
By Paula Thomas

Published on Jan 19, 2007




By Paula Thomas

The recording session was finally over. Six hours of playing under the magnifying glass of professional microphones in a recording studio can put one under a lot of stress. Oh, I was certainly good enough with my guitar to pull it off, but when the studio is full of union musicians the clock is running at several thousand dollars an hour. A mistake can be costly, and that's the source of the stress.

As I put my guitar in its case I mused about what to do this evening, my first free time in weeks. Usually I go drink with my friends, but tonight I thought I might get dressed up as a woman. Maybe go out, maybe not, but either way getting dressed up always relaxes me. That's what I'll do, I thought to myself. I haven't done it in more than a month, so it's becoming an itch I need to scratch.

I've been cross dressing since my early teen years, and now at age 30 I've become very good at it, free to go anywhere I want as a woman. Short and slender, with long auburn hair and delicate features, I easily pass as a woman. In fact, sometimes I'm mistaken for a woman when I'm dressed as a guy.

"Hey Gene," a voice said from across the studio floor. I looked up, to see who called my name. "Over here, I want to talk to you." It was Bob, the studio engineer. Oh great, I thought, I suppose he'll be asking me for a date again. "I was wondering," he said as he approached, "if you'd like to go out to dinner tonight. I found a great new Chinese restaurant nearby."

"Love to Bobby," I replied, "but I already made plans." Bob was really a sweet guy, and very good-looking, but also very gay. If he was asking for a date, what he was really asking for was sex. I've had a couple of brief gay encounters before. You know the kind, where you have quickie oral sex with an anonymous partner, then never see them again. It just wasn't my scene. Frankly, I'd rather spend the evening alone as a woman than go on a sex date with Bobby.

"Plans, Gene? What plans," he said, pleading a bit. "You said earlier you didn't have anything to do tonight. Why not dinner with me?"

I looked up at him as I snapped my guitar case shut. "Bobby, I'd love to have dinner with you, but the only way I'd date a man would be if I could go as a woman." I was sure that would shut him up, since most gay men don't like cross dressers. I just smiled at him as I got up to leave.

"That would be just great Gene," Bob said with enthusiasm. "I'd love for you to be a woman tonight. Can I pick you up at 8?"

Trapped by my own too clever scheme, I sighed and said, "Okay Bobby, pick me up at 8, but just dinner, and maybe a drink. Nothing more."

"Okay by me," he replied quickly, smiling happily. "See you at 8 at your place. I can't wait to see what you'll look like all dressed up."

As I drove home I thought about the coming dinner date with Bobby. Actually, it won't be bad at all, since I get to dress up with someplace to go, and he gets the date he's been pestering me for. We both win I guess. Besides, I'd never actually been on a date dressed en femme. This just might be a lot of fun, I thought.

When I got home I set about to get ready. First, hot curlers for my hair, so I could style it in a feminine way. Then, I took a long, hot bath, shaving my legs and any other places that needed shaving. Next, I sat down to apply makeup. First, just a bit of foundation, then I colored my eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. Finally, mascara and eyeliner, followed by a touch of blush, lipstick and perfume, White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor. I've done this so many times it was really easy and fast.

Taking the curlers out, I brushed and styled my hair, then put on my lingerie. An ivory bra with breast forms, and garter came first, then light brown stockings and ivory tap panties, followed by an ivory half slip. I tingled with excitement at the thought of getting dressed up like this for a date. Finally, I slipped on a pair of 3" brown alligator heels.

A brick red knit top was next, long sleeved with a jewel neckline. My skirt was a paisley pattern in brick red, brown and ivory that fell just below my knees. I tucked the top in and added a brown alligator belt. Last, I put on a brown and amber beaded necklace and earrings to finish the look. Admiring myself in the mirror, I thought I looked really good. Instead of being sexy it was a fresh "girl next door" look, perfect for a dinner date. I picked up my brown alligator purse, and I was ready to go.

I poured a glass of wine and sat in the living room, waiting for Bobby. The wine really helped, as I was a bit apprehensive about how the evening might go. At exactly 8 o'clock he knocked on the door and I opened it, smiling at him. He just stood there, in awe of my appearance. "Wow! You look fantastic Gene," he exclaimed. He took my hand, kissing it lightly in a gentlemanly manner. "What a lovely looking lady for my date this evening. I had no idea you could look this good. You are really beautiful."

"Thank you Bobby," I said softly, as I closed the door, "but tonight it's Jeannie, okay? Tonight I'm a woman and I want you to call me by my femme name."

"Jeannie it is, love," he replied, taking my arm to lead me to his car. Dinner actually was a lot of fun and laughter, with Bobby attending to me closely. We had a couple of drinks in the restaurant's bar before leaving for home, and he flirted with me the whole time. To my surprise I found myself thoroughly enjoying his company, my inhibitions chased away by the alcohol. He was so charming and handsome I really didn't want the evening to end. We drove home in silence, with me lost in thought about inviting him in for a nightcap. I knew full well that he would want to have sex, but I was feeling so good about being with him. I began thinking about surrendering to his charm, and a shiver of excitement went through me. Finally, as we arrived, I decided to invite him in, knowing I would give in to his advances.

Bobby sat on the couch while I went into the kitchen to fix us something to drink. I handed him his drink and sat down beside him, as he placed his arm around my shoulder. I allowed myself to melt in his arms with my head on his shoulder, inviting him to seduce me. I found myself more attracted to him than I first realized. Almost immediately he kissed me, lightly at first, then more passionately.

I responded by returning his passion, my hand around the back of his neck as I kissed him. "Bobby," I whispered softly, "I really enjoyed our evening, and I wish we'd gone out sooner. I really like being with you." I was rapidly becoming aroused, and I was hoping he felt the same.

"Jeannie," he said softly, "You look so beautiful tonight, I can't take my eyes off you. I really want you baby. I've dreamed about this moment for months." He kissed me, as he began lightly rubbing the inside of my leg. His hand felt wonderful on my stocking. Slowly, his hand crept up, until it came to rest on my now burning erection. .

"Oh Bobby," I moaned, "that feels so good," I said, as I pulled my skirt up for him. He began slowly stroking my cock through my panties, the satin fabric adding to the sensation. As my erection grew to rock hard proportions he slipped my panties off, and slid down on the floor. He looked up at me briefly, and our eyes met. "Please, I want you to," I said, breathing heavily now.

He kissed my erection lovingly, finally sliding his mouth down my shaft, sucking hungrily as his tongue swirled around it like a snake. It felt wonderful, as he moved up and down, while my erection grew painfully hard, my breathing now shallow and fast. "Oh baby, oh," I moaned softly, placing my hands on the back of his neck. "Oh Bobby, that feels so good. Take it deep baby, please." My hips now were moving in time with his up and down sucking, my passion growing like a white-hot fire.

"Oh, faster baby, faster," I moaned, pulling on his head, my hips thrusting my screaming erection into his throat. "Oh Bobby, oh, that feels so good baby," I moaned, and finally climaxed with a tremendous explosion deep in his throat. Wave after wave spurted into his mouth, as he continued to suck voraciously. It was, in a word, the most satisfying climax I'd ever had, and with a guy I actually had avoided going out with. Well, that would no longer be the case.

Bobby curled up on the couch next to me, his arm around my shoulder. Kissing me, he said softly, "How was that babe? You feeling better now?" I just looked at him, then kissed him passionately several times. I was light headed with excitement after such a tremendous climax. My hand went to the inside of his leg, lightly touching his erection, as I wanted to reciprocate.

"Jeannie," he whispered, "I want to make love to you tonight. Let's go in the bedroom." With that he got up, and pulled me to my feet. "Sweet, sexy love Jeannie," he said softly, taking me in his arms. "Got any lubricant?" he said as he kissed my ear gently.

Suddenly, a tingling shot through me, as I realized what he had in mind. I'd never done that before, although I often satisfy myself with a dildo and KY. I looked at him, trembling with excitement. "Yes, Bobby," I said, as I gazed into his eyes, my heart racing in anticipation. "It's in the bedroom. I'll get it for you. I've never done this before though, so I'm nervous."

"I promise," he said, "I'll be gentle. You'll love it, because it'll really make you feel like a woman. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He kissed me softly as he sat on the bed. I turned and began undressing on the other side of the room. By the time I got into bed he was already there, laying on his back, his erection glistening with lubricant. It looked wonderful, and I slid my hand down and stroked it slowly, as he moaned, kissing me over and over.

"Roll over on all four baby," he said softly, "so I can get you ready." As I got up on my knees and elbows I felt his hand applying KY around my opening. He slid one finger in, pushing the lubricant farther in, as I gasped with delight. Then, two fingers, as the pleasure intensified, my breathing now rapid and shallow. Before I knew it, he was behind me, his erection sliding into me.

I gasped in surprise, as it seemed a lot bigger now. Slowly he pushed it deeper. I cried out softly at the mild pain, which subsided quickly. "Oh Bobby," I moaned, "that feels so good. Push baby, push deeper." My hips slowly started moving against his thrusts, as our passion grew more intense. My cock was growing stiff with desire. "Oh baby," I said breathlessly, "I love this. I love having you fuck me. Faster baby, push harder."

Bobby slowly increased the speed of his thrusts, my hips pushing in response. He reached around, taking my hard erection in his hand and stroking it. I was burning with hot passion, feeling like a woman being fucked by her lover. "Baby," he said, breathing hard, "I know you love this, and so do I. I've been wanting to fuck you forever."

His rhythm increased, his cock plunged deeper still into me, and I cried out in passion for more. "Fuck me Bobby," I cried, "fuck me harder baby." He pulled my hips toward him as he thrust into me one final time. Trembling, his arms tightly around me, he climaxed in a massive explosion, his warm seed coursing through me. As he did, I came on the bed sheet, more excited than I had ever been before.

He stayed in me, slowly massaging my back, as I began finally to relax. "That was great Jeannie," he said softly, his face against my back. "Just great. Better than I ever imagined." Slowly, he withdrew from me, and took me in his arms as we lay on the bed, in the warm afterglow of great sex. Turning to me, he kissed me softly and said, "Would you like to go out with me again sometime?"

I smiled warmly, and replied, "Pick me up at 8 tomorrow night, and we can go to dinner, okay? I want to get dressed up for you again." I kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Only tomorrow night I want to be on my back when you make love to me. I want to be your woman." He just smiled, nodding his head. I was already thinking about which outfit I would wear.


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