Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Oct 10, 2000


Hey guys... I'm baaaaack! JC Dreams still has a lot of life left in it so I won't be finishing it yet.

WARNING: (I don't know why I hate this so much but I do) if you are under the legal age depending on when you are, please leave, I'm not getting my ass fried over you doing something you're not meant to. I don't know Nsync and/or any of the sexual preferences of the band (but I can live in hope can I not?). All poems and songs unless otherwise noted are mine.

Thank you to all those people who have written in giving me support. Special thanks to Casey for the hints ideas and help that I have been receiving from him. It makes my job a little easier.

If you have any feedback for me, send it to: -= heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com =- also if you are going to write in, can you please put the title in the subject so I know which story you are talking about please.

Stories to check out:

Garden of Songs - (boy-bands) I wrote it so I can't say anything too bad about it. Savage Garden (Daniel Jones in particular).

Yesterday's Child - (high school) Again I'm doing self-promotion. I'm enjoying writing it.

Jamie's Romance - (boy-bands) this time featuring Justin from Nsync. I love the way this is working out. Well worth a look.

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) A truly awsome story which I am in love with. MORE MORE MORE!!

Lastly, Derwan.. in my heart for a lifetime, will be in it for longer.

Here we go:

Jc Dreams 08 by Sun Child

Tony looked into JC's eyes then leant over and held him close. JC, slightly surprised at Tony's action, wrapped his arms around Tony's waist. Tony just stood there, enjoying the feel of JC close to him. Tony then lifted his lips to JC's and kissed him, softly, gently. As the came apart JC looked at Tony.

"You gonna drive me to rehearsals?" He asked softly.

"Try and stop me." Tony replied just as softly, then smiled at JC. JC smiled and rested his head on Tony's shoulder and just held him. They seperated a few moments later and Tony walked over and sat down on the couch where JC joined him and lay down, his head on Tony's lap. Tony sat there, stroking JC's soft hair. JC started to get a little restless and got up and walked over to the stereo. Going through Tony's CDs, selected one and put it on.

"Going to serenade me are you?" asked Tony smiling.

"Only if you serenade me after." JC shot back. Tony smiled again and nodded.

"You're on."

As the song started to play, Tony recognised it immediately.

When I'm lost in the rain

In your eyes I know

I'll find the light to light my way

When I'm scared, losing ground

When my world is going crazy

You can it all around And when I'm down you're there

Pushingme to the top

You're always there giving me all you got

For a shield from the storm

For a friend

For a love to keep me safe and warm

I turn to you

For the strength I will be strong

For the will to carry on

For everything you do

For everything that's true

I turn to you

I turn to you

When I lose the will to win

I just reach for you

And I can reach the sky again

I can do anything

'Coz your love is so amazing

'Coz your love inspires me

And when I need a friend

You're always on my side

Giving me faith, taking me through the night

For a shield from the storm

For a friend

For a love to keep me safe and warm

I turn to you

For the strength I will be strong

For the will to carry on

For everything you do

For everything that's true

I turn to you

For the arms to be my shelter

Through all the rain

For truth that will never cahnge

For some one to lean on

For a heart I can rely on through anything

For the one who I can run to

For a shield from the storm

For a friend

For a love to keep me safe and warm

I turn to you

For the strength I will be strong

For the will to carry on

For everything you do

For everything that's true

I turn to you

I turn to you

Tony sat there in tears as JC sung the song in a pure beauty that Tony loved. JC looked over at Tony and reached over to wipe away the tears in Tony's eyes.

"That was so beautiful Josh. I don't know if I can top that." Tony admitted. JC shook his head.

"Sing however you want, just sing honestly." JC advised. Tony got up and walked over to the stereo and turned it off. He then went and grabbed his guitar.

"I hope acoustic is okay." Tony told him. JC nodded and Tony started to play.

When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here when you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

I've loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And know this feeling won't go away

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Over and over I fall

When I hear you call

Without you in my life, baby

I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And knwo that this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

I promise you

Tony finished and looked at JC. JC was sitting there amazed.

"You did that song better than we do. Even after we re-recorded it." JC said, still dazed. Tony blushed slightly.

"I mean it." JC told Tony. "I normally don't appreciate people who like sing our songs, but you did that so well. I loved it." Tony cocked his head to the side.

"Aren't you a little biased though?" asked Tony. JC shook his head.

"No I'm not. Well maybe a little but you did that so beautifully." JC told him. "You have to sing that for the others." Tony started to shake his head. JC just looked Tony in the eye.

"Don't even say no because I'm not going to let you. Get your guitar case, you can do it before rehearsals." JC ordered. Sighing a little in defeat, Tony stood and got his guitar case and slid his guitar inside. They then both walked towards to door, Tony grabbing JCs keys.

"Who said you were driving?" asked JC.

"I did considering you're making me sing." Tony shot back. JC nodded in defeat and walked out the door.

Pulling up outside the shed, Tony looked at JC.

"Do I really have to sing?"

"Did you just drive?" asked JC. Tony sighed again and got out of the car then retrieved his guitar and locked the car. Walking up to the shed all the others looked at Tony.

"You gonna play for us in there?" Asked Chris. Tony remembered they didn't know about his recording deal and sat his guitar and case on the ground.

"Maybe one song... if you want to hear more you'll just have to buy my CD when it's out." Tony beamed. The others looked at Tony then Justin came over and hugged him.

"Congratulations man. I hope you do well." Tony was surprised by Justin's support considering their past.

"Okay, thanks Juz." Justin looked at him.

"Ummm... Justin." Tony said, worried he had overstepped the boundary.

"No it's cool. You can call me that." Justin smiled. Tony smiled back. The others than came over and clapped Tony on the back and wished him well. JC then looked at Tony.

"Gonna sing for them?"

"I'm not gonna get outta this am I?"

"NO!" Chorused five voices. Tony just grinned.

"Talk about nsync. Alright, but it has to be inside. I'm not doin' it out here." The others all nodded and headed inside.

As they were walking in Tony slowed and JC slowed with him.

"Hey, you want to harmonize me on the chorus?"

"Sure babe. I don't know how it will sound though."

"We'll find out soon enough." Smiled Tony. JC smiled back and kissed Tony lightly on the forehead. When they caught up with the rest of the guys, there were all sitting down in a circle with a stool set up in the middle. Tony just shook his head and sat down on the stool. He then pulled out his guitar and played a few cords and tuned it slightly. Then he started to play the song. Soon his voice met with the music and he weaved his version of the song he had previously sung for JC. When he hit the chorus he felt another voice meet with his and bring out a soft and haunting harmony. As he sang, Tony closed his eyes and felt himself slip into the song and music. He was almost dreading the end of the song. Then when he started the chorus again, instead of one voice joining his, another five joined. The sound resounded around the shed. The harmonies were amazing. When the song did finished, Tony was right, the end brought a sadness into him. He realised just how much power was behind the words of the song and the cords. It had cast a spell over him. The others finished their harmonies with him. They all looked at him.

"Now I know why you got the deal." Drawled Lance.

"Yeah totally. You have a great voice." Threw in Chris.

"I don't think we've done that song so well." Joey said. Tony looked at Justin who again got up and walked over to him and hugged him.

"Welcome to the Nsync family Tone." Justin whispered in his ear. Tony smiled, and for once hugged Justin back.

"Come on Juz, let Tony go. Josh's starting to get jealous." Joey called out. Justin let go and spun around.

"Don't call me Juz. Any of you."

"But Tony... he..." stammered out Joey.

"I said Tony could call me Juz. I didn't say anything about the rest of you." Justin stated. Tony sat there amazed. Only he was allowed to call Justin that? It was a shock. Justin turned to Tony again.

"Can you do another song? Please?" Tony smiled and nodded. Again playing a few cords, he settled down and started to play.

Hearing you talking

Listening on the phone to you smile

Enjoying your laughing

I could run a mile

You manage to get me to smile

I can't imagine not having you

You seem to make my day bright

My frown changes to a smile while thinking of you

Sitting here just thinking about you

A smile has lit my face

I guess that the way I feel for you is true

I only hope that for you, there is no race

Hold me

Love me

Know me

Always be true to me

Because I will always be true

Forever and always to you.

Tony finished. JC smiled, walked over and kissed Tony. He then put his arms around Tony.

"I love you." He breathed softly to Tony.

"Tony, that was beautiful." Came a new voice from behind them. The entire group turned and saw Lynn standing there with a few Jive officials.

"Lynn, hi, how did you know I was here?" He asked.

"My son has a big mouth. We heard both songs but didn't say anything." Lynn admitted. Tony blushed furiously when he realised that Lynn and the officials had all seen JC kissing him. Lynn must have realised and laughed.

"Don't worry about it Tony. Justin told me about you and Josh and I warned this lot here." She said yanking a thumb at the officials next to her. JC shot Justin a look who cringed. Noticing Justin flinch, he elbowed JC.

"Josh, leave it be." JC looked at Tony in surprise that he was defending Justin. The officials walked over to Tony and handed him some papers as did Lynn.

"We just need your autograph on these." Lynn told him. JC pulled them out his hands and passed them to Lance.

"Can you look over these please? Just make sure Jive isn't gipping him." JC suggested. Lance started to read through. While Lance was reading the contracts the others started to talk.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?" Asked Lynn.

"Learn? I haven't had a singing lesson yet. That's just the way I've always sung." Tony admitted. "I don't want a singing lesson either. No vocal coach or instructor, I sing my way, not someone elses." Lance handed Tony back the contracts.

"Well, it's all fine. As for the vocal coach mentioned on page 6, it's optional, don't be bullied into it." Lance advised. Tony nodded and looked for a pen which Lynn produced from her purse. Smiling, Tony signed the paper.

"Well Tony, welcome to Jive." said the official. The official then turned to the band.

"Guess what guys... we just found you an opening act."

"Tony?" asked JC hopefully. The others faces all showed to same hope.

"No, sorry. It's Backstreet Boys." The guys faces all fell. Then the official burst out laughing.

"Okay, I know that was cruel. Tony is your opening act. You will though be doing some work with Backstreet at various points on this tour." The guys all cheered and Joey spoke up.

"GROUP HUG!" The guys all crowded in and hugged, leaving Tony and Lynn standing slightly off. Justin broke off and grabbed Tony and his mom and pulled them into the hug as well. JC smiled at Tony and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Tony grinned.

An hour later, the guys were working through a vigorous rehearsal of their dances for the upcoming shows. The point came for 'This I Promise You' to be sung. The guys were about to launch into the way they had previously rehearsed it when Pete, their tour manager, cam over and stopped them. The guys all waved at him.

"Guys, before you do Promise You, we've changed the way you're doing it. Tony, you will be out playing guitar on a stool in the centre with the other five on stools making a semi-circle. Tony and JC will do lead vocals, two voices doing the entire song at once, then the rest of you guys will be joining in on the chorus and normals harmonies. How do you think that sounds?" He asked. The group all nodded enthusiastically. Pete smiled and looked at the group. "Well let's try it. We've all heard it the way ot was done today, so why not try it this way now." Tony settled down and prepared to play. As he started both he and JC started to sing. Their voices, so careful, loving and strong that the words took on a life of their own, sending chills down the others backs. Then at the harmonizing points, the entire group weaved their voices into a magical and entrancing spell. Fatima and Pete were both blown away. As their voices and the song died away, their audience consisting of Pete and Fatima broke into applause.

"Well done guys. I think we have a winner." Pete commented.

"So does Josh. A body, a face, intelligence and a voice." Fatima commented sending the group into giggles as Tony's face turned a scarlet red.

--- There we go. Welcome to the end of another JC Dreams. I enjoyed writtin' it ... I hope you enjoyed readin' it. I'm sorry for not putting Butterscotch in this one Casey, I know how much you love him, but he was having a sick day...sorry. 1) I Turn to You - Christina Aguilera ... such a sweet and honest song. 2) This I Promise You - Nsync 3) You and Me - Mine... to Derwan I dedicate yet another song. They're getting soppy aren't they. Oh well :o) Did you like this chapter? Did you not like this chapter? Let me know -= heartmindsoul@eudormail.com =- Keep safe, SC.

Next: Chapter 9

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