Jeremy and Nate

By Joseph Nathaniel

Published on Nov 28, 2006


This story involves sex between two men and homosexual themes. If you are offended or restricted by law from reading this material, please press the back button now.

November 26, 2006

Jeremy & Nate, Part 3

The second day of official practice ended with a lecture and demonstration on how to handle the boats. With eight people working in unison to lift, carry and place the extremely expensive boats into the water, specific commands are essential.

Jeremy was excited at the chance to get out on the water tomorrow. After two days of punishing land practices, he was eager to see what getting in a boat would be like.

As the novice team filed into the locker room to get cleaned up for the day, he chatted with a broad-shouldered, six-foot-four freshmen, that the team started calling Tiny. Tiny was built. He played football in high school, but decided to try something different for college. He was boisterous, and outgoing with the whole team, and as such was able to draw Jeremy out of his shell a bit to engage in conversation.

"So," Tiny started, "I see you've been getting rides to practice with that cute little gal, Jen. What's going on with that?"

Jeremy smiled, "We are in the same dorm, Nate is too."

With a mischevious twinkle in his eye, Tiny winked, "I see, a little sneak'n down the hall to Jen's room, huh? Tiger!"

A couple of guys near-by chuckled as Jeremy blushed, "No, really, I..."

Tiny gave him a friendly shove, "Oh common, man, I'm just teasing you. She is a hot little one, Is all I'm saying." With a wink he sauntered off down the row of lockers.

Jeremy shook his head. He would have to warn Jen that the rumors were not his fault, just in case the guys started talking. Nate came in as Jeremy was finishing up his shower. The varsity practice ran long. "So, J, you still up for the party at Jake's tonight?"

"Sure, what time are you heading over?"

"I'm going to be there early, but I talked with Jen a few minutes ago, she said she'll be finishing up some work, and you can just go over with her when you get back from work."

Jeremy thought, wonderful, that would be perfect for perpetuating the rumors about Jen and him. He would defiantly have to talk with her before the party, so she didn't think he was telling lies about her to the team. "That works. I'll chat with her on the way back to campus."

The day passed without much trouble. He worked ahead in a couple of classes during a slow afternoon at the library help-desk, and went on to his bussing job which turned out to be crazy. They asked him to stay on later to help out, and he felt like he had better if he wanted to keep the job.

Jogging back to his dorm, his cell rang, "Hello?"

"Hey Jeremy, its Jen."

"Hi, sorry, I had to stay late at work, I'm about five minutes away, are you pissed?" Jeremy strung his rushed reply together between breaths as he continued to jog.

"No, of course not. I just finished up my stuff and thought I'd give you a call. How about I give you fifteen to get ready and I'll come up to meet you?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you in fifteen." He pocketed his phone and ran up the steps to his room. He absolutely hated being late. As he pulled off his work-shirt he realized he had better run through the shower or he wouldn't be very popular at the party. He grabbed his kit and towel and ran down the hall to the showers. He rushed through the motions, dried off, and came out of the bathroom wearing his towel and juggling a mass of clothes and shower kit under his arms. He looked up just in time to see Jen walking through the door from the stair well.

"Sorry, I just had to clean up real quick, I'll be ready in a flash."

He fumbled with his keys for a second at the door and dropped half of his stuff in the process.

Jen smiled, "Relax, I'm not in a hurry, it is only ten now, the party is only just getting started."

He pushed his door back and walked in, realizing a moment too late that Jen had followed him into the room. She set his shower kit down and tossed his slacks in the hamper then settled down on the edge of the bed and looked at him expectantly.

Giggling at his hesitation, she said, "Oh, common, I grew up with five brothers, I've seen it all before. Besides, I helped you carry you stuff in, don't I deserve a little show for that?"

She laughed at his deer in the headlights expression, "Calm down, I'm only teasing you. I'll turn my back."

Letting out a sigh of relief as she turned her back he quickly shuffled into a pair of jeans and a black polo. Feeling slightly more comfortable now that he was clothed he said, "So I was talking with Tiny this morning..."

"Oh, that big-mouth?" she said in a light tone. "He looks like a strong rower, and a really nice guy."

"Yeah, well, he was teasing me this morning in the locker room."

She laughed a little, "Aww, and you want me to have a word with him? Besides, from what I can tell you don't really need to be worried about locker-room teasing."

Jeremy hid his blush as he glanced down at his shoes while he tied them. He wondered, is she flirting with me, that's all I need right now.

"No, not like that. He saw you giving Nate and me a ride the past couple of days and was teasing that we would make a cute couple. I tried to tell him we weren't, but he didn't believe me. So anyway, I just wanted you to know, in case you heard anything, that it wasn't me who started any rumors, and well, um, anyway."

Jen nodded, her easy manner slightly more subdued for a moment when he broke the awkward silence by standing, "Ready when you are."

She hopped off of the bed next to him, her easy smile returning, and she joked, "About time, let's do it."

They pulled up to Jake's house. It was several apartments in a house that all decided to throw an early-term party together. They walked in together, and Jeremy thought he noticed more than one meaningful glance from the people around the room. Maybe he was just being too sensitive after his awkward conversation back in his room.

He saw a couple of the guys from the novice team in the kitchen and made his way over. He typically hated parties, and tended to be the guy standing alone, off to the side while everyone was having a good time around him. The team seemed determined to not let that be the case. People were talking to him, and he felt like he really belonged in this group.

After about a half-hour, he realized that he hadn't seen Nate. He said he would be here already. He asked around and found out that he was on a beer run, and should be back soon.

Just as he was about to go back to the kitchen he saw Nate come in the front door with a case of beer on his shoulder. He was wearing a tank-top cargo shorts, and Jeremy could tell he had been drinking for quite a while.

"Hey! There's my boy! How's it going, been here long?" Nate gave him a quick hug after setting down the case, "Wait, why aren't you drinking?"

Nate pulled out a bottle, snapped the cap off and thrust it into his hands. Jeremy just smiled at his drunk friend and went with the flow. Next thing he knew two hours had passed and it was past midnight. He glanced at his watch and muttered, "Great."

"Hey, Nate," He shouted over the din of noise in the back yarn. He was certain the cops would be arriving any moment as guys, and a couple of girls, took turns doing keg stands on the patio. "Do you think we should be getting back soon? Nate?"

Nate was busy cheering on the latest keg-stander when he heard Jeremy talking. "Hey, Nate! What's up man, are you having fun, this is great!"

Jeremy smiled, "Yeah, but it's getting late, do you think we should go soon?"

"Go? No way man, lets go do some shots!" Nate pulled him by the elbow into the apartment, and into the kitchen. They ran into Jen and her friend Kate on the way whereupon Nate wrapped an arm around both of them and declared that it was time for shots, and they should join.

In the kitchen, he pulled four jello-shots out of the fridge, and thrust them into each of their hands. He raised his cup in a toast, and he and Kate drank. Jen handed hers to someone walking by, and Jeremy set his behind him on the kitchen counter. He wasn't a spoil-sport, he just knew that the morning would be hard enough already.

He glanced questioningly at Jen while Nate was chatting with Kate. "I'm driving," she said, "I don't drink a drop anyway. I lost a family member to drinking. I'll tell you about it some other time."

He brief comment was interrupted by Nate flinging his arm back around Jeremy's shoulder and slouching half his weight in the process. Jeremy said, "Well, I think it is time for party-boy here to be cut off. I think I'm going to walk this one back to his bed and hope he can sleep it off before practice."

Jen looked disappointed. "Are you going already? I promised Kate a ride home, but I can come back for you two, or you can ride along."

Jeremy shook his head. "No thanks, he could do with the walk, and it is only about twenty minutes. We'll see you in a few hours for practice then?"

She smiled, "Sure thing, bright and early!"

Jeremy pulled Nate upright again, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and stuck it in his back pocket. Then he guided his weaving companion out the door saying his goodbyes along the way.

Nate protested feebly as they were leaving, but he stopped complaining when they started walking down the street. "You know, Jeremy? I sure am glad we met. `Cause then we wouldn't be on the team together, or run together, or sleep together. I like all of those things."

Jeremy smiled, he knew it was the alcohol talking, but couldn't help being a little mischevious. "So you liked our little slumber party then, huh?"

Nate sipped at the water that Jeremy had thrust into his hands and kept encouraging him to drink. "Oh yeah, I hope we can do it again. It was fun. I liked having you there. I like feeling you, it feels good."

Jeremy chuckled. "Well, we'll do it again sometime."

"I hope so, we can get under the blankets, and snuggle, and we can kiss too, if you wanted." With that Nate pulled him in for a sloppy, wet kiss on the cheek.

"Ugh, man, that was gross," Jeremy said stepping away and wiping away the slimy saliva on his cheek.

Nate just giggled and they kept walking. In short order they were at Nate's door. "Do you have your keys?"

Nate reached down and patted his pockets. "Nope. I must have left them somewhere."

Jeremy said, "Alright, my room it is." He led him up one more flight of stairs and into his room. "You can have the spare bed." Jeremy started as he pulled out his toothbrush. "I don't have any linens for it, but you can have the blanket and one of my pillows."

He turned around to see Nate passed out on his bed. He rolled his eyes, "Alright, I suppose we can share. He finished brushing his teeth and went over to the bed with a glass of water. Shaking Nate awake he said, "Here, drink this, and two more just like it."

Groggly, Nate complied and swallowed some ibuprofen to help in a preemptive strike against the hangover which was sure to come.

Jeremy stripped down to his boxers and walked back over to his bed, "Alright, hop up, and I'll set you up on the other bed."

Nate stood up slowly and wrapped his arms around Jeremy in a hug. "Thanks for taking care of me tonight, I appreciate it," Nate mumbled in his drunken slur.

"No problem man, here, lets get you ready for bed." Jeremy guided him to the second bed and sat him down. He helped Nate take off his shoes, then turned to grab a pillow. When he glanced back he saw that Nate had pulled off his tank-top and started unbuttoning his shorts. He laid back across the bare mattress and pulled off his shorts to reveal that he wasn't wearing any underwear beneath. He managed to get the shorts down just past his knees before losing interest and closing his eyes.

Jeremy drank in the site of his naked, drunk friend laying there. He smiled and reached down to pull the shorts the rest of the way off. If Nate wanted to sleep naked, he did not have any problem with that. With a little encouragement he had Nate lying in the bed proper, and he lingered one more moment drinking in the view of his beautiful friend before he gently spread his blanket over him.

Jeremy crawled into his own bed, checked his alarm, and quickly drifted off to sleep to the sound of Nate's soft snoring across the room.

Dreaming again, Jeremy found himself lying on the ground. He was cold and could hear voices near by. They were scared voices. "We have to get out of here, oh my god, we have to go!" A hysterical woman's voice screeched. "The police are coming," a man's voice said, "everything will be fine. We just have to wait for them."

Jeremy tried to move again, and still couldn't. He tasted blood at the corner of his mouth. His own. His eyes rolled to the side and he saw a woman's face. She was dead. He jerked his head away from the sigh and let out a yell.

Nate was holding him in his arms, "It's ok buddy, you were dreaming. It's ok."

Jeremy jerked away from Nate's arms suddenly embarrassed. "I'm sorry I woke you up, I, I'm..."

"It's alright, do you want to tell me about it? The dream?"

"I don't really remember it," Jeremy lied. "Let's just go back to sleep."

Nate didn't move for a few seconds, then stood up and pulled back the sheet on Jeremy's bed and crawled in.

Jeremy tensed for a moment, realizing that his friend was still naked, and crawling into bed with him. Just as quickly he relaxed. He realized that he really would rather have someone next to him. He was still a little shaken by his latest night mare.

Nate snuggled in close and wrapped his leg around Jeremy's. Jeremy felt his pulse quickening along with his penis. He lay awake for a while listening to Nate's metered breaths and slowly he drifted off.

He awoke a short while later to the feel of Nate gently grinding his cock into his backside. He was also aware that Nate's hand was draped over his hip, with fingertips grazing his dick. He was so turned on by the moment, but he knew the contact was more likely unconscious touching, than anything sexual. He reached down and pulled Nate's hand up under his arm and hugged it to his chest. It felt intimate, and wonderful to share this moment, even if it was only fleeting. He slowly drifted back to sleep again.

The alarm sounded far too soon for the two guys cradled together in bed. Nate moaned, and Jeremy reached up to hit the snooze button. They could afford another couple of minutes.

Nate muttered, "How are you doing? Did you get some sleep after the nightmare?"

Jeremy grunted. He was becoming aware of the fact that he was laying on his back with Nate nestled under his right arm. Nate's body was laying face down along the length of Jeremy's own, and Nate did not seem to have any intention of moving any time soon.

"Um, Nate."

"Yeah Jeremy?"

"Are you alright with what we are doing right now?"

"Are we doing something? My head is swimming."

"No, I mean, we are, um, naked in bed together. Well, at least you are, and um, we're snuggling right now."

"Oh, does it bother you Jeremy?"

"Uh, no, not at all, I just. I mean, um, it's nice. I like it. Do you?"

"I can think of far worse things to do than sleep snuggled up to a hot guy. I really really don't want to get out of this bed today."

Jeremy smiled. "Me neither."

A few more minutes passed in companionable silence while Jeremy traced patterns on Nate's shoulder with his finger. Then the snooze alarm sounded. Jeremy switched it off with a sigh.

Nate slowly pushed himself up onto hands and knees and playfully straddled Jeremy. He bent his elbows and kissed Jeremy on the forehead. "Thanks for letting me stay last night. I shouldn't have gotten that drunk. Practice is going to suck."

Jeremy, watched from bed as Nate crawled out and bent over the retrieve his shorts. He heard a jingle as he picked them up. "Sorry, I guess I did have my keys."

Jeremy smiled, "Are you kidding, I got to spend the night `snuggled up to a hot guy' no need to apologize. Give me a minute and I'll get my stuff together for practice then we can head down to your room."

Jeremy dressed quickly and gathered his bag. He felt like their exchange this morning was pretty clear, but he still wanted clarification about what was going on with Nate. "So, Nate, do you snuggle naked with all of your friends when you get the chance?"

Nate chuckled a little then grasped his forehead, "Man, don't make me laugh, it hurts too much. No, I have never really done that before."

Jeremy looked quizzically at Nate for a moment trying to decide what was really happening here. He decided it was time to take a risk. "I think I have a crush on you."

He knew it sounded corny, but he really needed to know what Nate was thinking.

Nate smiled, "I like you a lot too, Jeremy." He quickly changed into his workout kit and they headed down stairs to meet Jen.

Jeremy was still as painfully confused as he was before, but didn't want to continue the conversation in front of Jen. "Well cool, let's talk more about it tonight if you are up for it?"

Nate winked at him. "Sounds like a plan."

Practice seemed to be going well. Jeremy and seven other guys had just placed their boat in the water and the guys sitting in odd-numbered seats were pulling off their shoes and climbing ungracefully into their seats to strap their feet into the boat. Once they were situated they held the boat close to the dock while the next four guys situated themselves. Jeremy crawled into the sixth seat, to which the coach had assigned him for this first trip on the water. As he griped the sides of the boat he felt the bottom lurching and tilting with the surface of the dark, pre-dawn water perilously close.

Once everyone settled in, the coxswain instructed everyone via a small speaker system, to push away from the dock and drop their oars in the water laying flat. The coach on a bull-horn was giving advice about weight distribution, and how the boat would find its own equilibrium in the water if everyone simply lay the flats of their paddles flat on the surface of the water.

For the next half hour the coach ran them through drills designed to give them a feel for the balance of the boat. Whenever they seemed to be drifting too close to the dock or shore he would call for a single stroke from only one rower.

Jeremy was getting bored and frustrated with the slow pace of the class. He felt foolish spending all of this time just sitting here. Tiny was sitting directly in front of him in the 7th seat, and he kept making jokes and whispering comments just loud enough for the boat to hear, but not the coach on a near-by motor-powered boat.

Finally the coach instructed the back half of the boat, seats five through eight to sit with paddles ready in what he kept referring to as "first position." Jeremy couldn't help but think of a dance class every time he heard the term. He soon found out just how accurate term dance could be as an analogy for rowing.

When the coach gave the go-ahead, the coxswain instructed just the four of us to start rowing while seats one through four continued to steady the boat. A minor cacophony of oars cracking together and water splashing ensued. The boat slowly lurched forward and listed first starboard and then port, the lip nearly touching the water line each time.

The coach was shouting in the distance, "Keep it together. Common, like we talked about! Slower, Tiny, in time."

Jeremy was only vaguely aware of the shouts as he tried to coordinate his oar which insisted on getting stuck beneath the surface of the water, his sliding seat, the rhythmic counting of the coxswain, and the wild thrusting of Tiny whose mass made it appear as if he would be sitting in Joseph's lap everytime he took a stroke.

After about thirty seconds the four rowers settled into a rhythm and the boat moved through the water at a surprising clip. Just as Jeremy felt he was getting the hang of it, the coach called them to a stop. He instructed two rowers to correct the boat into a new route, then we underwent the same trials again as the first four seats had their first go at rowing.

Jeremy glanced at his watch, surpised to see that practice was nearly over. The coach again had only two rowers maneuver the boat into the dock where the crew lifted the boat out of the water and over their heads to walk it back up to the shed.

The coach gathered the team together and complimented them on a good first day out. He said that they would be rowing together in no time. He also told them that one member of the novice team had decided to drop out. He didn't seem surprised, and Jeremy wasn't really either. He knew the early morning hours had to be tough for a lot of people. He was struggling this morning himself after a short night of sleep.

By the time Jeremy got home from the restaurant he was dead tired. He wasn't used to such short nights. He walked up the stairs to Nates room. Nate answered his door and looked like he had been sleeping, "You look like crap."

"Thanks sweet pea," Nate responded sarcastically. "You coming in?"

Jeremy dropped his bad and dropped ungracefully onto the floor next to the bed. "Remind me to never party on a school night again."

Nate laughed, "It's not that bad."

"Yeah, if you don't work and can nap all afternoon."

"Not all afternoon," Nate quipped. "Just a few hours."

Jeremy was still thinking about last night when he finally said, "So are you gay?" He figured as evasive as Nate was being, he just needed to be as blunt as possible.

"I don't know, I never really thought about it.

Of course he hadn't, Jeremy thought to himself. Everything in life seems to come easy for this guy.

"Well, I am, and like I said this morning: I have a crush on you."

"Hey, no need to pine," Nate joked, "I like you too."

"Common Nate, I'm trying to be serious."

"Me too. Jeremy, I like you. I have never really thought about the whole gay straight thing before. I have slept with guys and girls, and it is all about what feels good at the time. Right now, you feel really good."

While he was talking Nate walked over and sat down next to Jeremy. "I don't really get behind the labels. They just seem to limit us into acting a certain way, or only being happy in certain circumstances. I'm not trying to say that labels aren't important, I just try to keep them in perspective when it comes to the important stuff."

Jeremy understood what he was saying, but realized that his own, more compulsive nature required that he use labels to codify the world around him. To make it all make sense. He decided to set that part of himself to the side for a moment. "So you like me huh?"

"Of course I do."

"Well-enough to do this?" Jeremy leaned in, in a very uncharacteristic move, and poised himself for a kiss. A split second later he felt Nate respond and their lips connected in and amazing, time-slowing first kiss.

Jeremy's reverie was interrupted by a knock at the door. Nate pulled back, and smiled, then went to the door to answer it.

Jen walked in, "You will not believe what happened today! Oh, hi Jeremy. I was walking out of class when this slimy professor asks me to stay behind for a moment and actually tried to make a move on me. Ugh, it was so gross..."

Jen's tirade continued for another five minutes as she explored the pros and cons of reporting the slimy professor to the administration. Nate just sat back down on the floor and sipped at a glass of water while they listened.

When she ran out of steam, she said, "So how were your days?"

They chatted for a while about their day, and Jen settled in down on the floor with the boys where she kept finding excuses to lean on, or touch Jeremy in some way. Nate could see the discomfort on his face and was barely concealing his laughter behind a smile.

Jeremy was just glaring back at Nate as Jen was oblivious to the subtext shooting between them. After a half hour or so of chatting Jen finally excused herself, and headed off to bed. She gave Jeremy a light peck on the cheek as she stood up to leave.

Nate closed the door behind her, "You could just tell her you aren't interested. I think she would appreciate that more than wondering why you are being so stand-offish."

"Yeah, I just hate to hurt people's feelings. And I don't want the team to think I'm gay."

"You are gay, or at least you said you were just a few minutes ago."

"But, I, I don't want to be known as `the gay guy' on the team. You know?"

Nate smiled, "I think you just tapped into exactly why I avoid labels. I still think you should talk to her. You don't have to say that you are gay. Just that you only want to be friends. Jen is a cool girl, I think she'll understand."

"Now, while you ponder that one, big guy, how about you come up here and we pick up where we left off?"

Jeremy stood and crawled onto the bed pinning back Nate's arms behind his head. "Nate, Jen is a nice girl. I have just never been sexually attracted to girls before. It is you, I want."

Nate rolled his eyes, "Are you still way back on that topic? I thought we were about to get to the kissing part?" Nate reached up and tickled Jeremy's ribs until he fell down next to Nate on the bed. They stopped for an electric second as their eyes met, and then they reach in for a repeat of their first kiss.

Nate ran his hand down Jeremy's back as they continued to kiss, pulling up on his shirt they broke contact for a moment as the shirt cleared their faces. Nate tossed it onto the floor as Jeremy reached his arms up under Nate's shirt, and traced the ridges of his torso. Nate pulled his own shirt off a moment later and quickly pushed Jeremy onto his back. Straddling him, he leaned down and gently kissed his way across Jeremy's cheek, down his neck, and onto his well-formed chest.

Jeremy moaned as Nate's tongue flicked across each nipple in turn. He alternated from gentle teasing to hungry lapping at Jeremy's chest. Jeremy squirmed a little in ticklishness as Nate's tongue worked its way doen his stomach to his waist line. He pulled gently back and kissed at the skin along his pants while his arms moved up and down his torso, exploring his skin and massaging his muscles.

Jeremy looked down at Nate's effort and struggled against the pain of his cock trapped inside of his pants, hard as a rock. Nate wasn't through teasing though. He moved his way back up Jeremy's body with his mouth, until he was laying eye-to-eye with Jeremy again. "How are you doing?" Nate asked.

Jeremy breathed, "Good."

"Do you want to keep going, or is this too fast?"

Jeremy smiled, he loved that his carefree friend seemed to care a great deal about this. "Are you kidding me?" With that Jeremy sat up and pulled Nate to the edge of the bed. Jeremy stood on his knees on the floor with Nate's legs hanging over the edge of the bed on either side of him.

Jeremy pulled Nate in and began repaying Nate's efforts in kind. He linked his arms up each leg of Nate's shorts and firmly massaged his way up his thighs. His tongue reached Nate's abs as his hands found their way back to his butt. He pulled him in closed with his hands and buried his face in Nate's stomach, continuing to tease and lick his way down Nate's treasure trail.

In one fluid motion he pulled his arms back out of each cuff of Nate's shorts and quickly unbuttoned the shorts. He pulled the zipper down slowly kissing his way down the sensitive skin. Then he pulled his face back and tugged Nate's shorts completely off. After a brief second to admire the view, he spread Nate's legs slightly and leaned in to kiss his way up Nate's inner thigh.

Soon Nate could feel warm breath on his balls as Jeremy licked his way all around them. Nate was moaning in desire and Jeremy finally engulfed his dick with his mouth and began rhythmically sucking him as he gently reached up and pushed Nate backwards to rest on his elbows with his legs still dangling over the edge.

It wasn't long before Jeremy sensed Nate's body going rigid and a pending climax building. He ever so slowly eased off of Nate's cock and stood up. He undid his own pants and pushed them to the floor while Nate stared and admired. Then he pushed Nate back all of the way onto his back and climbed onto the bed to straddle him.

Jeremy could feel Nate's saliva soaked dick rubbing in his crack as he leaned down to kiss the guy pinned beneath him. Nate continued to grind his dick up into Jeremy's crack as they continued to make out. Nate whispered, "Do you want this?" He accentuated his question with a thrust of his hips.

"Yeah," Jeremy breathed back. "I want you inside of me."

Nate then pushed him to the side and walked over to his desk where he grabbed a small container of lubricant. He smiled back as Jeremy rolled onto his back and spread his legs slightly.

Returning to the bed Nate positioned himself between Jeremy's legs and poured a health amount of lube into his hand. Leaned down and resumed kissing Jeremy as he inserted one finger, then two into his hole. After a few more minutes he pulled his face back, positioned his cock, and gently guided it in.

Jeremy moaned as the overwhelming pleasure flooded his body with a sense of fullness. Nate moved slowly, allowing Jeremy time to adjust to him before pushing deeper.

When he was all of the way in he just stayed there for a moment, and leaned down to gently nibble at Jeremy's nipple.

Jeremy reached down and started guiding Nate's hips in and out until they picked up a pattern that was driving them both to nearly explode. Jeremy was subvocalizing, "Fuck me," between pants of breath and Nate continued to comply sliding his cock in and out of Jeremy with abandon as his encouragements grew louder and more insistent.

Nate felt the familiar tension building inside of him and after a couple of more thrusts he pulled out and shot streams of white up Jeremy's torso. A few moments later he reached down and began stroking Jeremy's dick as he stared on. It took only a few strokes before Jeremy made his own explosive contributions to the small puddles spotting his chest and shoulders.

Nate then dropped himself playfully down on top of Jeremy letting the puddle cool between them. "So, was that good?" Nate asked.

"It was more than good," Jeremy breathed back.

Nate smiled. "So do you want to stay the night or are you a `love-em and leave-em sort of guy?"

"You couldn't get me to leave, buddy."

Nate reached over the edge of the bed and grabbed his shirt. He toweled both of them off and tossed it in the direction of the hamper.

Jeremy just watch Nate as he worked, loving the tenderness of the moment. They drifted off to sleep cradling each other in their arms.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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