Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on Sep 27, 2004


Chapter 12: Study Break

The two weeks following my initial hook-up with Trey were spent doing little more than writing paper after paper, and report upon report. Midterms were looming near, but luckily for me most of my classes replaced an in-class exam with a short paper, but this was not the case for most of my friends. Sean was busy crunching for his exams, accompanied by more than one chick from his classes who gleefully offered him their assistance in the studying process. During that time there wasn't much contact between my room mate and I, as we were both busy with heaps of schoolwork, but we did manage to hold a short discussion about recent developments in our now quite devious sex lives. Sean gave me quite a boner by describing in short, yet graphic, detail about how he had finally lost his anal-virginity to his buddy Fresh; and I gave him a thrill by telling him about my rather passionate encounter with his friend and my dealer, Trey. Sean told me that Trey had not yet mentioned it to him, but the development opened up new realms of speculative possibility; in fact it seemed as though many of the barriers the two of us faced at the beginning of the year had crumbled into proverbial dust.

Although in the time leading up to midterms Sean and I had very little contact, making any sort of sexual encounter rather difficult, I did manage to see Trey on several occasions, and it seemed as if he had little to no studying (or maybe concern) for his exams. Trey would call me up to his room while his room mate was off at work. Not unexpectedly the two of us would smoke up either before or after a prolonged period of sloppy and frenzied kissing which preceded various acts of oral pleasures. As much as I applied the preeminent skills of my talent for sucking cock on Trey's flawless and rather substantial member, his reactions (both physical, movements such as twitching, and audible groans of delight) told me that his preference was for rim jobs. Trey, despite his hetero posturing, was more than a little talented at sucking cock and munching ass, and provided me with more than one potent and sticky orgasm. Around the fourth or fifth time the two of us fooled around, Trey started to ask me about Sean. I was already made aware that Tim had told him about Sean and I fooling around, and he knew I was aware of the encounters between he and Tim (and on one occasion Sean).

"So have you told him about us fucking around?"

"Well, yeah, I usually tell Sean just about everything. Why, you two don't talk about any of this?"

"Nope. What did he do when you told him?"

"What did Sean do? I don't know, he seemed to think it was pretty hot, and he might have high-fived me or something."

"He high-fived you?"

"Something like that."

"What is this, the fuckin' `50s? Anyway... does he ask about me or us ever?"

"No, but then again since you came by the room that night Sean and I haven't seen much of one another. I'm either in the library or here and he is usually with some chick who is writing his papers for him or helping him study. It just hasn't ever come up more than once. Hell, we haven't even had an opportunity to mess around."

"It is kind of hot that you get random sex from your room mate; I just would never have suspected Sean of having a taste for dudes. I wish I had the same luck with my room mate, he's got nice dick sucking lips."

"Well, I think you were much more of a shocker on that topic."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, I doubt anyone would ever assume that you hook up with guys; Sean was still a little unsure about you even after you two tag-teamed Tim. Although now he probably doesn't have much doubt."

"True, true. Yeah since the season ended I hardly see him more than once a week, and around our friends this type of conversation isn't exactly an acceptable topic. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Tim much at all either. Usually he and I would hook up and chill about three or four times a week, but lately he has been off doing his own thing."

"Yeah he hasn't been by our room, as far as I know, at all recently."

"Eh, I'm not complaining though, you and I chilling the past couple of weeks hasn't left me with much time to think about Tim."

"That's good, I guess."

"You guess? Yo, I don't know what it is, there is just a difference, a big difference, between you and Tim for me."

"How is that?"

"Not to say Tim is really girly or any of that shit, but you are more like the type of guy I am friends with, a lot like my room mate or somebody like that, and Tim is more like an artsy-fartsy type, well to me at least."

"Artsy-fartsy? I think my grandmother is the only person I have ever heard say that out loud."

"Okay High-five'. No, no, I mean he is more like the bitch', like the standing between us is unbalanced, but with you and me its like we are on the same level. When I'm with you its more like I want to give you pleasure too, not just get pleasure from you, like with Tim."

"Ha, well, okay then. I guess I have been doing something right, but I am a little surprised to hear that you consider me to be on the same level as someone like you who resonates `sexy' like heat from the sun."

"Uh, well Mr. Scientist, whatever that means, you should know that you are a hot piece of ass yourself, and you definitely get my dick hard."

"Such poetic flattery."

"You artsy-fartsy fucker. Shut up and take off your shirt."


The midterm period dragged on painfully for Sean, each and every one of his classes had a paper to accompany midterm exams, and only a few of them were short and sweet assignments. On the weekend before exams began, Sean had finished up all his papers and decided to give himself a break that Saturday evening. He had not seen Fresh since the night he let his old buddy "pop his cherry", but his reluctance to chill with Fresh had greatly diminished since. Sean had come to college to get away from his friends like Fresh who were always slipping into some sort of trouble, and although the two friends had hooked up in the past the event of Fresh fucking Sean clouded his previous antipathy with the desire to get fucked... at least once more. Since it was his first time, Sean experienced much more pain than pleasure, but the pleasure he had received was unexpectedly potent and his orgasm unlike any previously experienced. On Friday Sean called up and arranged to hang out with Fresh the next night, thus giving Fresh time to elaborate on the potential for indulgences.

Fresh had moved out of the old neighborhood and into a slightly more upscale area of the vast and heavily populated urban landscape. Upon arriving at his friend's new pad for the first time, Sean was impressed yet a little suspicious of the opulence of Fresh's apartment. Since then his friend had changed room mates and allowed some chick he used to date to move in with them. That Saturday in particular the apartment hosted not only Fresh, Sean and the two room-mates, but also another couple Fresh had befriended after becoming their source for controlled recreational substances. Fresh's room mate was Oscar, an almost abnormally tall Irish/Portuguese guy who went to the community college with Fresh before the latter dropped out and the former moved on to a state university. Shannon, the old girlfriend Fresh allowed to move in, always flirted quite heavily with Sean when he would come by, and more than once had taken on he and Fresh in some kinky double-teaming. The random couple on the scene was Carlos and his girlfriend Vanessa; they were a hot Latino couple that looked similar enough to almost pass as brother and sister.

Sean turned down Fresh's offer to "go skiing" that night, passing (he claimed) because he had exams soon, but the rest of them didn't hesitate to indulge themselves. Sean did not, however, pass the opportunity to have a few beers and sit in on the cipher of more than one blunt. As the night progressed, Vanessa and Shannon began to entertain the guys by making out and feeling on each other's tits, slowly followed by them getting topless altogether. Aside from Sean, all the guys were less under the effects of the pot and extremely hyped up; Sean was more than a little amused by the "floorshow" but the blunts and beers had lulled him into a more relaxed state than the others. Vanessa and Shannon talked the guys into taking off their shirts as well, and soon after Carlos and Fresh stood up and started to grind behind the two girls. In no time flat all six of them were dancing tightly together in the middle of the living room, their bodies closely packed so that they squeaked and stuck together from the wetness of their sweat-slicked flesh, while locked in a rhythmic tempest. No one really noticed when it started, but soon enough all the guys were becoming obviously aroused by the whole scene as their pants struggled to restrain the growing bulges in their boxers. The chicks detected this new development, encouraging it further by intensifying their movements against the half-naked and half-hard males. Slowly the realization that he could feel a hard-on pressing against his back and then his side crept in and awoke Sean from his daze to find that the guys were grinding one another as much as the girls. Shannon had been focusing a lot of her attention on Sean, pressing her naked chest against his and licking his neck. Oscar towered behind her, hands on her hips, and flanked by Carlos and Vanessa, who seemed to both be fondling the tall stud's ass. Behind Sean was Fresh, and his raging boner was pressing itself rather knowingly against Sean's hard butt.


Shivers of delight quaked through my body as Trey's hand slipped itself up and down on my boner. The sexy dealer's dick was threateningly pressed against the crack of my butt, moving up and down in rhythm with his fist wrapped around my cock, doing much to heighten the sensation of euphoric passion that tickled every inch of my bare skin.

"I told you, I'm not a bottom. Get that thing away from me!"

"Shut up bitch, I know you like it."


"Ya are bitching at me. Come on, you can tell me how much you are enjoying it. You know you do, I know, you know."

"True, I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm serious, you ain't gonna be railing me with that thing tonight," I said as a sinister grin crept across my face "Well, maybe if you let me do you afterward."

"Fuck you, I don't catch, I pitch. Bitch."

"Well, that makes two of us, so I guess we are both fucked either way you look at it."

Trey shut me up by turning my head to the side, leaning down over my back and sucking my tongue as far out of my mouth and into his as was possible. The kiss continued, heating up to the point where I was flipped onto my back as Trey thrust him self on top of me, not once easing up with either his hand or his mouth. His hips pressed hard against my body, providing his cock with a fine amount of perspiration-laden friction. The scent of sex swarmed across the two of us, becoming an almost tangible essence in the room. There were several knocks at the door, presumably from Trey's clientele, but he was unwilling, and a little bit unable, to break our embrace and answer the untimely interrupters.


Stray clothes were carelessly tossed all across the living room, draping furniture and clotting up the floor. Near one such pile of discarded garments Vanessa was on all fours, taking it from behind from Oscar as she slurped down on her boyfriend's dick. On the couch, Sean was reclining in bliss as Fresh and Shannon took turns sucking his balls, his nipples, and of course his floppy dick. Sean alternated his view from the tongue-wrestling that was going on between his thighs and the sight of Oscar and Carlos leaning over Vanessa to exchange a loud and wet kiss as they continued to rotisserie Carlos's free-spirited girlfriend. Sean found watching the two studs kiss to be more than a little interesting; both had very shortly-cut hair, nicely muscled physiques and finely trimmed chin-straps (i.e. little beards growing off the sideburns and tracing down across the jaw-line to meet at the chin), but Oscar was a massive and fairly pale red-head, whereas "little" Carlos' olive complexion was fairly dark, along with his eyes and hair. They were almost like reverse-reflections of one another. As the embrace between them ended, Carlos pushed his chick's head off his dick, opened a condom and shook up a bottle of lube.

"Yo, you know how this works boss," Carlos said as he tapped Oscar on the shoulder with one hand and slipped a finger up the crack of his ass with the other, "you fuck my chicka I fuck you."

Oscar turned to him and shot him a grimace followed quickly by a sly crack of a smile. "Just let me fuck her for a couple more minutes. Yo, I'll even help keep you hard." And with that Oscar held out his hand for Carlos to squirt some of the lube he held into the palm of his hand. With a slick fist, Fresh's room mate began to stroke the ripped Latin stud, who although short, was lucky to be tall enough for a giant like Oscar to reach down to his average sized, but quite impressively thick, dick.

Fresh and Shannon stood and pulled Sean to follow them over to the other three naked figures in the center of the room. Oscar soon pulled out of Vanessa and then plopped himself down on the couch and lifted his legs in anticipation for Carlos to take his piece. Fresh laid down on the floor with Shannon squatting above him in the 69-position. Vanessa got down by Shannon's head and Fresh's dick and the two girls alternated between kissing and sucking on Fresh's meat. Fresh motioned for Sean to squat down so that he could slurp on his dick, but first Sean wanted to feed his friend his nut sack. As those four indulged in their oral orgy, Sean looked on when Oscar began to writhe and moan in what was difficult to discern as signals of pain or pleasure at the slow invasion of his butt by Carlos's fat Latin dick. Carlos held up the tall guy's legs, which eventually draped themselves over the broad and bronzed shoulders, as his thick prick slid ever so slightly into Oscar. Fresh gave Sean as good a working over with his mouth as he was receiving from the horny bitches that slobbered at his groin, but it was the sight of Oscar being plowed that was really getting Sean hot. Carlos didn't wait long to start drilling the giant pretty hardcore, and Oscar's reaction was now one of obvious bliss. It crossed Sean's mind that his old friend had probably been drilling his room mate just as he had been fooling around with his; Oscar was taking the beer-can thick cock of Carlos way to easily to not have been butt fucked before. Sean leaned forward, almost appearing to be fucking Shannon from behind as he thrust his cock deeper down his friend's throat. Fresh gagged a bit but quickly adjusted and accommodated the dick as good as ever before.

The chicks eventually got up and began to sixty-nine on the loveseat next to the couch where Oscar and Carlos were fucking. Fresh lead Sean over to the two naked male forms and began to slide his fingers along the crack of the Latino's butt as it bucked back and forth. Oscar's eyes were tightly shut, but his mouth was wide open and expressing his overwhelming joy at the deep dicking.

"Whatcha you doin' back dare chicko?"

"I can't resist touchin' yo fine smooth butt you little fucker."

"I'm workin' on boss here, owes me for fuckin' my chicka. You want, I give ya some dickin' when I'm done wit Oscar?"

"Don't play, boy, don't play. I know you too long, an' yo know me, so ya know yo ass get the dickin'."

"We'll see, we'll see; your buddy there looks like he can give a good ride too."

As Carlos continued to plow Fresh's room mate, his butt cheeks were parted and given a through tongue-lashing by his host. By then Oscar had returned from his blissful trance, and motioned for Sean to sit next to him so he could fill his mouth with the now fully awoken slab of cock.

Next: Chapter 12

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