Jennys Story

By Jenny L

Published on Nov 27, 2004


Chapter 4 - More Time With Lynne, whew! Apologies for the similarity to chapter 3 and the waffle but this is as much, maybe more, for me as it is for anyone else. Thanks to everyone who wrote to me, especially those of you who said nice things! I hope you all enjoy the next chapters as much as the first few...much more to cum after this one too!

When we woke up the next morning, Lynne and I just looked at each other for a long moment. I was sure she was going to feel much differently about all this than she had in the heat of the moment last night. I was scared to say anything in case it was the wrong thing. Lynne leaned over and kissed me hard on the lips then broke off, That was some night we had! I hope we can do it lots more. I just love having you as my bitch!', she laughed, then more seriously, No, really - I had the best time with Jenny last night and I would love to see her again'. I melted into her embrace as we kissed passionately, `let's make love as boy and girl just now', she said. I needed no second invitation and rolled over on top of her, where she wrapped her long silky legs around my back. My cock was so hard that I couldn't wait to get it in her pussy but I didn't have to worry because Lynne pulled me into her and I felt it slide straight in! Jeezus! Her pussy was so wet already! We fucked missionary, with her legs wrapped tightly around me for ages until she said she was going to cum. I was so close, too, so we timed it so that we came togther. It was amazing!

We got up and got showered and had some breakfast. Lynne made me wear a short, pink silky robe, camisole and knickers down for breakfast, while she wore just shorts and a vest top. I teased her as we walked through the house, swinging my hips and ass like a girl. Lynne took a few playful swats at my ass as we giggled our way downstairs. I felt a little silly because I didn't think I looked very good like this - without makeup and heels and all the rest. Lynne assured me I looked great and proceeded to tie my hair up in a ponytail (it was just long enough to look okay) with some bits of hair left out at the front to hang down around my face. `keep your chin up, too. Girls never walk around looking at their feet', she told me. The effect was stunning - this simplest of changes really made a difference to how I looked. I looked like a girl - admittedly, not the most beautiful of girls but a girl nonetheless. With the right posing and mannerisms, I thought I actually looked a bit like Kay, my sister. We were about the same size and had similar facial structure. This thought, I was somewhat amazed to discover, was an incredible turn-on for me. I wondered if Lynne, consciously or subconsciously, was trying to turn me into Kay! I found myself thinking that I would be more than happy to go along with it if she was! Lynne made us some breakfast, then we sat with a coffee and a couple of joints talking about us for hours before she went home.

Lynne and I saw a lot more of each other after that! She would help me with make up - after learning some great tips from an expert (Pam) - and I eventually perfected my looks for during the day or at night. I had never ventured out as Jenny, having little belief that I really looked like a chick, you know, something would give me away, or I'd panic and run - but I wanted to have the right looks sorted out for the right occasions, just in case! She also let me borrow a few of her things from time to time - lingerie, dresses, heels (I loved her tight leather knee-boots the best!) and anything else she thought would look good on me. I had never tried to look casual - just jeans shorts, t- shirt and underwear - because I didn't think I was feminine enough for that. However, one night, about a week after our first wonderful night together, I had shaved as smooth as I could after a long soak in a hot bath. I put on a piar of Kay's really lacy black panties and went round to Lynne's house when her mum was away to work. We went straight up to her room after some kissing in the lounge.

Oh Jenny! Look how smooth you are!', Lynne exclaimed as I took my jeans and t-shirt off, I have just the things to finish it off'. With that, she led me naked apart from my panties to the bathroom she and her mum shared. She started to rub moisturising lotion all over my body, starting with my legs and working her way up, all over my chest and back too. It was like a really sensual and soft massage and I couldn't get enough of it! After she had done my face and body, she told me to get the panties off! I have a special treat for you tonight since you're so smooth!' and she started to rub the lotion all over my clit and ass, which were totally free of hair except for a tuft above my clit. As she did this I could not help but get hard - save that for later, girl', she winked at me. Next, she repeated the whole process with some fragranced baby oil - only using a little but rubbing it in quite hard. I looked down at my slim body as she applied the baby oil, loving how smooth and shiny it was now. My long tanned legs looked so hot, they really could have been girls legs. My legs widened nicely at the thighs, giving them a good shape - all the mucking about you do as a kid really keeps you in shape, and how quickly you lose it when you get older and lazier!! (Although, the need to fit into sexy outfits is a good motivator to get to the gym these days whenever they start to feel just too tight :P )

My whole body was very slim and toned at that age (as I'm sure I've mentioned before!) and I had very slim hips, a tight stomach and a cute round ass - I thought I looked pretty good! Right! Let's get you something to wear', Lynne said as she finished massaging the oil into me. She quickly washed her hands so that she wouldn't stain anything with the baby oil later and led me back to her bedroom. We'll let all that stuff soak in a bit then you'll be silky smooth!'. After about 20 minutes of sitting about in a towel chatting, she had deemed it soaked in enough and rubbed me down with the towel, Here, put these on now'. I sat on her bed and she handed me a pair of her white lacy panties, which I got up and stepped into, then pulled tight over my hips; and a lacy white camisole that just reached down to my belly button. The effect was amazing and I soon felt my little clit stirring down below. She then gave me a pair of pink cut-off sweat pants that just covered my ass cheeks and a white vest top. Wow, you look so cute Jen! Let's get some makeup on your face'. She proceeded to apply some foundation, did my eyes, lips and cheeks. My eyes were really dark - she had used a lot of liner - but not too overdone. My lips were so full looking and done in a shade of dark purple with gloss on top. The overall effect was to add a couple of years but I really looked like a girl in her early 20's that was going out on the town! I looked down at my flat chest and thought that I would need to get some real- looking breasts of my own soon to fill out the right places. The camisole had no cups or anything and I couldn't even stuff it with stockings, and since we were saving the breast forms for special occaisions I was flat until I changed into something else but Lynne told me it was cute anyway!. She then spent a bit of time doing my own hair in as girly a style as she could manage. Again I noticed the remarkable resemblance with my big sister, especially as Lynne had done it in close to the style Kay usually wore her hair. She had pulled it back into a tight ponytail and left a couple of stray locks framing my face again. Really cute!

Lynne was just wearing much the same as me and we could have been best friends or sisters lounging about to anyone who saw us. I was so happy at the look Lynne had achieved for me. I was still kinda slutty looking with the make up on but I was wearing just relaxed girly clothes. I felt pretty good and my clit was really starting to swell in the tight panties. Lynne sat beside me on the bed, grinned and grabbed one of my ankles, Give me your foot, I'm going to put some polish on your toes tonight'. I hope this comes off easily?', I replied as I gave her my foot. She winked at me while she held my foot in her lap as she carefully applied the dark purple gloss to each of my toes in turn. She had put rolled up bits of tissue between my toes to hold them apart, Okay, don't touch anything with your toes for a couple of minutes while that dries. Give me your other foot now'. Lynne carefully repeated the process on my other foot and told me again to be careful not to touch anything until it was dry. I found myself sitting on her bed with my heels on the floor and my toes raised up off the ground, swishing them from side to side trying to get the air to dry them quicker. I grinned at Lynne, That looks really nice, Lynne. Thanks for doing it!'. She smiled back, `Like it, eh? Well I'm going to do your fingernails as well but let me stick these long nails on you first. C'mere over to the vanity'. I hobbled over on my heels, still keeping my toes off the ground and looking like a penguin. Lynne just laughed at me for being silly!

I sat down on her vanity stool and gave her my hands. She took each in turn and stuck the long nails over my own, taking a while to get them on straight and to her satisfaction. When she was done, I looked at my fingers. The ends of the nails extended about 10mm beyond the tips of my fingers and I thought they looked so sexy. The tips were flat and Lynne did not really like this, so she spent the next half hour or so filing them down to a lovely oval shape. Much better! Then she took the same polish she did my toes with and applied it to my fingernails. Again she told me not to touch anything until it was dry. I smiled at her as I held my fingers out and gently blew on them to try and speed up the drying. She looked at me quite directly as she had done when I confessed my secret to her and said, You know, you really look so feminine sitting there just now! I'm so happy to have you for a friend - and a boyfriend and a girlfriend all in one neat package! I'm so glad you confided in me!' I just looked at her before saying, Lynne, I don't think I've ever felt this good about myself. For ages it was my biggest secret and was it killing me not to be able to express myself fully. I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell anyone else but just to be able to talk and experiment...and all the other stuff...with you is the best! I love being your girl!'.

With that, Lynne shuffled over to me on her knees and I bent over a little on the stool to kiss her. She took my face in her hands and kissed me hard. When she finally broke off she looked me right in the eye and said, I love having you for my girl, too! Look at you! You're such a sexy chick, so cute...but you've got this too!', she said as she grabbed for my cock. I felt her fingers wrapped tightly around my now raging hard clit through the sweatpants and panties as she slowly moved her hand up and down its length. Oh God, Lynne! You're so amazing! Let's fuck again right now! Pleeease!' She looked up at me with a mischievous glint in her eye and started to work the sweatpants down my smooth legs. She got them off my feet and threw them behind her. Then she started to gently and slowly stroke her fingernails along my hard clit through the panties. She moved me so that I was sitting on the very edge of the stool and put my knees on her shoulders. Next, she lowered herself and started kissing up the insides on my legs and stroking them with her nails. Oh, Man! This felt incredible! She kept this up for what seemed like ages, gently kissing and nibbling at my thighs and teasing around - but never touching - my straining clit, which was leaking quite a bit of precum by now. Then she sat up, grabbed my legs and planted my feet on the floor, legs wide apart. `Mmmmm, look how wet you've got for me, Jenny! Mmmmm I'm gonna suck your big girl-cock baby!' I loved it when Lynne called me Jenny. I loved her dirty talk and the fact that she seemed, at times like this, to think of me as a real girlfriend who just happened to have a cock! I figured that she must be really bisexual or something and the thought that I could satisfy all her needs at once really turned me on - and made me happy too.

Lynne sat right up and almost ripped her vest-top from my body but left the camisole top on me. She started tracing her nails all over my body, which by now she knew I loved, watching as I broke out in goosebumps wherever she touched me. I was gasping slightly from the sensations and my clit was twitching of it's own accord at her touch. She made me sit there on the edge of her stool with my legs spread as far apart as they would go. Then she traced her nails right down across my tummy to my clit, making me gasp deeply. She looked me dead in the eye as she lowered her head and took about half my cock into her mouth before closing her lips. My clit was soaking wet with precum and Lynnes mouth was also really wet, so when she went down further, it slipped into her mouth easily. She just held my clit in her mouth as she sucked on it like she was trying to get a really thick milkshake through a wide straw. I could feel her tongue squeezing the underside of my clit as the head entered her throat. God! What a feeling! Lynne started moving her head up and down my clit really slowly, almost taking it right out before sucking it right down her throat again and again. I looked down at her again and her eyes were closed. She looked so hot with my clit sliding in and out of her mouth. I could also see her erect nipples poking through her cute little t-shirt. Just then, she grabbed my clit with her hand and started slowly stroking it while keeping the head in her mouth and sucking hard. The sight of her hands, with their long pink nails wrapped around my cock - and her pouty lips sucking it into her mouth was really getting me off. I took her head in my hands (the polish now dry!) and ran my fingers through her long hair as she sucked me. I was getting close to cumming so I started to pull her off but she grabbed my ass cheeks, pulled me in hard and buried my clit in her mouth, taking as much of it in as she could. Just as I felt my balls and clit tightening in orgasm, Lynne took my clit out of her mouth and stroked it, directing my cum into her open mouth. Some shot all over her face and some went in her mouth, which she swallowed there and then. I was writhing and gasping in ecstacy as she sucked me off and kept sucking long after my clit had started to go soft again. She sat up and looked right at me as she wiped my cum from her face with one finger, which she sucked clean. Then, she sat right up and grabbed my face again and kissed me deep. She had kept some of my cum in her mouth and I could feel her feeding it to me with her tongue as we kissed. I kissed her back eagerly and tasted my cum mingled with her saliva. She fed it all to me and made me swallow it all. Then she kissed me once on the lips and said, That was just to show you that I really do love having you as my girly- boy!', and kissed me again before I could reply. Think you can get that hard again for me, baby?', she asked, `I really want you to fuck me right now!'. I couldn't believe how good it was fucking Lynne after she had done all this for me. She loved me dressed (and dressing me) as a girl and she loved me as a guy - I was in paradise!

Lynne stripped off all of her clothes in front of me, dancing and flirting as she did so. I could not keep my eyes off her body - she was (and still is) so gorgeous. So slim and toned with amazing breasts (not too big, not too small and very firm) and her ass was just perfect. I still could not believe I was fucking her. She walked over to her bed and I joined her as we lay back and started kissing and touching each other all over. She told me to leave the camisole top on, so I did. I was lying in just the top, with great makeup and girly hair. I started caressing her body lightly with my nails, making her gasp and squeal every so often. I was trying to keep things going slowly, trying not to hurry to slide my clit into her, keeping us both as horny as possible. I loved just lying there with her, looking like a cute chick and making her moan with pleasure as I caressed her legs and body. As I did so, I noticed one of her hands making it's way between her legs. She started rubbing on her own clit and playing with her pussy, so I lowered my face to her and took one of her breasts in my mouth and started sucking. I kissed and sucked both of her tits and chewed gently on her nipples before kissing my way down her body towards her pussy. Kneeling between her legs, I removed her hand and held her legs open as I lowered my tongue to her pussy lips. I brushed along the length of her slit, from her ass to her clit, so gently with my tongue. I took about 2 minutes to lick from one end to the other and this was driving Lynne nuts! One of her hands moved back to rub her clit as I licked her, so I told her No touching, yet!', as I grabbed her wrists and held her hands at her sides and continued my very slow assault on her pussy. She was arching back on her bed as I licked right into her, driving my tongue slowly into her pussy and lapping slowly up and down. Oh! That feels so good, Jen! Oh fuck, yes!', she gasped, you're gonna make me cum, baby. Oooooooh, yeeeees!! Oh, don't stop licking me. Oh yes!'. I licked her even more slowly now, taking an eternity to lick my tongue up the length of her beautiful tight pussy. Oh, you're teasing me now!', she squealed - and smiling devilishly at me she said, `I'm gonna get you back for this when you're done down there, bitch!'.

Wow! She called me bitch' again. I knew she was probably only joking really but it was such a turn on for me! To feel submissive in the presence of this gorgeous girl, that she could do to me whatever she wanted (and she could have!!) and that I was not in control of events like most guys' would be in this situation made me feel so feminine and slutty. I wondered if she liked, or wanted, to be in charge! I was starting to get really excited about the way in which she would get me back! Lynne was really writhing about now, so I thought I would go in for the kill. I licked right up to her clit and took it between my lips. It was only about half an inch or so long but when I sucked it into my mouth, I found I could hold it there and swirl my tongue around it. I felt like I was sucking her tiny cock and the effect on Lynne was incredible. She let out a scream as I first sucked her clit in and moaned loudly as I kept sucking her. With a cry, she sat up and grabbed my head, forcing my tongue into her pussy as I continued to suck. I was kind of slurping on her pussy and clit at the same time. As her orgasm took her, Lynne lay back on the bed, lifted her ass up, gripped my head with her thighs and pulled me by the hair into her pussy. She held me firmly and rubbed her pussy up and down my tongue and face as she bucked wildly on the bed. I actually had a moment where I thought I could suffocate down here but I could just breathe through my nose. I was lapping my tongue into her, tasting her pussy and cum - and loving it! Lynne continued to ride my face for a long time before she finally stopped and lay back panting on her bed. My own clit was very hard again and I wanted to get it in her - no more of this taking things slowly. I guess the boy in me wanted some action too? I moved up from her thighs and kissed up her body again to her face. I kissed all over her shoulders and neck before kissing her hard on the lips. She returned the kiss passionately and our tongues were soon twisting about in each others mouths.

Lynne broke of first, Fuck me, Jenny! Stick your lovely girly cock in me now!' I moved over to get on top of her as she spread her long legs wide open for me. I got into position and Lynne grabbed my clit and pulled me into her pussy, Fuck me...but don't you dare cum until I tell you!' As I slid my clit into her, I was glad she had given me a fantastic orgasm earlier because otherwise I would probably have cum the minute I was inside her. We fucked for ages - rolling all over her bed. Lynne came a couple of times and I was so pleased to have been able to give her that. She was sitting on top of me, with my clit up her pussy when she reached over to her bedside drawer and pulled out her strapon. You better get used to the sight of this, Jen! Now, hurry and help me get it on before I spank you! I removed my clit from her as she sat up and made my way round behind her. I took the waist belt and pulled it tight, loving the feeling of doing this for her - that I was being made to be instrumental in my own impending ass-fucking. Mmmmm, make sure it's nice and tight, baby! Don't want it coming loose while I'm ramming it up you!', Lynne purred. I fastened the straps for the legs, too - nice and tightly - and she turned round to face me. You like my big cock, too, don't you honey?', she said as she stroked it, her hand moving up and down the shaft. yeah! I love it, Lynne! You're so fuckin hot!'. She smirked at me, well, get down there and suck my big cock baby. Suck it hard and deep, then beg me to fuck you!'. I slid down her body and sat staring at her 7" cock before kissing and licking it. mmm that's good honey! Suck my cock, yeah! Suck it now!' she hissed as I opened my mouth to take her in. She grabbed my head and slid the dildo into my mouth as I sucked. I could feel it pushing it's way to my throat and I was getting so turned on at the thought of deep-throating my girlfriends cock again. Lynne let me take over so that I could do it without discomfort and I gradually took more and more into my mouth until it was all the way in - down my throat! I came up gasping after a few minutes, Please fuck me now, Lynne. I want your big cock in my ass! It feels so good sliding in and out. I love it! C'mon! Fuck me!'. On your knees, baby! And lean way forward so that your face is in my pillows...yeah, that's it honey, mmm such a cute little ass!'. I heard and felt Lynne reaching over again for some lube and a rubber. She rolled the rubber onto her cock and squirted some lube onto her fingers. She rubbed the lube around and into my ass, which felt so good - I felt so submissive and ready to let her do whatever she wanted with me. She started pushing her finger into me, working it around to loosen my ass. After a while, two fingers were sliding into my ass as she cooed into my ear what a little slut I was and that she loved it! I begged her to stick her cock in me now and she was happy to oblige.

Moving round behind me, she rubbed plenty more lube onto her cock and moved in close to me. She held her big dildo with one hand while pushing my back down with the other. I felt her probing around my ass, looking for the entrance, until finally I felt the head pushing tentatively at my opening. Lynne slid it in so slowly, you would not believe, pushing just past my sphincter took an eternity and I loved the feeling of her cock stretching me as it pushed in. She kept on pushing slowly after the head was in and I began to feel it slowly filling my ass - forcing it's way in as I moaned in delight. After about five minutes of slowly teasing her way into me, Lynne was all the way in, I could feel the rubber balls grinding between my own balls and ass as she gyrated it inside me. Ready, Jenny? I'm going to pump you until I make you come - just like last time!'. Yes! Ram it up my ass, Lynne! Fuck me and make me cum - please!', I panted back. But instead of ramming it hard, she slowly started pulling it out and pushing it back in again, only about two inches was going in and out! She was teasing me back! Oh, you cow! You're teasing me!', I said as I tried to push back onto her cock. Lynne spanked my ass a good hard one, making me yelp, more in surprise than pain. That's what you get!', she laughed. Is this what you want?', she asked as she slammed the dildo into me again and again - really fucking my ass hard, you like it like this, baby? Hmmmm?', she asked from between clenched teeth, Tell me you like it!'. Oh...Jee...Suz...Fuck! Ooooh! I luv it Lynne. Fuck me hard in my ass. Fuck me like a girl!', I gasped back as she thrust into me over and over - so hard! Just as I was getting close to cumming, she slowed right down again - sliding the whole length in and out so slowly. It felt so good and I didn't want this ever to stop but I needed to cum so badly and I knew the only way that was going to happen was with Lynne fucking me hard. She wouldn't let me touch my clit at all and she spanked me when I looked like I was trying to. Right, here's the deal babe - I told you I was going to get you back and here's what going to happen. I'm not going to get you off!', I started to protest but she spanked me again to keep me quiet. You're going to get yourself off instead!', she continued, taking her cock out of me and lying on her back beside me. Get on top! Stick my cock in your ass and fuck it til you cum!'. I could tell Lynne was not being too serious about this mild domination thing - we were just fooling around - but it was a real turn on anyway! I clambered over on top of her, grabbing her slick cock. She slid down so that I was sitting right above it with her raised knees pushing into my back. I guided it towards my ass with one hand, feeling the head once more stretching my ass open to accept her. I sat down on her slowly, gasping as I felt her cock sliding into me and filling me up again. I went down until I could go no further, then sat there with her cock right up me. Lynne was looking up at me, smiling, as I sat with her cock up my ass, readjusting myself to this new position and panting a bit! come on honey! Fuck yourself on my big cock! Cum all over me', she growled playfully. I raised myself up, feeling her cock sliding out of me deliciously until just the head remained inside, then I sat back down again, hard! oh yeah baby! Fuck my cock hard with your ass!'. I started bouncing up and down on her as I got more comfortable - the feeling now one of total bliss. My own clit was waving up and down as I rode her faster and faster. I shifted my weight a bit and squealed as her dildo started rubbing my prostate. Lynne was now raising her ass off the bed - thrusting up to meet me on my way down and fucking me hard! Oh Lynne! Oh God! I'm gonna cum!! I gonna cum! Ram your cock in me, I'm gonna cummmmmmmm!', I moaned. Lynne grabbed my cock and started stroking it as her cock pumped into me one last time. She thrust it right into me as far as it would go and I shot my cum all over her as she stroked my clit. The first load hit her face with a big splat! Again I spasmed and shot all over her chin and neck as she stroked me. I shot about six or seven strong spurts of cum on her, all the way from her face to her tummy as my orgasm weakened. `Oh Jesus, Lynne! That was amazing!', I panted, out of breath and with weak legs trembling, still sitting with her cock in me. My ass was still twitching and gripping her dildo and my clit was jerking involuntarily every so often.

Lynne looked at me as she licked my cum from around her mouth and gathered the rest from her face with her fingers. She had a funny look on her face - kind of coy, yet challenging as if waiting for me to do something. I did the only thing that I could think of...I bent over and kissed her hard, tasting my cum in her mouth again. As we kissed, I pushed her head back and started licking her neck, where a good load of my cum had landed, then kissed her again. Mmmm, you like the taste, baby? You're such a little slut!', Lynne grinned as we broke our kiss.And you love this, too. Don't you?!', she was telling me more than asking as she thrust the dildo into me again, laughing. I grinned back at her, It tastes funny but I could get used to it', I said, and I really do love that!', as I sunk down on her cock! I think you might be bi, too, Jen! You love this cock in you too much to be anything else. Have you ever really thought about being with a guy?', she said then as we started to untangle ourselves. As her dildo slid out of me, I made a long Oooooohh!' sound, grinned, then said, Sure, I've thought about it. Don't know if I would ever go through with it or not, though'. We got cleaned up a bit and lay on her bed, hugging each other. Then she said, Look...if things move on a bit and you ever want to meet up with a guy - or another girl like you - that would be okay with me...just remember that you're my girl, though!'. I thought I was hearing things! Did she just say it was okay for me - and presumably her, too - to play about, to experiment? I asked her what she meant - just to get it clear and she said, Well, sex is sometimes just that - sex. There's no real feeling or emotion other than lust between two people. I think I love you - I mean it, I have real and deep feelings for you! I also love fucking you and being really kinky. I love you and I love Jenny and you turn me on so much, you wouldn't believe it! But...since, I think at least, we both might like sometimes being with someone of the same sex, I don't see anything really wrong with that!'. She continued, I know it's like having your cake and eating it but just imagine the possibilities!'. I was already imagining the possibilities long before she said that! Lynne', I started, you don't have to talk me into this! I don't know if I'll ever do it but I might...and I know you might again, too...but I know what you mean and I agree with you. And I'd like to be able to go ahead if the right opportunity ever came up without feeling guilty - you shouldn't either for that matter! I think I might love you, too!'. We looked at each other for a long time before she reached over to kiss me again, Can I fuck other chicks, too?!', I joked. She punched me on the arm but said yes! On a more serious note', I said, Kay and my mum are back in a couple of days...what are we going to do about all this, Jenny and you and me, I mean? And what the fuck am I going to say to Kay?', I asked. Well, you can be Jenny here any time you like. My mum is out a lot and she works nightshift, too, so we'd have the place to ourselves pretty often! I don't know what'll happen when she goes away in a couple of months, so we'll just have to wait and see. You can borrow anything of mine to wear, pinch stuff from Kay and your mum...or we can start buying you stuff of your own. That could be fun!', she grinned and went on, As for what to say to Kay, I don't know. I'm sure something will work out. Just make sure she's in a good mood when you tell her! You know what she's like anyway, she's pretty cool and openminded and I'm sure she's seen enough in her time not to be totally shocked. Tell her what you told me - that it goes beyond just wearing lingerie and getting your kicks'. Ah, I dunno, Lynne. It's easy to sit here and talk about this but I know I'll bottle out when I'm face to face with her. Let's forget it just now and I'll worry about it later, okay?', I said as we snuggled into her bed. `okay - but I'm here for you whatever, right?!', Lynne said as we started kissing and fondling ourselves to sleep.

What's a girl to do?! Continues in Chapter 5...

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