stood up, adjusted my swelling dick, and slipped on a pair of shorts.

It wasn't long before Sean awoke; he stretched and yawned loudly, seemingly unaware of how his sheet just barely covered his package. I tried not to notice all this too intently, but couldn't help but make a quick glance here and there. Sean stood up, scratched his heavy, exposed balls, and walked over to his dresser. He seemed so comfortable and in his element naked, and seeing as how his body was akin to that of Adonis himself, he had every right to feel as such. I guess since we both partied a little that previous night we were really lazy that day and just bummed around the room.

After I showered and came back to the room, Sean was still lounging around, now in his boxers, so I thought fuck it, I'll do the same. The two of us played video games for a little while before we decided to roll up a blunt.

While we were getting high, our conversation turned to Sean's porno box. We had only viewed a tiny percentage of his collection yesterday, so he was pushing to watch some more. Obviously, I wasn't about to say no in light of the possibility of seeing him jerk off again, so before I knew it we were sitting there watching yet another porno. This one, however, had a group theme, which sparked Sean's memory of his activities back home.

Apparently, my roomie had a thing for, as he eloquently puts it, "running a train up on a bitch". He and his boy Darren from back home frequently hooked up with one or more girls at the same time, and Sean said they had even done it one weekend here in the dorm room, but he said they were polite enough not to do so on my bed, at least. The TV screen flashed scene after scene of two thugs doing the exact same thing as Sean and his friend had enjoyed, with hardly any depicting two girls and a guy. The whole situation was getting me hot again, and since we were both in our boxers I'm sure Sean could see my arousal as easily as I could see his. It wasn't long before our stoned-asses were totally hard and horny.

"So, uh, Sean, did yesterday make you uncomfortable at all?" He looked over at me with a look of confusion, as though he had no idea as to what I was referring to.

"Ah, no dude, I told you, it wasn't like the first time it's happened. I mean, we all do it anyway, so what difference does it make if we just happen to do it at the same time?" Well, I thought to myself, it's extremely homoerotic, but shit, not like that bothers me.

That sweet and short conversation broke the ice for good. Sean stood up, allowing me a glance at his tight butt and his immensely swollen basket.

He searched his desk for a moment and then sat back down once he had found his big-ass bottle of lotion. Now, keep in mind that yesterday we were on our respective beds when we were stroking away, but today there we were right next to each other in our desk chairs. Sean slid his boxers off completely in one swift, fluid movement. I did the same, and we were both sitting next to each other, stark naked, lubing up our dicks. Now, I know shit like this doesn't pop up everyday, and that Sean might not have been solely interested in the porno right now. Well, in any case, I was too high to be crafty, and couldn't help but become mesmerized by looking at Sean's stroking his hard on. His hand slipped slowly up and down the length of his uncut dick, its foreskin peeled back at the moment and its dark reddish-purple head was exposed and slick with pre-cum. Sean's fat balls bounced up and down beneath his impressive cock as he stroked away. My hypnotic stare was suddenly shattered by my roomie's deep, slightly panting, voice.

"You ain't so bad yourself, kid." I nearly jumped up out of my seat out of fear for getting caught staring to blatantly, and I was on the verge of drooling. Sean laughed at my tensed reaction, and put his hand onto my shoulder.

"Vince, you want to touch it, don't you?"

Sean took his hand off his cock, letting his arm fall loosely to his side. He pushed his butt and hips forward slightly, allowing his dick to jut out and up towards my direction. My hand reached over and I tentatively wrapped my fingers around his drooling, twitching cock. As I slid my hand up and down the length of his dick, I let my thumb gently rub and explore the pulsing, exposed cock-head. Sean moaned in delight as I stroked him, soft and slow at first, but with mounting speed. Sean leaned back and soaked in the hand job I was giving him, and really turned me on when he methodically pinched his nipples and licked his lips. I then used my free hand to cup his plump balls, which invoked deep moans from Sean.

After I stroked him for a while, Sean sat up a little and looked me in the eyes, and then trailed down to my dick. His hand reached out and suddenly I felt its warmth surge through my erection. Jerking him off had gotten me so hot that my dick was drooling despite having been showed very little attention. His rough digits probed my cock head softly and then slipped back down around my shaft. I moaned in pure ecstasy as his fist rode up and down the length of my cock, and after a while of mutual jerking, our eyes locked. Our gaze was held as we pumped away with growing velocity at each other's dicks.

Sean was beginning to twitch and tense and I knew he was about ready to shoot his load. I roughly rubbed his exposed cock head and sent spasms of pleasure throughout his body.

"Oh fuck Vince, oh fuck man." he repeated over and over. Sean's legs tensed, his stroking pace slowed, and his eyes rolled back in his head as thick globs of cum erupted from his cock and splattered onto his ridged six-pack and dribbled down around my fingers as I slowly stroked away at that big slab of meat. After a few quick moments of recovery, Sean's hand, which the whole time had not loosened its grip on my still erect dick, returned to its vertical strokes. He rubbed away at me until I tensed up, much like he had done, quickly reached up and pinched my nipple, and then splattered a heavy pool of cum allover my stomach.

Following that fun little jerk-session, Sean and I got our respective cum rags and cleaned up our sticky mess. After awhile we went about our usual routine on a lazy Saturday, basically hanging with our friends, eating, and making excuses not to do homework. That night I stopped into the room to wait to hear if we had any sudden pledging events or if anything was going on at the frat house. Sean had some friends over, Tim included, and I treated them all to a round of bong hits. After we were a little baked, Sean got up and told his buds that he had a paper to write and that he couldn't smoke any more. After his buds left, Sean locked the door and sat by me on my bed.

"About this morning. I just don't want it to cause anything. funny to come between us."

"No man, not at all; I couldn't believe you were. into that."

"I'm usually not. I didn't think you were either, really. The real reason I kicked them out is so we could talk. Yo, Vince man, I know dat before we stroked dat you were shootin me some looks. The night ya watched me get head from that bitch I thought you was lookin more at ma dick than anythin else."

My body heat suddenly soared, and I was totally unsure of where he was going with this.

"Wha-what? I...." Sean laughed and quickly cut me off.

"Nah, when I saw ya I wasn't sure, but it did get me kinda hot. Yo, it was the first night when we started jerkin to dat porno that I was sure ya were checkin out ma junk. I know dat when we stroked each other today it was just two horny bros helping each other out, and I can't stop thinkin dat ya might be down for a, uh, more effective way to get off." For a short moment we stared at each other in near-silence, the dorms are never completely quiet, before I cleared my throat and forced out some garbled commentary.

"Dude, I'm not sure what you're getting at here, I don't know what to say."

Sean eased the tension like he always does, by laughing. "Bro, you don't need to say anything. All I'm saying is that I lucked out with my room mate selection this year. We both stay up late partying, we both smoke trees, and we can get off when we're both in the mood." I followed Sean's eyes as they trailed down between his legs. His Leviathan had stirred once more, giving the appearance that some fat serpent had slithered its way into his baggy, grey sweat pants. My eyes bulged out of my head as my cock bulged in my jeans, and all I could think of was wrapping my lips around that ever expanding tent in my over-sexed room mate's lap. Sean abruptly diverted my attention by asking, quite slyly, if I was "in the mood".

Before I knew what was happening, Sean and I were fondling each other once more. I firmly gripped his huge dick through Sean's pants, but he made no short work of getting my jeans open and down around my knees. He then stood up and quickly tugged down his sweat pants, finally freeing his big black bulge, which was dripping with tiny droplets of pre-cum. Sean headed over to his bed and motioned for me to follow. Once I was right next to him, he pulled my shirt over my head, and then I eagerly stripped him of his bright-white wife beater. Sean pinched my nipples and then told me to lie down. As I adjusted my self on his mattress, my roomie positioned himself above me in the 69-position.

The heavy black cock flopped down on my lips, and in an instant I was doing my best to fashion my lips around it. I sucked in thick shaft and obsessively flicked my tongue around the fat purple head before Sean slowly fed me his dick, pushing it deeper into my hungry mouth. Sean moaned and grunted words of encouragement as I started to go to town on his perfect specimen. Soon, I felt the shocking sensation of wet warmth around my own stiff hard on. Sean sucked my dick timidly at first, exploring the head and shaft slowly as I had done to his dick, but quickly began to show me, much to my overjoyed surprise, that he was quite adept at giving head. With our hips thrusting, and our mouths stuffed full of stiff dick, my roomie and I reveled in an indulgence of oral pleasure for nearly an hour. After a while we had switched to side-ways 69ing, and at that point neither of us could help but squeeze, caress and fondle one another's butt cheeks. To give my jaw a little break, I bathed Sean's fat ball sack with my tongue, lapping and then sucking as much of the bulging mounds of dark egg-shaped flesh into my mouth.

I fought hard against the urge to go north and start rimming Sean's ass with a vengeance, but held back for fear of going too far, this whole escapade was still totally unexpected. In my wildest fantasies about my room mate (and I had pretty much used him in countless jerk-off fantasies that got more and erotic the more I saw of his Adonis-like figure) I never expected that I would one day feel the sensation of his mouth enveloping my cock. We finished each other off by our "old-fashioned" method of stroking one another's dicks until we were practically drowning in pools of cum.

The two of us finally broke through the last layer of the ice that night. I told him how I had been bi and fooling around with guys since high school, and Sean told me how he and his friend who was into threesomes ended up hooking up themselves after a few times splitting a girl. He also told me about his gay cousin who would suck his dick at family functions, and even about someone he met from our college.

Next: Chapter 3

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