Jennifers Cum Pulsion

By Jennifer James

Published on Jan 14, 2003


Jennifer's CumPulsion V: On The Prowl

By Jennifer James

For those of you who have been following the story, you've probably already guessed that this is a backward chronology of my cumpulsion. At the point of time I'm writing about I had already been placing ads on the internet, and meeting a few guys that way, but the hunt was still very much of an attraction in itself, so whenever I did get out, I'd find myself on the prowl without even consciously trying.

In the fall of 1999, I had gone to NYC for the weekend with some friends, and was going to be sharing a hotel room with them. The rooms were very expensive, so getting my own room was not an option. Sharing a room was fine actually, but it did mean that I wouldn't have a convenient place, once the weekend started, to bring any guys back to.

I did, however, get there about 2 PM on the Saturday, and checked into the room alone. No one else was going to be showing up until later on, so I had made arrangements to have a guy I'd been writing to meet me at the hotel at 4PM.

Part 1 - The Room

I unpacked my clothes and makeup, and went into the shower to shave - my legs, armpits, and bikini line first, and then a close shave on my face. Coming out of the shower, I slipped into my black lace trimmed bra, bikini panties, garter belt, and sheer black hose. Then I pulled back the window drapes, set up my makeup on the windowsill, and began to make up in the natural daylight.

In NYC, even on the 7th floor, there is no window that is not directly across from another window, so sitting at an uncovered window and transforming from guy to girl was a little disconcerting. But, it is also very anonymous in it's own way, and the voyeuristic aspects were somewhat of a turn on at the same time.

As usual, I started with the foundation, I had just recently discovered dermablend at this time, and I began rubbing it in with my fingers. I hadn't yet learned about custom blending shades for particular times of the year, so the color was a little pale as I still had a slight tan remaining from the summer, but it wasn't too bad. After I had applied it all over, I sponged off the excess and put on my translucent setting powder, and then used a darker powder I had with me to compensate for the color a little.

Liquid black eyeliner was next, and since I'd be outside at night, not daytime, I drew in a fairly thick line along my upper lash line, and then drew a thin line under my lower lashes. Eye shadow followed, dark pink beneath the brows, greenish blue on the lids, and a dark teal in the crease and on the outer lids. I filled in my eyebrows, which were somewhat tweezed but not totally girly yet at that point in time, with pencil, and finished off the eyes by curling my lashes and sweeping on 2 separate coats of black mascara. Dark pink blush came next, and finally I penciled in my mouth with bright red liner, followed by bright red lipstick.

Looking out the window, I noticed that across the street there were a few people in an office that were gathered at a window watching me. I hadn't noticed them up till that point, so I decided to play for the crowd. I slipped on my wig liner, pulled out my wig, which was an ash blonde shoulder length pageboy, and facing the window and looking directly over at the people who were watching I slipped on the wig - and then took a mock bow. Two of the women started smiling, so I guess they enjoyed the show.

I closed the drapes and got up to get, and put on, my jewelry; a thick gold rope chain, matching bracelet, a ruby ring, and 2 large clip-on earrings - all of which were costume, of course. And finally I slipped into a green silk kimono I'd brought for lounging in and started painting my nails. I painted my toenails first, then my fingernails, a bright red color. Then a second coat to each, and finally a shiny topcoat. I was basically ready, and it was still only 3:30, so I sat back in the room's one armchair and relaxed, waiting for my nail polish to dry.

At a few minutes before 4PM, the room phone rang, and it was Bill, calling from the lobby, so I gave him the room number and told him to come on up. I slipped into a pair of black stiletto heels, and a few minutes later answered the knock on the door.

Bill had never sent me a picture, but had described himself pretty accurately - dark hair, mustache, brown eyes, stocky but muscular, and 5'10. I stepped aside and asked him in, and poured a few glasses of wine from the bottle he'd brought. At this point in my life I was not as comfortable in that situation as I would get later on, so skipping the subtleties, I pulled open the kimono sash, slipped it off, and said 'why don't we get comfortable?'

This was going to be Bill's first experience with a T girl, but he seemed game, and without taking his eyes off me, he began to undress himself, and in a few minutes was standing there totally nude.

I handed him his cup of wine, tapped mine against his, and said 'to fun' and we both took a sip. I set down my glass and walked over and kissed him on the lips, with just a little bit of tongue. He responded right away, and we kissed for a few minutes without touching otherwise, and his cock sprang up against my belly. I looked down and saw that he was equipped pretty much as he'd described also - about 7 inches, cut, and medium width.

I reached down and took his warm cock in the palm of my hand, and began to gently rub his cockhead with my thumb as we kept kissing. He reached down towards me and rubbed his hand against my bulge, but made no move to pull out my cock, which was fine with me.

I suggested we move over to the bed, and he laid down against the pillow, and I kneeled next to him and bent over to kiss him again, then ran my tongue down his chest, along his belly, and began to lick along his cockshaft, finally slipping it into my mouth. He groaned as I did this, and I moved my lips down his shaft a little, and licked and sucked gently, but when he groaned again I backed off, and began to lick his balls instead. I moved onto my side, in 69 position, and began to very slowly suck on his cock, as he just rubbed mine thru my panties. Whenever he groaned or tensed up I backed off a little, and after awhile he slipped my panties to the side in the back and slipped a finger up my ass.

Eventually, though, I decided to go in for the kill, and took him in my mouth and began to suck harder, and was using my hand to stroke him at the same time. He began to pump his cock in my mouth, and just as I as expecting him to cum, he got soft! I'd put it off a little too long, and he wouldn't get hard again right away, so we took a break and just kissed for a while.

He eventually had to get up to pee, so I got up also, and got my cup of wine, and when he came back out of the bathroom, I was sitting on the floor by the armchair, and told him to have a seat in the chair. I kneeled upright between his feet, and leaned in to give him a kiss, and began to play with his still soft cock at the same time. Then I told him to lay back and relax, and still kneeling between his legs, I bent down and took his cock between my lips. I sucked him really gently, using a lot of tongue, and he began to get hard again. And once he got hard I began to go up and down his shaft with my lips, very slowly, but didn't take him too far in, I hadn't yet really learned by then how to deep throat a cock comfortably. He was lying back in the chair, totally passive, as I worked on his cock, and I could taste a drop or 2 of precum ooze out every now and then.

I kept moving my mouth up and down his shaft, using my tongue all over, when unexpectedly I felt his hands grip my head, and he pumped my head up and down onto his cock 3 times fast, and held it down, and I could feel his cum spurt right into the back of my throat. Before I even had a chance to gag, though, he relaxed his hands and I was able to back my lips out to his cockhead, and the next few blasts of cum landed on my tongue where I could taste it. I kept sucking till he completely stopped, and then swallowed it all down.

I was slightly pissed off that he'd forced my throat onto his cock like that, without warning or asking if it was OK, but at that point it wasn't worth mentioning, he'd shot his load of cum into my mouth, I'd swallowed it, and we'd both gotten what we'd ultimately wanted. But he sensed it, I'm sure, and stood up and quickly dressed, a quick kiss, a quick 'bye', and he let himself out of the room. He would not become a regular of mine (though he would continue to write me for awhile afterwards).

Part 2 - The Prowl

He had only been gone a short while when my 2 girlfriends showed up at the room, and when they saw me there, looking disheveled with my lipstick messed up, they knew exactly what I'd been up to. But since they knew me, I didn't even get a comment, just a couple of smirks.

I relaxed with them for a while while they got dressed, and I fixed my makeup and pulled on a black velvet slip dress over the lingerie, and slipped back into the heels from earlier. Eventually we all grabbed our coats and headed out, caught a cab, and went to a TG friendly restaurant down in the Village, to meet some other friends. Altogether we ended up with a group of about a dozen girls, and we had a nice dinner and chatted.

After dinner we all headed to a TG club downtown, near Chinatown. The place was small, and it was still fairly early, so people started playing pool, socializing, and dancing to the jukebox.

I was chatting with the other girls, with one eye to the door, when a cute guy walked in the club. About 5'10, dirty blond short hair, and blue eyes. He went over and sat at the small bar and ordered a drink. So, of course, the hunt began.

I went over and sat next to him, and ordered a glass of wine for myself, and when the bartender brought the drink, I turned to the guy next to me and said 'Cheers' holding up my glass.

He tapped his glass against mine and said 'Cheers! How are you tonight?'

'Great' I said 'I'm Jenny. Come here often?'

'First time' he said. 'How did you get here?' I asked.

'I drove in from Queens. I'm Michael, by the way.' (He has a car with him - the hunt continues)

'So, what brought you here?' I asked.

'Well' he said 'I've always had fantasies of being with a girl like you. And I decided it was finally time to do something about that'.... and smiled.

'This could be your lucky night' I said, smiling back 'Do you feel like going out to your car and continuing the conversation?'

'Sounds like fun' he said, so we both finished our drinks, I grabbed my coat, and we headed out the door together (to knowing glances and smiles from some of the girls who knew me).

He had a Taurus parked a few doors down on the same side of the street, and he opened the passenger side and I got in, and he got in the drivers seat - and fortunately there was no center console. The club was on a street of warehouses, all closed, so there wasn't too much traffic, and I turned to him and said:

'What do you like, Hon - considering we're in a car on the street' and reached over and began to slowly rub his cock through his pants.

'Honestly' he said 'I really love blowjobs'

'Well, you're in luck, then, because I'd really love to give you a blowjob' I said, and began to slide down his zipper. He reached down to unbuckle his belt, and he pulled his pants and jockeys down a little and his cock popped out. I leaned over and took him in my mouth and began so run my tongue around his cockhead, and started sucking him gently. He let out a small sigh, and I started moving my lips up and down his shaft at the same time, still leaned over from the passenger side.

After a few minutes, though, he started getting soft again, and said 'I'm sorry, it must be the situation here' So I said 'Relax, Sweetie, and tilt back your seat a little' He did, and I said 'let's get you more comfortable' And I reached over and began pulling his slacks and shorts down to his ankles, and though there were some people walking past the car, no one seemed to be paying attention to us.

I then slid to my knees on the passenger side floor, and was in a much better position to give his cock the attention it deserved. I leaned slightly towards him and again slipped my lips around his cock, and got him totally hard again, and wet with saliva. Then I held his cock up with my left hand and gently kneaded the head of his cock in my hand, and began to run my tongue up and down his testicles, which were covered with fine blondish hair.

He groaned a little as I took his testicles one at a time into my mouth and gently sucked them, then slipped my mouth back over his shaft. The street traffic had increased, and people were walking and driving by more frequently, and I don't know if anyone was watching, but that thought was in itself a turn on to me. I began to rhythmically move my lips up and down his shaft, keeping my tongue on his cockhead, and was sucking gently. And at the same time I was stroking his shaft, so his shaft and cockhead were totally enveloped in my mouth or hand at all times, and within a few minutes he started moaning, totally tensed up, and went 'ohhhhhh' as his blast of cum hit my tonsils and then started flowing from his cock into my mouth.

As soon as I tasted his cum in my mouth, I began to moan myself, as I kept my lips right at the ring around his cockhead and continued the suction, still stroking his shaft, and drained him dry till my mouth was almost full of his juices. I swallowed his load down, and kept him in my mouth till he started getting soft, and then lifted my head up to look at him.

'That was really great' he said 'you must have done that a lot of times to get so good at it' Well, at that point in my life, I actually hadn't sucked very many cocks, and for some reason his comment bothered me a little.

So I replied 'No, I haven't done that a lot of times, actually' I must've had a tone in my voice, because he said 'I'm sorry, I didn't many anything by that - but it really was great' and he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips, though he didn't use his tongue.

'Whatever' I thought, but I said 'well, I better get back inside. Are you coming back in?'

'No, I think I'll head on home' he said (which is what I expected - how many guys who've just shot their load in someone's mouth are really very sociable immediately afterwards). So we said goodbye in the car, I fixed my lipstick in his vanity mirror, and headed back into the club.

Walking back into the club, I passed by all the girls, some of whom had smiles or smirks on their faces. One of the girls (actually, more of a guy in a dress) who was dressed and out for the first time, actually point blank asked me 'What did you do with that guy' Knowing, from a short previous conversation that this person was a self proclaimed total heterosexual (yeah, right - I'm still waiting to meet one of those), I should have just said something like 'not much' and walked on.

But instead I went for the shock value and said 'I sucked every last drop of cum out of his balls' and smiled. I got back a shocked silence in return, and walked away to hang up my coat, then went into the bathroom to fix my lipstick better, and comb my hair.

Back in the club, I went to the bar and started talking to some of the girls who had come in while I was out in the car, and I wasn't paying attention to much else. And after maybe a half hour I was interrupted by the bartender, who put another glass of wine in front of me and said 'this is from the guy at the end of the bar'.

I looked up, and at the end of the bar was a very nice looking guy, maybe 40 and prematurely gray, with dark eyes. I held up my glass in a toast, smiled, and went back to my conversation. A few minutes later he walked over to me, and moved into the bar on the other side of me. I finished my thought with the girl I was talking to, and turned to him and smiled. The first thing I said to him was 'How come, in a bar full of girls, you decided to buy me a drink?' and smiled again. He came right back with 'Well, first of all you look great - but there's also an aura about you that just hit me' (does a thirst for cum have an aura, I wondered?)

I looked him over at that point, and noticed he was wearing a sweat suit, which is somewhat unusual for guys in those places, but because of that I could see a large bulge in his pants, even being soft. So, I moved up against him a little and casually reached down to feel what he had, and it did feel rather large, though not monster size. He whispered in my ear 'I'd love to suck your cock'

Wondering if he thought I was the hunted (I wasn't), I whispered back 'we can talk about that - but first how about telling me your name. I'm Jenny. And did you drive here?' He replied 'I'm John' he said (out of all the admirers I've ever met, about a third are named John, a third are named Michael, and the other third mostly use their real first names) 'and yes, I did drive, I'm parked out front'

Well, let's go out and talk about it then' I said, and went to get my coat. The owner of the club was at the coat rack, and he said to me 'If you're going outside to play, would you mind moving the car off the block? I'd rather not get the attention here' 'no problem' I said, and I grabbed my coat 'see you in a bit' and walked outside where the guy was waiting.

The guy's car was some little foreign piece of crap, with fast food litter all over the back, and had a stick shift right off the floor, but again, no console. We got in his car and pulled away, but right at the corner we were back on typical packed lower Manhattan streets. He stared driving around the area looking for a quiet street to park, and I had my hand down his sweatpants and around his cock while we were driving. As we cruised the streets he was telling me how much he wanted to suck me off, and as he was talking about it he started getting really hard.

I slid my dress up a little so my panties were exposed in the front, and when we had to stop for a light he'd reach over to feel my cock thru the panties, but once we started moving again he had to remove his hand to shift the car. We were having no luck with a quiet street to park in, and I had slipped the front of his elastic waist band down under his balls so his cock was out (and turned out to be a good 7 inches, and wide), and whenever we'd stop for a light I'd lean over and slip my mouth on his cock and give him a few licks and sucks till the light changed green.

We were basically in Chinatown at this point, and the sidewalks and streets were packed with pedestrians as they always are, but typical of New York, nobody pays much attention, especially to the cars, and I was still sucking him off for maybe 45 seconds at a time at every light. He kept talking about how he wanted to do me, but I was tasting precum at every light now and knew he wasn't going to last, and we were just pulling up to the light where we'd be turning to get back to that block, when I went in for the kill.

I bent down into his lap at the light and began to move my lips rapidly up and down his shaft while sucking hard and licking furiously, and he went 'Oh Geez' and erupted into my mouth. I kept moving my lips up and down with suction, and he almost turned to jelly as his cum continued to flow into my mouth, and suddenly car horns started blasting, and he opened his eyes to see the light had changed and he was holding up traffic.

He let out the clutch, and with a lurch, turned the car around the corner and pulled over to the right so cars could pass, and when we stopped, I sat upright and swallowed the cum I had been holding in my mouth, and smiled at him. 'Still want to suck me off?' I asked, already knowing the answer. 'There's still no place to park' he said (which really meant 'not anymore, the urge left me the second my cum shot into your mouth')

It was fine by me, and I looked around and noticed the club was just up at the end of the block, so I leaned over to give him a kiss and said 'see you around' and got out of the car. He called 'Bye' and started driving away, as I stopped for a minute under the streetlight and somewhat fixed my lipstick and hair in my compact mirror. And then I walked down the street to the club and went back inside, the taste of cum still strong in my mouth.

When I got inside, I noticed that the place had emptied somewhat, and many of the girls I'd come in with had seemed to have left, so I went over to one of the 3 girls I had come with who were still there and asked where everyone had gone. She said they'd all gone uptown to the other TG club, and asked if I wanted to head up with them. Looking around and not seeing any likely male prey, I said 'sure, just give me a minute' and she said 'make sure you get that glob of cum off your chin while you're fixing your makeup' and grinned.

I headed into the bathroom, and sure enough, there was a glob of cum at the point of my chin, so I wiped that off, fixed my powder and lipstick, combed my hair, straightened my dress, and left the bathroom.

The last 3 girls were waiting with their coats on, so we left the club together, walked down to Canal St., and caught a cab for the club uptown.

The cab dropped us off in front of the club, and as the 3 of us were waiting on the sidewalk for the 4th girl to pay the cab, the door to the club opened, and Tom walked out. I had blown Tom on two previous fairly recent occasions outside this club, and said 'Hi. You're leaving awful early aren't you? What time is it anyway?' He saw me, his face brightened up, and he said 'Hi Jenny! I was hoping to see you tonight. It's only 11, but I have to be at work at midnight tonight'

Tom is a pretty average guy all the way around, average looks, size, and even his cock is average, maybe 6" and cut. But he's nice, and the two distinctive things about him are that both times I'd sucked him off in the past, he'd cum really fast, and he'd cum in very large quantities of thick goo. So I said 'are you leaving this minute?', and he replied 'no, I'm not in too much of a rush to see you. Let's take a walk to my car'. So we walked down the street to his car, which was a late model Ford, that cop car model with the wide bench seat?

We both got in, and I leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips, and said 'It's nice to see you sweetie, but let's not make you late for work' and started unbuckling his belt. He helped me, and his pants and shorts were soon down to below his knees. His car was very clean and roomy, so he pushed the seat all the way back, and I kneeled down on the front floor, and he slid over onto the passenger side of the seat. I tilted my head up and he leaned over to give me a kiss, and when our tongues started touching his cock sprung straight up. I was in a perfect position, and lowered my lips to his cock, and took him all the way into my mouth, his cockhead just entering my throat, and I very slowly began to move my lips up and down his shaft, kept my tongue pressed hard against the bottom of his shaft, and got a gentle suction going.

He leaned back against the seat, and was making soft groans, and true to form I had only been sucking him for maybe 2 minutes when he went 'unhhh', I felt a quiver against my lower lips, and he began to unload in my mouth. And again true to form, his cum didn't shoot out in a blast, it just sort of poured out in waves, and as I kept sucking on just his cockhead, gob after gob of thick, ropy cum filled my mouth, and soon my tongue was covered and I began swallowing it. It was so thick that I actually had to gulp it down in several small swallows, and I could feel it slowly sliding down my throat towards my stomach, and after he seemed to be done, I moved my lips off the end, milked a few last drops out of the end with my hand, and licked them off also.

'That was fantastic! The best!' he said. I smiled and said 'I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I hate to eat and run, but I know you have to get going'. I leaned over and gave him a light kiss. I put on a little more lipstick, ran a comb quickly thru my hair, straightened my dress, said 'Bye' and got out of the car.

Inside the club, I looked around and saw my roommates at the far end of the bar and walked over to them. As usual, the place was packed, most of the girls at the bar and most of the admirers against the wall. One of the girls said 'Slut!' as I walked over to join them, but she said it kiddingly so I laughed. Most of the guys in that place were losers, the same ones that are there every week and almost always leave alone at the end of the night, so I avoided eye contact and chatted with the other girls for a while. Then, as I was looking towards the door, I saw a new guy come in, and he was really cute!

About 6' tall and very slim, nice features, curly blonde hair and blue eyes. I made sure I caught his eye and gave him a nice smile, and turned back to my friends while I was waiting for him to come over (they usually do, at least to say hello). Maybe 5 minutes later he did come over, squeezed in next to me at the bar, and ordered a drink. And while he was waiting for his drink, he said hello, and introduced himself as Bob.

We chatted for a while, and then he asked me if I wanted to dance. I'm not much of a dancer and told him so, but he said 'We'll wait for a slow song, anyone can dance to that', and I agreed. As we waited, I asked him the usual questions, what his interest and experience with transgender were, etc., and he told me he'd always had an interest, had never acted on it, and happened to be in the city tonight at a business function and decided to stop by.

A few songs later we were out on the dance floor, and as we were dancing close I could feel his cock getting hard against me.... and it was huge! He had it sort of wrapped across the front, and though he still wasn't totally hard, his cockhead was over on his hip and pressed against his belt. We danced and talked, and when the song ended he asked me if I felt like getting out of there. I asked him if he had a car, and he said no, and I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 2 - and knew that my roommates would be there till closing at 4AM. So I asked him back to my room, we got our coats, left the club, walked over to the avenue to catch a cab, and headed back to my hotel.

Once in the room, I excused myself to use the bathroom, peed, fixed my makeup and hair, and slipped out of the dress and left the bathroom wearing my bra, panties, garter belt, stockings, and the heels. While I was in there he had gotten completely undressed, and was sitting on the edge of the bed. Standing up, his cock came to attention, and it must've been 12" long, not terribly wide, and with a nicely shaped head. I walked over to him and leaned up to give him a kiss but couldn't resist and leaned down (but didn't have to lean much) and slipped my lips over his cock head, which was almost at my chest level. I used my tongue for a minute or so, got him wet, and then came back up to kiss him again, and gently kneaded the end of his cock in the palm of my hand. He reached over for my cock, and began rubbing it through my panties, and then sat back down on the bed, slipped out my cock, and took it in his mouth.

He was obviously loving it, and with enthusiasm he began to suck and lick the head, making soft moaning sounds. After a short while I pulled back and slipped to my knees in front of him, and gave him a kiss, and we stayed there for awhile, tongues touching, and our hands on each others cocks, and then I leaned over a little and took him back in my mouth. I moved my lips up and down part of his cock, but he was fully in my throat by the time I got halfway down. Because he wasn't very thick I stood up and bent over to get a good angle, relaxed my throat and began to go a little deeper with each slow mouth stroke, and after a dozen tries had my lips up against his blonde pubic hairs and his cock at least 7 inches into my throat. But I did start gagging and had to back off from that a little, and then concentrated on the cockhead for a while.

Then he asked me if I had any condoms, and when I said I did, he asked if we could try anal and said he'd never done that with anyone. Anal isn't really a favorite of mine, and at that time I'd only done it a few times, but I agreed, as long as he'd be extremely gentle. So I opened a condom and rolled it onto his cock, covering a little more than the top half, and then took a tube of KY, squeezed a large glob onto my fingertips and pushed it inside my ass and over the outside of the rectum itself, and then squeezed another glob onto his condomed cock and stroked him a few times to distribute it.

I got up on the bed on my hands and knees, and he got up on the bed behind me, and slowly pushed his cockhead against my opening, as I pushed back against it. I have never been a toy or dildo person, and my asshole was, and is, very tight, and there was a lot of resistance as he tried to enter me. We were both pushing against each other hard when suddenly his cockhead popped in and because of the pressure we'd been using, he shot right into my ass about 8 inches, and I almost passed out from the pain. I caught my breath, though, as the pain subsided, and backed off his cock a little, and began to move my ass slowly back and forth along his cock, and it didn't feel bad at all.

He began to fuck me slowly, but every time he tried getting more than the first 8 inches inside me, I'd wince in pain, so he stopped trying and just moved the first 6 inches or so in and out of my ass. Honestly, though, it wasn't doing much for me, and he sensed it and pulled out with a pop. I turned around on the bed, so we were facing each other on our knees, and we started kissing. And I slipped his condom off, and began to stroke him at the same time, and he was stroking me. Then, in between kisses, he asked me if I'd fuck him.

I'd never fucked a guy (or any ass) before, and really didn't especially want do that at all, it's way too dominant for me to feel comfortable, and I told him so. But he looked really disappointed, so I agreed to try, as long as I was able to stay hard in that situation, and I put on a condom. He started to get up on his hands and knees also, but instead I told him to lay on his back with his knees up, and he did. I kneeled between his legs, facing him, and got a surprise!

As I placed my cock against his asshole, I found that with just a slight bending of my head at the same time I could take about 4 inches of his cock into my mouth. So, I did take him in my mouth and began to gently suck him, he got rock hard, and I got unexpectedly rock hard myself. I slipped his cock out of my mouth for a second, leaned over to kiss him on the lips, and then pushed against his lubed asshole and popped right in, to which he let out a little squeal. I pushed all the way in to another squeal, then leaned over and placed my lips over his cock at the same time, and began to move my mouth up and down over the top 4 inches of his cock.

I slowly began to fuck his asshole while I was also using lots of tongue on his cockhead, and I got a suction going with my mouth. He was now moaning as I slid in and out of his ass, and I began to concentrate on just his cockhead, moving my tongue all over it, sucking, and moving my lips around the ring. Suddenly he went into a long moan and tightened up, I could feel his cock get even harder, and then he blasted a huge load of cum into my mouth.

I was still moving my cock in and out of his asshole, and he kept spurting against my tongue, and as the taste of his juices hit me, his cum continued to pour out. I thrust 3 times quickly into his ass, and released my load of cum forcefully into the condom inside his ass. I was moaning also around his cock between my lips, and began swallowing the cum that had partly filled my mouth, as I finished draining my cock into the condom.

Sucking out and swallowing the last drops, I lifted my mouth off of his cockhead, and leaned over to give him a kiss, leaving my cock his ass. We were both drained, and I do have to admit that it had been a pretty cool situation, you don't get all that many simultaneous orgasms of any type in this lifetime. But before I could take my cock out of his ass, I heard the key in the door, and it flung open, and there were my 2 roommates standing in the doorway.

I quickly slipped out of Bob's ass, and stood up. And not knowing what to say, I introduced everyone, and Bob turned beet red all over as my roommates gave him the once over, their eyes widening a little at his cock.

He mumbled a hello, but quickly got up and started dressing, and not more than a minute later he was standing, ready to leave. I walked over, gave him a kiss on the lips, and said goodbye, and he walked out - and as soon as the door closed behind him, my friends, who were still standing there, said 'Slut!', both at the same time.

We all laughed.... and the night was over.

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Next: Chapter 6

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