Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on Jun 9, 2004


Ch. 11 Immoderate Indulgence

Chill beats boomed from the stereo, filling the room with a subtle atmosphere of relaxation and calm. The sink, resting precariously along the cinderblock-crafted wall of the all too tiny dorm room, chimed along in an incessant symphony of drip-drips and plop-plops, loud enough to compete with the tunes streaming out from the radio. A miniscule distance from the decrepit sink sat a rather squat, sturdy wooden bed-frame, draped in a rather disheveled conundrum of plain dark blue sheets. Tangled within the mass of dark blue fabric two broad-shouldered and all together strapping figures clung to one another's warmth as the morning cold crept into the room with a shuttering whisper. One of the forms, pale yet made tan and bright with the stolen light of the sun, smiled in dream and breathed a warm breath on the neck, dusted in the shadow of raven dreadlocks, of the intoxicating satyr that slept next to him.

It wasn't often that Tim was allowed such pleasure, such intimate bliss; so often his role was not but to serve the pleasures of others, sure his own were satisfied but the other guy was always dominating the situation, even if Tim initiated it. With Brad it was different; he was not the type of guy Tim usually hooked up with; that being the butch, usually with at least one foot in the closet type. No, Brad was anything but butch, he was a total pretty boy, ritualistically watching his appearance, obviously gay, but a truly giving lover. When the two of them first hooked up Tim was almost lost in the intimacy involved.

Earlier in the day Tim had been in a much less intimate, yet much more sexual situation. Trey was like a drug to Tim, he couldn't say no to him, but Trey was so distant, to say the least, Tim couldn't really enjoy being with him. Brad and Tim had been paired up as lab partners, and Tim picked up pretty quickly on the fact that his lab partner was what our friends across the pond call a puff'. Things between them progressed rather sluggishly, but at the end of the fall semester they exchanged numbers, in a friendly manner as neither discussed any such thing as sexuality at that point. Tim called up Brad to hang out soon after the spring term began, and soon after that Tim made a bold move and revealed his romantic intentions for wanting to see Brad. At first all went well, Brad was more than flattered by Tim's affections, and the two got long well, but did not do anything more than kiss now and then. Tim's activities with his straight' boys in the dorms put a hamper on things with the new guy, and for some time it caused a rift between them, but Brad was never aware of why Tim was reluctant or about any of the things involving Trey and the like. Yet out of the blue Brad called Tim on the fateful snow-day, and the two of them finally had indulged in bliss too long denied them both.

Again and again the slam of the bed frame shrieked in an astonishing testament to its durability. Ten obscenely long, bright peach-colored fingernails scraped down across the ebon flesh beneath them. Probing, lashing, defiling, the proud and masculine figure bucked in and out of his more than elated enthusiast as she hummed, purred and sang the song of a truly delighted lover. Her hands continuously smacked his firm, bare ass, causing her pastel claws to rattle not unlike the shaky bed frame. The room was lit only by the pale light of the dawning sun, and its golden rays cascaded across the two lovers, illuminating them in a rich warm glow. Beads of sweat glistened on their hard naked bodies, and shimmered like jewels in the morning light.

Although the room was chilly, a haze of brutal humidity stuck to Sean's flesh, causing him to drip with more sweat than should be for the time of year. Since the start of the semester he had been hooking up with a girl who lived several floors up from himself in the dorm, in fact it was so far up it was in the all girls section. His usual vigor with the ladies, however, was not as it had been at the start of the year, and tonight he initially only showed up at the chick's room because she had pestered him so much during the day. She sat in silence next to him, the sun rose at their backs in the windows behind them, casting a dark shadow over them that only proved to illuminate their eyes. Akin to the darkness a pall of silence sat over the room, the kind of silence that is not quite but the silence that cause the smallest noises to echo as screams at their very execution. Ringing in the silence was every pant, every moan, and every shrieking creak of the bed as Sean and his chick sat and gasped at the torrid scene that played itself out before them.

Only a few hours ago, Sean had indulged in a prize he had sought after for the entire fall, the tight ass of his room mate. That evening he spent with his woman, but he was vexed and altered by the experience, for it cemented in him his now much indulged fondness for his own gender. Sean had hooked up with his girl enough to please her, but now things had progressed much less orthodox. His girl's room mate was receiving a serious fucking from one of Sean's friends, a guy from his old neighborhood named Fresh. Fresh and Sean were very much alike in form and frame, but Fresh was much more of what one would call a thug. In a way he was the kind of friend Sean was trying to get away from while at college, as Fresh was involved in all sorts of shady dealings but he was one of Sean's oldest friends, like a brother almost, and even though Sean had to be slightly on his guard around him, Fresh was practically family.

For awhile the four of them all fooled around in a lose orgy of fondling and kissing, but before long many boundaries were crossed. Fresh and Sean had no hard task of getting the two room mates to hook up and gleefully munch on each others box, but in the midst of all the action the two friends all but instinctively locked lips together nearly as often as they did with the girls. The four bodies meshed together, all chiseled and hard and sticky-slick with sweat, and at the times when the two chicks focused their passions on one another, Fresh and Sean watched on the sidelines and stroked each others cocks. More than once Sean's hand caressed his friend's firm ass, but he didn't even realize he had done such until Fresh returned the favor by slipping his own free hand along the crack of Sean's butt. Yet the budding moment of sexual ambiguity between Fresh and Sean was broken by the affections of their women, and soon the foursome was split again along its original lines.

Sean and his girl fooled around a bit, but as she was giving him head Fresh began to fuck her room mate with wild abandon. The intensity of the fuck in front of him blinded Sean to his woman's warmth, and he just let her suck and suck and suck as he watched his friend screw some bitch mere feet away from them. Behind him, the inky black night gave way to the dawn of a new day.

Trey's jeans sagged on his hips as he stood and stretched his arms high over his head, letting out a yawn that shook me out of my entranced gaze that silently made love to his naked chest. At that instant I was lost in the very sight of him, ruggedly sublime and unabashedly dripping with magnificence that he tossed around carelessly with every minute gesture. The night before we had abruptly become thrust in an altogether unexpected sexual encounter, and upon awaking next to his sleeping body was simply too much for me to take. I snuggled tight against Trey, and much to my surprise he stirred, turned around to face me and smiled. His eyes opened slightly and met with mine, and then he pulled us tightly together and we drifted off to sleep once more. When we both finally got up later that day we wondered if Sean had slipped in while we were asleep, as the day was all but spent by that point.

As awkward as I expected things should have gone, the morning after between me and Trey was actually pretty nice. I had not expected this hard core tough guy to have such a chill demeanor with a dude with whom he had spent a random night of unforeseen and un-tethered sex. For some time Trey hung around the room, waiting to see if Sean would pop back in, but for the most part we just got stoned again and passed the time making out. As the day passed Sean never showed up, and Trey decided he had better head off and check back in with things at his room. His departure was the only awkward moment, we both tried to keep it as hetero as possible, but before he left we gave each other quick, but deep, kiss on the lips as Trey slipped out the door.

When Sean got back to the room with Fresh it was a few hours after nightfall, and the room was empty. The two had awoken late in the day, and after a few short hours killed watching TV they went off to diner in the dorm cafeteria with their freaky girlfriend room mates. Sean hadn't exactly planned on having Fresh follow him back to his room, but he couldn't bring himself to shake an old friend off blatantly, it was just bad form. Once in the room they didn't exchange many words, but Sean more than expressed his disapproval in sighs and by shaking his head as Fresh fumbled at random through various spots of the room.

For a short while Sean shuffled about the room, which was lit only by the dim light of the lamps that shown down in the parking-lot but two floors below. He plugged in his phone and checked the messages on the machine hooked up to the dorm phone line, and anything else that might prolong him from having to engage his old friend in conversation.

"Yo, Sean, why you actin' so shady?"

"What the fuck? Shady? Look yo, don't be commin in my room and givin' me no shit."

"Not givin shit yo, I'm just statin' a fact, an observation bro. You been acting strange all damn day. You don't want me to chill in yo room or somthin'?"

"I didn't say that."

"Yo act like it."

"Act shit."

"Look, you messed up over last night?"

"Last night?"

"Don't play, I know, and yo we done that before. Ever since you got to college you ain't been like in high school. It ain't no competition between you and me, no games. So come on, let's go if you want."

"Let's go? You callin' me out?"

"I told you don't play; I ain't playin'. You wanna fight, then fuck, that up to you, but I was thinkin' we just chill."

Fresh was the first guy that Sean had ever fooled around with. It began with tag teaming girls, but as things progressed Fresh noticed Sean's attraction to him and made the most of it. Fresh sure as shit did not consider himself a fag, but he was also not one to pass up an easy hook up. Fresh and Sean shared some similar traits, both had very defined and well built frames, and both were gifted with dicks that dwarfed small tress, but Sean was much darker and about two feet shorter and two years younger than his childhood friend. When Sean turned 18 Fresh got him laid on his birthday, and a few nights later he invited him over to get drunk at his place. Fresh called over a girl of his to get his buddy horny, and after she had been rubbing her tits in their faces for a while Fresh started to break Sean's balls about being deformed, i.e. his cock. Sean was by this point not only more than proud of his dick, but also aware that Fresh was as `deformed' as he was, and could not let that shit stand. The two of them argued about their cocks, and the slut Fresh brought over suggested that they let her judge which one was bigger. She got them both hard by softly sucking and stroking, and although Fresh had a dick that was quite impressive, it was obvious Sean had a larger cock.

Well into the night Sean and Fresh took turns fucking or getting head from the chick, and their heavy dicks mangled her in a thousand ways. Unnoticed to Sean, Fresh whispered quickly into the bitch's ear, and a few moments later she excused her self to the bathroom and begrudgingly slid herself off of Seal's pole and left him there on his back with a pulsing hard-on. After a few moments of blustered frustration and impatience Sean and Fresh just sat in silence as they jerked off waiting for the chick to come back, but Fresh knew better. With out even having to say a word, the two of them began to jerk each other off to keep their dicks hard, and the results came fast. Sean's cock towered at full glory under his friend's devious fist, and his own hand treaded up and down Fresh's cock with out a second thought. Fresh had intended to seduce and exploit the attraction he felt his friend emitted towards himself, but once the massive cock was in hand an unforeseen desire crept to the forefront of his mind.

Fresh had first lusted after the thought when he saw Sean's cock in action for the first time, and now that he was touching it he was consumed by that lust as though it were a fire. Fresh was no fag, and no one with a square mind would come up to him off the street and call him such, but he was tempted by Sean. Once they were both hard and growing impatient now that the bitch was gone, Fresh fully gave in to his desire and started to suck his friend's dick. Sean made no protest, and placed his hands on the back of his friend's head as he licked and slurped away at his meat.

Without exchanging any words, Fresh got up and grabbed a bottle of lube that was sitting on the television. He lubed up Sean's dick and stared hard at him as he did so.

"You cool with this," he asked.

"I don't really know what you're doin'."

"Shit, I don't know what I'm doin' either."

"What happened to the bitch? She ain't comin' back?

"Do you really want her to come back yo?"

"I... we haven't, look, I ain't done nothin' like this."

"Like what?"

"Like what you and me are doin' right now."

"You never done it but I know you thought about it."

Fresh continued to jerk Sean's dick as his friend closed his eyes and tilted his head back, reveling in the forbidden pleasure. Eventually Fresh could not resist the urge any longer and positioned himself over his friend's intimidating tool. Sean was taken aback at the sudden sensation of his friend's smooth, tight butt rubbing itself all over his cock. He wasn't sure about what was going on exactly, but it seemed as if Fresh wanted to get fucked and the though got Sean's meat as hard as it had ever been. Things began very slowly, as Fresh's ass had to very carefully grow accustom to being penetrated by such a hefty cock. This was not; however, the first time Fresh had been fucked or been with another guy. His slide down the slippery slope began when he found himself sinisterly tempted by the dildo of an ex-girlfriend of his, and it wasn't long before he got the crazy chick to slip it up his butt. Several months before he finally made his move on Sean, Fresh had gotten down with a cute, but very flaming, Cuban guy who lived in his neighborhood. The sex with the hot Cuban stud had been fun, but Fresh felt strange about such a feminine guy plowing his ass, and was consumed instead by the thought of seeking out a more masculine lover.

Fresh rode Sean's dick very timidly, all the while his own hard-on jutted forth and sort of flapped between his torso and Sean's stomach and lower chest. The fucking was almost meditative, and the two friends gazed deeply into one another, probing ever expression of pleasure that dripped as sweat from their hard, stark bodies. After some time, Fresh slid off Sean and got down on his stomach. Sean put on a fresh condom and started to go to town on his friend's tight bubble butt, which was unquestionably bare. Sean eventually picked up the pace as Fresh became more and more adjusted to the massiveness of his dick. Ever the thoughtful friend, Sean slid his hand up and down Fresh's prick as he screwed him silly. Before long, the devastating pounding of Sean's cock into Fresh caused his dick to erupt in a flood of thick white cum, coating his friend's fist in the sticky goop. Sean thrust deep and hard into his friend several more times, and quickly pulled out and shot his load all over Fresh's chest.

The dank yellow lights spilled softly into the room from the razor-like slits in the curtains. The cascade of soft brightness timidly tore through the shadows, and illuminated the two sweat-dripping bodies as the slits of light crisscrossed over the naked flesh. Sean and Fresh had shed their clothing soon after returning to the dorm room from dinner, and after a few minutes of sloppy kisses and heavy petting the two of them lay inverted on Sean's bed with their dicks infiltrating one another's mouths. Normally it was Fresh who offered up his ass to Sean's cock, but after seeing Fresh pound his girl's roommate's ass with wild abandon Sean had long been pondering the option of putting his own ass on the line. Fresh was more than willing to comply; and so the two of them were quickly positioned in a most erotic and intimate position. Sean bit his lip as he pulled his knees to his chest and awaited his friend's impressive cock to make the maiden voyage into his ultra tight, never-before-penetrated ass. At first things did not go very well, Sean had the will and the desire but he was simply too tight and Fresh was just too big. After trying a wide variety of positions, Sean finally opted to try getting fucked the same way Fresh had first impaled himself on his big cock, by slowly easing himself down on top of Fresh as he in turn reclined on his back. Devastating pain washed over Sean, though in this position he at least was fully in control of the pace and Sean had endured more painful physical strain in the past. Finally he managed to allow most of Fresh's ten inches into his butt and the pain subsided enough to the point where he was encouraging his friend to lightly thrust his hips upwards as he pushed downwards on the dick. Pleasure gave way to pain, and Sean found himself indulging on the other end of one of his favorite positions, that of being fucked in a sideways "spooning" position. As Fresh pounded in and out of his friend, Sean couldn't help but think about how the people he had fucked with his big cock must have endured pain and passion akin to what he was feeling for the first time.

Fresh's cock awoke unknown pleasure in Sean, and although the pain never fully subsided, he did enjoy himself after the initial push, so to speak. Fresh, as if it needed to be said, was consumed by the bliss of getting his cock up his friend's hot virgin ass, not to mention the eventual calls of Sean to have him thrust harder. Yet all good things must come to an end, and soon Sean had slipped himself off of Fresh's cock and the two friend's returned to their previous 69 position and impaled each other's throats with their big dicks until finally blowing their wads over one another's chins and chests.

Hey guys, I hope those of you who have written me about hom much you like Sean enjoyed this chapter. I am planning to phase out Tim, but if any of you out there have a strong desire to see more a lot more of him don't worry, he will at the very least get his own chapter or at least have a good focus on him before he takes his leave, but he won't ever be gone for good. Anyways, its summer at last and for the next couple of weeks I will be bummin out on the beach and trying to surf if the damn waves are willing, so the next chapter might take some time before its ready to be posted. As always let me know what you think, good or bad. Thanks for reading!

-beach bum

Next: Chapter 11

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