Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Jul 3, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Introduction By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned, trademarked, and copyrighted by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions that have not already been given about these characters orientations or preferences and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

History Note: This story takes place sometime after Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade and the Solo's have their children. Also I haven't read all the books so if there are mistakes in the story like someone being alive that's dead then forgive my ignorance.

Introduction: Tales beginnings.

Angelina Darkhammer was a shy and lonely fifteen-year-old girl living on Coruscant with her Ant and Uncle. Her parents, whom she did not even remember, had left her with them when she was only an infant. Whenever she would ask about her parents or where they might be, her uncle would always throw a major fit and lock her in her room. Although she had to admit that almost anything she did upset him in some way, her ant wasn't a whole lot better either. So she always longed for the day when she would be able to leave them and this over populated planet for someplace serene and peaceful with no evil ant and uncle screaming at her.

So when the day came that she was out shopping with her evil relatives and she met an exotic young Twi'Lek girl who boasted of having her own ship she thought her day had come.

The young women she met in one of the many clothing shops in the upper district of Coruscant was bold and assertive yet calm and seemingly powerful. Angelina could never explain how she could feel it, but she felt a great power emanating from that girl. Angelina had a feeling this girl was as unique as she felt herself to be, since for years now Angelina had noticed how she could see some things in dreams happening before they did in real life. Also she had noticed that she was able to react much quicker to things then most people, but she had never dared ask someone about these things since she knew how her uncle would react. He had always blown up the worst when anything out of the ordinary had happened. So when she approached this strange new girl she hoped that maybe she could ask her about these things.

The Twi'Lek girls skin was a beautiful shade of pale blue with twin head tail's that dangled down over her shoulders onto her chest. Angelina had pale white skin and jet-black hair down to her butt, mainly because of her cheap Uncle not paying for haircuts. The Twi'Lek girl was wearing an unassuming brown robe and tan colored pants that Angelina found surprising given how most Twi'Lek women wore skimpily loud clothing. Angelina was wearing one of her nicest black dresses her uncle had bought her years ago. He hated buying her stuff so it wasn't surprising that this dress was to small for her and had to be taken out a couple times by there protocol droid. But none the less it looked all right compared to the unassuming garb the blue skinned girl was wearing.

Angelina waited for a second as her Ant dragged her Grumbling Uncle away to another rack before she made the final approach to the girl now browsing through the young women's section. But as she came nearer the girl her shyness came into full affect and she turned and pretended she was browsing through the clothes. Then to her great surprise the Twi'Lek girl turned from the rack and walked over to her.

"Hello weren't you really coming over to talk to me?" The blue girl asked in a soft sweet voice as if she had known exactly what Angelina had been thinking.

"Well uh... yes it's just that..." Angelina stuttered.

"It's just that you're shy right?" She finished for Angelina. Angelina nodded and blushed a little.

"Well don't worry about that, I'm assertive enough for the both of us" She said causing Angelina to giggle and eventually forget her shyness.

After a second or two Angelina stated cautiously, "My name's Angelina but the few friends I have call me Lena since I really hate being called Angie."

"Well Lena most people call me Luna so I guess we have something in common." She said with a sexy smile.

"Luna I really like that, is that your real name?" Lena asked.

"Yes and no, it's part of my real name which is in Twi'Lek but in basic my full name is 'powerful sun and moon'. I won't confuse you though by trying to pronounce it in Twi'Lek, since I can't even speak my own language that well." Luna said with a broad smile.

"Well I can't speak anything but basic so your one up on me." Lena said with an equally broad smile then they both laughed.

After that they talked for some time about each other and their lives up to that point but as open as Lena was to Luna she noticed that Luna was leaving allot out of her life. Lena would ask something about what her parents did and Luna would say they were pilots and then move on, for example. But eventually Lena discovered that Luna was fifteen as well and that her parents were now dead and that she had inherited their ship. Exactly what kind of ship she had though was still a mystery. After hearing that Lena began talking quite excitedly about how she would like to leave Coruscant and her Ant and Uncle for good. Luna seemed to become much more interested when she heard that but she noticed that Lena's evil ant and uncle were wondering back towards them so she grabbed a nice looking white dress she had been looking at and pulled Lena towards a fitting room.

"Hay where are we going?" Lena asked as she let herself be dragged away.

"I didn't think you would want your ant and uncle to hear you speaking like that so I thought we would come in here where it's a little more private." Luna explained.

Just then Lena heard her ant arguing with her Uncle as they walked by heading somewhere else in the store. "Thank you Luna if they had heard me speaking of such things I probably would not have been let out of my room for a month. But how did you know who they were?" Lena asked.

"Well I saw you come into the store with them." Luna answered. "You saw me come into the store with them?"

"Well yes to be honest I was watching you ever since you entered the store."

"You were but why?" Lena asked quite surprised that she had even been noticed. Luna though seemed to change as Lena asked that, suddenly she turned from a fifteen year old girl into a mature grown up.

"Lena I will be more open with you then I was before, I did not want to speak of these things in the open since many people still fear our order. But now that were alone I will reveal to you that I'm a Jedi." Lena gave her a very puzzled look.

"Fear your order, a Jedi? What's all that mean?" Luna's grown up demeanor faded into astonishment.

"You don't know what a Jedi is?" Lena looked slightly scared and worried that she had missed something really important.

"No." Luna cocked her head causing one of her head tails to slip over her shoulder.

"I suppose it's not that surprising given your ant and uncle's disposition, in fact if I were to wager a guess I would say that your parents were Jedi and that is why your ant and uncle hid it from you."

"They were Jedi? But why would they leave me and why would my ant and uncle hide it from me and what is a Jedi." Lena asked desperately.

"Calm down Lena, I was only guessing about your parents from what I feel inside you. As for the actual facts I have no real idea what happened, but I will explain what a Jedi is if you give me a second." Luna tried to calm her and eventually Lena settled down.

After that Luna went on to briefly describe what Jedi were and why she thought Lena's parents were Jedi. This answered some of the questions Lena had had about why she knew things in advance and why she was so much quicker and stronger then everyone else. Eventually Lena became very excited and was asking if she could join the Jedi and leave with Luna. "It's not my place to say if you can join the order or not Lena, it would be up to Master Skywalker to decide that. I would be more then happy to take you away on my ship but I believe your ant and uncle would not allow that." Luna explained.

"I don't care if they like it or not I still want to come with you and met this Master Skywalker who you said defeated the dark emperor." Lena said excitedly.

"Well he's here in the store somewhere but let me talk to him first then we'll see, for right now let me just try on this dress alright." Lena nodded enthusiastically.

So Luna began striping off her robes and Lena noticed a silver tube shaped device hanging off Luna's belt. "What's that?" She asked as she prodded the lightsaber.

"I wouldn't touch that Lena, it's my lightsaber a Jedi's most powerful weapon. Basically it emits a beam of pure light focused through crystals, like a vibro sword but much more powerful." Lena hearing that withdrew her prodding finger quickly.

"That's some weapon for a fifteen year old girl to be carrying around." Lena exclaimed.

"Yes but Master Skywalker has trained me how to handle it quite well." Luna said as she took off the belt and saber and laid them on the bench then took off her boots and pants. Suddenly Lena noticed that Luna was quite naked except for a pair of panties that matched her skin color near perfectly. But then she slipped the white dress over her head and slid it down her slender body. After turning to the mirror she said, "To tell you the truth this dress doesn't go with my skin color why don't you try it on." Luna then slid the dress back up and off before tossing it to Lena.

"Alright but I don't have any credits of my own." To that Luna smiled and reached into a small pouch on her belt, which was now lying on the bench.

"No problem if you like it I'll get it for you." Luna said as she pulled out a stack of credits.

"You would buy me a dress when you hardly know me?" Lena asked in astonishment.

"Sure I have plenty of credits thanks to my parents and what I make on my own. Besides I feel like I already have known you for years." Luna explained.

"Well I'm not sure what to say Luna." Lena said as she held up the dress.

"Well thank you would be appropriate but why don't you try on the dress first." Luna pointed out.

With that Lena nodded and slipped the simple shoulder straps off and let her black dress fall to the floor. Luckily she had on one of the few pairs of panties that she owned but not a bra, since her uncle had never seen fit to buy her one. But Luna wasn't wearing one either so it seemed all right that she didn't have one. Finally she slipped on the dress and admired herself in the mirror. The dress was fairly plain but it had a low cut neck and short sleeves to show off some of her body. She actually liked it quite a bit as she turned and looked at how it hung on her.

Then Luna took hold of her shoulders and turned her around to face her, "Let me see what it looks like on you." She said, as she looked Angelina up and down. Suddenly Lena realized again that Luna was naked except for the panties she wore. Her slender blue body was quite something to behold, she was well toned and fit and her still developing breasts were already a very nice size. Something Lena had never felt before suddenly erupted inside her and she lost control of herself.

Luna didn't notice it at first but then she felt the unmistakable feeling of the force surround her body. Then she noticed to her semi horror that it was coming from Lena and she was leaning closer to her like she was going to kiss her. Luna tried to pull away but she couldn't then as she stared into Lena's eyes trying to take control of the force inside herself she felt something inside herself explode as well. Before either of them realized it there lips had met and they were locked in a deep kiss. The force faded around them as both of them came to realize this was what they both wanted dearly. Lena's hands moved from Luna's sides and her left found one of Luna's soft mounds and the other slipped down and inside her panties as she caressed her soft but firm butt. Luna moaned in response as she felt a deep desire taking hold between her legs, she soon became aware that Lena was using the force to pleasure her with out even knowing it. But in the end it didn't matter to her as she moaned again and Lena's hand moved down her butt and pulled her tight against Lena. Then Lena's middle finger slipped gently into her very moist slit from behind and that was all she wrote, Luna exploded into her first and most intense orgasm she would ever feel for many years to come. There lips parted finally as Luna's head fell over onto Lena's shoulder and she slumped over onto her for support as she rode out the orgasm. Just at that moment and to both of their great horrors, Lena's ant flung the door to the fitting room open and discovered them.

Lena woke with a start and found herself once again inside her mistress's ship sitting next to her after having that same dream about Luna for the hundredth time in the last couple days. Now she was twenty-one and it had been over six years since that day in the department store. As she remembered it her ant's face had first contorted in horror then in anger turning a bright shade of purplish red. Then she had grabbed Lena and drug her out of the fitting room and away from Luna. A few seconds later Luna had followed behind now fully clothed as Lena was thrown in front of her uncle. Following that her ant had described quite loudly, to both Lena's and Luna's horror exactly what she had seen. The whole store was staring at them by the time she had finished then Lena's uncle went to grab Luna to smack her when he saw what she was wearing. He especially noticed the shinny lightsaber dangling off her hastily fastened belt.

"Why you little Jedi tramp." He had screamed drawing even more attention to them.

It was at that point that a kindly looking man in a black robe appeared followed by a strikingly beautiful red haired woman in Jedi's robes. Lena's uncle now surrounded by Jedi seemed to fall back a few paces his scarlet red face contorted in horror. But the black robed man simply said, "There's no reason to be angry sir."

To Lena's amazement her uncle had straightened up and said, "No there's no reason to be angry at all is there honey?"

To Lena's even greater surprise her ant replied, "No reason at all."

Then the Dark robbed man smiled and said, "Luna pay the clerk for the dress your friends wearing so we can let these nice people go." Luna who only acted mildly surprised nodded and walked over to the clerk, who was now standing stupefied a few feet away. He accepted the credits with a half hearted thank you before hurrying over to the counter to deposit them into the computer.

"Now I believe you three should head home and forget what happened here today, well except for you Angelina." The kind black robed man said in that same confident voice.

To Angelina's surprise her uncle said, "I think we need to head home honey, I can't even remember why we came here today can you?"

"No honey I can't" She had replied as they started walking away dragging Lena with them, Lena soon became quite angry at being separated from Luna. She grew angry allot these last few years as her evil ant and uncle mistreated her. But there was nothing she could do against the steely grips her ant and uncle had on her wrists.

Luna turned to the dark robbed man and pleaded, "But master she's..." But he cut her off with a wave.

"It's not her time Luna her destiny and yours lie down a different path for now. But I can assure you that you will meet her again one day..." But her ant dragging her outside had cut off what ever he had said after that. When they finally got home Lena had expected a beating or something really evil, although the worst they had ever done to her before was to smack her. But instead they never spoke of it again and truly seemed to forget about it as the man had said. In fact they had even treated Lena quite well for a few days after, then it seemed like their real personalities kicked back in and they were as mean as ever. Lena however never forgave them and it gnawed at her like an open wound. She was even angry with the dark robed man who had stopped Luna from going after her. But after awhile she forgave him realizing he must have been the Jedi Luna had spoke of and must have know what he was doing. Although she could not see why he would have let her be dragged off, it wasn't until years afterwards that Lena found out the reason.

Chapter One: Leaving the mistress.

To be continued in part one if I get some feed back or maybe even if I don't, it's already written so only a click or two away. I hope you enjoyed this small part of the story.

Mike Wolf

Next: Chapter 2

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