Jeff and Rob

By cheyne watkins

Published on May 8, 1999



Jeff and Rob By

On the third floor of the athletes' dormitory at this all-male college, Jeff and Rob were room-mates. Their relationship was very friendly; they were both out-going, vibrant young men. Jeff was a volleyball and basketball player, tall enough at 6'4" to be competitive at the NCAA level, muscular and fit, well-toned muscles up and down his sleek body. His jet-black hair and handsome face would have attracted many a female friend, if there were any on campus. Rob was captain of the water polo team, six feet tall, and thickly muscles, though all the swimming kept him slim. He had rugged male good looks, blond hair, a chiseled chin, strong brow, and blue eyes-corn-fed good looks, but from southern California. The two men had shared the room for a month now, as their junior year at college got underway.

Despite the communal shower in the athletes' dorm, neither had ever seen the other naked. In fact, they didn't see much of each other--both were busy, in between practices and the slightly less demanding classes that they struggled through everyday. What they lacked in intellect was more than made up for in personality and looks.

One Friday night, Jeff came wandering back from the shower down the hall in his towel. One advantage of the all-male environment was that one needn't be as concerned about nudity in the dorm halls, and most of the students were relaxed about their state of dress going and coming to and from the showers. Jeff was still wet, drops of water shining on his clear skin. His hair was slicked back, wet and sexy. Entering their room, Jeff nonchalantly unhooked the towel and started drying off his hair, exposing his dangling dick and egg-sized balls, loose from the hot shower, to Rob, who was typing up a lab report.

"Whoa!" escaped from Rob's lips.

"What? Never seen me naked before?"

"I guess not. Just don't be getting hard on me, now." Rob looked up and down Jeff's beautiful physique, in awe of his naked beauty.

"It's hard not to," joked Jeff, "with such a sexy guy in the room."

"Aw, geez. Thanks," said Rob, humoring his room-mate.

"Thanks? I was talking about me!"

Rob paused for a moment, indignant. "What's this?"

"Well, yeah. I'm the sexiest one in this room."

"Oh yeah? I don't know if I'd agree with that," said Rob, rising from his chair.

"Oh? Well don't just stand there, let's see you get naked." Jeff felt a little vulnerable, as Rob was still fully clothed. And the air-conditioning was making his equipment start to shrink back close to his body. He reached down and fondled around a little, to change that.

Rob lifted his t-shirt over his head, revealing the rippling abs, pecs, and lats on his torso. "Okay, what are we going to do, look at each other and see who's sexier?"

"No, dumbfuck, we'll measure our dicks. Biggest one wins."

"Okay," said Rob, unzipping his jeans and pushing down his boxers a little so he could pull out his soft dick and furry balls. "Bring it on."

"You have to get hard first. And get a ruler, so we can get this right." With his dick hanging out of his pants, Rob walked across the room and pulled a ruler out of his book bag. "Let's do this."

Jeff started to rub his crotch, coaxing his dick into erection. Rob did the same. Each checked out the competition, wondering whose would grow the most. Jeff's seemed to be a little longer at this point, as their dicks started to climb to vertical.

"Just wait until I get it up, there's no way your dick is bigger than mine," said Rob.

"Ha! You wait and see. There's no dick in this world bigger than this fat sausage, right here."

"Vain fucker."

"Am not!"

"Yeah, you think you're the shit." Rob had always kept these emotions inside of him, but there was no stopping him. "You think everyone kisses the ground you walk on."

"That's because they do. They'd kiss the ground you walked on, too, if you didn't have a little pinky-sized dick." Rob was getting mad, now. He really wanted to show Jeff, just this once. And his dick wasn't small at all, so that really hurt.

Both had reached full erection by now. "Give me the ruler. I'll measure you first," said Jeff.

"You're going to measure my dick? What, are you gay?"

"Yeah, I can't let you cheat." Jeff came over closer to Rob, and grabbed Rob's dick, feeling it for size before slapping the ruler down and pushing it into Rob's dark blond pubes.

"Further," said Rob. "You can push it back further than that." Rob took hold of Jeff's hands and put the ruler where he thought it should be. "Now measure."

"Okay," said Jeff. "It looks like..." he leaned in close to Rob's thick dick. "Just short of eight inches."

"It's more than eight!"

"Is not. Look right there."

"Fuck you. Just short of eight then. Give me that ruler."

Jeff looked worried. "What, afraid you're going to lose?"

"Hey, that's no small dick you've got there."

"Just come here." Rob grabbed Jeff's dick and pulled him in close. He nestled the wooden ruler into Jeff's black pubes and pushed it around to make sure it was right. "Is that good?" he asked.

"Just about right. Now's the moment of truth."



"Eight inches even. We're the same size."

"No we're not! Yours was less than eight."

"No, here, measure it again." Rob's dick was oozing pre-cum, but Jeff grabbed it and lined up the ruler again. "See! Eight inches even."

"Is not. But if you're going to be like that, try measure me again. You were doing it wrong." Jeff stuck his dick out at Rob, inviting him to measure it.

"Okay, let's see..." Rob looked at the measurement, "Still eight inches, buddy."

"There's no way your dick can be as big as mine!"

"Well, it's thicker, so it makes it look shorter."

"It is not!" Jeff wrapped his fist around his own shaft, then Rob's, testing for size. "Mine's thicker."

Rob compared the two erections and had to agree. "But I can cum more."

"Oh yeah? We'll just have to see about that," said Jeff, jacking his dick already.

The two men started jacking off, preparing to see who could shoot furthest.

Rob started moaning, and soon after that shot three strands of semen into the air, flying about six feet in front of him. He relaxed his grip on his still-hard dick and turned to watch Jeff.

Jeff stroked harder and faster, but couldn't get it off. "I need a hot mouth around my dick," he said, looking at Rob.

Willing to speed up the contest, Rob sank to his knees and took Jeff's hard, beautiful shaft into his mouth. He started sucking, and Jeff grabbed Rob's head, started bucking his hips, and cried out in ecstasy.

Rob tried to stop him, so he could see how far Jeff could shoot, but was muffled by the huge dick in his mouth. Jeff came in huge torrents, pouring cum down Rob's throat.

He stopped, realizing that his champion ejaculation had been lost. "We'll settle this. Tomorrow night."

To be continued.... e-mail with your own fascinations about dick size

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