Jennifers Cum Pulsion

By Jennifer James

Published on Jan 2, 2003


Jennifer's CumPulsion IV: The Dating Game

By Jennifer James

At the point in my life when this story takes place, I had been doing my share of prowling in the TG clubs. And I did like being on the prowl, the hunt, the pickup, and the sex afterwards ... rarely learning the name of the guy (or even guys) I'd suck off sometime during the night. I even liked that it was usually in a car somewhere, sometimes even on a busy street.

But what I really loved above all else was having a real date, getting taken out into the mainstream for lunch, dinner, drinks, getting to know someone a little, having the sexual excitement build slowly. And then at the end of the date, going somewhere for some intimacy, starting with a kiss, some petting and hugging, more kissing, and eventually sliding down to my knees to slowly make oral love to a hard cock and receive a mouthful of cum in return.

I had placed ads in quite a few classifieds, and had always been very clear what I was looking for. Not in the physical sense, as much as clearly stating that I was looking to meet someone for companionship and not a quick meet in a motel or car, and that any meetings would involve a public date.... and whatever happened naturally afterwards.

Even with my fairly clear ad, I still got a lot of responses from guys who just wanted a motel meet - their emails usually contained the phrase 'discreet meet' (meaning they didn't want to go out in public). And I could understand that, many were married, self-conscious, etc. But that was their problem, and I moved on to the guys that were interested in more than that, and over a period of time I ended up with about a dozen guys I was dating on a semi regular basis.

Scheduling things with my regulars, though, was not an easy thing - most were married, jobs interfered, etc., and trying to see all of them on a regular basis and keep the relationships going was really hard - and it seemed like I was always putting them off.

So one day, in early May 2000, I decided to take the entire day off myself, and scheduled four different guys back to back - and since no one knew I was seeing anyone except them, I had to schedule things very carefully. I took a weekday off work, packed a large suitcase full of my clothes and accessories, went to a local no-tell motel (sleazy, with porn on the cable TV, but clean) for an early check in, and was in the room at 8AM.

Inside the room, I hung up all the clothes I'd brought, took out my makeup kit, lingerie, and jewelry. I'd already shaved completely before I'd left home that morning, my legs, bikini area, underarms, and a close facial shave, so I didn't have to do that at least. But my first date was set for 9:30, and I still had a bunch of stuff to do to get ready for it.

Since the lighting in the bathroom wasn't great, I set up a mirror at a small table by the front window and started my makeup there. I painted my toenails first, a bright fuchsia. And then I did my foundation, Dermablend rubbed in with the excess sponged off, and a setting powder all over. I brushed black liquid eyeliner on my upper lid, and penciled a fine black line under my lower lid. Eye shadow was kept light for daytime, a deep pink under the brows and lower lashes, a smoky blue on my lids, and a dark blue accent in the crease and on the out edges, all blended. I curled my lashes first and then brushed on a waterproof black mascara top and bottom, three coats, and finished the eyes by accenting and extending my thinly tweezed eyebrows with pencil. A plum blush was brushed onto my cheekbones, and I outlined my mouth with a mauve pencil, and then put on a dark pinkish lipstick with a brush.

I then began to dress for the morning, a white lace garter belt with sheer nude lace top garter stockings, a white stain bra and panty set, and slipped in my silicone enhancers. Then I pulled on a pretty cotton flower print spring dress and zipped it up the back. I put on a gold rope necklace with matching bracelet, a gold ankle bracelet, and a small gold and diamond pinky ring. And since I hadn't yet gotten my ears pierced at that time, I clipped on 2 medium sized gold hoop earrings. I took out my wig, which was a light brown shoulder length straight blunt cut with bangs and put that on facing the mirror as always (I love watching that part - the transformation), and slipped into a pair of white medium heeled slides.

It was now 9AM, so I filled my white shoulder bag, put on a medium blue spring jacket, sprayed on some Todd Oldham perfume, and sat down to do my fingernails - I always do them last so I won't smudge them. My nails at the time very fairly long and very shaped, and I put 2 coats of the same fuchsia polish I had put on my toenails, followed by a shiny topcoat. Then I sat down to wait.

At 9:25 there was a knock on the door, so I opened it, Rick was there, and I stepped aside so he could come in. Rick is a nice looking guy, maybe 6'1 and well built but slender, with dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark mustache. He smiled and said 'Here's a little something for you' and handed me a gift bag. I opened it and found a beautiful white lace teddy from VS. 'Thank you' I said 'that was very sweet' and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

I put the teddy on a chair, picked up my bag and said 'I'm ready if you are' and we left the room and got in his car. 'Where to?' he asked, and I gave him directions to a diner just up the road. We went in the diner and were seated at a booth, and when the waitress came I ordered fried eggs, hash browns, and coffee (a cheap date). We sat there drinking coffee, eating, and talking about things since we'd last gotten together.

After the food was done and we were on our second cup of coffee, I slipped off a shoe and slid my stockinged foot under the booth and into his lap and rubbed his cock thru his pants with my toes. He was hard within a few seconds, and I said 'Ready?' and smiled, and he said 'You know it!'

We left the diner and headed back to my room, and once inside I said 'Excuse me a minute' and grabbed the teddy and headed into the bathroom. I slipped off my dress, bra, and panties, and into the teddy, fixed my lipstick from breakfast, and came out into the room. Rick was still standing near the door, and looked up as I came out and smiled. I walked over to him, reached up and put my arms around his neck, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He responded with his tongue, so we stood there kissing for a while, lightly, tongues touching.

I reached down with my right hand and started rubbing his cock softly thru his pants, and when he groaned, I said 'let's get comfortable'. I stepped back a half step and unbuttoned his shirt, with small kisses in between buttons, then opened his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and dropped them to the floor. I slid his jockey shorts to the side and pulled his cock out and started kissing him again as I took his cock in my warm hand. He stepped back and took off his shirt and t-shirt, and sliding down his jockeys, stepped out of his shoes, shorts, and pants, and was nude except for his socks.

I moved in again with another kiss, and took his cock in my right hand and began petting his chest with my left, then leaned over to lick his nipple. I leaned over and slid my lips over his cock and began to move my mouth slowly up and down his shaft, and while I was doing this he slid a few fingers inside my teddy and began gently stroking my asshole. I started using my tongue on his cockhead, still bent over, and he slid a finger up my ass at the same time, moving it in and out. I straightened up, letting his cock slip out from between my lips, and kissed him again, his finger still in my ass.

I started kissing down his body, his lips, chin, neck, chest, and then slid down into a squat, his finger slipping out of my butt. I kissed and licked down his belly, and then dropped to my knees in front of him and took him into my mouth. I began using my tongue against the underside of his shaft as my lips slid in and out, taking his cock into my throat for a second, and then sliding back to his cockhead, and when I began to use some suction he groaned and I knew he wasn't going to be long.

So I backed off till only the head was in my mouth, sucked and tongued that, and used my right hand to slowly stroke his shaft, and then he started groaning and I felt the cum pulse on my lower lip and he shot his load with a blast that hit my tonsils - followed by 3 smaller blasts that landed on my tongue. I kept sucking and drained his cock of its last drop into my mouth, and when he was finally spent I let his entire load of cum slide down my throat towards my stomach.

Now Rick was one of those guys who, once he's cum, he's done, but I understand that, being like that myself (which is why I almost never let myself cum unless the day, or night, is done). He began to get dressed as I was still getting up off my knees, and he was right into the bathroom to get washed as he was buttoning up. He came out a minute later and, as expected, said 'I have to get back to work - thanks for a great time, hope we can do it again soon' and I said 'and thanks for the breakfast and teddy' as I let him out the door with a kiss on the cheek. But the timing was good as it was now a little after 11:30, and my next date was coming at 12:30, and they were sometimes early.

So I slipped out of the teddy and put it away, slipped the white bra, panties, and flowered dress back on and went into the bathroom to pee. And by the time I'd fixed my makeup, and combed my hair, it was almost time for Greg to show up, so I sat down and relaxed for a minute.

At 12:20 I heard a car pull up in front of the room, and I looked out thru the curtains to see Greg coming up to the door, so I opened it just as he got there and asked him in. Greg is very cute, light brown wavy hair with green eyes, well built but stocky - but he's only about 5'4, so even though I'm only 5'8, in a wig and medium heels I tower over him.

But it doesn't seem to bother him at all; he's a very confident person, and one of the guys who's completely comfortable being out in public with me. Greg also had a small gift bag with him which he handed to me, and when I opened it I saw that it was a black, sheer, long sleeved cat suit from Fredericks of Hollywood, along with a black strapless lace bra and thong set. Thanking him, I gave him a hug and a light kiss, and picked up my purse and said 'ready?' He said 'sure, where to?' and I suggested the sports bar/restaurant inside the local mall, to which he agreed. We got in his car and drove over to the mall, and he parked the car at the farthest end of the mall from the restaurant intentionally, knowing I love walking thru the mall.

We went in thru Stern's, and as we were walking along he took my hand and we walked thru the mall holding hands and looking in store windows. We were drawing a little attention, partly because a short guy with a tall woman always draws attention, and partly because once the attention was drawn to me, I was being read. But we both couldn't have cared less, no one said a word, and we got to the restaurant and were seated at a table near the door. I wasn't all that hungry, nor was he, so we ordered a few appetizers and chatted over a glass of wine while waiting for the food.

He was a funny guy, and made me laugh a bunch of times while we were waiting, and after the appetizers came we munched on them and continued to talk and enjoy each others company. As my next date wasn't till 6PM there wasn't any rush, so we lingered over coffee, and then slowly walked thru the mall back to the car afterwards.

Back at the room, I told him to get comfortable, and took the bag with the cat suit into the bathroom. I basically stripped down, then put on the new black bra and slipped my enhancers inside it, slipped into the black thong, and carefully pulled on the cat suit. Looking at the cat suit in the mirror, I thought 'pretty cool!', and then I fixed my lips, combed my hair quickly, and left the bathroom.

Greg had made himself comfortable, and was sitting on the edge of the bed completely nude when I came out. 'Wow' he said, seeing me in the cat suit, and I walked over in front of him and he stood up to give me a kiss. Bending down a little, as he tilted his head back, I kissed him with a little bit of tongue, as his cock grew hard against my leg.

Now Greg wasn't a huge guy, but his cock was, and when it was fully hard, it was at least 8" long and very wide, but tapered at the end. Knowing from past experience that he wasn't going to lose interest after he came, I dropped right down to my knees and took the head of his cock between my lips. I very slowly slid my lips up and down his shaft a few times to get used to the size, and then leaned back a little and clasped my hands together behind my back.

Greg loves to fuck my mouth, and it drives him wild when I sit there passively, as he thrusts his cock slowly in and out of my lips. He's very gentle about it, and as I kneeled there looking up at him he began to move his cock in and out of my lips, pushing in till he just started entering my throat, and then pulling it back out so only the very end was between my lips, and then repeating.

I love feeling a cock slide between my lips, and I was getting very hard myself as his cock slid into my throat and back out again, and it didn't take long before he said 'I'm going to cum', and he backed his cock out as I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, still looking up at him, as he laid the tip on my tongue and cum began to flow like a faucet onto my tongue. When it felt like it was going to overflow and start dripping down my chin, I closed my lips around the head and began sucking and drinking it down as he looked down at me the whole time. 'Wow' he finally said 'That was great - you have no idea what a turn on that is for me' And I smiled up at him and said 'Oh, I have an idea' He reached down for my hand, which had still been behind my back, helped me to my feet, and gave me a big kiss, saying he'd be right back, and went into the bathroom for a moment.

I lay back on the bed against the pillows, and relaxed, and he soon came out and joined me on the bed. I leaned over to give him a kiss, and we entwined facing each other, and lay there gently kissing for a while. I reached down for his cock, but it was too early and stayed soft, and he rolled onto his back and I did the same, but kept my left hand on his cock. I turned on the TV with the remote, and began surfing the porn channels, and eventually settled on one featuring a pretty woman (you guessed it) sucking a large cock very slowly.

As we were watching the movie, and I was gently rubbing his cock, he began to get a little hard, and he reached over with his right hand and began to rub me thru the cat suit, and I got very hard. The suit was crotchless, and he reached inside and slipped my cock out of the thong, and opened the suit so my cock and balls were outside, and he started stroking me slowly, his eyes glued to the TV set. He then leaned over, resting the side of his face on my belly, and took me in his mouth and began to suck me as he was watching the movie.

I never cum in that position, but it felt nice anyway, and he was getting into it, and I could see that his cock was now hard as a rock, though I couldn't reach it. I let him suck me for awhile, and then I gently pulled his head off me, and slid down the bed a little on my back, and said 'kneel over me, on top' and he put his knees on either side of my head and leaned over to my cock and took it back in his mouth, as I took him into my mouth at the same time.

With him on top and me on the bottom, and him watching the movie at the same time, he began to slowly pump his cock in and out of my lips, while sucking on my cock with the same rhythm. His large cock was totally filling my mouth, and in that position I couldn't move my head at all, but I kept my tongue pressed against the underside of his cock, and kept a suction going as he pumped in and out of my lips. I could hear (but not see) the movie, and the guy getting sucked in it began moaning, and when Greg heard that he began to suck me like crazy, and then I heard the guy on TV grunt, then say 'swallow my cum baby' and not 2 seconds later Greg pushed into my mouth, hard, and his cock entered my throat and stayed there as he moaned around my cock in his mouth.

I could feel a blast of cum shoot directly into my throat, and I had to push him up with my hands to keep from gagging, but as his cock left my throat, I could taste his cum as it continued to drip onto my tongue, and I came really close to cumming myself, as much as I was fighting it. But once he was drained he took his lips off my cock to take a deep breath, and I left his cock just sitting in my mouth till it got soft again. We moved back to the pillows again and he gave me a big wet kiss (tasting his own cum, I'm sure), and we lay there against each other till we recovered. But he soon had to get up to pee, and I knew that the moment was over. I saw on the bedside clock that it was 4:45, so when he came out of the bathroom and said he had to leave, I didn't argue, and he got dressed, washed his face, and I gave him a kiss at the door, with the usual comments of 'hope we can do that again soon', and he left.

I had a dinner date with Dan at 6PM, so I went into the bathroom and with a wet sponge wiped off most of the makeup on my face below my eyes, and checked to see how my shave was holding up. My face was still smooth, so I reapplied Dermablend and powdered all over my face, then I added some more eye shadow for nighttime, and redid my lips, penciling it in and then applying a fuchsia lipstick to match my nails. And since Dan was also very comfortable being out in public with me, I slid into a black velvet slip dress with a small matching velvet sweater, and pulled on a pair of black dress sandals with skinny 3" heels. And finally, I changed into a shoulder length blond wig and sat down to wait.

At a little after 6, Dan came to the door, and I let him in. Dan was a tall good-looking guy, with very dark hair and blue eyes. He's about 6'3 and maybe 220 without an ounce of fat, and big enough to make me feel small, which I really like. He was wearing a dark suit and tie, having come directly from work, and when he saw me he said 'you look great! I was hoping you'd dress for the occasion, and you certainly did' then he gave me a hug, and handed me a wrapped package. I opened it to find a beautiful pale blue silk chemise, and gave him a light kiss on the lips to thank him. And then I grabbed my purse and we left the room.

In his car, he suggested a really nice seafood restaurant a few towns over, and we headed over there and got a table. We were seated in a booth in the main section, and were slightly overdressed (but with me, what else is new?). We ordered a few glasses of wine, and chatted and caught up until the salads arrived, and we began to eat.

What was kind of interesting was that they had a large staff of Hispanic guys at the edges of the room; coming in to pour water, clear dishes, etc. And while I wasn't drawing many glances from people eating in the restaurant, the Hispanic guys were almost pushing each other out of the way to get over to our table and refill my water glass. Dan and I kind of chuckled over that, and I told him that it's almost always that way with those types of guys, they seem to be especially attracted to tall blondes to begin with, and probably start staring at me because of that. Then they usually read me, since transgender is not unusual in their communities, but after they read me and realize I'm a guy, they almost always want to fuck me anyway - or maybe even more so since in their community T girls are almost always prostitutes, and acceptable for a straight guy in their culture - as long as the guys weren't interested in the girl's cock.

The food came, and had a really nice leisurely meal, and laughed a little about past experiences. When the meal was finished, and he paid the check, we left the restaurant and drove back to my room. I changed into the new chemise, and fixed my lipstick, and he was already naked and on the bed when I came out.

Dan is unusual in that he's uncut and has one of those cocks that grow from about 2" soft to about 7" hard, and he also is one of those guys who can cum multiple times in a row, and usually in quantity. His favorite position is to lay on his back against the pillows while I kneel between his legs and suck him to orgasm. Knowing he was good for at least a few times I got right to work, kneeling on the bed and bending over to take him into my mouth. He started out soft and small, and I pulled back his foreskin with my left hand and began to gently suck and lick his cockhead - and very quickly he got hard and got bigger, and soon filled my mouth.

I moved my lips up and down his shaft, over his foreskin, and gently sucked, licking his small piss slit, and as he usually does, without any warning, he grunted at the same time his cum blasted the roof of my mouth. I kept sucking as he began filling my mouth with his very thick goo, and I started slurping it down, swallowing till he was drained and started getting soft again.

When I looked up at him, he just smiled, and I moved over next to him and snuggled in. A few minutes later he leaned over to kiss me, and we lay there side by side gently kissing for a while, as I kept my hand gently around his soft cock. I slid my head down onto his belly and slipped my lips over his soft cock, and didn't really suck, just held it here and ran my tongue over it, tasting the small amount of cum that had been trapped in his foreskin. I don't really get to play with too many uncut cocks, so they're kind of a novelty, and I was enjoying the feeling of the skin sliding around against my tongue, as he slowly got hard again.

I asked him to get into a kneeling position on the bed, with his knees spread wide, and got into my favorite position. I lay down on my side with my head in between his knees and guided his cock between my lips. I used my mouth to suck and lick, and got him to slowly fuck my mouth from that position, and he began to move the first few inches of his cock in and out of my mouth.

As his cock, with it's foreskin, began to slide against my lips, I was getting really turned on and began to moan quietly, and kept sucking and licking, and as I started moaning a little louder he again grunted and unloaded another blast of cum into my mouth, and kept pumping in and out of my lips till he was done and drained. In that position, on my side, I wasn't able to swallow, so I just held his sticky glob against my cheek, and I finally sat up, gathered the cum onto my tongue, and let it slide down my throat.

This time he fell back against the pillows and let out a 'whew!', and I got up for a minute to pee and fix my lipstick. When I got back to the bed, he was again laying back against the pillows, so I leaned over and gave him a wet kiss, and lay back against the pillows beside him. We lay there companionably for a while, a light kiss every now and then, and I was running my fingers thru his chest hair.

I reached over for the remote control and turned the TV on, and flicked thru the channels till I found another cocksucking movie. In the one that was on, a guy with an enormous cock was laying back on a bed as a pretty girl was sliding her lips very slowly up and down his shaft. The guy in the movie must've been 12 inches, and the woman would slide her lips very slowly down till they were right against his pubic hair (and the head of his cock was obviously halfway down her throat) and then slide her lips up till it was completely out of her mouth but the tip of her tongue was against his piss slit. As she kept this up, almost in slow motion, she had her eyes closed and was making little 'mmmmm' noises, and the camera slowly kept panning in and out so you'd see her entire head engulfing the cock, and then just her lips slowly moving up and down.

Without me even touching his cock, Dan started getting hard again, so I knew I was time for blowjob number 3. I kneeled alongside him and bent over and engulfed his cock in my lips, and began to very slowly do the same thing the girl in the movie was doing, going down till he was slightly in my throat, then sliding out till just my tongue was lapping the end of his cock. I couldn't see the movie, but knew that from his position he had a great view of my lips slowly sucking him off, and right over my head he had the view of the girl in the movie doing the same thing.

While I kept the stroking motion of my mouth very slow, I increased the suction and kept my tongue against his shaft and foreskin, and before the guy in the movie was even close to cumming, Dan grabbed the back of my head and held it in place as he pumped his cock into my throat 3 quick times, and then held it there, grunted, and flooded my throat with another blast of cum. When I pulled back enough for his cock to leave my throat, the cum dripped back onto my tongue, and I almost blew my own load from the taste and feeling. But I held off, drained the last drops, and swallowed it down.

When I sat up straight, I smiled and said 'tell me when you're ready for number 4' and he held up his hands in the sign of a cross and said 'No!!! - Please! You've drained me to my limit!' I laughed, and leaned over to give him a light kiss. We lay there for a few moments, catching our breaths, but eventually he had to get up to pee, as did I, and we knew it was that time. He got dressed and left, and I saw on the clock that it was a little bit after 9PM, so timing had again been perfect.

I had a date for drinks at 10PM, so I got right up, fixed my makeup and my hair, slipped back into my velvet dress and sweater, and at 9:30 was out the door and into my car.

I was going to be meeting Ralph, who was actually one of the first guys I'd ever had a real date with. Ralph's a bit younger than me; about 5'11 tall, and though average looking otherwise, has a great smile. He's single, and works weird hours, so we arranged to meet for drinks at 10PM which was right after work for him.

On a previous date we'd talked about various turn ons, etc., and had decided that one of these days we were going to play a bar pickup game, and tonight was that night. I was going to meet him in a Hilton Hotel bar, and we were going to pretend we didn't know each other. I got to the Hilton, and walked in thru the lobby and into the bar, Quickly looking around, I saw that Ralph hadn't gotten there yet, so I took a stool at the bar near the door and ordered a glass of wine.

One thing that I've discovered over the years is that chain hotel bars are generally very good places to go to enfemme. Except for happy hour they usually have a business crowd which is always preferable to a sports or redneck crowd, and almost all hotel employees are trained to be nice to everyone who's spending money, and most of them have seen everything over the years, so even when I'm read it's nothing.

I was chatting with the bartender (who definitely read me) when Ralph walked into the bar, and Ralph took a seat a few stools down, ordered a beer, and pretended to look around the bar for the first time. He looked over at me, and I gave him a small smile, and turned back towards the bar. The bar was about halfway full, quite a few business guys at the bar killing time, and some few business groups at the tables, mixed with men and women.

A few minutes later the bartender came over, put down a second glass of wine and said 'the guy over there just bought you a drink' and pointed towards Ralph, so I looked over, raised the drink to him and smiled. A minute later he walked over, sat on the next stool, and said 'Hi, pretty lady ... I'm Ralph' and held out his hand. I took his hand and said 'I'm Jenny, it's nice to meet you. And thanks for the drink' He leaned in towards me and we both said Hi, and caught up on what had been going on.

Whenever the bartender came by, though, Ralph would use a bad pickup line loudly, like 'Do you hang out at this place often?' and I'd answer with something like 'do I look like I'd be hanging out at this place often?', but I'd say it with a smile. He'd stood up and moved a little closer to me, and reached over to touch my hand as we talked, and I had turned to face him. Every now and then I'd glance around the bar, and saw that there were more than a few people watching us with interest (doesn't everyone watch those situations with interest?) As we kept talking, he kept moving in, and was now standing against me as I sat on the stool, and I could feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh. And then right at the bar he leaned in close and I moved forward to brush my lips against his.

At this point we were both getting horny, and we didn't want it to go too far in the bar, so he stepped back a little. I turned back to the bar to finish my drink, and when I grabbed my sweater, he helped me put it on, and we walked out of the bar together, to more than a few comments of various types, I'm sure.

By the time we got outside it was already 11PM, and I was honestly getting a little tired, so instead of inviting him back to my room, I invited him into my car. I opened the driver's side for him to get in, and I walked around and got in the passenger side. I was parked near the front hotel entrance but didn't see a lot of traffic, so I leaned over and gave him a kiss, and his tongue came out against mine.

We sat there kissing, and I reached down to his already hard cock and began rubbing him gently, then slid down his zipper, reached in, and freed his cock, which popped out at full attention. I slowly stroked him, but then reached over with both hands and undid his belt buckle, and opened his pants (I hate sucking cock thru a zipper). When his pants were open I looked around the lot, didn't see anyone, and told him to lift up his ass, and when he did I slid his pants down to his knees. I began to rub his balls, and kissed him again, and then leaned over to take him into my mouth.

Ralph was cut, about 6 inches long, and wide, and rather than bend over I slid down to my knees on the passenger floor, and as he relaxed back against the seat, I buried my face in his lap and began to lick and suck his hard cock. My head was going up and down in his lap, and he was moaning 'ohhhh baby, feels so good'. He started pumping his cock towards my lips, and I got into a rhythm with that, moving my mouth up and down his shaft and then he said 'I'm cumming baby' and a large gooey load shot out of his cock and began filling my mouth. I kept just the head in my mouth and stroked with my right hand, milking him dry, and kept his cum inside my mouth till he started softening, and then straightened up to look at him.

I opened my mouth to show him all his cum before I swallowed it, and just as I gulped it down I happened to glance out the drivers side window to see that a pair of rather sour faced older women had been watching the whole thing and had really disgusted looks on their faces. Caught cold, I just smiled and sat up on the seat. They quickly drove off, and Ralph quickly pulled up his pants and zippered.

Well, at this point the night was over, so he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss, got out of the car, and said goodbye. And I started up the car and drove back to the room to take a shower, change, and head on home.

It had definitely been a fun day, and at the time, had been the most cum filled day I'd ever had.

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