Jeffs Bondage Gambit

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 7, 2022


Noah didn't take John's ass that weekend. As he learned, the "versatile top" was more of a sissy than jeff was. jeff was sore after Noah had taken him for the first time, but later that weekend, when he said to jeff: "On your back this time, legs in the air," jeff reddened, said "Yes Sir," and took Noah's cock. He was sore for a few days, but he had done it. He thought of it as something he could be proud of.

Noah edged John while he was tied up, with John's cum flying everywhere, including his jeans. When he sent him home at the end of the weekend, John's clothes were stained with his dried cum. It wasn't the first time it had happened, but in the past, it had been after a night at the bars, especially one of his favorite bars, one called "dark shadows" where John had once laid in a sling as twenty or so guys jizzed on him. His ass had been off limits then. He said that wasn't true now, but the way he cried and yelped when Noah said to him "you're next blondie. On your belly" just made it so distasteful to Noah that he stopped trying.

For THAT weekend.

jeff spent the night. Noah had made it clear that if they were going to be a couple, he expected jeff to stay at his place at least 3 times a week, to start. As jeff cuddled into Noah's arms to fall asleep, he faked a "purr." He liked this. He loved it when Noah leaned over, kissed his ear and whispered "Good night reffree" . jeff smiled, and answered "Good night Sir."

"Reffree". Noah had heard a small child call jeff that name on that picnic trip where things started. That's where he got it. One Sunday afternoon, when he and jeff were relaxing, he pulled jeff closer. "You know, reffree sounds so much like referee. I began thinking: you in a referee's uniform, kidnapped at the end of a game, about to pay for the calls you made against my team. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" "I HAVE a uniform Sir. It's just not a football one." "Too bad. A double fantasy would be you as the ref, John as the quarterback - no, the tight end. Both of you, bound, gagged, and waiting to pay... Him for playing a bad game, and you for bad calls." "Of course if that's what you want to do Sir. " Noah smiled and moved his hand to jeff's nip. "So, tell me about the costume you have." "It's a superhero costume Sir. John and I got them for Halloween last year. " Noah smiled. THIS was sounding interesting. "Oh REALLY? Who's the superhero?" jeff smiled. "Why don't you guess Sir?" "Hmmm. I hope it's not Robin" "WHY NOT? Robin's cute." "Robin's a dork. Is there an episode when he's NOT captured. Some superhero. I like some resistance. " "Well, it's not Robin Sir. John didn't want to be Batman and so, there didn't seem to be a point. He's not my favorite either." "So who is it?" jeff giggled. "I guess you'll have to find out Sir." "OH, a challenge? With my hand so close to your armpit?" "NO. NO. THAT's... " As Noah's fingers snuck in, jeff began to giggle and then to laugh. LOUD. "C'mon. Let's have it . Or... I'll make it interesting?" "Nope. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "HOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY you little flirt. Then off to the bedroom we go." Noah grabbed jeff's arm and pulled him off the sofa. He put him down on the bed and then asked. "You gonna tell me?" "You're gonna have to find out." Noah smiled. He was getting REALLY hard as he unbuttoned the three bottom buttons of jeff's shirt. He was gonna raspberry him after he tickled his navel - a REALLY ticklish spot for jeff. Noah curled his fingers, and got to work, circling and scratching jeff's belly. jeff wasn't tied down, but it wasn't necessary: he was laughing so hard that he couldn't escape. "Let's give you a break..." Noah stopped tickling, smiled and said. "On the other hand," covered jeff's navel with his mouth and began raspberrying him. That just got jeff laughing harder. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. How about I give you a choice of three and you guess?" Noah moved his fingers to jeff's sides. "How about you tell me or I tickle the CRAP outta you." "SSSSS Spiderman Sir. I have a Spiderman costume. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TICKLE" "So I lied. You deserve it anyway. Does it fit you tight?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. YES SIR. STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. There's a picture on my phone. I'll show you." Noah stopped. Get it out. I wanna see it." "Yes sir." It was a photo of jeff in the costume, but with the hood off. John was with him - as Captain America. "Well aren't YOU TWO a pair. Doesn't this give me ideas for some fun." "Sir? You like hero roleplay?" "I like ANY roleplay that lets me tie you up, work you over... and then HAVE you my sweet morsel. Like I'm gonna have you now. Noah grabbed jeff, threw him on his back and began scruffing his neck. One of the things Noah loved about jeff was that he never begged for him to stop when he dug in his scruff. jeff LOVED it. He wasn't afraid to show hickeys or anything else. He'd simply tell people who asked "my boyfriend did it." Right now, jeff's boyfriend was pulling off his pants and throwing his legs up in the air. "I haven't done something to you yet reffree that shows how fond I am of you." Noah ran his finger around jeff's hole. "John ever eat you?" "OH GOD NO. He wouldn't... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Noah's tongue was in jeff, slurping him good. jeff writhed in bliss: no one had ever done this to him before. His hormones were rushing so hard that he almost didn't feel it when Noah penetrated him again. He was so wet from Noah's tongue that Noah's cock just slid in. "GOD I wanna fuck you every goddamn day jeff. " He pushed hard. Then he came out. jeff saw Noah's magnificent cock as he said "Every. Single. Day" and shoved back in again. He repeated it. jeff knew his ass cheeks were getting bruised but... he saw Noah's face and his sweat as he got pounded, and he felt Noah's fingers up on his nipples, and then brushing his lips before Noah lay down on him and took his mouth with his tongue. jeff tasted his own hole and ... he nearly hurled, but he didn't. This was all so new, and... OH that cock felt SO GOOD." "I wanna cum in you jeff. I wanna breed you. I wanna fill you with my babies." "OOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR. YES... " "Squeeze your cheeks boy. HARD." "Yes sir. OH MY GOD." jeff felt the jizz squirting into him. He was smiling. He was SO happy with this arrangement. "Next weekend, you bring the costume. " "Yes sir." "Captain America is gonna try to rescue you from Venom." "OOOOOOOOOOOH. Can we do it tomorrow Sir?" "Ha ha. I gotta work late tomorrow. And even if he is a pussy, we need to give John some notice. " "You think he'll come, Sir?" "Trust me. He'll come."

John certainly agreed to it when Noah told him the plan: Spiderman and Captain America, captured, bound, gagged, and helpless as they were tortured by Venom. "See, the idea is Captain America comes to rescue Spiderman, who's been captured, and winds up captured himself." The thought of being tied up in his Captain America costume was making John very, very hot. But.... "No trying to fuck me, Noah." "Ha ha. Why would I do that? I've got jeff's ass." Noah knew that would piss John off more than a suggestion that he fuck John. John wouldn't show it though. He STILL thought he could persuade jeff to come back to him. He called Jeff after the call with Noah.

"Hey John. So you up for the weekend roleplay?" John was faking "Well, it sounded like you wanted it so... I want to make you happy." "AWWWWWW. That's sweet John. When did you change?" "I had that coming," John thought. It felt as if he had just been slapped across the face. "Listen, Jeff. I know you're not living with Noah so... I wondered if we could get together this week..." Jeff sighed. "I don't know John. Noah's my DOM now and... I need to ask him if I can." "WHAT? Are you THAT under his control?" Jeff laughed. "He's doing what I wanted you to do, and you wouldn't." "He fucking anyone else?" "I doubt it. He's always fucking me." "Well.. see if he'll let me just have lunch with you or something." "I'll ask him." When he did, Noah"s answer was "I'll think about it," as he contemplated ANOTHER bargaining chip for getting John where he wanted him. That night was jeff's night off, and he fell asleep dreaming about having both of them on leashes in public. He came almost as much as he did when he was with jeff. He thought about the up and coming superhero roleplay, and began thinking about the one he had in mind with the referee and the tight end. "In time" he said to himself.

jeff got there early the night of the scene. When he changed into his costume, Noah was immediately hard. "HOLY SHIT you sexy stud." jeff was blushing and smiling: he hadn't put the hood on yet, but the costume was contoured so that it seemed to show more muscularity than he had. It fit his chest snugly, so there were little marks where his nipples were. "He doesn't know it yet, but those feet...." Noah came out of his reverie. "You should leave the hood off until John shows up. It'll be easier for you to breathe and... " He pushed jeff's hands behind his back and moved in. "It'll be easier for me to kiss you, although... I think getting kissed through that hood might be.... hot." As he was kissing his sub, Noah thought about blindfolds. Not this time. Another time. jeff was so compliant that it really made no difference. John, on the other hand. The doorman buzzed that "Captain America is in the lobby" Noah laughed. "Ok, tell him I'll be down in just a couple of minutes." "You don't want me to just let him up, Mr. Noah?" "No, not tonight. He can cool his heels." He turned to jeff. "Showtime babe." He gagged jeff before he pulled on the hood. "Can you breathe easily?" he asked and jeff shook his head yes. Then he tied jeff's hands in front of him, put him on the sofa, and tied his thighs together, and then his ankles. Once jeff was tied, he smiled. "You're gonna get a surprise tonight..." He pushed a table up toward the sofa, and pulled jeff's legs out in front of him. "Look at those sexy feet. MMMM." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" jeff couldn't move and he realized: Noah was targeting them. "I'll be back."

Down in the lobby of his building Noah, in his Venom costume, approached "Captain America." "So. You decided to surrender so your friend could live. Fair choice." "Just get this over with" They were in the elevator, and John put his hands behind his back. After Noah tied them, he ran his hands over John's chest. "I think you're going to be rather surprised about what I know about you, hero. Many of your weak spots. And I will explore them all." "You won't get away with it." As they exited the elevator, Noah ordered John to open his mouth and he shoved a cloth gag in it, tying it behind him. John had a thing for gags, as anyone looking at his costume could tell. When Noah teased him, by running a hand over his ass, John began to get nervous. "You're mine tonight. Both of you," Noah whispered into John's ear. "Just understand that." "mmmmmmmmmmmph." a high pitched acknowledgement came out of the gag. He saw jeff bound on the sofa, his legs in front of him. "You have ticklish feet, Captain? Because I'm gonna find out about spidey." John shook his head no, and Noah laughed. "I find that hard to believe. SIT" He pushed John right next to jeff, and did the same thing to his legs as he had done to jeff's. He pulled jeff's hood off, because he wanted to see his facial reactions. Noah/Venom ran the nails of his left hand up and down John's left foot, and his right one down jeff's right foot. They both reacted almost immediately, and stifled laughter came out of each gag. "OH MY. Which one of you is MORE ticklish? I wonder if we'll find out tonight." He pulled out two toothbrushes and got to work and then metallic brushes. John had a very fair complexion, and the red face he had while he was being tickled showed he was suffering. For jeff, it was the sweating. The costume was hot and the tickling... And each man had a hard on. So did Noah. He went after their feet for about ten minutes, and then he stopped. "What's next? What's next? HMMMM. OH, I have an idea. I have a WONDERFUL idea. Captain, I want you to surrender. You going to surrender? " John shook his head no. "GOOD. I was hoping you'd answer that way. That gives me a chance to... you'll find out." He pulled John from the sofa and made him hop to the floor, where jeff could see him. He put John on his belly, took off the gagand then Noah almost purred. "What happens if I tease the back of your knees captain?

"NO. NO. DON'T DO THAT. DON'T. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" All Noah was doing was running a finger along the spot behind John's knees. His reactions were driving jeff almost as crazy as the tickling was driving John. "What if I, oh, cut a slit in that costume and got my fingers ON your skin? Or my tongue? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM?" "NO NO. NO. NOT THAT. NO. " "You give up Captain?" The fingers got back to work. "YES YES. I GIVE UP I GIVE UP." "Heh heh. MUCH easier than I thought it would be." Now he grabbed jeff and pulled him in front of John. "Watch me treat the man who USED to be YOUR bitch, as MY bitch." He began squeezing jeff's nipples before he frenched him. John saw everything and he started humping the floor. "Nope. Not gonna allow that." Noah flipped John onto his back and ran his foot over his chest. "You're gonna get fucked tonight John. You better start accepting that. " "NO. NO. " Noah moved his foot up to John's pecs and teased them with his toes. John's protests turned to a phrase jeff had told him john used when he was close to... anything. "oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" he repeated, in a deeper voice than Noah had heard out of him. "Is that close?" "Yes sir. It is." He untied jeff. "Get him naked. Undress him. " "Yes sir." John was still tied up at the wrists, as Noah untied his other restraints, and jeff began getting his tights off. "Your ass is gonna be mine, john. Just like jeff's." He smiled . "Actually, no. jeff is my boyfriend. You're just my BITCH." john gulped. "yes sir." His tights were off, and jeff was pulling off his jock. "When you're done, sub boi, grab his ankles. I want him bent in half because..." He slipped off his own tights. "I am FUCKING HARD." john saw the monster cock that was about to take him. He got a reprieve when Noah said to jeff. "lubricate me spidey. Get some of that spit all over my cock. Make it easy for the bleached blond BITCH I have here." "Yes sir. " jeff got down on his knees and began sucking Noah right at john's side. "Please please. Please let me do that Sir. " "NO. You get it up your hole, bitch. " He smiled at jeff. "That's enough. I'm good and juicy." He reached up and unzipped john's jersey. "Work his nipples. The way I work yours." "Yes sir." When jeff did, john realized how much the man had learned. He was moaning in five minutes. "That's enough. Now get his ankles. Make sure his ass is presented to me." john thought about begging for mercy again, but he didn't get a chance. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwww. FUCK. You don't fuck jeff like that do you?" Noah had rammed all the way in. "jeff is a newbie. You're not. I can tell. TAKE IT BITCH" Watching the pounding, jeff wanted to play with himself badly, but he couldn't do that and follow his instructions. "jeff, I hate you." john's voice trailed off, as he felt the jizz filling his ass. Noah smiled. "You've done a good job reffree. Jerk off. All over the conquered hero." Noah planted a foot on john's chest. He saw jeff smile as he began pulling on his cock. "I wanted to do this for so long, fucker" he whispered, closing his eyes. "I had you jizz on me so many times. Now it's my turn. IT'S MY FUCKING TURN." Some DID get on john, but the orgasm jeff had was so violent, much of it wound up on the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Sir." Noah smiled, He improvised. "GET OVER HERE." He tied jeff's wrists behind him. The two of them were bound now, and Noah barked: "THAT FLOOR IS GONNA BE CLEANER THAN IT'S EVER BEEN BECAUSE YOU TWO BITCHES ARE GONNA LICK IT ALL UP." john was wondering if he had ever been in a scene this intense. jeff knew he hadn't been. They got to work. "EXCELLENT. What shall we do next? " Noah thought. AH. I have an idea." Ten minutes later, a naked "spiderman" and a naked "captain america" were tied, back to back each with a vibrator between his legs. "Let's see who cums first. The one who holds it longer gets the bed. With me. The other ... floor tonight. Ha ha ha ha ha. " Half an hour later, jeff was gloating over his win. john hadn't been able to hold back. jeff knew that meant the ankle chain, connected to the bed, and the futon. "What a superb night," Noah thought, smiling, before he whispered. "good night reffree " into jeff's ear. "your turn tomorrow." "Good night Sir. Thank you Sir"

Next: Chapter 5

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