Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 25, 2000


Okay, another new part to the series.. ain't you lot just so lucky.

WARNING: If you are under 18 (or legal age) please leave this site now. I accept no responsibility should any legal stuff happen and you get your ass fried because I warned you. I don't know Nsync and this is no way a representation of their true sexuality (well as far as I know anyways). Any songs used belong to respective artsits unless they are mine and they well ... belong to me. If you want to use one of my songs or poems just ask, I won't bite and more than likely say yes, it's just good manners.

Thanks to all those who have written in encouraging me with the story. I notice that people have been curious about Butterscotch ... everyone's seemingly faviourte feline. Well, he's gonna get what he deserves as does everyone in this story at one time or another.

Okay, got comments? Criticism? Needing someone to talk to? I love hearing from you and should you need to talk, I, like most authors, am willing to listen. The address to write to is: -= heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com =-

Lastly now, Derwan, you've walked away, that was your choice, I hope you and him are happy now. Good luck in the future.

Okay here we go:

JC Dreams 07 by Sun Child

JC and Tony sat there, just holding each other. Neither wanting to let go of the moment, just wanting to hold it for all eternity. Slowly though, they drifted apart. Tony looked JC in the eye.

"What do we do now?" he asked. JC shrugged.

"Same thing as we always do, but now we know how the other feels." Tony nodded and stood up. Looking down at JC

"I'm feelin' kinda hungry. Want something to eat?"

"What are you offering?" Asked JC.

"I don't know ... french toast?"

"Sounds good. Want a hand?"

"Nah, it's cool. You just wait here, it won't take me long." JC nodded then leaned over and picked up the guitar and started to play a few notes.

When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here when you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

I've loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And know this feeling won't go away

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Over and over I fall

When I hear you call

Without you in my life, baby

I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And knwo that this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

I promise you

JC sat back up after finishing playing the song. Tony was in the kitchen, tears building in his eyes. It was the song JC had sung in the recording studio two days previous, the only difference this time is that it was all JC's voice, the was such an raw emotion and talent in JC's voice that Tony loved. Tony fished out the last of the french toast from the fry pan and turned off the stove taking it out to JC. Sitting it down in front of JC, Tony sat back and drank the orange juice he had poured. JC looked down at the food infront of him then back up at Tony.

"Aren't you going to have any?" He asked.

"Not today, I don't feel all that hungry. Juice will be fine." Tony commented.

"Come on. You haven't had anything apart from that pizza last night and you think orange juice is going to sustain you all day?" JC asked. Tony opened his mouth to respond when the phone rang. Getting up, he walked over and answered the phone.

"Hello? ... speaking ... wait, who are you?... sorry who?... why are you calling me?... look just go away okay." With that, Tony put the phone back on the hook. JC looked at Tony.

"What's up?" JC asked curiously.

"Backlash of being a gay teacher. Apparently kids are gay because of me yada yada yada, I should be shot yada yada yada. Typical bullshit." JC jumped from his seat.

"They threatened to shoot you?!" JC asked alarmed.

"Yeah they did, no big deal. Regular occurence when you're a teacher." Tony said in a care free manner.

"That's it, you're coming on tour with me where I can keep an eye on you and make sure you are safe." JC told Tony.

"Really, and who are you to tell me what I will and won't do?" asked Tony, feeling his anger start to rise.

"Tony, I don't want to be away singing to a whole heap of horomone driven girls while you are here with your life possibly in danger? If anything were to happen to you, I don't know how I would cope." JC explained to Tony.

"Josh, I understand what you are saying but I don't want you to worry like that okay. I will be fine. If I'm there with you, it would only distract you from your performing. You know what happened at the shed yesterday." Tony countered.

"So I go off, you get shot, and I really don't pay attention." JC threw back.

"Touche." Tony said. "I would love to go with you..."

"Then why don't you?" asked JC.

"But what would I do? How would the others take it. They barely know me, they've only met me a few times." Tony reasoned.

"Well, you would be PA to me and as for the others, if I talk to them, explain stuff, I'm sure they will understand." JC pushed.

"Alright, just make sure you talk to them first then I will decide." Tony agreed defeated. JC smiled and leaned forwards and kissed Tony lightly on the forehead.

"I love you Tony. Don't ever think that I don't okay. I only pushed because I was worried about you." JC confided. Tony nodded appreciatevly.

After they had finished eating, Tony took the plates into the kitchen and put the plates down on the sink and got ready to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. As he was starting to load them, there was a knock at the door. Sighing he started for the door only to have JC move from where he was in through the kitchen and to the front door. Tony heard JC unlock the door and open it then multiple squeals of surprise.

'Oh great here we go.' Tony thought to himself sighing again. He turned off the tap and put the plate down and headed to the front door.

"Yes girls." Tony said coming down the hall. JC stepped back out of the way.

"Oh hi Mr Scott, you never told us you knew JC from Nsync." Squealed one of them.

"That's because I didn't want to be majorly bugged for autographs in the middle of class." Grinned Tony.

"Not fair sir." Another of the girls whined.

"Okay, point taken. What can I do for you?" Tony asked.

"We heard that you got fired from school sir. Because you were gay. We wanted to know if it was true." Tony sighed.

"Nothing is sacred around here is it? Yes I did get fired and yes the reason I got fired is the fact that I am gay." Tony admitted.

"So are you screwing JC sir?" asked the first girl. JC laughed at the forwardness of the girl and Tony sighed.

"No, JC is here because he is a friend and I needed someone to talk being fired over with okay. Nothing more. Now it's Alanna and Jasmine isn't it? Well, should any rumours about anything between me and JC appear, I will be after you two am I understood." Both girls nodded silently. Tony nodded his approval.

"Now is there anything I can do for you?" The girls nodded.

"We wanted to know if you could like come shopping with us because everyone knows gay guys have great shopping and fashion sense." Tony laughed.

"I don't know. Won't that start rumours?" He asked. The girls shrugged.

"Well, the offers open... you could even bring JC and Justin along if you want?" Jasmine asked hopefully.

"We'll see. Come by after school and we'll discuss it okay." Tony told them laughingly. The girls grinned.

"Count on it sir." Jasmine said enthusiastically.

"I'm not your teacher anymore, just call me Tony."

"Cool... see you later si... Tony." Alanna corrected herself. Smiling, Tony waved and closed the door. Walking back into the kitchen he went back to what he was doing. JC walked in and looked at Tony.

"So are you going to go with them?" asked JC curiously.

"Why not, but don't think that you aren't coming with me." Tony replied to JC. JC groaned playfully then stopped and ran for his cell phone. After talking for a few moments, he came back, grabbed Tony by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

"Get dressed we're going out for a little while." Tony look at him confused.

"Where are we going?"

"Surprise now get ready, I'll get all the other stuff we'll need." JC told Tony excitedly. When Tony appeared ten minutes later, JC was standing there holding Tony's guitar and music notes. He walked up and handed them to Tony then grabbed his keys.

"Come on, let's take you to your surprise." With that JC opened the front door and waved Tony through, closing and locking the door JC took Tony down to the car.

Driving Tony tried to get out of JC where they were going. Only when they were half way there did Tony realise where they were going.

"You're taking me to the recording studio?" He asked.

"Yeah I am and you're gonna record your songs. That way, if you get signed, you can be our opening act." JC beamed. Tony shook his head at JC's enthusiasm. JC grinned from ear to ear.

Walking into the studio, Tony noticed there were several more people in there than he remembered. Daniel was there (the recording guy for those who can remember), as well as several others. One woman came forwards to meet Tony.

"Hello, you must be Tony. I'm Lynn Harless, Justin's mom. JC said you needed an agent so you scored me." She smiled and extended her hand. Tony smiled and shook her hand then shot a look at JC more or less saying 'what-the-fuck?'. The others in the room all introduced themselves as executives from Jive records. Tony smiled and nodded. JC then led Tony into a small room on the side to do vocal warm ups.

"Josh, I will get you back for this." Tony promised, kissing JC on the lips lightly. Tony then headed into the recording both with his guitar and music book. Setting it all up he look up at the tech room. Being given the thumbs up, Tony flipped to a page of his song book and started to play. Notes that were slow and a little dark echoed around the recording booth then Tony's voice started to echo as well.

Tired alone and hurt

Not knowing which way to turn

My heart and trust has been burnt

Every place of my skin you touch seems to burn

What is truth

And what is lies?

Do you really know the way the lies hurt

My trust in you begins

Begins to fade and die

My heart bleeds, love fallin apart in giant spurts

You touched my life

Now you let it fall apart

What you did was like throwing a knife

Straight into my heart.

Tony played the ending bars and looked up. JC had eyes filled with tears the others in the room were just looking on amazed at the depth of his lyrics, voice and guitar talent. Over the headset he heard Daniel ask for another song. Tony flipped the page and started to play again.

More special to me than words can describe

Not long haspassed, but love you I do

You are the angel for me that God did prescribe

Can I say now I love you?

I wish I was at your side

And I know you feel the same

My feelings for you wash and rise like a deep blue rising tide

I pray you feel the same

Can you feel the same?

Please hold me

The me the way I feel

Let me know it's meant to be

Let me know that it is for real

I know you feel the same

I can her it in your voice

I hear it in the way you speak my name

Should I have to choose between you and another

You will always be my first choice

I can honsetly say to you

That I do care

And that I really love you

I couldn't be more honest, even if I dared

Please hold me

The me the way I feel

Let me know it's meant to be

Let me know that it is for real

Finsihing playing the songs, Tony stopped and looked up. Again the people in the tech box had emotions written across their faces. Tony stood up, took off the headset, put down the guitar and walked out to them.

"Oh come on, I know I don't sing well but there's no need to cry over it." Joked Tony trying to get them to smile. One of the older gentlemen stepped forward and offered him hand to Tony.

"Welcome to the Jive family."

Bursting back into the house Tony fell down on the couch and felt JC land on top of him. Leaning up he kissed JC long and hard.

"I can't believe I have a recording deal. Thank you Josh, I never thought I would get that." Smiling JC just leant down and kissed Tony.

"Well you did. Now come on, this place is a mess, let's clean it." JC got up off Tony who looked at JC in surprise.

"Hey! I was enjoying that."

"Well start enjoying cleaning because I have rehearsals soon." JC told him.

"Well Josh hunny, if you are gonna skip out on me you can do the toilet." Groaning JC headed down towards the bathroom. Grinning Tony headed in towards the kitchen. He had just started to clean the sink when he head the toilet flush and Butterscotch scream. Not knowing what had happened he ran down to the bathroom to find JC leaning over the toilet pushing the cat in and out of the bowl.

"JOSH! What are you doing?" Exclaimed Tony.

"Oh nothing, just cleaning the toilet." Grinned JC.

"WITH MY CAT!?!?!"

"Well I couldn't find the brush so I decided the fur ball might as well be good for something." JC defended. "Beside, this is revenge." Tony walked over and took Butterscotch from JC. The cat looked at Tony dazedly, not sure of what to make of it's close encounter of the toilet bowl type. Tony took the cat down to the kitchen sink and rinsed it off then toweled it off. Tony was finishing the drying when Butterscotch scooted backwards a bit.

"Josh, take one more step closer to this cat, I will be forced to hurt you." Tony warned without turning around. Feeling arms slips around his waist and lips softly on the back of his neck.

"What if I take one step closer to you?" JC asked innocently. Tony broke free of the grasp.

"Now what have I done wrong?" asked JC put out.

"You tried to flush my cat down the toilet!" Tony told him.

"It was revenge for all the scratches on my back." JC retorted.

"Oh Josh, grow up."

"Maybe I will grow up, you want to know... by walking out the door. I'm not going to have a boyfriend who readily accepts the cat attacking me but when I do anything back to the cat, I am the worst person. Maybe it's time to look at your perspective." JC threw at Tony. With that he turned on heel, grabbed his keys and walked out the door, slamming it as he left. Tony sighed and leant back on the sink and looked at Butterscotch.

"Hope you're happy with yourself. You have me all to yourself now, you seem to love that don't you. Oh well, JC and I wouldn't have worked anyways." Sighed Tony going back and falling onto the couch where he sat watching MTV. Then when the 'It's Gonna Be Me' film clip came on Tony only heard one phrase.

And when you finally learn to love someone

Guess what

It's gonna be me

Tony sat there kicking himself for letting love walk out the door. Butterscotch came and sat on his lap.

"Oh get off me you lazy feline." Tony told Butterscotch and brushed her away. Tony didn't know how long he sat there, but he drifted off to sleep, but he was awoken by the sound that he was all too familiar with. He looked up to find JC jumping and yelping in pain as Butterscotch again, clung on for dear life to JC's back.

"Good to see somethings never change." Tony smiled, walking up to JC and prising the cat off.

"Psycho kitty still seems to think so."

"I'm sorry Josh, I didn't mean it. I love you and I was so bummed when you left, I thought you had left for good."

"Not likely Tony, I just needed time. I'm not going to leave you... ever." JC told Tony, looking down then lightly kissing him.

--- No cliffhanger this time... aren't you lucky. Well, what did you think? Feedback welcome. Both songs Tony 'wrote and sang' are mine: 1) Hurt and Alone ... mine... dedicated to Jamie. 2) Please hold me... mine... to Justin (my Justin not Nsync one). Juz...told you I'd be able to use it. 'It's Gonna be Me' belongs to Nsync. feeback? heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com oh yeah no cats were harmed in the making of this chapter ;o) Keep safe all SC.

Next: Chapter 8

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