Jeffs Bondage Gambit

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 23, 2022


Jeff lies on his side, on Noah's couch. His bare feet are tied at the ankle, and his wrists are tied behind his back. Noah has wrapped a very tight strip of duct tape around his mouth, and his moans are very very low. Noah had been tying him up since their second date, which is exactly what jeff wanted. In another corner of the living room, his boyfriend before Noah, john, sits in Noah's black chair. His ankles are tied to the back legs of the chair, and his wrists are tied behind the back of the chair. He, too, is gagged. Jeff THINKS that tonight, Noah is going to fuck HIM and make john watch, but he's changed his mind before.

"How's it going there, jeffrey boy?" Noah turns from the computer where he's working on a document, and stretches out to open another button on jeff's shirt. jeff doesn't have a t shirt on - Noah doesn't allow them - and jeff knows that any minute now, Noah will be assaulting his nipples. He made jeff watch as he worked on john's earlier. Then he pressed his knee into john's crotch until jeff could hear the high pitched whines he knew john made before he came. From his position on the sofa, he can see the stain in john's black jeans. Noah knew how to bring a man to climax, that was for sure: jeff had never had the kind of orgasms he did now, even though he had fewer of them. He also never remembered john blowing loads as big as he did when Noah manhandled him.

He feels Noah's rough fingers close around his left nipple. He says nothing, but just begins squeezing, and jeff's moans get more insistent. It's been three days since Noah let him shoot, and he's desperate. john, seeing jeff being worked over, is torn: that's HIS boyfriend (or at least, was), but... watching him tortured, and being tortured himself.... john was getting what he wanted too.

It started when jeff began getting tired of the state of his relationship with john. They had met at one of those "singles workshop" groups you see everywhere. This one had a lot to do with what the participants liked to do in bed, and why they were having trouble finding the right guy. jeff had been upfront: he was totally submissive: TOTALLY. He had made a joke about it by saying that "fucking is too much work." When someone asked him if he thought sucking a guy was work, jeff had blushed, and said "not really. I love to do it." Many of the men in that group were "interested" in jeff after those comments, but john was the handsomest one for sure. His blond hair, his blue eyes, and his solid, somewhat muscular body plus his smile, drew jeff right in. At the break, john had approached him and said "I could be dominant for you," and all jeff could say was "really?" He went home with john that night and john was, indeed, dominant. He made jeff lick his boots, and suck him. He didn't use any ropes, which disappointed jeff, but he also wasn't interested in fucking him, because jeff had never been fucked, and it scared him. He could sit in bondage for a whole day, but giving up his ass... it freaked him out. That first night was great. The second night, when they did the same thing, was ok. And after their third and fourth dates, when they repeated the scene, got tiresome for jeff. He told john, and was stunned when john said "Well, if you would take the dominant role once in a while, we might have more fun." jeff was stunned: he KNEW what he had said at the group meeting, and he KNEW john had said he could be dominant. He asked, and john's answer was, well, weird. "Well, yeah, I COULD be dominant, but I didn't say I wanted to be dominant all the time. I mean, when you're not here, I get someone to come over who makes me serve him and.... oh geez, it's so HOT. " "Oh? Well maybe I could come over sometime and we could do a threesome?" jeff was serious, and then he saw the frown john made. "What did I tell you about stepping out on me, jeff?" "Well, I'd be with you..." "Let me make this clear, jeff. If you wanna date me, you have to be monogamous. With me, or no one. " "BUT BUT BUT... you just said you're seeing someone else." "So?" "How come you get to go out with other guys and I don't?" "Because you treat it too seriously. For me it's just fun." "And I'm just ... 'fun'?" john was quiet for a few minutes and then he answered "Well, yeah...." jeff was ashamed of himself for spending the rest of the night with john, but he did. He decided he wouldn't go back - he'd look for another boyfriend. And that's how he met Noah.

To elaborate, jeff followed the advice of a friend and joined a group that did something that interested him: it was an "outdoor" group. They took hikes, they visited national parks, stuff like that. He noticed Noah right away: hairy, blue eyes, thick THICK brown hair. "He's got to be taken," jeff thought, but when he asked other people in the group, he found out that no, Noah was single. Single and looking. Sort of. He was busy: a mid level attorney at a medium sized firm, he worked late a lot. He tried to keep his weekends clear, but he usually did have to go into the office one day per weekend. jeff had assumed, mistakenly, that when Noah wasn't at the weekend meetings, he was with a guy he met under other circumstances. jeff wanted Noah. He imagined this stud binding him, tickling him, creating scenes where jeff had been captured, or kidnapped, anything that would put him in peril. He jerked off more nights than he wanted to think about, imagining what Noah could do to him.

The group had sat down to a picnic lunch. Some of the guys, who knew each other very well, were roughhousing on the grass. As he watched them wrestle, jeff wished he were one of them, only with Noah. He collected his courage: Noah might very well tell him to bug off, but... he got up, went over to where Noah was talking with someone, and grabbed him around the waist. "Everyone says you're so tough. You don't seem too tough to me." Noah began to laugh. "jeff? Really? You sure you wanna go there?" "Go where, tough guy? If you're so tough, do something about it. " Noah laughed some more. "Ohhhhhhhhhhkay." Noah pushed his foot behind jeff's leg and tripped him up. As he went down, Noah was on top of him. In a few minutes, he had jeff's wrists pinned down over his head, and jeff struggled, but not too vigorously. Noah's hands were big enough so that he could hold down jeff with one of them. The other one was free. "You gonna give up?" He growled at jeff, while jeff saw an unmistakable bulge in Noah's shorts. "uh uh?" jeff answered. Noah smiled. He knew he was being played. "You sure about that?" "Uh huh. You're gonna have to MAKE me give up." "Oh, that's not gonna be difficult jeffrey. BUT... if you give up, you're gonna have to pay a penalty." "Wazzat gonna be, you goon?" "Goon" made Noah smile. "You'll find that out when you give up." "IF I give up." "Nope. WHEN you give up." Noah pushed up jeff's polo shirt with his free hand, and began slowly running his fingers up and down jeff's belly. jeff began to laugh. If Noah was into tickling, he was in trouble. "OH, look what happened. My finger got stuck in your navel, jeff." Noah had let go of jeff's wrists, because he didn't need to pin him down anymore. The tickling was doing enough. Through hysterical laughter, jeff begged him to stop. "You give up? " When jeff didn't answer, Noah dug in his fingers deeper "YES! YES! I GIVE I GIVE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." Noah stopped, but he kept his hand on jeff's belly. "Ok. You're gonna have to go out on a date with me. A real one. One where maybe you spend the night." jeff teased by saying nothing, and got tickled harder. "OK OK OK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHA. YOU WIN. YOU WIN. A DATE. YES. YES." Noah smiled and before he stood up, raspberried jeff's belly. He whispered "you better wrap your sweater around your waist jeff. You had an accident." "OOOPS." jeff was embarrassed. Noah handed him his sweater. "It'll be fine. I'll tell the guys I tore your pants and you're hiding it." As they walked for the rest of the outing, one of jeff's friends from the group came up to him. "You got a date with Noah?" jeff smiled. "Yeah, I did." "Well, good thing you're a sub, because Noah... He's got a reputation for being REAL strict. He fucks like a madman too, I hear." "OH? I didn't know that?" jeff answered. His friend smiled. "Just LOOK at him. You KNOW he's like a sledge hammer in bed. You fucking lucky bitch." Now, jeff was confused. He wanted a date with Noah, but he hadn't thought THIS part of it out. He'd have to. "Can I sit next to you on the bus?" He walked up to Noah, who put his arm around jeff's shoulders. "I expect my dates to sit next to me. " jeff fell asleep on the bus sitting next to Noah, with Noah's arm around him, draped over jeff's pec. He was smiling as he slept.

Noah and jeff had exchanged numbers, and Noah called the next day. "So I've got a really heavy schedule but what about Saturday? You wanna get some dinner or something?" Now, jeff was nervous again. He had a job but his budget didn't give him much "fun money," and if he weren't doing something like the groups, he stayed home and watched tv because, well, he couldn't much afford restaurants or bars. "Of course it's my treat" Noah said. jeff paused. "Noah, I can't let you do that." "Ha ha. Who says you have any choice in it jeffrey?" jeff liked that. He felt like Noah was already taking charge. "Well, alright. But nothing too expensive." "We'll see. Keep in mind I have student loans to pay, so no ordering caviar. Make sure you pack up enough stuff to spend the weekend because if dinner works out..." He stopped and lowered his voice. "I'm gonna make you either the happiest man in the world or the saddest one, for making me hard last Saturday." jeff swallowed a gulp. "Should we meet at your place or somewhere else?" "Depends. You wanna eat first or find out if you like what I can do to you first?" jeff was getting harder and harder. He tried to keep his hands from his crotch. Noah's voice, alone, was turning him on. "Maybe we could meet for something quick and then... I dunno, if we want, go out later?" "Sounds like a plan. Where?" jeff was more than a little flustered, and he picked a diner where he and john used to go when they had started dating. "See ya at 7. Don't be late. I hate being late." It slipped out of jeff. "Yes sir." Did he hear Noah laugh at the end of the phone? Did he hear a kiss blown through the receiver? He was totally confused, and totally hard.

Noah was sitting at a booth in the diner, his jacket thrown on the seat next to him, his tie loosened. He had just finished a call and put away his phone. "You didn't chicken out. I'm impressed" Noah spoke. "Uh, I look like I'm a chicken but I'm really very courageous" jeff answered, smiling. He could feel his lower lip trembling. "Courageous. I agree. So, you wanna sit opposite me, or next to me? I warn you: if you sit next to me, I may be teasing you through our snack." jeff had jerked off that morning thinking about the meeting. Now he was hard again. "Where would you like me to sit?" Noah smiled and answered. "On my hard cock." He saw jeff blanch. "Oh yeah, your buds told me you're still a virgin. That'll change." Flustered, jeff went from white to red: "WHO TOLD YOU THAT?" Noah began to laugh. "So it's true." "Uh, uh.... well, sort of. " "What's that mean? A woman is never a little pregnant. You can't be sort of a virgin." "I sucked cock but I've never.. " "Had it up the ass?" jeff paused. "You know, you're very direct." "And you're very cute. I made up my mind" He picked up his jacket. "Sit over here. Next to me. " jeff's tie was loosened too. He didn't wear a suit to work, but he had a sweater on. His favorite one. Sort of matched his eyes. "So, jeff. Did you bring enough with you for the weekend?" Noah eyed jeff's backpack. "Plenty. I'm used to traveling light so... I can make things work " "Useful skill. Whaddya wanna eat?" "Uh, I always have the same thing here. Grilled cheese and tomato soup." "So have it. " Noah gave jeff's order to the waiter. He ordered a chicken Ceasar salad. "You want a drink, baby cakes?" "Uh, maybe just coffee. If I have alcohol, I'll fall asleep." "And I could have my way with you." jeff reddened again. "COULD YOU STOP? " Noah began to laugh. "I could, but you're even cuter when you're embarrassed than when you're pinned down and helpless." jeff sighed. "I think you should know I'm seeing someone." "No you're not. If you were, you wouldn't have gone after me like you did." "Well, sorta seeing someone. OH SHIT, he just walked in." john did come into the diner, with three other guys. "JEFF? I've been calling you for a week and you didn't return my call?" He smiled and looked at Noah. "Hi. I'm john. Jeff's boyfriend?" "I'm Noah. I'm his date tonight." "I see. " He looked at jeff. "Give me a call this week, jeff." As the group walked away, Noah smiled. "He's good looking. You sure you wanna give him up?" "He's sleeping with at least one of those guys. They're his type." "His type for what?" "For topping him." Noah started laughing. "Wait. Let me get this right. So your alleged boyfriend tops you, and bottoms for other guys." "That's about it." Noah threw his arm around jeff's shoulder. "Let me make this clear. I'm faithful to my guy, but I expect the same. If that doesn't work for you, let's just eat and go our separate ways." He looked at the table and saw john boring eyes into him. "There's an empty chair there. You could tell john you dumped me for him." "No. I threw myself at you. Let's have at least one real date. " Noah smiled. "It's gonna piss him off mightily. Kiss me. Right here." He stared at jeff and wouldn't let up. When he leaned in, jeff's lips met his. He felt Noah's hand go to his crotch. "Finish your sandwich. I wanna get you in bed. REAL fast."

When they got back to Noah's place, Noah put his two arms around jeff's middle and rested his chin on jeff's neck. "I just have a feeling lamby, that you have extremely sensitive ears. Am I right?" He ran his tongue over jeff's right ear and jeff let out a moan. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Yes. They're VERY sensitive. VERY. Almost as sensitive as" he felt Noah's hand cover his mouth. "Don't tell me. Let me find out. Let's get you out of your sweater." He moved over to the sofa with jeff, and they began necking. "MMMMM. I was right. That first kiss wasn't enough. You've got a really, REALLY soft set of lips. Open up. Mr. Tongue is going in. " As it did, Noah pressed into jeff's crotch. "Never been fucked huh? Well, then not on the first date. Let's go. I've been thinking about what to do to you all week." They were out of their clothes in less than ten minutes. "You'll never be anything but a bottom with me, you good with that, jeff?" Noah kissed jeff's neck. More moans. "OH GOD. Yes sir. That's what the guys told me. NNNNNNNNNNNNG" Noah had taken jeff's balls in his hand. "Nice and hefty. " He reached behind jeff's balls and began to rub that skin very gently. "OH GOD. OH. NOAH. THAT FEELS SO GOOD. " "You feel good sweet cakes. " He reached underneath jeff and toyed with his butt. "Nice and soft. The way I like my bottoms." Then he looked at jeff. "If you're really as ticklish as you were at the picnic, you're in trouble." "I'm in trouble, " jeff whispered. "I'm in big trouble." "If I can't fuck you, how about I dry fuck you?" "Dry fuck me?" Noah smiled. I don't know if anyone else uses the phrase. " He put his cock in between jeff's thighs. "Press your legs together. Hold my cock there. Give it just enough space to go back and forth." "yes sir," Jeff whispered. Then he moaned. It wasn't a tremendously hard thing to figure out, but Noah found out how sensitive jeff's nipples were. "Not worked a lot. They're soft. VERY soft. I'll firm em up." jeff couldn't answer. He was moaning. He felt Noah getting harder and harder between his legs and then, he felt Noah's fingers tighten, and the jizz coming out of his cock. "And look at you sweetpea. You're even harder than you were on the bus." "I didn't see you naked on the bus Sir." "But you imagined it." He smiled. "What you expected?" "Better Sir." "AW, you're sweet. Calling me Sir on the first date. Whatcha gonna call me after the second one? " "Whatever you want, Sir" Noah rolled off jeff. "So, whatcha wanna do jeffman? " "I hope this is a good answer. I saw ropes over in the corner. Could you tie me up? Jerk me off." "Ha ha. My sweet virgin is a pig. I think we could do that." Noah tied a better knot than john did, and he took his time, bringing jeff to a climax slowly. When jeff was getting closer, and closer, Noah forced his tongue down jeff's throat. jeff wanted to hug him but... tied up the way he was.. "You want Chinese food, baby boy?" "Can we call it in Sir? Eat naked?" "Ha ha. You REALLY are a pig" "Oink oink. " They went to bed after the food. Noah was a light sleeper, and he was still awake when jeff, cuddled on his chest, nodded off. He was smiling. "He has a dolphin smile," Noah told himself. "That boyfriend. He's cute, but he's gonna be trouble. I wonder... Hmmm."

Next: Chapter 2

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