Jerkin in the Dorms

By Ray Jacobson

Published on Nov 30, 2003


The lights splashed across the crowd like a scarlet wave of blood. Bodies were tightly cramped and budding with salty droplets of sweat as they shook in chaotic unison. This horde of hormonal flesh flowed to the pounding booms and echoing scream of the beat that hit them like a leathery fist. Amid the orgy of song and dance the plink-plink of little ping-pong balls shot off cup after cup of beer could barely be heard over the electric symphony. In the distance, one could smell the faint, yet unmistakable, aroma of burning hemp trickle through out the house. Yeah, our first party of the year seemed to be going off with out a hitch.

When the parental chains are shattered and the former high school kid takes that first step into the raw and unknown that is college, the well of freedom seems overflowing and ever intoxicating. When I first arrived at the dorms the school threw a big fantastic failure to entertain us with, and dazzled the new freshmen by blasting the same burned CD again and again deep into the night. Well, now I guess it is truly a blessing in disguise that the university attempts at a fun time always crash and burn, because even the most pathetic frat party seems like and orgy of the senses by comparison. This little dark miracle proves to boost party attendance in the early fall, and help most of the frats snag a few extra pledges.

For my first week of school I had a dorm room all to myself. My roomie never decided to show, and I wasn't in any hurry to tell my RA, who would find me a new one. I don't have too many complaints about the campus housing, other than that the freshmen dorms at my school have community restrooms, one for each wing on each floor, which came to about eight rooms per bathroom. Aside from having to trek all the way down the hall and get decent just to take a drunken piss in the middle of the night (for example) it wasn't a bad deal. Free toilet paper and maid service in the bathroom kept it pretty sanitary. Anyway, it was during this first week that I made my fist two trips to two frat houses and my classes, but the closest thing I got to sex was hearing the poor guys who needed to get off so bad that they jerk it in the community shower stalls.

My first Friday night at school proved more interesting, mainly because my friends from home came up and we blazed and got hammered in my one-tenant dorm room. I had it all ready to make a great first impression on my roommate, who surprised me with his sudden, and late, arrival bright and early Saturday morning. The knocking came quietly at first. I shook partially awake and heard a coarse voice call out "Anybody in there?" Yet still I remained in a heavy daze. As the knocking grew progressively louder in between pauses, I managed to leap out of bed and crack-open the door.

My eyes cleared and focused on the solid figure that stood in front of me. He stuck out his hand, drawing attention to his well attended arms, and his smile drew my eyes to a face like that of a dark Egyptian god.

"What's up man? I'm Sean, and I guess you are my roommate; nice to see ya." I greeted him in return and offered to take one of his bags in for him and off his (broad, strong and sexy) shoulders.

"Sorry about the mess man, I had people over last night (some of whom were still passed out around the room) and had already figured you for a no show; my bad man." Sean laughed and tossed his stuff on the empty desk that was on his apparent side of the room.

"No worries man, this is what college is all about."

That is how my roommate and I first met, and that next week we both learned that we liked to party and smoke the ganja. Although we chilled a lot and were close, Sean and I found different things to occupy our time those first few months. I found a frat that wanted to pledge, and who thankfully let me do so, while Sean found going wild in the dorms was more worthwhile. Sean also found another means of passing time, classical favorite: pussy. Pledging kept me pretty occupied along with class, and I was always amused to have Sean shag some sluts every few nights after I had gone to sleep. Well, he managed to wake me most nights he had intimate guests, and I noticed how only one time he actually cracked a home run; I guess lukewarm chastity was in style this season. Usually the ditsy broads' heads just stayed between Sean's legs until he shook and let out a series of deep moans before then they would come back up. The rising of the head was followed by a few moments of quiet cuddling and then Sean would find some way to get the chick out of the room, despite their protests. As soon as they were out the door I couldn't help but chuckle, which put Sean right into a spurt of laughter.

"Dude, Vince, I feel bad when I wake you up during that. I do my best to keep quiet, but those bitches always gotta make noise."

"Yo, its fine man; I don't mind, just sorry that I laugh when they make goofy sounds." We always got a laugh out of that, and basically he didn't give a shit that I watched, in fact Sean seemed to enjoy an audience.

About three weeks passed since the first time we joked about his nearly nightly head when Sean had a new girl over. We all toked off my lil plastic bong and then I was off to the showers. When I came back into the room it was lit only by the two black lights

Sean and I both bought to light up our cannabis-themed posters. I tossed my shower supplies onto my desk and hopped upon my bed. I had been focused on the flickering and pointless crap on the TV screen, but quickly turned to the scene opposite my bed that I was amazed I had not noticed the instant I entered the room. The new girl was down in Sean's sheets and his head was hung back in bliss. I rolled over onto my side and took in this open event as I threw my blankets over my shivering body.

I tried to close my eyes but could in no way resist the urge to look on as Sean moaned and squirmed at this evening's head. His head turned suddenly my way and his eyes met with mine. I almost turned away in embarrassment when Sean shot me a smile. I nervously grimaced back, and he turned his gaze towards the bobbing head beneath his sheets. My jaw dropped as he peeled the sheet down off her head and exposed everything in my plain view. Sean further entertained me by bucking his dick slowly in and out of this slut's mouth, which showed me just how true the rumors about black guys are. This was one fine tool he had been blessed with, a good ten inches it seemed, if not a damn foot! His naked hairless body more than lived up to what I had been pondering was beneath his clothes, though I had been fortunate enough to see his diesel upper torso several times before. Sean would glance at me now and then, assuring me of his acceptance of an audience. He shivered and thrust his cock into the chick's mouth one final time, and then quickly pulled his cock out of her mouth so that he could splatter his jizz all over his stomach.

Sean picked a sock up off the floor that lay next to his bed to serve as his cum-rag that night. He wiped the wet globs off his stomach, and had erased all traces of that heavy pool on his abs for only about ten minutes when he started to work on getting the girl out of the room. This only took about another ten minutes of Sean bullshitting her out of bed and out the door she went, another customer served it seemed. Sean and I just turned in that night, but I was already thinking of how to bring this up tomorrow.

Well, pledging, which I will get into more detail with later on, kept me busy until that Friday evening, and that was the first time I had enough time to talk to Sean to even think about bring up the, uh, live entertainment from earlier that week.

"Damn man, I haven't had an audience since high school. It's cool that you weren't awkward about it and shit; and I was kinda shocked that you were down wit' watching." For the next couple of hours or so, Sean cemented the fact that he was just some one who loved slappin skins by regaling me with tales of his colorful sex life. "Yo some times me and my boys hit the same bitch at the same time and shit, or get her one at a time. There seems to be a lot of chicks who are down with that shit in my town."

One girl who he brought around for a little while was, for lack of a better term, a "freak". This meant little more than she not prudish about sex in the least, but was into some unorthodox activities. One night that she was over, Sean, his friend Tim who lived on the floor above us, and myself were all sitting around the room smoking a blunt. Sean's freaky girl, whose name was Erica, kept complaining that she couldn't find a camcorder with which she and Sean could use to film each other fool around. This is relevant mostly because it lead to a discussion on how she and Sean like to have their asses smacked while fucking, and joked that they needed someone to do it.

Tim, oddly enough, seemed more than willing to do it. In any case, once we finished the blunt we turned out the lights and watched some random flick on the TV; but the real entertainment was the floorshow involving Erica slurping down Sean's dick right there in front of Tim and me.

Ch. 2

Sean and I had both gone off with our own groups of friends, but both ended up back in the room in various stages of sobriety, mainly the stage where you lack it. Once we were both up and about, which wasn't until after noon, Sean was reminded of his striking out with female attention the previous night. It was at this time that he pulled out a rectangular brown box from under his bed. Inside he kept a decent collection of porn vids, which he told me I could view at any time.

"This shit has gotten my ass through more than one lonely night; nothing is better than a good, relaxing stroke." Sean kept joking as he popped a porno into the VCR, and told me that he actually had a friend from high school who gave him this porn that the guy was actually in! As the triple X video ran along on our TV, our conversation died down for a while, as we were both wrapped up in the carnal exploits.

"Damn man, I shouldn't have put this on. I need to go hit the shower and relieve some tension." Sean hopped out of bed and pulled off his shirt, grabbed his towel, and rushed off to the showers. The whole thing had me a little worked up as well, and I whipped out my own dick to jerk off while he was gone. I had to quickly tuck it back in my jeans as I heard to lock to the door jiggle and then the door swing back open. Sean was still dry and had an obvious swelling in his shorts. "Fuck man, there ain't no open showers! I'm fucked!"

The porn that still hissed and heaved on the TV, along with my own unsatisfied hard-on, flipped the mischief switch in side my head. This was a window, and this was an opportunity I might only get once.

"Now I'm fucked too, this damn porno has me in need too. Ha-ha, thanks a lot for putting it on!" Sean laughed back at me, plopped down onto his bed. We both laughed for a moment, and then our gaze remained on the TV once more. Sean turned to me and adjusted the bulge in his shorts.

"I really need to cum or I think I'll get blue balls. I, uh, I was thinking that since we both need to jack it so bad, that there isn't any reason we can't just."

He paused for a second and a deafening silence followed. "We should just jerk off man. No reason to feel uncomfortable, I mean, I did see you get your dick sucked just a few days ago."

Sean looked at me and smiled, and then squeezed his cock again. "True, true. I don't have a problem with it, and I have to admit this isn't the first time I jerked off to porn with a bud. When we were freshmen some of my boys and I all jerked off after school to the porn my one bud found in his parent's room."

So, there we were. Sean took a bottle of baby oil off the window ceil next to his bed as he stretched out. I subtly watched him slide his shorts down his thighs and then finally kick them off with his feet.

At the same time I unzipped my jeans slowly and pulled them off. My dick was straining to be released, and the feeling of it popping free from restraint was truly ecstatic. Sean, meanwhile, was lubing up his dick with the oil, and very much enjoying it. I took my own dick in my hand and slowly stroked upward as I watched my room mate pleasure himself with such enthusiasm. I didn't want to hold my gaze too long though, so after drinking in the moment for not nearly long enough, I turned back to the skin flick. Sean and I both jerked off as we stared straight ahead at the TV for a good ten minutes or so before he broke the silence by asking if I needed any lubricant.

"Hey! Hey Vince, you need any?" he said as he tossed the bottle of baby oil on my bed. I stopped jerkin and picked up the bottle.

"Thanks" was about all I could muster at that point, and I dribbled some of it onto my dick.

"Vince, you enjoyin' this scene or you want me to fast forward to something else?" I was a bit surprised at how conversational Sean was at this point, but it did manage to make me a lot less tense.

"Hey, whatever you think is best man, I'm doing good." Sean laughed and lifted up the remote to speed through the current scene. He was still tugging lightly at his boner all the while, and I did the same. Finally he came to a scene he liked, and the fast-paced jerking commenced. Sean was moaning and whipping away at his dick, enraptured by the sweating scene on the TV screen. I would glance over at him every now and then, but found it difficult to averse my stare. Shit, there was no way the TV was more entertaining than him! His free hand had long since dropped the remote, and now it was alternating between his nipple and his balls.

As I continued to switch back and forth from TV to roomie, I nearly shot my wad when I glanced over at Sean to see him looking in the direction of my dick.

He looked up at me, and we held our gaze for a moment before Sean closed his eyes and rolled his head onto one of his shoulders. I looked down at his dick, and then noticed him open his eyes again and look back over at me. I quickly brought my eyes up to meet his, and saw him smile slightly as his eyes trailed back down across my body and focused back onto my cock. We continued to watch one another stroke our selves and then locked eyes as we both shot our loads onto our chests.

Sean arched back and let out a deep sigh, followed by a quick gasp of breath as his cum spewed out in thick white globs. As soon as I saw this I let the floodgates loose and splattered myself with a pool of jizz. We sat in silence, panting and lightly rubbing for a moment before Sean stopped the porno, stood up, and grabbed a shirt from off of his desk. I hopped up and did the same, stooping down and taking a dirty t-shirt to wipe the cum off my body. After that we went about our business in silence; Sean went off to try an find an open shower again, and I got dressed and went to toke up with my stoner buddies.

Next: Chapter 2

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