Jeremy and Nate

By Joseph Nathaniel

Published on Nov 24, 2006


This story involves sex between two men and homosexual themes. If you are offended or restricted by law from reading this material, please press the back button now.

November 24, 2006

Jeremy & Nate, Part 2

"Thank you all for coming to this informational meeting for the rowing team. My name is Coach Richards, I'm the men's varsity team coach. You will all meet the other coaches at practice tomorrow morning." Jeremy listened as the coach covered more of the logistics and basic rules of being on the team.

Jeremy had to beg to get time off of work tonight to come to this meeting. Nate had been pestering him to come all weekend since they first met last Friday morning during a run. He let himself be talked into going to the two-day try out on Monday and Tuesday morning. Nate told him that it would be a great experience and that the morning practices wouldn't interfere with his work schedule. But this informational meeting and the upcoming weekend matches would be tough to juggle.

Jeremy thought back to their Sunday evening conversation. "Why else did you move away to go to school," Nate was reasoning, "than to have some fun and meet new people. You said it yourself, the first week of school is over and I am the only person you have really met."

"I do want to meet people, but I came here to go to school, to escape from my home town any way that I can. I'm not an athlete; I didn't qualify for any academic scholarships, so I have to string along on student loans and working my ass off if I am going to make it. I just don't have time to add one more thing, not if I'm going to make it here."

Nate rolled his eyes, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do buddy, but I think mixing in something that you might actually enjoy with all of this work and school that you are doing might be good for you." He stood and started for the door of Jeremy's room, "Think about it, I'll meet you in the morning at the front doors if you want to come along."

Jeremy leaned back in his desk chair. Nate had a point. He didn't come here to just work and go to school. He envisioned college to be a fresh start--a chance to be someone completely different than he ever had been. He turned off the desk lamp and lay down in bed. "Well," he muttered to himself, "at least I'll get to see Nate every day." That would be worth the commitment anyhow. He still couldn't get past the nagging thought that this would be too much of a time commitment.

The coach wrapped up his talked, "Congratulations to you all for making the team, I'll see you at the boathouse tomorrow morning!" As everyone got up, and started milling about, Jeremy made his way over to Nate. He was talking with a group of people when he noticed Jeremy heading in his direction, "Everyone, this is Jeremy, Jeremy, Everyone," Nate indicated the small group he was chatting with. A pretty girl named Jen introduced herself as the Women's varsity coxswain, an extremely tall pair of guys named Matt and Tom said hi, and an extremely attractive, if somewhat arrogant looking guy standing next to Nate reached out his hand, "I'm Hughes, Varsity captain."

Nate laughed, "Oh, so now you are on a strictly last-name basis with the new talent huh, Jake?" Every one chuckled a bit.

Jake said, "So I hear you're a pretty good runner."

"Yeah, I have never set foot in a boat before though, so I guess I have a bit to learn about the sport," Jeremy replied.

"Well, you're in good hands to learn, the novice coach, Steve is a good guy." Jake indicated a man who looked more like a rugby player than a rower. The guy looked as wide as two people standing side-by-side at the shoulders. He turned around when he heard his name and came trodding over. He extended his hand to Jeremy, "I'm Jake, I hear from Coach Richards that you are a fast little bugger, right?"

Jeremy smiled, more at the fact that this gruff-looking guy had a voice more akin to someone half his size, than at the back-handed compliment, "I run a little. I'm not sure yet how that really translates into being a good rower though."

Steve raised his eyebrow a little, "Nate I though you were recruit'n this guy, haven't you told him anything about the sport? Rowing isn't just your arms, it is your back, and stomach, your chest and shoulders, and maybe most importantly, your legs. We'll get you out on the water soon enough, you'll see then." He turned to the rest of the group, "See you all in the morning, we're going to have a fun land workout tomorrow." He sauntered off to a chorus or mock groans from the rowers.

The meeting soon disbanded and Nate, Jen, and Jeremy headed back to the dorms. Jen lived on the same floor as Nate, and they were both in their sophomore year at school. Jeremy, also in his sophomore year, spent his first year of school at home saving up money to be able to transfer away. They said their goodnights to Jen at her door and continued down the hall to Nate's door. "Coach Steve will take care of you tomorrow. He looks like a bulldog but he is one of the nicest guys around, his wife actually travels to meets with us and feeds the team oranges after the races. It is all very soccer-momish."

Jeremy smiled, "He seems nice, I'm looking forward to it. See you in the morning?"

Nate looked like he wanted to say something else and made a half-step forward. Then seemed to think better of it, "Sure thing, and"he said softly, "in the morning." He quickly went into his room before Jeremy could ask if something was wrong.

Jeremy went up to his room thinking over Nate's awkwardness. He had known him less than a week, but he already felt like he had a good read on Nate. They had spent every free moment together over the weekend, studying and chatting, getting to know each other. He saw Nate working with the varsity team during the tryouts the past two mornings, but didn't see him at all through the days between class and work. Well, he would just have to ask him in the morning if anything was bothering him.

The next morning he came down-stairs to Jen and Nate waiting at the front door. "Hey guys." Nate was smiling and Jen was clutching a mug of coffee and fumbling with her keys.

They both said hi back and piled into Jen's Wrangler, "So Jeremy," she asked, "You don't happen to know any small people do you?"

"Um, not really, why?"

"We lost a coxswain to graduation last term, and we are searching for someone crazy enough to keep these hours, who is also willing to steer a boat."

"I'll keep an eye out, I don't know many people here yet," Jeremy replied.

"Well, we'll have to fix that, what are you doing tomorrow night, Nate you too?"

"I'm working until eight, why" Jeremy replied.

Nate turned around in his seat, "Jake is throwing a Thursday night party, the team will be there, and some other people too. You should come."

"Will it be late, I'm not sure if I can get up at four-thirty for practice after partying." Said Jeremy.

Jen smiled, "Aww, come on, the whole team will be there. You can sleep on the weekend."

"Alright, I'll be there."

They pulled up to the boathouse on the city reservoir and saw several small groups of people milling about, stretching, and getting ready for practice. Nate hopped out of the Jeep, "We'll see you after, have a good workout."

Jeremy followed Nate, admiring his back as he started to jog over to where the varsity team was gathering. Jeremy veered off to where some of the familiar faces from the try-outs were standing. He saw Coach Steve waving, and he jogged over to join the group.

He quickly learned why the team groaned at the meeting the previous night when a ground workout was mentioned. They started out with a six mile run around a segment of the reservoir followed by a grueling series of short sprints up and down the boat loading incline interspersed with various calisthenics. By the end of the workout, Jeremy wasn't feeling nearly as cocky as the beginning. He was a decent runner, but the length and intensity of the workout left him feeling like overcooked pasta.

The team maintained a work out facility and showers in the boathouse where they all gathered after the workout.

Coach Stephen quieted everyone down, "You all worked hard today. You keep this up and we will have this boat in shape in no time. Now we have our first competition in one month. It isn't a traveling competition; we are racing the varsity team." A chorus of groans and sighs filled the room. "We have a lot of work to do in the next four weeks, but let me just tell you this. I have coached for three years now. Two of those years my novices lost this first race. Last year they won. I intend to win again this year. There are eighteen of you here. We will be making two boats. And two people will be on-hand as alternates. So starting from today you guys have two objectives. First, work as hard as you can to earn your seat on a boat, and second, make yourself a team worthy of beating the cocky varsity team. You think you have it in you?" A loud cheer erupted from the group. And they all head in to the showers.

The varsity team had already wrapped up, and were in the locker room as the novice team filed in. The friendly banter and chatter started up right away as speculation about the first race charged the group.

Jeremy saw Nate showering at the last nozzle in the row of guys. He couldn't help but stare out of the corner of his eye as he pulled his jeans and shirt out of a duffle bag. He pulled off his sweat-soaked shirt and turned around to catch Nate staring back as he rinsed his back and leaned his head back into the stream of water. He quickly looked away as another guy shouted his name and made some joke about taking all of the hot water.

Jeremy drank in this slender, muscular guy with rivulets of water coursing over his shoulders and down his defined chest. He watched as his stomach flexed and relaxed with his laughs, and soapy trails washed down his legs onto the floor.

Pulling his eyes from Nate he quickly undressed and choose a shower head as far from Nate as he could manage in order to not embarrass himself on the first day of practice.

He caught several guys steeling quick glances around the room and wondered if he were the only one on the team who was interested in guys. But then again, guys in locker rooms were all about sizing each other up, and maybe the sexual tension he felt was all of his own making. He kept his shower short and perfunctory in order to preempt getting a hard on in the locker room.

He made his way back to the locker only to discover Nate standing right there, still naked, and toweling himself off. He smiled when he saw Jeremy approaching, "How was the first day?"

"Are you kidding? It kicked my ass. I'm going to look hot if I keep this up."

Nate smiled and rested his hand on Jeremy's shoulder. It felt like a jolt of lightning coursing through the rest of his body. Nate said, "You already do."

Jeremy went rigid at his compliment combined with his touch. "Thanks, um, you too."

Nate sensed his friend's sudden discomfort and removed his hand. They dressed in silence while both were wishing their exchange would have gone a bit differently.

Jeremy passed the day in class and was sitting at the information desk in the library doing homework, and still thinking about Nate's comment this morning. Did Nate really think he was attractive, or was he just comfortable with himself and trying to pay a compliment to another guy. His awkwardness at the door last night paired with the touch this morning made Jeremy hope that it was all leading somewhere. But he had never done this before. He did not know how to tell Nate that he was not only gay, but also completely infatuated with him.

"Ahem," Jeremy nearly jumped out of his skin when he looked up to see the gorgeous guy he was just thinking about standing in front of his desk.

"Oh, hi, sorry. I was lost in thought there. How's it going Nate?"

Nate smiled, "Good, how are you doing? Staying awake alright after this morning's practice?"

Everything seemed normal, Jeremy let out a silent sigh of relief. "Oh yeah. I'm getting through some homework and then I have to go over to job number two in a little bit."

They exchanged pleasantries and Nate invited him to stop by his room after work that night if he wanted to get some studying time in and hang out for a little bit. Jeremy agreed and said he would be by after work.

He was so relieved that Nate didn't seem to pick up on the awkwardness from the locker room that he was able to get some work done, and put the issue out of his mind. He was just thrilled that he had a friend at college now; he could ignore the part where he is attracted to his friend. How tough could it be?

Later that night he knocked on Nate's door. "Hey, finally done with work huh?" Nate said as he opened his door.

Jeremy smiled, "Yeah, and I'm afraid I smell like it too. Bussing dishes all night makes for some pretty gross work."

"I don't mind, come on in." Nate walked over and plopped down into his desk chair. Unlike Jeremy, Nate had a single room. Jeremy's roommate never showed, and as the end of the second week of school approached it was looking more and more like he wouldn't be having a roommate this term.

Jeremy pulled out his calc book and sat on the floor with his back to Nate's unmade bed. He grinned to himself has he tossed a pair of underwear in the direction of Nate's laundry basket. "You keep a beautiful house," Jeremy joked.

Nate rolled his eyes, "Sorry Mr. Perfect, I'll try to tidy up for you in the future."

They spent about two hours working and chatting when Nate finally powered down his computer, walked over to the bed and swung his leg over Jeremy's head and straddled him while sitting on the bed.

"What's up?" Jeremy asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable again by the proximity. "Bed time?"

Nate reached down and started rubbing Jeremy's shoulders, "Naw, not yet. I just can't look at that computer screen any more tonight."

Nate continued to rub his shoulders as they chatted about school, and then the team. Then Nate asked, "So, did you leave a girl friend back home when you came here?"

Jeremy laughed, "No, no girlfriend. Not for a long while. What about you, any high school sweetheart pining for you back home?"

"No, not really. I was dating a girl this summer, but she was mad when I told her I wasn't really into long-distance relationships. I just couldn't see trying to make a summer romance into something more. I wasn't really that into her."

Nate stopped rubbing Jeremy's shoulders, hopped up off of the bed and pulled his shirt off. Jeremy glanced up, and started to close his books and pack up to go.

Nate said, "Oh, are you ready to go, I was hoping you'd stick around and chat some more." He pulled off his pants and walked back over to his bed in his boxer briefs.

"Um, sure, I'll stay, I thought you were getting ready for bed, that's all."

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I wasn't really thinking. I was just winding down for the night." He laid back in his bed with his fingers locked behind his head. "Come over here, lay down with me."

Jeremy looked at him for a second, and figured it couldn't hurt anything. He lay down a bit stiffly next to Nate in the small bed.

Nate asked, "So, I know it is early, but do you like the team so far?"

"Yeah, I think you were right, it will be a lot of fun, but I am still a little worried about balancing my schedule."

Nate rolled over on his side to face Jeremy, "It'll work out. I'm glad you decided to join."

The laid in bed chatting until Jeremy, finally fell asleep. Nate smiled, happy that he had met Jeremy. He leaned in and kissed him lightly on the forehead before checking his alarm and switching off the light.

Jeremy was having another of what had become almost nightly bad dreams. He didn't typically remember his dreams, but he was beginning to remember more and more about this one. There was a car accident, and people were dead, and he was lying on the ground near by. He couldn't move, and no one seemed to know he was there. The light was getting dimmer and dimmer and he couldn't seem to say anything.

He woke up, in a cold sweat again, and glanced over at the alarm clock. It wasn't there. He looked down at himself and realized he was still fully dressed. Slowly he remembered where he was and realized that Nate was lying in the bed next to him. He was on top of the sheets and in the dim light of the room Jeremy admired his alabaster skin and the outline of his very hard penis beneath his boxer-briefs. Almost subconsciously he reached out to touch Nate's chest, but stopped himself before he did. Instead he looked around to find the clock. Four o'clock. Well, only thirty minutes until he had to get up anyhow. He might was well get up and get ready. Then another thought occurred to him. He pulled off his shirt, and pants. Lay back down with his back to Nate, in order to hide his own, now lengthening, penis. He push himself backwards until he felt his back touching Nate's side.

Nate stirred slightly, rolled over onto his side and spooned Jeremy. Jeremy smiled to himself, and snuggled in for thirty minutes of pure bliss as he felt Nate's dick pressed gently against his back.

The alarm went of moments later and Nate reached up to turn it off. He glanced back to find Jeremy asleep next to him in his underwear. He was pleased to see that Jeremy had woken up enough to take off his shirt and decided to stay. It felt good to wake up next to him.

He whispered, "Hey, time to get up, time for practice."

Jeremy practically jumped out of bed. He was surprised that he had fallen back to sleep. That never happens. He usually cannot get another wink of sleep after he is woken up by a nightmare.

Nate was giggling, "Nice morning wood you got there. Thinking of starting a camp fire dude?"

Jeremy glanced down at his boxers, mortified, and quickly grabbed his pants and bag.

Nate said, "I'm only teasing you, see, look." He stood up and pulled off his own underwear to reveal his hard dick standing up against his stomach.

Jeremy was transfixed for a moment, then said, "Um, yeah, well, I suppose everyone gets it. Sorry, I just, I need to go grab my stuff, I'll meet you at the front door?"

Nate wasn't going to let him off of the hook that easily, no, hold up just a moment, I just need to dress real quick, and I prepped my bag last night. I'll walk with you.

Nate pulled on a jock and some shorts and a tank top which accentuated his impressive rower's shoulders. "Ok, ready, let's grab your stuff."

They headed up one floor to Jeremy's room and he fumbled for a second with his lock. In his room he pulled out some clothes for the day and stuffed them in his gym bag and then reached to pull off his clothes to get dressed and found himself getting hard again just at the thought of Nate seeing him naked. He needed to get past this, he decided to just take the plunge and do it. After all, he had seen Nate not five minutes before displaying his hard cock. He pulled off his shirt and pants and pulled on a pair of briefs, shorts and a t-shirt.

Nate was admiring Jeremy's cute little butt, and smiling at his hesitation before he decided to undress. He liked his new friend a lot. As they headed down stairs to meet Jen he threw his arm over Jeremy's shoulder and walked beside him out to the car.

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Next: Chapter 3

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