Jc for Lb

By ku.oc.selujegduj@gsirhc

Published on Apr 12, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is fantasy and not meant for anyone under 18 as it includes pornographic material. This story is not meant to imply that EITHER JC Chasez Lance Bass or any other member of N Sync in any future parts involved is gay. If you enjoy this story, or even if you don't please feel free to email me and let me know what you thought about my story. I can be reached at: chrisg@judgejules.co.uk

Please note that there is no sex in this part, although I do intend to include some in future parts (yes there will be future parts). I just don't find it that important, that's all!


The guys from N'Sync were in London to promote their new single and album. They'd just finished an early morning TV show and went back to their hotel to rest.

Even though they all had their own rooms they all crashed in Justin's room. JC showered while the rest of the group slept. As JC showered he was remembering his first time. But not his first time with a girl, but that time he 'experimented' years ago with a college buddy.

He stiffened up at the thought of being entered by his friend. But he also had this gut feeling that it would come back to haunt him. He'd also spent a lot of time lately thinking about that incident. "What does it mean, I'm gay?" he said to himself. When he came out of the shower and into the main room he saw Lance steal a quiet glance at his body but pretended to be asleep. JC passed it off.

Since none of the guys were awake JC decided to crash himself. He got into the single bed next to Lance and lay on his side, facing Lance. He stared at him for what seemed like hours. Only now was JC realising how pretty Lance was. The same feelings came back, "Am I gay?" "What if I am, will they kick me out?" Lance waking up interrupted his thoughts. They made eye contact for a fraction of a second and JC closed his eyes pretending to be asleep.

"JC? You awake? Hey, I'm talking to you," said Lance

JC lay there motionless except for the concealed boner he had. Lance got up and took a shower. He too contemplated his sexuality and the problems it might cause if he told anyone.

When JC woke up his pants were wet. Had he been dreaming of someone special or just pissed himself? His quick inspection proved it was the former.

He'd been asleep for a couple of hours so all the other guys were already up. When he went into the main bit of the hotel room he was met with a round of cheers as the guys noticed the dark patch in JC's pants.

"Looks like baby wet the bed." joked Chris

"Fuck you, Chris" JC responded.

"What's up with you??!"

"Nothing I just got a lot on my mind lately. Knock it off okay?"

A few moments of silence and Justin started cleaning up.

"Christ Justin, why do you always have to be mother? We're pop stars we can make a bit of a mess," said JC

"Yeah J, we're allowed to do something a bit wild once in a while" said Lance, "Ain't that right JC?"

"Depends on what you're talking about."

"You'll see," said Lance with a wink of his eye

JC's heartbeat almost doubled. Was Lance coming on to him or was it just macho teasing? He returned the compliment "Sure whatever"

The guys had a TV appearance later that evening so they got ready and their manager picked them up in a taxi.

They were in the make room, JC and Lance in front of the mirrors and the others on the sofas in the corner of the room.

"What did you mean with that wink before, Lance?" asked JC quietly.

"Nothing. Read into it what you want."

"Well you see that's the problem. I've kinda been-" JC said before being interrupted by the stage manager.

This was the last chance they got to speak to each other until after they had returned to the hotel. They were in the bar chilling when a young girl came over and asked JC if he wanted to join her because she was on her own. He agreed and left the other four guys at the bar.

"Bastard! How does he do it? Every time he scores!" complained Justin

"I reckon it's his eyes. Have you seen how blue they are?" said Lance gazing over at JC

There was a brief silence and all the guys stared at him

"Excuse me Lance, but is there something you're trying to tell us?" asked Joey

"No I was just saying, his eyes, chicks always love nice eyes" Lance said desperately trying to climb out of the hole he had just threw himself down.

"Oh well, that okay. For a minute there I thought you was coming out to us" laughed Joey, patting him on the shoulder.

Meanwhile over at the girl's table...

"So when was the last time you guys came here?"

"It's a couple of months ago, we've got a new single out so we're over here to promote that," JC said trying to signal someone to rescue him. "Excuse me but I think someone wants me. I'll be right back."

JC said almost running from the table.

"Looks like you've tapped there mate," said Justin

"Yeah. But she's a psycho though - proper crazed fan and everything."

"So? A fuck's a fuck ain't it?" asked Chris

"Yeah but look at her - she's barely 18"

"Who cares?" said Lance, "Oh look she's waving at you."

JC turned around to see the girl waving him back. He reluctantly returned to the table.

"So JC, or shall I call you Josh, shall we make a move?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Oh come on, you want it so badly. You can't take your eyes off of me" JC blushed. "Speaking of which neither can your blonde little friend. Shall I ask him if he wants to join us?"

"Well I'm not really into threesomes not with 2 guys anyway" he cringed inside knowing that was a lie.

The girl went up to Lance and they talked for a second whilst JC squirmed nervously.

They both returned to the table.

"So, err, what's going on?" asked JC

"Well you're friends agreed to join us for a little party." said the girl taking JC bye the hand and escorting them both to her room. As she unlocked the door, JC and Lance exchanged looks. Neither could believe their fantasies were about to come true.

They walked into the room and the guys sat on the bed whilst the girl used the bathroom

"So what's her name?" asked Lance

""I don't know. I couldn't get a word in. She was just talking non-stop about the group and me. She never shut up!" JC said, taking his socks and shoes off.

"God! You Americans are so slow. Come on off with your clothes!" she commanded

The guys stripped as she told them that she would take Lance in her mouth whilst JC did her from behind. GIRL POWER!

As she got Lance going, JC entered her. After a few minutes' things were underway but it was obvious that neither guy was enjoying it. Lance leaned over and stroked JC's arm, then started playing with his nipples. JC thought this was a sure sign of Lance coming out so he leaned over and kissed him.

The girl looked up and dropped Lance from her mouth.

"Oh my God, you guys are faggots? Ugh! You make me sick!" shouted the girl

"Fuck off, sister, I could get a better screw out of a second-hand DIY store than out of you." quipped JC

The girl got dressed and stormed out, leaving the guys alone...

"JC! I had no idea."

"Me too. I saw you steal a look at me when I came out of the shower before."

"Now d'you understand what that wink was about?"

"So are we serious about this?"

"Well I'm up for it if you are."

"Come on then," said JC as he lay face down on the bed with his tight ass stick up.

"I've never done this before. What do I do?"

"Just take it slowly, we've got all night."

Lance spread JC's ass cheeks with one hand and took his cock in the other, pressing against JC's hole. He could see his hole clenching as he toyed with it. JC moaned with please. Then Lance forgot himself and shoved it through. JC shouted - Lance could tell he wasn't pleased.

"You okay? Shall I take it out?" asked Lance quite concerned for JC

"No, I'm alright just give me a second." said JC breathing heavily.

A few seconds later and JC's hole was getting used to Lance being up there.

"I'm okay now. Just go slow at first this time."

"You sure about this?"

"Lance, just fuck me!"

Lance started to move his cock up and down JC's anal tract as he groaned. He saw JC slide a hand down under himself as Lance put a hand on JC's shoulder to steady him. JC was in heaven with the self-pleasure he was giving himself, and Lance's pumping of his tight little ring like there was no tomorrow.

"JC, I'm gonna cum. What do I do?"

"Just cum. It don't matter."

"With that Lance groaned as JC felt that good old feeling of hot wet cum inside him again. Lance collapsed on top of JC once he'd finished his five-minute spurt-a-thon up JC's crach. They lay next to each other for a while.

"So how do you know so much about all this?"

"Well there was this time in collage when me and a friend kind of experimented. He took me like you just did, except he had a lot of lube on."

"Does it hurt? I mean it must do"

"It hurt like hell when you shoved it all the way in - you could have at least told me."

"Sorry mate, it just happened. You know I'd never hurt you."

"Sure. Look we'd better go - that tart might come back."

They got dressed and went back to their rooms. Lance wanted JC to sleep with him but JC refused saying that it would look strange to the other guys. Lance was hurt at first but accepted he was right. They kissed each other good night and went to their rooms. Neither went to sleep straight away - their thoughts occupied with what had just happened. JC's ass was stung like hell - Lance was a big guy but he wanted to look tough in front of Lance. Plus, if the guys saw him walking like he had a watermelon up there then they were bound to put two and two together.

The next morning Lance was woken by JC knocking on his door.

"What's wrong? It's 6 o'clock"

"Nothing. I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come and see how you were after last night."

"I'm alright. I guess you should come in."

"JC sat on the end of the bed as Lance got dressed.

"Shall we order room service. I fancy a doughnut."

"No I've got my eye on another right for breakfast." said JC grabbing Lance and dragging him onto the bed.

They kissed but Lance was frosty.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just that I'm not sure that I want the same things as you do right now."

"So, last night was a mistake?"

"No...well...yeah. I don't know"

"I think you'd better figure out what you do want Lance" said JC standing up, "see ya later maybe?"

"Yeah. Cool"

"Just remember you kissed me" said JC closing the door behind him.

JC went back to his room and had a wash and shave. His ring was still aching but his heart was aching as well - for Lance. There was a knock on the door.

"Come on JC, you big pussy, wake up"

"Alright. Alright"

It was the guys, including Lance. His eyes were red. JC knew it was tears but Lance made out it was his hangover instead.

Chris opened the window and lit a cigarette. The guys were shocked.

"When did you start smoking?" asked Justin

"You know Justin I don't think I'll ever get homesick whilst you are around - it's like having my damn mother stuck up my arse 24/7."

Lance squirmed, so did JC

"Well I hardly think..."

"Yeah well maybe you should just loosen up a bit, Justin" said Joey

"Hey, can I have one of those. I need something to calm my nerves" said JC standing next to Chris at the window.

"Hey JC got a bowel problem?" joked Joey

"No, why?"

Seem to be walking a bit funny this morning"

"Just a bit stiff I guess" JC went bright red.

They didn't have anything planned that day as they were flying home that evening. They decided to do a bit of shopping. They went to a cafe.

"Excuse me. Need to take a whizz" said JC leaving the table

"Me too" said Lance

JC was stood at the urinals when Lance walked in

"Hey JC. I've been thinking a lot today"

"Good for you. Maybe you'll be a little clearer about what you want Let's face it - you ain't gay Lance"

"But that's the thing. I reckons I am because every time I think about last night I get a hard-on."


"Yeah. So are you still going to return the favour?"

"In time but not here. But I will let you do me a favour." said JC as he dragged Lance into a cubicle.

JC dropped his pants and Lance went down. He never realised how well hung JC was last night, but he estimated a good 9".

"Come on you little bitch. I know you can suck better than that." joked JC

"Yes Mr Chasez"

Lance ran his tongue around every inch of JC's cock. He swallowed it all in one go, then gagged as JC's cocked rammed the back on his throat.

"Get a little greedy there, eh Lance?"

Lance continued to give until JC came near to orgasm

"Lance, stop" Hey Lance"


"Quit it"

"Why? I am not doing it right?"

"No but we'd better go"

"You joking?" JC could hear the disappointment in his voice. He enjoyed having Lance under control

"We'd better save ourselves for your initiation"

"Oh right"

They cleaned up and went back to the table

"What took you guys so long?"

"Lance kept throwing up. Always knew he was a lightweight drinker"

They spent another half-hour in the cafe then went back to the hotel

"Hey I'm gonna crash in my room, if it's all the same with you guys" said Lance

"Sure", "Whatever" said the guys who all went into Justin's room

Lance lay on his bed waiting to see if JC had got his hint, rock hard at the thought of JC

Back in Justin's room JC said he needed to find something in his room. He went back to his room and grabbed a tube of lubricator from the bedside drawer and went to Lance's room. Lance opened the door and let JC in. They kissed and stripped off

"So come on then- on that bed Lancey baby. Time for a first class lesson"

Lance got on the bed facing upwards. JC got facing him and Lance put his legs against JC's shoulders. JC spread some lube up Lance's crack and then greased himself up. JC spread lance's legs a bit more and started to push against his tight hole with a bit of force. Lance hardened up when JC used a finger to loosen his ass up.

Lance was already groaning in please. JC tried an extra digit and then resumed teasing Lance's hole with his rock-hard cock. His hole eventually gave and JC slid in.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Stings a bit but it'll get better right?"

"Wait and see"

JC slowly started to pump Lance's crack, eventually building up to a rhythm. Lance was pumping his cock furiously watching JC's body rise and fall as he felt his enormous presence up his back passage.

Lance came all over JC's chest and rubbed a bit in. JC was also about to cum. Their shiny bodies coated in a thin-layer of sweat, JC's nipples like 2 rock-buns. JC told lance that he was going to cum. He gave one big shove and Lance exploded again as the sting from his hole adjusting to another 3 inches mixed with the sensation of JC's cum shooting up him

They lay next to each other for a few minutes, kissing, talking, and touching each other's bodies

"So how long have you known?"

"Known what?"

"You know, that you were gay?"

"I don't know. I guess I've known ever since that first time in college. I just couldn't tell anyone."

"Me too. But why did you do all them girls?"

"Just so nobody thought that I was queer. But I always enjoyed it.

"I just had to imagine it was a guy I was banging instead of a girl."

There was a knock on the door

"Who is it?" asked Lance nervously

"It's me, Justin, we've gotta get going. We're on an earlier flight.

Get ready."


"Can I come in a minute?"

"Why? I'm kinda naked."

"Well put some damned pants on and let me in."

"Okay. Give me a minute." Lance said jumping up. He told JC to hide in the bathroom. Once he was dressed and JC was in the bathroom, he opened the door.

"Hey I just wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, what d'ya wanna know?"

"Well it's kinda difficult. Well the guys and me have noticed you've been kinda strange lately. Is there anything wrong?" JC was listening through a crack in the door.

"No, what d'you mean?"

"Well I don't really know. But the other guys seem to think you might be...well...gay?" Lance almost choked. Was his secret finally out? JC heard him ask Lance and took a step back, knocking Lance's shaving cream off the shelf.

"What was that!" asked Justin

"What? I didn't hear anything."

"Is there someone in there?"

"NO!" Lance said with a bit too much protest in his voice

"Are you sure?" Justin said, walking towards the bathroom door

"STOP!" Lance shouted and Justin stopped dead in his tracks

"Why? Is my mother in there?" joked Justin

Lance sighed knowing that the game up. "You might as well come on out of there"

JC came out of the bathroom

"So is it true?" asked Justin

"No it's not what it seems" protested Lance


"Come on Lance admit. We've been caught." said JC

Justin stared at the pair of them for a while in disbelief.

"I guess that kind of answers your question now" said Lance sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

"So... how long have you been...you know?"

"Fucking?" asked JC, "the last 2 days"

"You've got to promise not to tell anyone" said Lance

"Oh I don't know about that. This changes everything."

"How?" asked JC

"Well you guys kept this pretty quiet."

"Just keep it to yourself until we get back home. Promise?"

"I don't know - it's quite a big secret to keep"

"Just for a couple of days, Please!" begged Lance

"Okay. But you've got to tell the guys as soon as we get home. If you don't - I will"


"But you just don't get it. This changes everything. I won't tell a soul 'til we're home but after that the ball's in your court guys.

"Thanks J"

"Yeah cheers man" said JC

Justin left them alone

So what now?" asked Lance

"I don't know. This does change everything."

"Why? Why does it?"

Justin's right, Lance, can you imagine what'll happen if this gets


"So what?"

"So what?! We're out of a job Lance. That's what"

"D'you think so?"

"Come on, use your imagination."

"I guess you're right. We're finished." said Lance

"Yep. I wish none of this ever happened."

"Really? Don't you love me?"

"Lance, that ain't the point anymore. 'We' are over" said JC with a tear forming. Lance went to hug him but JC pushed him away.

"JC? Don't be like that"

"Leave me alone Lance" said JC getting dressed "Did you really think we could keep this a secret?"

"Well... yes I did"

"You are so stupid, Lance"


"Get real Lance" said JC slamming the door behind him.

Lance curled up on the bed. How could JC say those things. They got their stuff packed and went down to their two taxis waiting.

Justin, Chris, and Joey got in the first taxi, leaving Lance and JC in the back one. There was total silence for 15 minutes until JC asked "So, you wanna talk?"

"Not really. I'm still kinda hurt by what you said."

"You really do need to grow up Lance."

"You didn't thinks o this afternoon"

"And what's that supposed to mean?"


"The shit is about to hit the fan, Lance, and it's all coming our way. How long do you think Justin's gonna keep his mouth shut. He's probably telling them two right now!"

"Justin ain't like that"

"Really? The first thing that entered his mind was to tell the guys.

They're probably having a right good laugh at us right now."

Another deadly silence followed until they got to the airport.

JC was getting out of the taxi when Lance quipped "Nice ass". JC turned around and smacked Lance square on the nose. The other guys came over

"Hey, what's going on" asked Chris

"Nothing" said JC pushing past. He exchanged glances with Justin as he walked past him. Justin caught up with him while Joey and Chris picked Lance up.

"What's going on JC?"

"Just keep your mouth shut Justin - like you promised. I'll sort this out when we get back home."

They all got on the plane in total silence. Lance and JC sat facing each other. Neither spoke to the other for the whole journey.

Would Justin keep his promise or would Lance "out" himself and JC first?

Stay tuned for Update 2!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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