By Matthew Richards

Published on Nov 23, 1998



Location: Houston, Texas Age: 24

Well, I've seen a lot of the stuff posted on the Nifty Archives, and so I thought I'd post a little something of my own. This is what I'm certain will become one of many stories, in which we'll go through a lot together. Sit back and enjoy, and as always, comments are welcome to .



Alex and I had decided to head out to the clubs this weekend, since there was really nothing better to do. Alex was 20, and I was 22. Alex had this ex named Jeff that he'd recently broken up with, but remained friends who lived really close to one of the clubs we were headed to, so we decided to stop by and see if he wanted to tag along.

Jeff was sitting on the steps outside his apartment, with his shirt off, and these really tight, short, denim shorts. "God, this one's a STUD" I thought. He was taller than me, about 6'2", with blonde hair and soft brown eyes. He was fairly thin, but not in a bad way, his chest and abdomen were smooth, his legs had a hint of blonde hair on them.

Alex wasn't bad looking himself, being about 6'2", slender, with dark hair and eyes. I had known Alex for over three years, and he'd dated a lot of guys in that time. Me, I wasn't so lucky, being 5'11", a bit on the chubby side, brown hair and eyes. Real generic, I definitely didn't turn any heads.

"Hey Jeff, we're heading over to Heaven, wannna come along?" Alex asked.

"Sure, let me tell Sam" Jeff said, referring to his roommate. A few seconds later, we were walking towards heaven, Alex introducing me to Jeff. Somehow, we got along great, hitting it right off. Jeff kept winking at me when Alex wasn't looking, I didn't know what to do! Here's this totally hot stud, and he's winking at me!

We reached the club doors, and produced what I jokingly refereed to as our "papers for the checkpoint". One small problem, Jeff didn't have his "papers" (his ID card) and the bouncer quickly turned him away. Dammit! I didn't want to have to leave him behind, so I suggested we go buy some drinks and head back to Alex's place.

At Alex's place, Alex and Jeff played chess, we watched some videos, and Alex got wasted. I had a few drinks, but since I was doing the driving, I decided to take it easy. At 1am, Alex was too drunk, and quite ill, so he asked that I take Jeff home. I didn't have to think twice about that one, and soon Jeff and I were off. He was checking me out, and we talked about all kinds of things, when finally the topic turned to sex. "So, are you seeing anyone?" he asked. "Who me? I wish, but for now I'm terminally single" I replied. "How does a cute guy like you stay single for very long?" Jeff asked, and I replied that I wasn't all that cute. "That's your problem, you have low physical self esteem. I think you're damn cute, and you seem like a pretty great guy too." Jeff said. We drove around and talked some more, and finally headed back to my place.

My apartment wasn't the nicest in the world, being a college student and all, but it was home, and it was private, which was what I valued the most. Jeff immediately took me into his arms and kissed me deeply. God, it felt so good, being held in these strong arms. I felt instantly safe. God, he knew how to kiss too, the whole time I was in a totally different world, and when he finished I literally just stood there stunned for a few seconds.

Jeff took my hand, and we laid down in bed together. I laid there with my head on his chest, being held in his arms. The feeling of just touching him, being held by him, set off sparks thought my body, and made me feel as though we were connected, as if the entire world was right here, him and I, in his arms. I guess one could call me submissive as far as sex goes, allow me to explain. I'm a bottom. To me, sex is much more than simply getting my rocks off, to me sex is letting a guy have me, letting him inside me and letting him make me his. When I have sex, I truly feel as though he is taking me and we are becoming one.

I asked Jeff why a great looking guy like him had any interest in me, for I was not all that good looking at all, at least not in my opinion. I've had many guys not even give me the time of day, yet here is the man of my dreams, holding me, loving me. He simply told me he didn't know what it was about me, but that he found me attractive in many ways.

We took of our shirts, and I began to kiss his nipples and navel. Something about a guy's navel that just drives me crazy sometimes. Anyhow, I got down to his shorts, where I felt a raging hard on. I took the shorts off, and all I can say is WOW. Jeff was huge, in fact, it was the largest I had ever seen in person. His cock was cut, very thick, and at least ten inches long. I took it into my mouth and licked the head, my tongue moving around the large mushroom tip. I could only fit about three inches of this enormous cock in my mouth, but I sucked and licked on it the best I could, and it was driving Jeff wild.

Jeff finally removed my pants and boxers, and I laid on my back as he laid on top of me. He held me and kissed deeply again, and right then and there I became his, there was no way to stop it now, he had me. He kissed me and rubbed his cock against my ass, and I wanted him inside me, I had to have him take me.

We applied some lube to his cock, and I placed my ankles on his shoulders. As a bottom, I like to be fucked on my back, so I can look into his eyes, and see him taking me and making me his. Jeff began to enter, and the pain was intense, because he was so large. Slowly, he entered, kissing me the whole time. Finally he was in, and he began to slowly thrust, very gently, as he laid on top of me.

I felt him inside me, thrusting, he was in me, and he was in my soul. My entire consciousness was aware of only one thing, and that was him inside me. He continued thrusting, asking me how I was feeling, as I was begging for more. "God, this feels good" he said. "Mmmm, oh yeah" I replied and we entered into another deep passionate kiss. He continued his thrusts, they were getting faster and deeper. I thought I was going to split in half, but it didn't hurt, and finally I felt his balls slapping against me, and I knew he was thrusting all the way in. That was all I could take, and the world went blank, all I saw was white flashes, and I erupted into one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced, my cum hitting his chest and my belly. He continued his thrusts deep and fast, and suddenly he grabbed me tight and kissed me deeply, and I felt the warm cum enter me squirt after squirt, entering deep into my insides and making me his.

We laid there, him on top of me, for what seemed like forever. He kissed me gently. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Oh man, that was great. I love you, Jeff." He kissed me again and said "I love you too, Matt". I glanced at the clock and realized it was four o'clock in the morning, and we needed to get him home because his roommate would worry. We put out clothes back on, and I drove him home. At his place, we exchanged numbers, and he held me and kissed me again before leaving.

I saw Jeff a few more times after that, always the sex was out of this world, joining us together into one being, making me his, and him mine. And he was intelligent, we constantly had something to talk about, but also enjoyed the times when we could just sit and hold each other quietly, enjoying being together, in each others arms, safe, as one.

Life leads us down roads we don't expect sometimes, and I got accepted to a university in a town about 200 miles away. Sometimes we have to make some hard decisions, and I had decided that I had to leave, to go to school at this college that I had worked so hard to get into. Jeff couldn't move with me, I haven't seen him since I left for college. He may be gone now, but a little part of him is with me, in my heart, always.


Well, this one was pretty short. But hey, it's my first time! In this case, the story is mostly true, the names and certain details have been changed to protect the "innocent". =). My plans are to write more short stories like this, and to also begin work on a longer multi part story that will cover a relationship over several years. I hope to be able to write a little something for everyone, so the themes may vary. Let me know what you guys think. Genuine comments, critique, compliments, etc. are always welcome, just email me at . Thanks for reading!

---Matt Richards

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