Jeremy's Birthday

Published on Jun 16, 2006



Steve stared and even stammered. He had knocked on the door and when it opened the sight he saw stunned him.

Jeremy stood there looking amazing. He was barefoot, in his black calvins and wearing a white shirt open revealing his smooth and muscled chest.

They had met the day they both registered for Community College. Perhaps it was fate they signed up for the same classes but Steven wanted to believe Jeremy did it to be near him.

He jacked off that night and nearly every night and morning thereafter including Jeremy in his usual sexual fantasies.

They hung out togther inbetween classes and sometimes on weekend when their part time jobs allowed.

They stood naked next to each other after gym class and to Steven's delight Jeremy wore small red speedos when they went to the beach.

"Yea their a bit small, but I had em from high school swim team so didn't want to spend money for new ones" Jeremy saw Steven looking one time.

"Looks good on you" Steven admitted his admiration.

"Thought you'd like em" Jeremy said and winked. Steven knew he was kidding but wished he wasn't.

Jeremy's birthday came in early December and he picked up some concernt tickets as a present and walked over to where Jeremy lived on the other side of the city.

"You ok?" Jeremy said as he absent mindedly stroked his smooth chest.

"You shave?" Steven had asked him in the shower long ago.

"Yea used to for swim team and just liked it. I can shave you if you want" Another wink by Jeremy and Steven laughed at what he assumed was a joke.

"UH anybody around?" Steven asked.

"Naw I was supposed to be here for Uncle Alf but he had to work late, come on to my room"

They went down stairs to the basement where Jeremy slept since he ,moved in with his Uncle. Steven hadn't been there before. He saw some odd things in the other part of the basement.

There was a large wooden X against the wall. A closed cabinet had some chains hanging out of it. And there was a table, like a massage table with some straps on it.

"What's all this?" Steven asked his friend.

"Oh uh Uncle Alf's hobby, he keeps it in the basement" Jeremy added "like me" and chuckeled.

Steve was going to ask but he saw a large animal size cage not completely covered by a blanket.

The room looked familiar but Steven wasn't sure whether he had been there before or not.

"So what's up?" Jeremy said as he took his shirt off.

Steven wanted to touch him, lick his chest, nurse on his nipples and hope Jeremy would throw him on the bed and fuck him as hard as his fantasies promised.

"Uh know it's your birthday, didn't know what to give you" Steven said.

"I know what you could give me, I've wanted it since the first day we met and I think you did too" Jeremy said. His eyes twinkled and his smile was almost evil. But what told Steven his arrival was well times was Jeremy's hand petting the growing bulge in the crotch of his calvins.

Steven had had sex with grown men and boys since his own summer camp years during high school. Sometimes he had gotten a twenty dollar bill stuffed in his hands by strange men in mens rooms in the park. And an occasional man in a car seeing him hitchhiking took him to a hotel room. Steven told few about those times. He was both ashamed and excited by those times in his past.

And what he hadn't told anyone was the time he was taken blindfolded to a man's house and in the basement he began to experience a life he had never known before. That affair which the man called his "training" lasted the summer before he graduated from high school.

"Can't do this anymore, got a nephew coming to live here" the man told him. "You can find another Master.....I can pass you to a friend, understand?"

"Yes SIR" Steven answered the way he had learned to repsond to this dominating man who wore leather chaps and demended his obedience. Steven didn't look for another one like him. He figured it was a wild summer and there were other adventures ahead.

"So man seriously, you don't have to give me anything" Jeremy said "we're buds"

Steven began to reach in his pocket but instead pulled his te shirt off. He pulled his shorts off and kicked his flip flops off. He was now naked.

"I decided to give you total service, from this day on I am your property, your slave SIR" Steven knelt as he had learned to kneel that summer.

Jeremy was silent then left the room. He didn't say anything. Steven didn't knwo what to do but he stayed in place and heard Jeremy returning as soon as he made the decision not to move.

The collar fit around his neck nicely. Jeremy snapped a leash on the ring and yanked on it.

"Good boy, I think you know the rules, just obey"

"Yes SIR" Steven replied.

"I'll show you to my Uncle Alf and he'll be pleased. I'm not sure if he'll let me keep you or just make you his other slave.

Steven looked up to see Jeremy wearing a similar collar from which dangled a leash like the one that was now fastend to his neck.

"Come on"

Steven crawled after the young man he had now given hmself too. The cage had been uncovered and was now opened. He moved close and when Jeremy used his own leash to snap his bare butt, Steven moved into the cage.

He watched silently as Jeremy put the lock on the door with a loud snap.

Then Jeremy lay on top allowing his cock to dangle through the bars. "Suck me boy"

Steven reached up his head and began to nurse on Jeremy's cock ready to swallow sperm or piss or both. He had given his word.

And that what he was doing when his first MASTER, Jeremy's Uncle Alf came down the stairs.

Steven was never allowed upstairs. He had found his place where he first learned it was where he should be and needed to be.

He belonged once again and would give Jeremy anything their Master ordered him to whether it was his birthday or not.

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