
By Randy O'Brien

Published on Aug 12, 2000


Jeremy - Chapter 2

As we lay in bed, with Jeremy flipping through the channels on TV, I looked over at the boy who had come into my life, so suddenly. I couldn't believe how quickly he had come to mean so much to me. As I looked into his blue eyes, I was amazed at the peace that I saw there, especially considering the hell he lived through in his home life.

"What would you like for dinner tonight?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter, but it would be nice if it were soon."

"Well, either I can cook something, or we can order a pizza. I don't really want to have to get you dressed to go out, not with your cast on and everything."

"How about we just order a pizza?"

"OK, what would you like on it?"

"How about pepperoni and sausage?"

"OK, where do you want it from?"

"I don't think anyone but Papa John's will deliver out here."

"Papa John's it is. How hungry are you?"

"I'm starved. It's been a long time since lunch, and I'm ready for some serious food."

"OK, we'll get a large, and if we have any left, we can have it tomorrow for lunch."

After I had ordered the pizza, I lay back down next to Jeremy. "How's you ankle feeling?"

"It's not too bad. Just sort of a dull throb."

"Do you want another pain pill?"

"No, at least not until after we eat. We'll see then."

When I had ordered the pizza, they said it would be about an hour before they got there. We were still lying in the nude twenty-five minutes later when the doorbell rang. "Are you expecting anyone?"

"Only the pizza guy, but it should be another half an hour before he gets here."

I quickly slipped on my shorts, and t-shirt and made a mad dash for the door.

"Hi, you're early," I quipped at the delivery boy.

"Well, we always try to keep our customers satisfied," he said smiling.

"How much do I owe you?"

"It comes to $11.37 with tax."

"Here's $15, keep the change."

"Thanks. Enjoy your pizza," he said, walking back toward his car. I couldn't help but notice that he didn't look old enough to be driving.

"OK, let's eat!" I said, carrying the pizza back into Jeremy's room.

"Do I have to eat it dry, or could I talk you into getting us something to drink?" Jeremy asked.

"Well, it depends on how you ask," I said, heading toward the kitchen. "What would you like?"

"Why don't you help me into the living room and we can eat and see if there is anything on the TV in there."

"OK," I said, opening the refrigerator. There were three unopened three-liter bottles of Coca-cola. I grabbed one of them, and a couple of glasses that I had to dig through the cabinets to find. I carried the Coke and glasses into the living room, and went back after Jeremy.

"Do you want to walk, or do you want me to carry you?"

"Well, I guess I could walk, I know you are probably getting tired of carrying me."

"I don't mind. You don't weigh that much, even with the cast on," I said, leaning over to pick him up. As I bent down, to pick him up off of the bed, I couldn't help but give him a quick kiss right on the head of his soft cock.

"MMM, that felt good, but we have pizza getting cold."

"I know," I said, lifting him up. As we walked into the living room, he saw that I had sat the glasses and Coke by the love seat. I gently sat him down, and propped his foot up on the coffee table. After getting Jeremy settled, I went back to his room for the pizza.

In a little over 30 minutes, we devoured the whole large pizza. We were quite satisfied, but there was none left over.

"That was good," Jeremy said, wiping the last of the sauce off of his mouth.

"I needed it."

"What time is it, anyway?"

"It's almost 11:00."

"Damn, I didn't realize it was quite that late. I guess that nap I took this afternoon was longer than I thought.

As Jeremy flipped through the channels, he stopped on one of the pay channels, HBO or Showtime or something along those lines. I couldn't believe that they were showing this on cable TV. There was a woman sucking a guy's cock, and they were showing it.

"Damn, I didn't know they could show that kind of stuff on TV."

"If you think that is bad, you should see some of the movies I have."

"Oh? And what kind of movies does a 13 year old have?"

"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see. I can't go get them, so we'll just have to wait until later to watch them. Besides, I'm still hurting, and I want another pain pill."

"OK, let me go get you one," I said, heading back into his bedroom to get the bottle of pain pills. "Here you go. Remember, these will make you sleepy, so you may want to get back in bed before you take it."

"It won't take effect that fast. We'll have time for you to help me back in there before it kicks in. But I do need to piss again."

"OK, well, let's get you up and in there." I picked him up and carried him into the bathroom. I sat him down on the toilet seat, so he could stand up, and pee. As he stood up, he held on to me with both arms for support.

"Need help aiming that rocket?" I asked, hoping for another chance to hold his beautiful cock.

"Well, you've done so well so far, I don't see any reason to change now," he said, reaching over and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I opened the lid on the toilet, and reached down to grab his soft dick. Just about the time I got it aimed in the general direction of the toilet, he let loose.

"You just can't wait for me to get that monster aimed before you start pissing, can you?"

"Sorry, but it feels so relaxing when you are holding my dick that I just don't want to hold back anything."

"Yeah, right. You just enjoy making me sweat about whether I have it aimed in time or not."

"Well, that too."

"Just remember how much trouble it was getting you into and out of the shower. I don't want to have to go through that again tonight."

"Me either. That pain pill is starting to kick in, and I'm not feeling much of anything."

I propped his ankle up on one pillow, and his head on the other, and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Jeremy?" I asked. "Where do you want me to sleep? Do you want me to sleep in here with you, or in the guest room?"

Pouting, he answered, "In here, of course. Unless you don't want to sleep with me."

"Oh, I wanted to, I just wanted to make sure you wanted me to."

After I had kicked off my shorts, and tossed my t-shirt into the floor, I climbed into bed with Jeremy.

"I still love you, you know that, don't you?" he asked.

"And I still love you too," I replied, leaning in for a quick kiss.

After the kiss, Jeremy asked me if we could talk.

"Sure. We can talk about anything you want."

"Well, after what happened in the shower today, I wasn't sure what was happening. It was the most awesome feeling I have ever had, and I'm glad it was with you. I've seen videos of guys doing that sort of thing, but I hadn't ever actually done anything with anyone. All I had ever done was jack off, and I was really getting tired of doing that."

"Well, I promise, you weren't the only one who enjoyed what happened in the shower today."

"Randy, I was wondering if we could do it again. Except this time, I want to suck your dick, too."

"Jeremy, sweetie, we can do it any time you want to. I loved sucking your hard cock today in the shower, and I would love to suck it again. You don't have to suck mine if you don't want to."

"Oh, I want to, I've just never done it before, so I don't know how."

"It isn't difficult, you just make sure you cover your teeth, I don't want you getting excited and taking a bite out of my dick. You'll do fine, I'm sure. Just let nature take its course."

"Can I suck you now?"

"Anytime you want," I said, turning around for a sixty-nine position. As I started kissing Jeremy's soft cock, he started responding, I could feel his cock start to stir. I decided to take the plunge, and slid his still soft cock into my mouth.

"MMM, that feels great," Jeremy said, as he too started to kiss and lick my cock.

As his cock grew and hardened, he started to fuck my face, sliding his hard throbbing cock in and out of my mouth.

I felt him slip the head of my cock into his mouth and moaned. It had been so long since anyone had sucked my cock. I couldn't believe how wonderful he felt. I felt him gag at about half of my seven-inch cock. I pulled off of his cock long enough to tell him not to try to take too much. He mumbled something around my cock and started playing with my balls. As I continued to slide his pole in and out of my mouth, working deeper with every stroke, I started working on his balls. When I could feel his soft downy pubic hair tickling my chin, I reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him into me hard. As my hands started massaging his ass cheeks, I slipped one finger down toward his opening. I had seen how beautiful and pink it was today in the shower, and I really wanted to feel it.

I became so engrossed in sucking his beautiful cock, that I hadn't noticed he was also working on my asshole. I felt a slick, wet finger probing my hole. I relaxed and opened my sphincter as best I could, as I quickly wet my little finger, and started running it around his pink rosebud. When he pushed back against my finger, I let it slide in easily. I heard him moan is my finger hit his young joy spot. I gently massaged his prostate, as I furiously sucked on his throbbing cock. I knew we were both getting close to cumming, and I wanted it to be as good for my baby as I could make it.

"I can't hold back much longer. I'm gonna cum," I said, between mouthfuls of his glorious cock. Jeremy redoubled his efforts to bring me to orgasm.

Suddenly, I could feel his ass tighten up, and I knew he was about to start shooting. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight powerful shots of his hot cum. I had to swallow, to keep my mouth from overflowing. It was just as sweet and creamy as it had been this afternoon. Feeling him cumming in my mouth sent me over the edge as well. I fired off several shots into his hungry, waiting mouth.

After we had both caught our breath, we slid our fingers out of each others asses, and I turned back around. Jeremy had the most peaceful look on his face I had ever seen. He looked completely contented. I leaned in for a kiss, and he pulled me to him. We lay there kissing and gently stroking each other, just loving the contact between our bodies.

I slipped out of the bed to turn the lights off, and saw him laying there, looking up at me. I had hardly known this beautiful boy for a day, and already I was head over heels in love with him. I knew there would be a lot of problems in the future, but for tonight, and the rest of this week, I was content to just slip back into bed with him, and let the world pass by as we drifted off to sleep.

============================================================== How does Jeremy really feel about Randy? How does Randy really feel about Jeremy? Find out in part 3, coming soon, to a Nifty Archive near you.

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