Jeff and Adrian

By edward peters

Published on Dec 7, 2006


Accepting the fact that I am bi-sexual has taken me years to come to terms with and it is only recently that I have began to explore this side of my sexuality. Getting divorced a few years ago at the age of forty-two gave me the opportunity to discover whether these bi tendencies were real or just enjoyable fantasies. The problem for me was I didn't fancy other men at all as in I wouldn't look at them walking down the street, or look at workmates and think he is nice, but if I saw a guy in tight swimming trunks or just his underwear my eyes would be drawn to the bulge between his legs and I would wonder what his cock looked like. Also if I was watching a porn movie and one of the girls in the film was sucking some guys cock I would fantasise about taking her place imagining what it would be like if it was me sucking on that lovely big cock. I had no inclination to visit a gay bar or gay sauna which was probably the easiest way to find what I was looking for so it was the internet that really opened my eyes to the availability of what I really wanted.

Adrian was a gay guy who I had been chatting to quite frequently online and I learnt that he was in a full gay relationship with a guy who always wanted to watch Adrian having sex with someone else.They lived about ten miles from me in a small village which I knew quite well and the close proximity made this very appealing. I told Adrian that I had no previous sexual experience with another guy, but after years of wondering what it would be like I really wanted to try it before it was too late. Adrian seemed quite interested in helping me with this curiosity and when he suggested that I could meet him and his partner at their home I felt a really strong, rush of excitement. The only thing holding me back was I didn't have a clue what either of them looked like and it was then that Adrian said he would send some pictures of them both by e-mail. I gave him my e-mail address and a few minutes later the pictures arrived. I wasn't expecting the pictures to be so graphic and I couldn't deny how sexually aroused I was as I looked at the pictures of Adrian and his partner indulging in different sexual acts. I asked Adrian which one was him and when he told me he was the blonde guy in the pictures I was really tempted to take him up on his offer of meeting up. Adrian was very slim and appeared to be totally hairless and seeing his lovely cock with no pubic hair was such an erotic sight. In one particular picture his older looking partner was holding Adrian's cock and licking the cockhead and I thought to myself how much I would like to do that. But the best picture of all, showed Adrian wearing ladies stockings and a tight, red thong with his cock showing a lovely big bulge and I couldn't remember seeing anything so sexy before and I could only imagine how good it would feel to stroke and lick that lovely big bulge. I thanked him for the pictures and although I knew getting into a situation like this had it's risks, I told Adrian I was very interested in meeting up with them both and just wished I had some pictures of my own to send. Adrian told me not to worry about not having any pictures but could I tell him which pictures I liked and what would I like to try sexually if we did get together.

I was so turned on and all my inhibitions had gone as I informed Adrian that I would love to see him wearing those black stockings and panties and I would love to stroke and suck his lovely big, smooth cock. Adrian responded by asking if I would feel intimidated or embarrassed by his partner watching us have sex together. As this would be my first time with another guy I told Adrian that honestly I had no idea how I would feel but felt fairly sure that the excitement of the situation would overide any feelings of awkwardness. When he asked if I would mind if his partner occasionally joined in I told him I would really like that as the thought of having two cocks to play with very arousing indeed. He then asked if I was free the following evening and I knew the moment of truth had arrived and deciding to take the bull by the horns so to speak I said yes I was free. So that was it Adrian said he would e-mail me their address and postcode and all I had to do was to go to the routefinder website and type in their postcode to get directions to their home. He suggested 8 pm as a good time to arrive and with my heart racing I agreed on this and told him I would see them both tomorrow evening. He finished off by saying that I would probably be very nervous and if I did happen to change my mind not to worry but could I please e-mail him to let him know. I told him I would certainly do that, but I was fairly convinced that I would turn up tomorrow and was very excited at the prospect of having my first bi experience with him and his partner.

The following day was very strange for me as I couldn't concentrate on anything and I couldn't sit still, constantly pacing around my flat making endless cups of tea, just willing the evening to arrive. I did as Adrian said and got the directions to their house by using routefinder and estimated it would probably take me about twenty minutes to get to their house later which meant I would leave about 7.30. I selected what to wear for the evening which was a pair of black trousers and pale blue shirt and of course some clean, fresh underwear.I finally got under the shower about 5 pm and as I was shaving I thought about whether or not I should shave off my pubic hair and around my balls, just like Adrian obviously did. The idea seemed too good to resist and so without another thought I applied shaving foam to my crotch and balls and carefully shaved off all of my pubic hair. Shaving my balls was quite difficult but eventually I finished the task and as I looked at the result in the mirror I was pleasantly surprised at how sexy it looked, my fully erect cock appeared to be bigger somehow without any hair surrounding it and as I gently squeezed my clean shaven balls they felt so much more sensitive to touch. There was quite a lot of precome leaking from my cock and I had to resist the urge to masturbate, knowing I had to save myself for later. I stared at my image in the mirror for ages, totally fascinated by my new look and although I couldn't quite believe that later I was going to have sex with another guy for the first time, I knew I was going to definitely enjoy the experience. I got dressed and sat around trying to read a book for the last hour until finally at 7.30 I grabbed my keys and the directions and was on my way.

I found their house quite easily and as I parked the car, the feeling of calm I had been having suddenly turned into extreme nervousness which was almost bordering on panic. I checked the house number and saw it was the right house so all I had to do was get out of the car and walk up to the front door and ring the bell. I literally had to talk myself into doing just that and as I stood in front of the front door, my heart was beating really fast. There was a light on in the hallway which I could see through the glass in the door and after counting to ten I rang the doorbell, checking my watch which showed 7.50, so I was a little early. I saw a figure through the blurred glass approaching the door and I almost turned around to make a dash for my car as I was feeling very apprehensive. Then the front door opened and I recognised Adrian's partner from the pictures, holding the door open and smiling at me.

" Hi you must be Edward?" he asked,

" Yes, sorry I'm a little bit early" I answered

" Don't worry, come on in" he said, stepping back and holding the door open for me to step inside.

I entered the house and he closed the door and offered me his hand

" Hi I'm Jeff" he said as I shook his offered hand.

Jeff looked about the same age as me, maybe a little older and he was quite short and stocky in build. He had dark brown hair and was dressed in casual trousers and a t-shirt and just looked like a normal type of guy where I suppose he could be classed as fairly good looking, although as I didn't really fancy guys as such it didn't really make much difference to me.

" Come on in, Adrian won't be long he's just getting ready upstairs" Jeff said leading me down the hallway and into the very spacious living room. The television was on with the sound turned down and with only a couple of table lamps turned on, the subdued lighting gave quite a relaxing atmosphere.

" Kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable and I'll get you a drink" Jeff offered.

" Thanks " I replied, slipping off my shoes as I sat down on the large sofa.

" Would you like a beer or a glass of wine or would you prefer a tea or coffee"

" A glass of wine would be fine thanks"

" Red or white?" Jeff asked

" Red please"

With that Jeff dissapeared into what I assumed was the kitchen and came back a few moments later holding two glasses of red wine. He offered one to me and sat down next to me on the sofa.

" Sit back, there's no need to be nervous" Jeff said

I sat back in the sofa and took a large gulp of the red wine, trying to get myself more relaxed which wasn't easy.

" So Edward this will be your first experience of gay sex?" Jeff asked, knocking me back a bit with his direct question.

" Yes it will" I answered

" Are you married Edward?"

" No divorced and happily single I think" I replied, making Jeff laugh which seemed to break the ice a little.

" So was it after the divorce that you started to get curious?"

" Well I think being single again certainly opened my eyes to the possibility of exploring things, but I have been very curious for as long as I can remember" I replied.

" Well I hope we can make this first experience very enjoyable for you"

" Thank you, I just hope my nerves don't get the better of me"

" It's only natural to feel nervous Edward, so don't let that worry you"

Then I felt Jeff's hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently and almost instantly my cock sprang into life.Jeff slid his hand higher up my leg and then he rested it directly on the crotch of my trousers.

" There you are, nervous you may be, but that cock feels nice and hard " Jeff said as he gently squeezed my fully erect cock through my trousers.He moved his other hand to my crotch and I watched as he used his fingers to undo my trousers, then he unzipped my fly. He pulled my trousers open and I could see the obvious bulge forming a tent in my briefs.

" Oh yes Edward that looks very nice indeed" Jeff said, his voice sounding lower and huskier now.

I sensed somebody entering the room and as I turned I saw it was Adrian and he was wearing a dark blue towelling dressing gown, which was very short, exposing a nice pair of legs encased in black stockings.

" I see you've started without me " Adrian said.

I was surprised at how tall Adrian was, well over six foot and very slim too, a total contrast to Jeff as Adrian was blonde, blue eyed and I would guess that if he was straight he would have countless women after him, as even I could see he was extremely good looking, sort of baby- faced and a lot younger than Jeff or I, probably in his late twenties or early thirties.

" Edward I would like you to meet Adrian" Jeff announced .

Instead of offering me his hand as Jeff had done, Adrian chose a different method of greeting me by undoing his dressing gown and letting it fall to the floor.

I let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure as I stared at Adrians enticing body. He was wearing a black basque with red lacy trim, a black pair of tiny panties which were bulging hugely, as they struggled to contain his big cock, plus the sexy black stockings and I couldn't deny he looked so arousingly sexy.

" I hope I fit the bill Edward?" Adrian asked

" Oh yes, you look amazing" I blurted out.

Jeff placed his hand between my legs and started to tease and stroke my cock through my cotton briefs and Adrian took a step towards me so that now he was standing directly in front of me, with his lovely, bulging panties only inches from my face.

" I think Edward has the hots for you Adrian, his cock is so hard" Jeff said.

With that Adrian moved in even closer and his cock bulge, touched my face and he started wriggling his hips from side to side . I could feel Adrian's cock, semi erect, through the lacy material of his panties. I breathed in and could smell the lovely aroma of his aroused cock and I just knew I was more than ready to indulge myself in horny, gay sex with these two total strangers. I let out a gasp of pleasure as Jeff pulled my briefs to one side, releasing my hard cock into the open.

" Oh yes lovely and smooth too" Jeff whispered.

" Suck it for him" Adrian suggested as he continued rubbing up against my face.

I groaned loudly as I felt Jeff's hot mouth engulfing my cock and as he started to suck me I felt as if I could have come instantly as I was so aroused by the whole scene.

" Do you want to see my cock?" Adrian asked.

" Yes please" I answered staring between his legs as he moved back slightly. Adrian tucked his fingers into the waistband of his panties and in one swift motion he yanked them down and his huge, hard cock sprang into view, pointed out and upwards in front of my eyes.The foreskin was drawn back fully and his large, pinkish red cockhead was already glistening with precome. The thick shaft looked so smooth with the thick vein running along the underside and his smooth shaven balls hung low between his legs and I knew I was about to suck my very first cock and the anticipation was almost too much to bear. Jeff was slurping noisily on my cock and I had to force myself not to spoil the moment by coming too soon. I couldn't wait any longer and I reached up with my hand and wrapped my fingers around Adrian's thick cock. It felt lovely in my hand, much different from holding my own cock and as I began to wank it slowly I stared at the well lubricated cockhead enticing me to taste it. I moved my head forward and breathed in the intoxicating aroma and then I flicked out my tongue and started to lick the silky smooth tip. I tasted the slightly salty precome and in slow movement opened my lips and took Adrians hot, wet cock into my mouth. I felt it stretching my lips wide as I managed to take the whole, large head and an inch or so of the thick shaft inside my mouth and it felt and tasted wonderful.

" Oh yes Edward that feels delightful" Adrian moaned.

Jeff had stopped sucking my cock and was now watching me sucking his partners huge cock. This was the horniest sexual experience I had ever had and my first taste of another guys cock was something to savour. I began sucking and flicking my tongue around the underside of Adrian's cockhead, knowing this was the most sensitive part and judging by Adrian's loud moaning I knew I was doing a good job which was very encouraging. It was difficult to explain how was I feeling except that I felt so dirty in a nice way and was so horny that I was prepared for anything they both wanted .

" Oh Adrian I feel so good seeing you being sucked by someone else" Jeff moaned

I looked down through the corner of my eye, I could see Jeff had pulled his trousers down and was openly wanking himself as he watched me sucking his young partners cock. Jeff's cock wasn't as big as Adrians, but looked very thick and the head was much darker in colour with the shaft not as tightly stretched as Adrians and Jeff was not shaved and had quite a thick bush of pubic hair and although his cock wasn't as nice looking as Adrian's it still looked nice enough to suck.

" Maybe Edward will suck you too Jeff" Adrian said, which was certainly okay with me.

Seeing Jeff wanking himself and having Adrian's big cock stretching my mouth wide made me feel as if I was in a dream and I didn't need to have my own cock played with, because providing pleasure for these two guys was all the stimulation I needed. My jaw was beginning to ache slightly, with Adrian's thick cock stretching it open so wide and as he started to give gentle thrusts with his hips I reached up behind him and grabbed hold of his tight, smooth buttocks and squeezed them as he fucked my mouth.

" OOOOOH yes Edward, play with my arse please" Adrian groaned.

I pulled his bumcheeks apart and using one of my fingers I probed around Adrian's smooth shaven arsehole.The gasp of pleasure from Adrian told me that he obviously liked this and when I inserted my finger into his arse he let out a loud gasp of pleasure.

" Oh my God! I can't believe you've never done this before Edward, you are so good" Adrian complimented me .

" He's obviously a quick learner" Jeff said

I watched as Jeff stood up and stripped completely naked and then he moved next to Adrian . Jeff was still wanking himself and with his thick hard cock just inches away from me I just had to reach over and feel it. I took Jeffs cock in my left hand and started wanking him off as I continued to service Adrians cock with my mouth and I felt so naughty being used like this just for their pleasure.

Adrians arse felt so tight as I worked my finger all the way in, which seemed to be very much to his liking as his moaning got louder and he was by now thrusting his thick cock into my mouth, much faster and harder.

" Oh shit Edward if you keep this up, you'll have me coming" he groaned.

This was the part that I was unsure about. I wanted to feel a guy actually coming in my mouth but I was scared that it would make me heave as the come filled my mouth.I didn't know what to do for the best if Adrian did start to come, but just the thought of having his cock spurting inside my mouth was so tempting that I knew I would at least have to give it a try. I slurped noisily on his thick, wet cock as it slid in and out between my well stretched mouth and as I continued fingering his arse I guessed that he was getting very close.

" Oh God you better stop Edward, I don't want to come yet" he said.

I stopped sucking his cock and he withdrew himself from my mouth and I stared at his lovely, huge cock sticking out and slightly upwards in a lovely long curve and I couldn't remember seeing such a lovely vision before. As I stared lustily at Adrian's gorgeous looking cock I felt Jeffs hard cock brushing against my cheek and as I turned my face towards it I inhaled the musky aroma of his precome.I guessed he wanted me to suck him now for a while and without a word I parted my lips and slipped them over his hot, soaling wet cockhead.

"MMMMMMM Yes that's it Edward, suck my cock for me" Jeff said.

I could get more of Jeffs cock inside my mouth and it felt quite different from Adrians. Jeffs cock was not as hard and also tasted stronger, slightly tangy but still very nice. I sucked noisily on it and Jeff seemed to like it and when he held my head tight in his hands and started to thrust into my mouth, I just kept my head still and let him use my mouth as he wished. The thick hairy bush was pressing against my nose and although I preferred Adrians smoothness, Jeffs cock was still lovely to suck on.

" Let's lay out on the floor Edward and get comfortable" it was Jeff making the suggestion.

I stood up, my trousers still open with my hard cock still bulging inside my briefs. I felt Adrian's hands on my trousers and briefs, pulling them down so I assisted him and eventually stepped out of them so apart from my shirt I was now naked and my cock was pointing upwards in full erection.

" mmmmmmmm nice cock" Jeff said.

We all got down on the floor in sitting positions, facing each other and I was totally in their hands, ready for any suggestion they asked.

" Lay out on your back Edward" said Jeff.

I did as he said and as I did, Jeff straddled my upper body so that his hard cock was hovering over my face. He then grabbed his cock and started rubbing it against my lips.I opened my mouth and Jeff slipped his cock inside and started to fuck my mouth.

" Oh yes would you like to make me come Edward?" Jeff asked.

With my mouth full obviously I couldn't answer so I just mumbled a response which was my way of saying yes as I really wanted to experience his cock coming in my mouth even though I did still have some reservations about it. Jeff was working his cock between my lips faster and harder now and almost without warning he started to come. There was a loud gasp and then Jeffs cock seemed to swell in size inside my mouth, before jerking suddenly and sending a hot spurt of come against the back of my throat. Then there came several heavier spurts and with Jeff pressing up against my face I was unable to move, so I had no choice but to take his full load into my mouth. My mouth was full of his hot come and in one quick, decisive moment I gulped it down, swallowing his lovely tasting come until after a few gulps I had swallowed the lot and I can't describe the wonderful feeling it gave me, to taste and swallow another mans come for the first time.

" Oh that was incredible Edward and you swallowed the whole lot you naughty boy" Jeff said, laughing.

With my attention on Jeff I hadn't noticed Adrian knelt alongside my head, wanking himself furiously as he watched Jeff coming in my mouth and I could tell that he was also about to spurt his come. After tasting Jeff's come I really wanted to have Adrians lovely big cock filling my mouth with come and so I got up on my elbow and faced Adrian, taking his cock into my mouth just as he started to spurt.

" Oh yes take my come" Adrian gasped as his cock jerked and spasmed , filling my mouth with a huge amount of come, some of which dribbled down my chin, but most of it I managed to gulp down greedily and again the taste and sensation were absolutely wonderful.

" Well for a first timer you certainly seem to enjoy sucking cock Edward" Jeff said.

" Yes I wasn't sure how I was going to react, but I'm glad that I have done it now" I replied.

" Maybe we could do this on a regular basis" Adrian suggested.

" Yes I would like that" I answered.

I was fully aware that as they had both come, neither of them felt horny enough to satisfy me, which I didn't mind at all. My priority tonight was to have my first taste of cock and I had certainly done that so I was more than satisfied with the evenings sex.

  • I will be on my way then " I said

" Unless you want one of us to make you come Edward?" Jeff suggested.

" No I'm fine honestly I really enjoyed myself pleasuring you both"

" Well next time we guarantee it will be your turn for the pleasure" Adrian said

" OK I will look forward to that" I answered.

We said our goodbyes, promised to keep in touch and I left, feeling very pleased with myself.

Next: Chapter 2

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