Jeff the Submissive Marathoner

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 14, 2021


On Monday morning , jeff woke up with a complex of feelings he didn't remember ever having: he felt safe, he felt wanted, and he felt.. desired. Max had stayed semi hard all night, pressed up against jeff, and he held him with an iron grip. jeff had trained from his running to hold when he needed the bathroom, so he didn't get up all night. He didn't want to, and he didn't know if Max would let him go. At one point during the night, Max had moved his hand up to jeff's pec and left it there. Anytime either of them squirmed, even a little bit, it would stimulate that nipple, and jeff was more than semi hard. Closer to 3/4. Max snored. There was no other way to put it. It wasn't a horribly LOUD snore, but it WAS a snore. He started about two hours after they had gone to bed. jeff had never thought about it before - he couldn't think of anyone he had slept with who snored - but he found the sound somewhat arousing. Daddies snored, not boys. This man was his Daddy: he knew it. Max had told him that it would take time before jeff was trained well enough to be considered his boy, but he knew it. HE JUST KNEW IT!

The alarm went off, and Max loosened his hold to turn it off. jeff started to get out of bed, and felt Max' hand on the back of his neck, pulling him back.

"Where you going jeffrey?" He had put jeff on his back and rolled on top of him.

"To begin to get ready for work, Sir. I didn't want to interfere with your morning routine." Max smiled.

"Well, my morning routine is gonna start changing, and it's gonna begin with giving you your protein shake." He smiled and put his cock in front of jeff's mouth. "What're you waiting for?" jeff opened his mouth and Max thrust his cock into those parted lips. jeff kept them tighter , rather than looser, so that Max would have to work harder as he pushed. He smiled. "Good boy jeffrey. You're learning what I like." As he said that, jeff slid his tongue all around Max's shaft. "OH FUCK YOU'RE A QUICK LEARNER . HA HA HA. Didn't even take a spanking." "DAMN" thought jeff. "I wonder... if I asked." For now, he sucked on Max's cock. He couldn't help but look at the time, even though Max started work earlier than he did, and he'd get there on time. Too much training. "THAT'S IT JEFFBOI. SUCK IT. SUCK IT GOOD. GET YOUR FUCKING PROTEIN.... ONE SHOT AT A TIME..." jeff saw the smile on Max's face and he felt the lashes of jizz going down his throat. "You're good jeffrey. Some of the best blow jobs I've ever had, I had this weekend. I don't know who taught ya, but I may have to send them flowers." jeff smiled. "Thank you Sir, but all me. All me. And your beautiful cock. " He stirred as Max toyed with his nipples. "Sir, it's Monday. Don't you have to get to work." Max smiled. "Trying to get rid of me already. Ha ha ha. I know the drill. Max get to work. And when you come back, they're gone." He saw jeff's face. "Just kidding sweetie. JUST FUCKING KIDDING. Because... if you wanted to get rid of me, you'd have to make me wanna get rid of YOU." He paused. "That's not happening." jeff smiled. He didn't know what to say. "Listen, I DO have to get to work before you, so I'm gonna take the shower first. While I'm there, why don't you see if you can make some room in the closet for your stuff?" "Room for my stuff Sir?" "Yeah, lemme get cleaned up. We'll discuss when I'm done." jeff didn't know if he should jerk off while Max was showering. He was sorely horny after blowing Max. The hard cock against him all night, and then the morning blow job: he needed relief. Max was a quick showerer and he was out, drying himself off. jeff wanted to lick the water off of his chest, and ran his tongue around his lips. Max smiled. "jeff needs to get his rocks off, doesn't he?" "Yes sir . May I. " "Of course. Now, you can do it on the bed while I'm watching and maybe even participating, or if you're that worried about getting to work on time, take care of yourself in the shower. Up to you. " He smiled. " "I bet though, jeffrey, that you have 100% punctuality at work. Ten minutes late on Monday isn't gonna kill you." "You're right Sir. You'll help?" "Maybe... Why don't you get to work, and let's see if I get involved." jeff began to stroke himself. He moaned, and he began to whisper. "Damn that was a great fuck yesterday. And I loved being tied up. Then... fuck... a protein shake.." He giggled. I don't want to leave this man. No. I don't. " He felt Max's warm breath at his ear, and his hand under his balls. Those rough fingers did it. He yelped and started shooting. " "Nice job jeffrey. Nice job. You'll have it down real small for when I lock you up after your shower." "THAT'S RIGHT! Max had told him he didn't want him cumming unless he was around. He hadn't been in chastity during work before. This was more excitement. He ran into the bathroom. While he was showering, jeff realized he didn't know what Max did for a living. Should he ask? jeff came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist . He saw Max at the vanity, struggling to get a button down collar closed over his tie. "Do you want me to help Sir? My fingers are long and narrow. " "I'd say yes, jeffrey, but if ya did, I might grab you and throw you down on the bed and have my way with you." "I didn't imagine you suited up for work Sir." "Ha ha. Struck ya as some kinda blue collar truck driver type didn't I?" jeff blushed. "well..." "I know. My fingers. My hands. You'll see why someday. But I know what you're wondering: I'm a school administrator. Used to teach until I couldn't stand the little bastards anymore. Now I review policies, push paper, do shit like that. 8-3 until I can put in for retirement. " He smiled. "Now I get to tell people I'm fucking someone who sells drugs for a living." He laughed "jeff, you take this shit too seriously. I couldn't put up with the people you deal with ever day." "Maybe that's why I'm a bottom and you're a top Sir" Max shook his head. "You may have a point. Hey, get yourself dressed. I'm gonna make some coffee, then we're gonna talk. Just a few minutes. Nothing serious." jeff started putting on the clothes he had brought with him: the white shirt, the red tie, the blue suit. Max smiled when he saw him. "Nice. Nice and pretty. Now drop those pants for a minute." jeff gulped. He thought, and he hoped, that Max had forgotten. He hadn't. He saw the coiled cylinder and felt the click as Max locked it on him. "Now, you don't use it to piss until I unlock it. And that means you gotta see me. So... that's what we're gonna talk about jeffrey." Max put down his coffee cup and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I didn't think I was gonna enjoy your company as much as I did. So... how's about you decide today, how many days you wanna stay over this week. After work, get yourself home, pack up what you need, and then... if you wanna stay over tonight, cool. Just let me know." jeff's mouth dropped. "I can come back tonight, SIR?" "YEAH. Was something I said not clear? It's up to you. Don't say yes right now . Think about it. If you got a buddy at work, talk . " He smiled as he looked at jeff's face. "I can't make something for you for breakfast?" "I'm good Sir. I usually get something at the office canteen. " "Well, ok, my sexy little pusher." He came over and hugged jeff. "Gimme a bottom boi kiss, and then get that sweet ass to work. And get it here tonight."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jeff's buddy at work was a woman named Janine. She had been with the company for about 25 years, and they had hit it off right away. Janine pretty much kept to herself, and to her cats, but whenever jeff wanted to go out, to a disco, or a concert, a drag show, whatever, Janine was up for it. He asked her if he could take her to lunch at the local salad place to talk about the weekend. Janine had laughed. "I don't do weekend romance for less than a grilled cheese, Jeff. Usually with bacon. Diner food or nothing." Jeff laughed. "Ok, I get it. Sure. You pick the place. " He realized he hadn't had a grilled cheese sandwich in years. That made him think: what else had he denied himself? "So, let me see if I understand this Jeff?" Janine was asking through a mouthful of her second grilled cheese. There was a half finished chocolate malted in front of her. It was her second. Or, actually, THEIR second. They had gotten one "to share," and then ordered another one. "This guy invited you to his place, filled all of your sexual fantasies, invited you to come back, and you're questioning whether you should or not. What am I missing? Did he take your passport? Your lease? Your bank records? " She laughed. "I KNOW he didn't take your virginity." "Well, it felt like he did. Janine... no one's ever .... made love to me like that." "So what am I not getting?" "I don't think you're missing anything Janine. I'm just wondering because... well, I'm sorta blinded by this, and I don't know if I should be watching for something, be scared, what?" She paused, and nibbled a french fry. "Wellll..... what are the things you won't do?" jeff sighed. "That's the thing. I have a list, but if he asked me... I don't know. " "You say he answered your questions this morning. Why don't you ask him tonight? Tell him what you don't wanna do, see how he reacts. It'll be better for both of you if you get it out in the air right away." jeff sat back and thought. "You're right. Maybe I'll make a list. " "Jeff, don't make a list. First of all, too many nosy people here. Second, if you have to make a list, you're not sure. You should be able to spit this stuff out without thought." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That's how Jeff embarrassed himself that afternoon . He was in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, reciting "No scat. No piss. No cutting. No fisting. No tattoos. No piercing," when a co-worker came in. He heard the "No fisting part, and then the rest." "Jeff.. you opening up a summer camp for prudes or something?" "OOPS. Sorry Kendall. I was practicing my spiel for a video ad I was thinking of posting." "Well, I'm with you on the fisting part. Tattoos? Hmmm. Don't know about that. Piercing?" Kendall opened his shirt and showed jeff a tit bar in his left nipple. "Marlene wanted me to get one. She's got one too. In her right boob." "EWWWWWW" jeff thought to himself but kept quiet. He also thought "Well, let's see how Sir Max feels about this."

Before he left, jeff texted Max. "Hey Sir. Can I come over and spend the night? Can we talk about the rest of the week then?" Max texted back. "Well, if that's not a power bottom answer I don't know what is, LOL. Shoulda expected it. Yeah, come on over. One night's better than none, and we'll see what's on your mind. I gotta feeling I know what it is." Max was very close to being "spot on." As he told himself, years of working with children had prepped him for concerns like jeff's. jeff was scared: he didn't blame him, he was scary. This big, hairy Dominant guy pretty much having his way with a guy who took care of himself, never had a Daddy? He got it. He could almost recite the concerns: Scat? Not gonna happen. Gross. Piss ? Same thing Cutting? Fuck no Tatooing? Hmmm. Max had tattoos. Had jeff seen them? Piercing? To be negotiated.

At home, as jeff changed, he reached down and realized he had the cage on. He packed up some underwear: blue speedos, and plain old boxers, and then a change of clothes for the day tomorrow: a gray suit, a pair of brown shoes, a striped tie, a white shirt. Should he bring something to change into? Yeah, he packed a plaid sport shirt, a pale blue sweater, and a pair of jeans. Then he got in the car. He texted "On my way Sir. Need me to pick up anything?" "Just your heels. I'm fucking horny. LOL." Reading that made jeff horny too. He rang Max's doorbell. "Opened, jefferottee. The way you're gonna be REAL soon." He walked in the door and he saw Max, dressed in chaps and a harness. "FUCK. I didn't expect this." "You probably didn't expect this either boy." Max took the whip from his side holster. "GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES AND LICK THOSE BOOTS CLEAN." "SHIT" thought jeff as he answered "YES SIR" and got to work. As he did, he felt jeff pulling on his hair "pretty boy jeff is gonna get mussed up tonight something pretty bad." "Are these good enough Sir?" jeff had licked both boots and Max was pleased, but he answered Adequate. Now get those fucking clothes off. I got something for you to wear. That's what you wear. NOTHING ELSE.' He threw a leather vest at jeff. "Do I keep my jeans on Sir?" "For now, yeah. They'll go off." jeff slid out of his white shirt and his wife beater. He slipped on the vest. It smelled... of Max. It felt sexy. It made him feel sexy. "STAND IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR WITH YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK, JEFF" "Yes sir." When he did, Max came behind him, and put a gloved hand on the back of his neck. "You think you look sexy jeffrey?" "GULP. Yes sir. But I think WE look even sexier." Max put his gloved hand over jeff's mouth. "You keep on saying sweet shit like that, and I may bust my load before I put it in you." He began tweaking jeff's nipple with his free hand. Harder and harder. "See that band on my left arm jeffrey? " jeff couldn't answer because his mouth was gagged. "You're gonna get one this weekend too. Only yours goes on the right. And you're gonna get this, too." Max reached in his pocket and pulled out a chain collar, with a padlock on the end. "You know what that means, jeffrey?" "I'm not sure Sir. I know what it means to be collared. Am I gonna be your pup?" "Ha ha. Good guess but no. Not into that shit. But what it means is: you are OWNED. So when you go out to a bar, someone seeing the chain knows you belong to someone else, and the size of the padlock means how serious your owner is." "That's a pretty big padlock Sir." "There's a reason for that. I'm pretty serious about owning you." He spun jeff around and shoved his tongue down his throat. "Eventually, you're gonna get leather shorts too. For now, though, just get on the bed. I'm gonna tie you down and fuck the shit out of you before dinner." "MMMM. Yes sir. I dreamed about your dick all day." "NAH. You spent part of the day eating some kind of cheesy shit. I see it on your chin. " jeff blushed. Caught out. "Now if you can eat restaurant grilled fucking cheese, you can eat what I cook." He tied jeff's wrists to the corners of the bed. Then he ran his gloved hands down jeff's sides. jeff tried not to laugh, but he couldn't hold it in. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "Works better with gloves, I think. But enough of that." Max pulled off one glove and offered his thumb to jeff. "SUCK IT BITCHBOI." jeff fell on the thumb like a starving man. Hadn't he just gotten fucked the day before? Yes, but... this man was addictive for him. He sucked on the thumb as Max began undoing his pants. "Your cock looks so angry in that cage jeff. " He reached underneath and rolled jeff's balls in his hands. "Your cock angry at me?" jeff sucked in his breath. "No. No sir." "Then it hasn't been locked up long enough." He heard jeff's whimper and he saw his face and he laughed. "First time you gave the wrong answer, bitchboi. You want it unlocked?" "Yes sir. " "How badly? " REAL badly Sir." Max smiled, and rubbed his finger over jeff's right nipple. "Badly enough to wear a pierce here with my initial on it?" jeff gulped. "OH SHIT. EXACTLY what he had talked about with Janine.

Max wasn't talking but he kept on teasing jeff's nipple, and jeff was getting more and more aroused. "I DON'T KNOW SIR I DON'T KNOW.." He began to cry. "I'M SORRY IF THAT'S THE WRONG ANSWER BUT I DON'T KNOW." He saw Max smile right before he kissed him. "No, jeff. That is EXACTLY the right answer. You did good. You did real good. Now, I'm gonna do YOU real good." jeff saw his head disappear and then he felt Max's wonderful tongue. He began to moan. And then to moan louder. "If I unlock you, if you cum before I do, jeff, you're gonna have to wear the cage for a week. Think you can handle it? " jeff bit his lips. "YES SIR. I CAN." "Ok... Let's see." Max took off the lock. Then he slid his cock into jeff's wet ass. "OH SHIT I MISSED THAT FEELING SO MUCH SIR. " "I'm falling for this boy. I'm totally smitten," Max thought, as he stretched himself out over jeff and found his neck. He began kissing it. "I'm not a vampire jeff," he whispered "don't worry about blood. Not gonna be any blood around here unless we do something wrong. " jeff whimpered as Max's cock went up higher. "Thank you Sir. Thank you. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. You're not moving your cock Sir. I feel.. I feel so full. " "Gonna fill you some more boy." Then Max began thrusting. "He called me boy! went off in jeff's mind until the pain and then the pleasure of the thrusting took over. "YES SIR. YES SIR. OH DADDY. OH DADDY TAKE YOUR BOY . TAKE HIM DADDY. PLEASE . PLEASE YOU BOY NEEDS HIS DADDY . FUCK HIM FUCK ME PLEASE DADDY PLEASE." "Oh shit. I said something I shouldn't have. Or maybe I should've" Max thought, as he pounded jeff. He got closer and closer, and then he yelled like a wildman as he filled jeff's ass. "FILLING THOSE BOY BUNS LIKE A FUCKING JELLY DONUT. BOYCUNT." He yelled. He didn't have to be careful about what he said now. As Carmen Miranda might have put it "the cat was out of the beans." "I'm gonna do your cock boi. Daddy's gonna jerk you." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. THANK YOU." Max started a very slow edging of jeff's cock. He stopped periodically to lick a nipple, or to raspberry jeff's belly. When he began pulling faster and faster, he whispered to jeff. "Who's my boy? Who's my boy?" jeff wanted to cry. Was this it? "I AM SIR. I AM . I'M MY DADDY'S BOY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he shot wildly, and began to cry. "Daddy hold me. PLEASE HOLD ME. HOLD YOUR BOY." Max unleashed the restraints and took jeff in his arms. "Boi, you are not gonna find a better Daddy than the one who's holding you." "Yes sir . OH GOD yes sir. YES SIR. YES SIR." He had his questions, but they would wait until later. Neither of them had expected things would move this fast, but they had.

Next: Chapter 5

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