Jeff Gets Screwed

By Jake

Published on May 30, 1998



This is the beginning of another series of stories. Please let me know what you think. Make sure you put the word "Jeff" or "Story" in the subject so I know it's not SPAM.

I manage a small surveying company, employing about a dozen people. For the most part it is a good and honest group, and we all get along pretty well. So when I found out that one of my managers was bilking one of his co-workers out of a profitable job, I was angry and disappointed. I felt like the bond we all enjoyed was violated by this one person's greed, and I was determined to make him pay.

Now, Steve was one of my best guys, so I didn't want to fire him. I was afraid it would shake up the company too much. I just wish he wasn't so full of himself! He was good, and he knew it, and I guess he thought that meant rules didn't apply to him. I spent a few days trying to think of how to teach this cocky bastard a lesson.

Then one day when I was in his office, it dawned on me. He was going on and on about his nineteen-year- old son Jeff, boasting about how good he was at sports and about how he got away with murder at school as a result. I had seen enough of his pictures and heard enough stories to know that Jeff was definitely a chip off the old block: arrogant as hell, damned good-looking and willing to use it to his advantage.

I hatched a dirty little plan that would teach both of these guys a lesson and would be fun for me besides. The next day, out of the blue I told Steve that I had some Yankees tickets and wondered if he and Jeff (who I knew was a big fan) would go with me. He was surprised and pleased: a chance to hobnob with the boss and free tickets into the bargain. I'm sure he would try for the 80th time to give his little protege a job for the summer too, putting me on the spot in front of the kid.

That fit right into my plan, so it didn't bother me a bit. I told Steve that the guys should meet me at the office on Saturday at noon and we would head to the stadium together. "Why so early?" he wanted to know.

"Well, you never know with the traffic." I replied. "If we get into the city early enough I'll take you guys for lunch."

"Ka-ching!" I could hear the dollar signs racking up in his head. With guys like this everything was about what-can-I-get-for-free. Normally, that would be a big "0" from me, but this was going to be worth it.

On the big day, Steve and Jeff showed up right on time. He was savvy enough to know better than to be late. Jeff was even hotter-looking than his pictures. Flawless dark Italian skin, a black crewcut all jelled up and shiny and the beginnings of a smirk at all times. He was decked out in white sweatpants with a jockstrap slightly visible underneath (Did he think he'd get called onto the field? Or was he worried about getting hit in the nuts with an errant fly ball?) topped off with a loose mesh jersey that revealed glimpses a lean, smooth muscular torso underneath. The sweats rode low and the strap of his jock peeked out, visible through the mesh.

I was waiting in my office when they showed up. I heard them wandering through the dark rooms calling me before they found me behind my desk. I stood up as they came in.

"So this is the legendary Jeff," I shook his hand. "You've got quite a reputation to live up to around here. If you ever make it big in sports you should hire your dad as your publicity agent." I told him, which got a grunt in return. It was obvious that he was just along for the (free) ride, and that he thought anyone over 22 was beneath his notice until he wanted something. His eyes coolly scanned the memorabilia lining my walls as he patiently indulged us two old dinosaurs so he could get his free baseball game.

But I was not so easily discouraged. "Your dad tells me you're a great baseball player yourself, and that you are getting interested in weightlifting." Another grunt.

Steve chimed in, rattling off some statistics or something but I interrupted him.

"You know I'm a pretty accomplished weightlifter myself maybe I could give you some pointers sometime." The kid shrugged. I was working my way up to my trump card. I knew his own ego and his dad's pathetic attempts to relive his youth through Jeff would be their downfalls -- at my hands.

"Well let's see how you are doing so far, take your shirt off"

I knew this would work -- guys like this like nothing more than to show off. He lifted the jersey over his head, cross-arm style like a jock, the way normal people can't do. He really did have a great shape, lean and v-shaped. It was obvious, though, that he concentrated on his pecs and biceps at the expense of his shoulders. His chest jutted out from his body then tapered sharply to somewhat narrower shoulders. I knew that also meant he was neglecting his legs, which fit right into the plan. I steered him over to the mirror on the bathroom door and pointed some things out to him, sliding my fingers over his skin to emphasize what I was saying. He nodded and I finally felt like I might have found some way to connect with him, besides the one I was going to pull in a few minutes.

"You're very lucky that you don't have a fat deposit around your obliques," I told him, sliding my hands around his sides and belly. "They are damn near impossible to get rid of. So many guys try to spot-tone that area and they are only making it bigger."

"Yeah, guys at school do that."

"How `bout your legs? You work those?"

"Sometimes, I run a lot. I am mostly interested in upper-body strength." Who knew he could speak a whole sentence.

"Yeah but if you bulk way up on top and don't do your legs you will look funny and could end up hurting yourself. Let's have a look."

"Um, don't we have to get going?" Jeff seemed a little uncomfortable at this, knowing he was only wearing a jock under the sweats.

"Nonsense, this is important." Steve told him. "This guy knows what he's talking about."

Jeff shrugged and shoved them down. His ass was incredible, baby smooth and so firm the straps barely dented the skin. As I suspected, his legs were lean but somewhat thin compared to the progress that he made up top. I ran my hands over them telling him about different muscles and what machines he could use for them. I could tell the exposure and contact was getting to him, because his jock pouch was bulging more and more as we talked. He was a little cagey but he also realized that I knew my stuff, and I think he liked the attention and the appreciative touching of his body. I was standing behind him, and my hands went back to his abs, tracing my fingers over his belly. I was asking him questions about different crunches and pointing out where the definition was coming in, when I saw the pink head of his hard dick pushing the jock away from his body and peeking into the light.

He noticed it a split second after I did and turned a little red. "I'm sorry, man."

"That's nothing, Jeff. That just means you're healthy!" I told him, pulling him back against me and rubbing his flat belly for emphasis. His dick chubbed out even more, peeking past the top of the jock. He tried to rearrange it but there was no space. By now I was a little hard too, and I'm sure he could feel it against his ass through my jeans. He squirmed a little but my hands on his skin kept him in place, like he couldn't get enough of being touched.

"Steve this jock is a little tight for him. Guys his age get hard a dozen times a day or more, he should be able to fit into it even when he is."

Steve was watching all this, not sure what to make of it. I could tell he was not 100% comfortable with the situation, but he was too afraid of me to say anything as I pawed his son.

"Here, take that off. That's no good for your baby-makers to be squished in there like that." I shoved the jock to the floor before he could react. His big sausage jutted proudly from his groin, at least 7-1/2 inches long, thick and cut. Jeff blushed deeply, but I kidded him and told him it was part of being a man and nothing to be ashamed of. I notice he did not try to get away from me, even naked he stayed rooted in front of the mirror.

"You like looking at yourself, don't you?" I kidded him.

"Yeah, kinda" he admitted.

"If I looked like you, I'd be the same way." I put both arms around him in a bear hug, one hand on his flat belly and the other on his big pec. I was amazed that, although clearly uncomfortable, he was totally submissive and did not try to get away ... yet.

"Jeff do you know what it means to screw somebody?"

Steve started to look concerned at this point.

He laughed at the question. "Sure, it means to fuck `em."

"That's one definition, what else could it mean?"

"Well it means -- it means to fuck em over, take advantage of em."

"Right. Well I gotta little problem. It seems your dad here is trying to screw me, definition two. And right now the only thing that stands between his ass and the sidewalk is you."

"Me? Why me?"

"Because, he's an old dog, and you know what they say about them. But you -- you are young, you need a job and I think I'd like having you around."

"Doing what?"

"Well for starters, since your dad is trying to screw me, definition two, I think I'm going to screw you, definition one, and make him watch."

At that Steve jumped up, all spluttering and gestures. "You can't do that, I'll--"

"You'll what, Steve? Tell the cops that you've been bilking your co-workers and me for the last three years? I'm sure they'll be real interested. I've got enough on you to put you away until Jeff here is on Social Security. I think you will do what you're told, and maybe I'll let you keep your job, let alone not share what I know with the judge."

Steve knew I had him and sat down, defeated.

Jeff squirmed, but I had him in a good grip. "That's faggot shit! How come I have to get fucked cuz he fucked up?"

"Because, I'd rather screw a knothole than your father, for one thing. You might not have noticed, but you're a little better looking. Besides I want him to see what it feels like to see someone fuck with something you care about."

"Doesn't seem very fucking fair," he grumbled as I slid my hands possessively over his torso.

"You know what? Life isn't very fair. But you will come out ahead if you do what you're told. Besides your dick does not seem very opposed to the idea."

I had him there. His dick was still rock-hard.

"I won't hurt you, I know you didn't cause this. But I think you need a little check to your ego too, so you don't end up like him."

I unfastened my pants and let them fall to the floor. My dick was naturally hard from being pressed against his ass. I pushed him to lean against the wall, knelt down and began massaging his ass. Up close, it really was amazing-looking. Rock hard and totally smooth. I pried the cheeks apart and spied his little virgin rosebud, which I teased with my finger. Jeff shivered and squirmed, but didn't try to get away. I teasingly licked the hole, and told him "if you don't want this to hurt, I suggest you let my tongue and fingers in first. Try to relax."

"Easy for you to say, nobody's about shove their dick up your ass," he muttered.

I continued to work his ass, licking and teasing it until he relaxed enough for me to get two fingers in. He was still really tight and I knew he'd be a great fuck. His dad, looking defeated, just watched quietly.

Finally I decided he was ready, and stood up again. I rubbed my boner up and down Jeff's crack, as I ran my hands possessively over his chest and belly. Then I lined my dick up with his hole, grabbed him by the hips, and began slowly driving it home.

Jeff let out a howl and his dad turned his back.

"Steve, come and watch this. I want you to understand how I felt when I found out what you did to me."

I made him sit right there as I shoved my big cock up his arrogant son's ass. It took a few minutes of teasing it in and out but finally I had the whole thing inside him. His muscular butt felt awesome around my dick, and I just savoured the feeling for a few minutes, leaning into his back and holding him by his studly pecs. Jeff was sweating like a cheese and groaning at the first stuffing of his virgin ass.

Finally neither of us could stand it any more. "Just fuck me already!" he grunted. I did not need any encouragement, and began pistoning my dick in and out of him. He groaned a lot but would not give me the satisfaction of telling me it felt good. I knew it did though, his dick was rock-hard and leaking and his body was responding to what I was doing to it without his consent.

Both of us were really turned on and it was not long before I felt his ass clamp down on my dick as he fired his load. That was enough to trigger me and I let go of mine as well, shooting all over his muscular back.

I leaned into him and held him tight as we both calmed down. Steve just watched as I took possession of his son away from him. For he was mine now. He leaned back into my embrace without hesitation and did not flinch under my hands.

When we could think again, I grabbed him by his dick and led him into the bathroom, where we took a quick shower. I washed him all over, especially his ass. He submitted to this without comment, even though he was obviously able to clean himself.

When we were clean and dry, he headed for his clothes. He started to pull the jock on, but I took it away.

"Just the sweats, I told you that is too small."

"I'm gonna be flopping all over the place," he complained.

"You're not flopping much at all now. No shirt either, it's nice out. You can take it with you, but leave it off." He shrugged and did as he was told. He was going to be a breeze to manage.

His dick calmed down a little in the car, but when we got on the packed train, I decided to have some fun. We were standing right inside the doorway, having just caught the train as the doors were closing. The seats faced into the middle of the train and there was a railing or armrest of sorts between the first seat and us. An older man had that seat, and he had his hand on the railing.

Taking Jeff by the bare shoulders, I positioned him in front of me so his crotch was pressed against the man's hand. They both flinched but there was nowhere for Jeff to go, I was against his back and his father was next to him, so he could see what was happening.

I thought the man might move his hand, but he didn't, seeming to like the feeling of young dick against him. As the train started moving, the motion caused Jeff's dick to rub back and forth against the man's hand. Loose in the sweatpants, it quickly swelled into a boner again. Erect, it was too high for the man to touch it without reaching up, which would look to obvious. Plus it was a little conspicuous tenting out his sweats, so I decided to give him a break of sorts. I turned him gently around to face the center of the car, but his crotch landed against the hand of yet another guy.

This guy realized what he had, without ever turning around. He immediately grabbed Jeff's dick and started squeezing and rubbing it. Since the train was so crowded nobody could really see what he was doing but us.

By the time we got into the city Jeff's dick was throbbing and starting to leak from the guy's attention. He tried to tie his shirt around his waist to hide it but it still stuck out.

"Jeff, you need to shoot a load. Go into the men's room and jerk off in the urinal."

"Can't I go in the stall?"

"No we won't be able to see you then."

The bathroom was big and pretty empty. Jeff found a more remote area and pulled his dick out and started pumping it. He had been on the bone for over an hour so he was ready for this. We stood at a distance to see what would happen.

After about a minute a fortyish guy came in, noticed what Jeff was doing and parked himself at his side, watching unabashedly as this gorgeous Italian jockboy worked his meat. Jeff looked miserably at us but I pretended not to notice. Another guy came in, this one a little more aggressive. After watching jeff for a minute, he slid his hands down Jeff's back, pushing the sweatpants until they fell to his ankles. Then he cupped his hand over Jeff's ass and started to massage it, running a finger down the crack.

Jeff moaned and continued to pump himself. The first guy, seeing how bold the newcomer was, reached up and started rubbing Jeff's heaving pecs and belly. By now two more guys were watching this display with interest.

Naturally it didn't take long before Jeff gave up his load with a grunt. The crowd of guys exclaimed and each encouraged him, copping feels of his body. Jeff started to haul his sweatpants up but I stopped him and beckoned him over to the sink, wiping his subsiding cock with a wet paper towel. "Cum will stain right through white sweats," I reminded him.

We got to the game and attended without incident. Naturally, Jeff got plenty of looks as his big dick, even soft, was plainly evident in the sweats, and his hunky torso was on display for everyone.

When we got home, I told Jeff to be in the office with his dad on Monday morning, wearing some loose jeans over boxers.

"What am I going to be doing?" Jeff wanted to know.

"You'll find out."

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