
By Phillip Cook

Published on Nov 18, 2011



I was steaming mad at my boyfriend as we drove home from his boss's retirement party. I brooded about the argument we were definitely going to have once we got home. Jeff kept glancing in my direction every once in a while to see if I was still angry at him. And boy was I. Once I get something in my craw I find it difficult to let it go. And this argument we were about to have had been building up for a long time now. It's going to be a gigantic geyser once I unleash all my fury when we get home.

"Honey, it's not what you think," Jeff tried.

"We'll talk about it when we get home," I huffed, with my arms crossed and my eyes looking straight ahead.

He looked at me and offered a weak smile. "It's just an innocent flirtation. That's all it ever was."

"Believe me, Jeff, you don't want to have this discussion with me while you're driving this car." I struggled to keep my voice low. I didn't want to start yelling until we were safely in the confines of our house. "Keep your eyes on the road," I ordered.

He obeyed. I guess he knew he was in enough trouble already. He sighed and it seemed as if he was about to say something, then changed his mind. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of his handsome face. He looked tense and uncertain. He knew this was going to be a big fight; one that might damage our seven year relationship if not end it for good. I for one didn't want it to end; I still loved him even though he could be a prick sometimes. I hoped he still loved me and maybe that was one of the reasons I was so mad at him. Did he still love me? I wondered. Does he still want me? Am I not still as desirable to him as I was seven years ago? They call it the seven year itch. Was he itching to get out of this relationship and find himself someone new? I dreaded the thought of it.

Jeff was very good looking and I loved him ever since we first met, even before we officially met. I've seen him around campus. He was always with a bevy of beautiful girls. At first I thought he was straight. I mean, he looked and acted straight. My exposure to gay men back then was very limited. I only had myself as an example. I don't consider myself particularly effeminate but I was the polar opposite of Jeff. I was a skinny nerd who came from the Midwest and he was the blond surfer dude from California thick with muscle and able to play any sport he wanted. Or have any woman he wanted. I just didn't think gay men like Jeff existed. A jock god that strutted around campus with a harem of beauties and I wanted him, yet I knew I could never have him. What would a gorgeous guy want with someone like me? Even if he did turn out to be gay, I couldn't see him lusting after me.

Fortunately, fate intervened. When his grades started to slip because he was partying too much, he needed a tutor. And since I made straight A's, he offered me ten dollars an hour to tutor him. I readily accepted. I would have done it for free but why quibble. Man, whenever he sat next to me on my bed in my dorm room going over math equations, I just about popped a woody every time. I didn't think he ever noticed since he never said anything. I figured he was just too enthralled with his school work and never paid attention to anything that was happening in my pants.

Boy was I wrong.

One night when my roommate Chuck was out on a date (a sleepover date as he called it; which I took to mean he was finally going to bang his girlfriend) Jeff came by to study. It was one of those times I got an erection and I tried to hide it with a book. I thought I succeeded in hiding the very obvious tent in my trousers, but Jeff snagged the book away and stared at my crotch. He looked into my green eyes, my lips quivering and sweat was pouring down my forehead. I'd been caught and thought he was going to hit me. But he didn't

"You glad to see me, Eric?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I didn't say anything. I couldn't think of how to respond to that. I just sat there looking at him and wondered what he was going to do to me. "What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue?" He teased. Then something amazing happened. He leaned forward and pressed his mouth to mine. As my mouth was already partly opened due to shock he found my tongue easily. He pulled back and grinned from ear to ear. "Well, as far as I can tell, your tongue is still intact." He kissed me again and this time groping my crotch. We fell back on the bed and started making out like mad.

Before I knew what was happening, he had unzipped my trousers and pulled out my leaking dick. Soon, I felt his tongue rolling all over my tool. It felt great. And the feeling just kept getting better as my dick disappeared into his mouth and down his throat. I couldn't believe that the hottest guy on compass was giving me head. I thought about all the women who always surrounded him--vying for his attention--any one of them would love to be in my position. In that moment I wondered if he had ever done this with other guys before. I couldn't tell if he knew what he was doing because it was the first time I ever got a blow job but it sure felt great.

"Um," I started, trying my hardest to keep my breath leveled, "I'm a virgin," I blurted.

He lifted his head up disconnecting the magical touch of his tongue on my dick head but keeping one hand wrapped around the shaft and gave me the widest most sexiest grin I ever saw. "So am I."

"Really?" I said, unbelieving. "What about all those girls you hang around with all the time?"

"Dude, I'm gay! Why else would I be sucking your dick?" He gave me a "you're cute but dumb" look.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, I dunno. Guess you could be just curious."

"I know who I am, man. And I know what I want. And right now I want to suck this delicious dick." With that, he lunged back down to my cock and slurped on it with gusto.

Then a thought struck me like lightning. "Um," he lifted up his head with exasperation. "Why me? If this is your first time ever with a guy I'm sure there are loads of other better looking guys around campus."

He stared at me a long moment. "I like you, Eric," he finally said. "I wouldn't do this with any one I didn't like." He started sucking my dick again, concentrating mostly on the head with his mouth, while jacking it with his hand. His free hand toyed with my balls. This time I didn't interrupt him and when I felt my orgasm coming I breathed faster and harder.

"I'm cumming!" I yelled. I didn't care how loud or if we disturbed anyone because it felt amazing. "Oh God. Yeaaah!" The first blast of cum went right down his throat, but then he lifted his head and continued jacking me off and my cum flew everywhere around the room like a brief yet powerful rain shower. Some of it landed on my stomach, on my headboard, on Jeff's face, on the sheets. It was a total mess but I didn't mind. "Oh God," my breath was still shaky, but calmer. "That was awesome. I can't believe I'm not a virgin anymore."

He chuckled and rubbed my butt playfully. "Well, your asshole is still a virgin." I smiled at him and turned over on my stomach. I was sure I was in for a real treat. And I wasn't wrong. That first fuck was absolutely out of this world. Jeff was gentle and loving. We both came two more times before the night was over then we cradled in each other's arms until the next morning when we both had classes. We've been together ever since then and soon after came out as a couple, much to the chagrin of the girls who wanted Jeff for themselves and all my gay friends who were jealous as hell. I felt pretty special. It seemed Jeff had eyes only for me.

Until that party, seven years later, where he danced and flirted seductively with a coworker, a very sexy coworker who encouraged Jeff's attention. I felt hurt and humiliated at Jeff's audacious behavior, so I rushed out of there like my pants were on fire and moped in the car for half an hour. When Jeff finally came out to the car, he sensed something was bothering me.

"I looked all over for you. Why are you here all alone?"

"Would you rather for me to be inside dancing with a sexy guy making a fool out of myself?" I spat out vehemently.

Jeff started to laugh that annoying laugh he does when he thinks I'm being stupid. "Come on, Eric. You're actually jealous of Tom Perkins?"

"I saw the way you two were dancing. It looked like you two were ready to fuck right then and there."

"We were only having fun. It's a party for God's sake." He put a hand on my shoulder. "You don't think Tom and I are having an affair, do you?

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just go home," I pouted.

"Listen, Eric. You're crazy if..."

"Oh so now I'm crazy?" I jumped down his throat.

"I didn't mean...," he slammed the car door shut and started the engine. "Let's just go home and talk about this later, after you've calmed down."

I didn't respond to his request. I slouched in my seat and crossed my arms refusing to look at him--afraid I might give in if I do. He needs to learn he can't take me for granted or he might lose me forever. Of course, that would depend on if he still wanted me and after his dirty dancing with Tom, I'm not so sure.

When we arrived home I hurried out of the car, slamming the door dramatically, and marched up to the front porch. I dug out the house keys and jammed it in the key hole. Jeff waited in the car until I entered the house. I heard his door slam and knew he was on his way inside. He entered in sheepishly, and I could tell he was trying to gauge exactly how angry I was. He closed the door behind him and stood there for a minute, neither one of us saying anything.

I spoke first.

"Jeff, how could you do this to me?!" I exploded.

"Do what? I didn't do anything wrong." He crossed his arms and stared me down like he was challenging me to prove he did me wrong.

"How can you say that? Whose crotch was pressed up against Tom Perkins on the dance floor?

"We were dancing for God's sake!" He shouted. "Tom and I are not lovers and will never be lovers."

"But why did you dance with him and not me?" This stopped him cold as tears streamed down my cheeks.

He stepped closer and tried to touch my tear stained cheek but I pulled away.

"I'm going to take a shower." I headed for our bedroom. "Maybe you should sleep in the guest room and decide if I'm the one you really want to be with," I called over my shoulder as I ascended the staircase.

I quickly undressed and stepped into the warm comforting cascades of the shower. I didn't know what the future held for Jeff and me. Maybe I was making too much of Jeff and Tom's dancing together but what really hurt was that he didn't even ask me to dance with him. Like he didn't even give it a second thought to go off and dance with a co-worker and leaving me on the sidelines. And he and Tom seemed particularly close tonight. Always whispering in the other's ears and going off together to get some refreshments, touching each other's shoulders while chatting and laughing at some secret joke they both shared; how could I not think they had something going on?

Jeff is too good looking to keep to myself. I guess I always knew that. Maybe I should just set him free but the thought of losing him depresses me.

The shower door slid open and Jeff walked in standing just behind me. He was completely naked and seeing his cock swing between his legs brought me back to the first time I saw it up close. He came towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a tender kiss.

"I'm sorry," he said as he broke the kiss. "I should have been more sensitive to your needs. I know that I don't say it often enough but I love you. You're the only one I ever loved and will ever love. There's really nothing going on between Tom and me. We were just goofing around. I guess we thought it would be funny to dance like that with everybody watching us. Just to show off, I guess. But I should have been showing off with you and not him. It's just that we never really go out dancing together and I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable with all those people watching us."

"I'm sorry I'm such a jealous ass."

"Don't be sorry. It just proves you really care."

I decided to show him how much I cared. I went down on my knees and took his flaccid dick into my mouth. As I sucked the head and jacked the shaft I felt it grow and harden. Soon it grew to its full nine inch glory. He moaned as I licked his piss slit, already streaming with copious amounts of pre-cum. I swallowed his dick whole. After years of practice, I've learned to deep throat him with virtually no gagging.

"Oh yeah," he growled. He dragged his cock slowly back to my lips leaving a trail of slime on my tongue then shoved it back down my throat. He repeated this procedure several times before he started to pump his cock in and out like a piston, faster and faster, until he grabbed my hair and screamed at the top of his lungs. I released his dick just as the first shots of his jism erupted from his cock. Soon, my lips were coated with his cum. I squeezed the last drop of his seed out of his piss slit and licked it off. Jeff's whole body shuddered with delight. "Oh man. You're the only one I ever want to do that. You're the best."

I grinned at the compliment.

"Now it's your turn. Go into the bedroom and I'll be in there in a minute."

I got up from my kneeling position and headed for the bedroom.

"Oh, and lie on your stomach," he demanded. I did what he told me to do.

A few minutes later he came strolling into the bedroom bringing with him some hand lotion. He straddled my back, his cock lying within the crack of my ass, and squirted some of the lotion onto my back and began to smear it around, digging his fingers in my flesh and kneading my muscles. It felt so good and relaxing. He hadn't given me a massage in a long time. I moaned with pleasure as his fingers tenderly worked their way down my spine. He bent down and kissed my neck, I turned my head around so he could kiss my lips.

Jeff scooted down the bed, planting kisses on my naked back, and when he reached the globes of my ass, he spread them and stuck his tongue between them. I got gooseflesh from the touch. He reached under me and pulled back my dick. He very gently sucked it for about a minute then licked down from the tip to the base. When he reached my balls he lathered them with his tongue. He traveled back up to my ass and once again spread my cheeks. He found my hole and pushed his tongue in and wiggled it around making me squirm.

"Turn over," he commanded.

I happily complied--my boner reaching for the ceiling. Jeff stroked my dick a few times then sucked just the head, lapping up the pre-cum that was oozing out of the piss slit. I shuddered at his touch. He held my cock as he kissed his way up my abdomen to my chest, stopped to suck on a nipple, then moved up to my neck, and finally my lips. We kissed for a long time while he slowly jerked me off.

"I want you inside me," he whispered.

He opened a drawer in the nightstand and pulled out a condom. He ripped the package open with his teeth and rolled it over my throbbing dick. After lubing up my dick and his hole, he stood up on the bed and slowly lowered himself on my dick. He held the base and pointed the head straight for his hole. Once the head got past the initial resistance of his hole, he let go of my dick and pushed himself further on it until I felt his ass cheeks on my thighs.

"Oh yeah, your dick feels so good up my hole," he gasped

He rose up then slid back down my dick, repeating this motion for several minutes, pausing every half minute to tweak my nipples. Soon he rode me harder and faster, gliding up and down like he was on a wild bronco soaring through the wild untamed west. His dick and balls flopped about as he rose and fell on my boner. His head was thrown back and his mouth half open; the bedsprings squeaked with each movement of his bouncing body. We were both groaning with pleasure. I couldn't help but smile up at him. He saw this and gave his own sexy smile and winked.

Jeff arched his back and grabbed my legs. I had a perfect view of my dick entering and exiting his hole. This sent me over the edge. I reached for his bobbing cock and only gave it a few quick jerks before his came. He erupted like a volcano and made quite a mess we'd have to lick up later. As soon as he started cumming my own eruption shot through my dick and into the condom. Even after I had finished he still rode me--more of a prance rather than a full gallop--until my dick grew soft. He rolled off me to the other side of the bed and took deep breaths from his recent excursions.

"Wow," Jeff snuggled up to me. "That was amazing. You know, you're the only one I ever wanted. Ever since I saw you on campus in college, I knew I had to have you."

"I thought you didn't notice me with all those girls you hung around with," I teased.

"How could I not notice the cutest boy I've ever seen?" I blushed. He still could get to me even after all these years. He kissed my forehead, "I only want to be with you. So no more talk about Tom Perkins. Okay?" He said while he caressed my tired cock.

I pretended to think for a minute. "Okay," I finally said.

"Good," he kissed me again. "Besides, Tom's straight."

I turned to look at him in surprise. "Straight? Are you sure?" He nodded. I couldn't imagine Tom being straight. Maybe my gaydar was on the blink. "How do you know?"

He looked at me suspiciously. "I didn't try to come on to him if that's what you think."

"It's not. I'm sorry for going all green-eyed monster on you but sometimes I worry that you'll find someone better."

"There's not anyone better than you babe. But to answer your question -- you know Brad from accounting?" I nodded. "Well, he told me he tried to get Tom to sleep with him but Tom refused. Told him he doesn't swing that way. And if Brad couldn't get Tom to sleep with him then no man can. You know how cute Brad is."

I waited for a moment to digest what he had just said. Then before I knew what was happening out it spat: "How long has this been going on?" Jeff looked confused. "So, you think that Brad is cute do you. You think he's cuter than me, don't you. Would you whether be with him than me? I can't believe that you think that skank is cute. I should never talk to you again!"

I went on like this for a while. Jeff was stunned into silence. But he found a way to shut me up. He grabbed my crotch and gave it a gentle squeeze and planted a kiss on my lips. I continued to mumble into his mouth for a few more seconds before the pleasure of his kiss and his manipulation of my cock made me yield. I think I will always be jealous of Jeff and any cute guy he comes in contact with, gay or straight, but deep down inside; I know he'll always be mine.

The end

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