Jeff the Submissive Marathoner

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 20, 2021


Things were moving along fast - REALLY fast. Max hadn't anticipated things moving at this pace, so he wasn't prepared, and that was unusual. Max was always prepared for everything jeff, on the other hand, was a true ditz when it came to anything other than work, or running. He didn't think much about staying at Max's, or moving in, or anything like that. He just did what he was told. Like a good sub.

That's why they had different agenda the next morning. jeff drank down his "protein shake," got his cock locked up, dressed, and went to work. "Text me before you leave your office jeff. I wanna make sure I'm home, and that the house is ready." He had stopped calling jeff 'boi', and jeff noticed. Did he do something wrong? "Yes sir. Is there something I should bring with me?" Max smiled. "just your sweet ass and that hot mouth. Now, give me a kiss." And he had stopped referring to himself as "Daddy." jeff had no idea what was going on, but Max had told him to come by that night. He'd take it.

Max was on the phone with his friend Jake. "SONOFABITCH. Who calls out of the blue but Daddy Max. How the hell are ya, you fuck? You need an atom split or something?" "Ha ha. Good one Jake , good one. Nah, no atoms. Just a request for a favor, and then maybe some advice. But first, how's married life?" Jake paused. "Know what? I told people that I didn't think it would change anything. I was wrong. I feel responsible for anthony now. Not just responsible for making him happy, but for making him safe, for checking in on him, all that stuff. He takes care of me too." "He reining you in Jake?" Jake laughed. "Well, I don't know about that. He gets my cock twice, maybe three times a day, gets the ropes too. Checks with me before he leaves the house to make sure I approve of his outfit, all the good stuff. He knows who's boss. But I gotta say: when I see him on the street, in that denim jacket, the ripped jeans, the pink shirt, walking Goldie, I think all the way back to when I thought 'I'm gonna have that boi.' " "I'm happy for you Jake. And .. I'm calling you because... I think I found my boi." Jake dropped the phone deliberately, then he picked it up and laughed. "You gotta be kidding me. Mr 'I'll never settle down with someone' Max? Tell me about this boi." "Well... I'm hoping you'll get to meet him. He reached out. He found me on that website. I thought he was gonna be good for a night, maybe two, but... no... He's something that I never thought I'd find in a boi. He's..." "Authentic," they spoke simultaneously. Max went on. "Yeah. I thought you found the last one in anthony, but this guy.... yeah, there's nothing fake. He's..." "Parsifal?" Jake asked. They both loved German opera so, "code" for someone who came without baggage was "Parsifal." "Well, I'm sure he comes with baggage, but there's no guile. No... fakery. " "So Max, why do you need my advice?" "Well, first the favor. The boi is as sweet as a blondie bar, and as compliant as a well trained pup but... Jake... " He told Jake about jeff's definition of medieval, and Jake laughed for about 3 minutes. "You're making that up! Even my undergrads know that. Well... ok. never mind." "Ya see? If I'm gonna spend time with this boi, he's gotta get a little more wattage. So, I was wondering... I know anthony spent some time tutoring. Could he tutor jeff? I'll ask him if you want." "NAH. anthony does what I tell him. Let me look at his schedule... Hmmmm. At night or on the weekend? Does that work?" "It can. Look at it this way Jake, there's not gonna be any threat to anthony." "What makes you think I won't keep him for myself?" Jake asked. "Ha ha. You'd put up with him for about ten minutes before you tossed him out. He's not a blond, he's not all that buff: he's a runner." "NO.MORE. RUNNERS. I had pete. I'm over that. Pete's married now too by the way." "JESUS CHRIST. I'M GONNA BE THE ONLY SINGLE MAN LEFT IN NY" Jake made a fake little girl voice. "Not likely Max, cause... Max has a boyfriend/Max has a boyfriend." He heard Max go silent and then whisper "I think I do. I'm showing him around this weekend. If you guys show up at the Eagle, you'll meet him." "I think we weren't planning to, but hell, if there's a guy that swept Mother Max off his feet, we're going. " "Jake. I'm gonna ask him to put the collar on in front of everyone." "OH SHIT. This IS serious. We'll be there." "Thanks Jake. I may need you to hold me up if I faint." "You're not gonna faint, Max. You're gonna get so hard that monster of yours is gonna keep you balanced when it shoots out in front." "Ha ha. Could be. Thanks Jake. I'll see you guys at the bar, and we'll work out details on tutoring." "Sounds good." Jake got off the phone. All that talk had made him, well, horny. anthony was in the other room, watching television. Jake got up and walked in. He stood in the doorway, legs spread, hands on hips. anthony looked up. "YES SIR. " He knew what that meant, and he got up and went over to Jake . Soon, Goldie looked up when she heard the sound of sucking.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "I can get out of the office at about 4:30 Sir," jeff texted. "Good. That'll give us some time to talk, jeff. I wanna clear some things up with you tonight. Don't worry. I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you after that." Reading that made jeff excited. He smiled. "YES SIR!" jeff rang Max's bell at 5:15. Traffic had been heavy. When he came in the door, Max was in standard street clothes, not the leather he had been wearing the last few times. "Hi Sir. Sorry it took me so long.." Max came over, took jeff's wrists and pinned them behind his back. Then he shoved his tongue down jeff's mouth and kissed him for a long time. "Sit down. I'm having a drink. You want one?" "No Sir. I'm good. Maybe some water, though?" Max muttered, but came back with the water. He looked down, like he was trying to gather his courage. jeff didn't know why, but he reached out and squeezed Max's hand. Max smiled, and squeezed back. "jeffers. Listen up. I thought it was gonna take a minimum of 4, maybe 6 months, before I said this. I want you to move in with me." jeff's eyes got big "WHAT? I mean... WOW. Thank you Sir.." "Now, now, let's talk this through. It's not like you're gonna be a tenant paying rent. I'm asking you to move in to be my boi. My sub. My bottom. And that DOES take negotiation." "What does that mean Sir?" "Well, first of all, I need to know: what are your limits? What would make you pack up when I wasn't here, and leave." jeff smiled. He was glad he had rehearsed this. "Well Sir. If you pissed on me, or shat on me, I'd be gone. Or if you cut me. I don't think I could handle fisting either, or..." he lowered his head "I assume I'm not gonna be allowed to screw around with anyone else. I'd want that from you Sir." Max smiled. "You keep me satisfied, it won't be an issue. You left a couple things out. Tats? Piercing?" "Sir, you told me once before that 'I don't know' was a good answer. That's my answer to those. I don't know. I never thought of it. You don't have tattoos, do you Sir?" "Not a one, but you've seen the bar in my tit." "Yeah, I have. The left one. Means you're a Top." Max smiled. "Good boi. You studied." Then he paused. "We'll negotiate tats and piercing. I may come back to that though. Just telling you. " jeff looked down. He was near tears. "Can we go and get my stuff tonight Sir?" "No. We're gonna go and get it this weekend. Tonight, you're gonna start learning what you need to do to be my boi. And we gotta go and get you fitted for a very important piece of equipment. Your first harness. Like mine." "Thank you Sir. " "Stand up. I got the strong restraints on the bed. I'll undress you." "YES SIR!" jeff headed in, and spread out "like a starfish" as Max would say. Max looked at him, and smiled. He didn't take the ropes. He just lay down on top of jeff and began rubbing his scruff on jeff's neck. jeff began to moan right away. "That's right boi. THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT. MOAN FOR YOUR DADDY. YOUR DADDY MASTER." "MMMM. Yes sir. YES SIR." jeff felt Max's tongue begin to lick his neck in big, broad strokes. His tongue was going lower. jeff felt his shirt buttons opened, and then the tongue on his nip. Max used the very tip of his tongue to tease jeff's right nip, before his teeth nibbled, and jeff's moans got louder. "OH FUCK SIR. IF I WERENT' CAGED, I'D SHOOT RIGHT NOW." "Heh heh. But you are. And you're not gonna shoot for at least a few more hours. " Max finished unbuttoning jeff's shirt. "No more shaving yourself boi. That's a Daddy's job. And I love it. It's one of my favorite things to do. Next to fucking my boi." "OH GOD. YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. I want your cock sir" Jeff was whining. "Please take your boi Sir. Please let me know who's in charge. Show me. PLEASE... " Max smiled and began opening jeff's pants. His hands slipped in and took hold of jeff's locked cock and his balls. "These are gonna be mie, 100% You understand what that means, boi?" "I don't know Sir. Please explain it to me." "It means you don't use them, unless I give you permission. I give you permission to piss without asking. That's the ONLY thing you get to use these for without my approval. " "Yes sir. I can do that." "DAMN RIGHT YOU CAN. AND YOU WILL. Now...." He slid jeff's dress shoes off, then his pants. His briefs came off next. "If you get a tat, it's gonna be right here boi." Max ran his finger down the inside of jeff's thigh. "It's gonna say 'property of Daddy Max." "FUCK YES SIR. YES YES." jeff felt Max lift up his ankles. He saw the way Max was looking at his hole. And he heard him whisper "This is MINE," just before he began plunging his cock into jeff. "YES SIR. YOURS. YOUR BOI CHUTE. " Max looked at jefff. "I hate that expression boi. It's your sweet ass. Your manpussy. Your mancunt. Your boichute is where your shit comes out. " "Yes sir. Sorry sir." "MMMMM. Feels so good. Feels soft. Tight. Feels like it's wrapping around my cock." He looked at jeff. "Tighten your glutes boi. Get involved." jeff smiled. "Yes Sir. " He tightened his glutes. He tightened them so hard that Max couldn't move his cock. Max smiled. "Oh, you're a jokester today, huh boy." He grabbed jeff's balls and squeezed them. "Maybe I'll scramble some eggs for dinner." 'NO! NO! OUCH OUCH. OK OK. " jeff loosened his glutes a little and Max slid back and forth smiling. "My boi is learning what Daddy likes. That's good." Then, as he slid back and slid back in, Max began a regular, repeated spanking of jeff's ass. "OH GOD SIR YOUR BOI LOVES SPANKINGS." "That right, boi? That right? Well..." Max stopped thrusting and pushed jeff's legs up further, so he could get to his ass more easily and he spanked him until jeff's ass was cherry red. Then he started his pounding again. "OH YES SIR. FUCK MY ASS. FUCK ME. FUCK.... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" jeff trailed off into a regular scream as Max let loose with his jizz. jeff was not as in condition as he wished he were, and he began breathing hard. "THAT was truly an awesome fuck Sir." Max smiled. "My boi deserves nothing less. Hey. Get yourself cleaned up. We're gonna go head to one of my favorite stores, and then we're gonna get something to eat." jeff headed off to the bathroom and got as much of the jizz out of him as possible. He toweled off, and then put some casual clothes on. Max smiled. "C'mere pretty boi. You look good." He held jeff's face between his hands and thrust his tongue down jeff's throat. jeff instinctively put his hands behind his back. "GOOD BOI. That's how a boi walks when he's with his Dad." "Yes sir. I understand." They went out to Max's car. His free hand rested on jeff's knee, and jeff had a hand on top of that, which made Max smile. "My buddy Jerry - he runs what we call "the toy store." "The Toy Store, Sir? Oh, I know where we're going." He smiled. "EEEYUP. We're going out this weekend, but you need something to wear." NOW jeff was puzzled. When they went into the store, Max put his hand on the back of jeff's neck. "HEEEEEEEEEEEY JER. Been too long." "Damn right Max." Jerry smiled at jeff. "Well, hellllooooooooo there young man. Who are you?" "Tell him " "I'm Daddy Max's boi Sir." jeff answered. Max gave him a little squeeze on the back of the neck. "You're training him well. Should've expected that from you Max. How can I help you boys?" "Jer, this weekend is the first chance I'm gonna get to introduce jeff to the world as my boi. He needs a harness." Jerry smiled. "Ah. Ok. Let me get you fitted. " He looked at jeff. "I know, I know" Max smiled. "He's gotta take his shirt off. I'll do that. Boi." "yes sir." jeff put up his arms so that Max could slip him out of his polo. "Nice body on you jeff," Jerry smiled. "You run don't you?" "Yes sir, I do. Can I ask how you know?" "My husband's a runner. All he talks about is running, running , running." "I'm injured right now, Sir. I miss it." Jerry smiled. "I'm sure you're getting enough exercise from Max." He brought over a harness that looked like the right size. He made some adjustments. "Black, Max?" "Yeah, I think so. Not sure we wanna be pretentious with white or another color. " "I agree. Black is always better," Jerry smiled. "you need armbands or anything?" "Nah, got all that. I may need to make an appointment in the future. Get my boi pierced on that little pec of his." jeff's face blanched and Max laughed. "Who makes the rules, boi?" "You do Sir." "What happens if I want you pierced?" "I get pierced Sir" "ATTA BOI." Max looked at Jerry. "This is actually only his first official night as my boi. I'm cutting him some slack." Jerry laughed. "You better learn fast jeff. I bet you're caged." jeff blushed. "Well, yes sir, I am." "Max has no problem with caging a boi for a month. Better keep that in mind." "We're gonna head out Jerry. Gotta get some food." jeff was thinking "I GOTTA GET UNCAGED." Max ruffled his hair. "We're gonna get take out and bring it home boi. I know what you need." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. " At home , he released jeff and sent him off to the bathroom. It didn't take long before they were eating their Italian food.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jeff stayed over. They took a visit to his apartment on the next night, and piled everything in. Every shirt, every suit, every knick knack. There was, as Max put it "so much fucking shit," that they needed both of their cars. "One box at a time boi . We'll find a place for everything." He smiled as he rolled onto jeff when they got into bed that night. "But we already found a place for THIS." He started sliding his cock into jeff's ass. "Yes sir. Right where it belongs. " It would be honest to say that, on Saturday night, jeff was "the belle of the ball." Max was a popular guy, and people had been rooting for him to find "the one." They weren't sure if it was jeff, but they were sure that Max was happy. Jake was there, with anthony. "Boi, I want you to meet anthony. I arranged for him to meet with you to get some lessons where your education is spotty. " anthony smiled. "Hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Sir Jake's boi. His husband too." jeff looked at him. "you mean bois can marry their Daddys?" anthony laughed. "Sure can. They can get dogs, and have whole lives , they can go back to school, everything. " He leaned in to jeff. "You'll learn," he whispered. "Trust me. Jon over there. " He pointed to a big dark haired guy who was with another guy who might have been older than Max, "and I, we'll 'show you the other kind of ropes. Your Daddy's gonna show you the real ones." Max came over and put his hand on jeff's shoulder. "Hey anthony boi. I gotta borrow jeff now. You mind?" anthony looked down. "No Sir Max. Don't mind at all. " "Come this way jeff," "Yes sir." Max was leading jeff to a small platform: it reminded jeff a little of the time he won his first running medal. Max was holding the chain collar, with the lock on it. "Now, you don't have to do this, but I wish you would. If you put it on, in front of these goons, it'll be telling all of them, you're OWNED, and your owner is ME." "Was there any question, Sir?" jeff skipped up on the platform and held the collar up over his head, so no one could miss it. Then he dropped it down over his neck. After that, he came off the platform and wrapped his arms around Max. "Daddy. I want you. I want you in me." After they got home, Max obliged.

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So that was a year ago, gentle readers. Where are they now? Well... jeff's injuries healed enough, so that he could start running again. He's not doing marathons yet, but he's running 10k races on a regular basis. Max goes to as many of them as he can. He also meets with anthony once or twice a week, and they read something: history, or a novel, or something. anthony turned out to be a "brutal top" when it came to reviewing jeff's written work. The first essay came back with so much red on it, Max laughed. "GEEZ. Did you bois go to a voodoo sacrifice or something." jeff was insulted by that, and turned away from Max in bed. That was the first time he was caged for a month. When his boss called him in one day and told jeff that his writing skills had improved so much he was giving him a raise, he didn't regret the caging, and he thanked anthony with a gift: a statue of a dog that looked just like Goldie, and a black t shirt that said "DADDY" for Max. He bought one for himself that said "I LOVE MY DADDY" The cage stayed on.

Max? Well, interesting story. Now that he had found his boi, Max started thinking about many things. He had built up enough time at his job that he could take early retirement, and he did. He became a "house husband." jeff would come home from work sometimes, and find these very elaborate set ups for a game they were gonna play that night. He also took cooking classes, and he and jeff both started eating better. Maybe not healthier, but better. And with the changes, Max and jeff are going to take their first vacation together this year. jeff had only been to Hawaii once, for a race. This time, it's gonna be three weeks. "I can't wait to see that ass of yours in white pants, boi" Max teased jeff when they made the reservations. Ever the smart ass, jeff stopped at a clothing store on the way home, and bought himself a pair of white pants. Max makes him wear them often, even if it IS after Labor Day. And there we have it readers. A happy ending for two people who were searching for each other. Hope you enjoyed the story. Keep reading.

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