Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 5, 2000


Warning: Okay, this is the obligatory part for me to say that if you aren't 18 (or 21 in some places) GO AWAY!!! I accept no responsibility at all should your mother walk in on you choking the chicken to this, this all you not me. So if you are under the ages I said before or are offended by M/M concepts (why are you on this site if you are?) then please leave.

This story in no way represents any of the true sexuality of any celebrity mentioned, or at least, to the best of my knowledge. Now what else, oh yeah the butt kissing when saying read the folllowing really cool stories, well I ain't done it in past chapters (yeah I know there's only been two) but I'm gonna do it this time:

Justin's Dark Angel - what can I say, a supernatural fanfiction type thingy, but it still goes off.

Garden of Songs - the shameless self-promotion thing got to me. You know how it is :o) That and it's the best band - Savage Garden.

Affirmation - Savage Garden - gotta love it.

Brandis Redemption - Haven't heard from Jonothan Brandis on the big or small screen in ages but hey, it makes for a good read.

Jamie's Secret Romance - another Justin story (where is JC?) that totally goes off.

My Suprise Romance - Lance (again where is the JC story? That's right ... I'm writing it) and it is one of the best stories that I have read.

Also, all songs featured in this story belong to respective artists. Any poetry included without acknowledging another author is mine ... you touch you die. If it's a character writing the poem ... it's mine ... if it isn't look at the bottom of the story, it will be there

And before you criticise my spelling and writing, I am Australian so any slips I don't mean, I try to write to the American spelling and terms but at times it will be hard, sorry. Yes, I'm almost done, bear with me.

Okay, you want to ask me questions or just write to me -- here is the address to write to: heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com

Here we go:

JC Dreams 5 by Sun Child

Tony looked at JC, not sure of how to explain who Matt actually was.

"Matthew ... Matthew was, is, an ex-boyfriend of mine." Tony stammered out. JC looked at Tony quizzically.

"What's wrong with that?"

"He was going out with one of my bests friend before he died." Tony seethed.

"Problem with that lies where?" Asked JC more confused than before.

"Matt drinks too much. Then when he got drunk, he used to come home and beat me. It went on like that for 18 months before Caleb and Sarah dragged me out of the relationship." Tony admitted. JC put his arm around Tony.

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to say anything you didn't want to." Tony just shook his head.

"It's not your fault. I have to face the past some time or other." Tony sighed heavily and leant back against JC's shoulder. JC just wrapped his arms around Tony and kissed him lightly on the top of the head. Tony started to close his eyes when he realised that Sarah was still sitting there with them.

"Sarah, did you want to stay here for dinner with us? It's pizza." Sarah looked at the two of them.

"Only if you don't mind ... I mean, you two probably want to be alone." Tony shook his head.

"Sarah, if I didn't want you here, I wouldn't have asked." Tony told her matter-of-factly.

"Okay then, I think I'll just take you up on it then." Sarah smiled, hugging Tony.

"Can I stay as well?" Asked JC smiling. Tony looked around, face expressionless.

"Did I ask you to? No, I think you had better leave. Do you know how hard it was for me then... you pushed hard, don't you realise that it hurt so much then." He watched as JC's face fell.

"I'm sorry Tone. I didn't mean to push. I'll just get my keys and I'll go." JC started to stand when Tony jumped on his back and pulled him back down onto the couch.

"Not on your life babe." Tony told him grinning.

About an hour later, the three of them were sitting there, basically inhaling their pizza.

"Man, I didn't realise how hungry I was." JC commented, chowing down on another piece.

"Neither did we. It's almost entirely gone and Sarah and I haven't had that much." Tony said, his voice devoid of emotion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eat that much." JC grinned sheepishly.

"So you should be." Threw in Sarah. They all smiled.

"Well at least you're smiling now." JC commented towards Tony and Sarah. The other two just looked at each other realising that they had in fact, let Brendon's death slip away from them.

Hours later, Sarah finally left after they had all sat down and gotten it all out of their systems. It was like a wake for Tony and Sarah. JC sat there and held Tony and kept a hand on Sarah's arm. The other two were comforted by JC's steady presence. As Tony and JC were climbing into bed Tony looked over at JC.

"Thank you so much for that Josh. You have no idea what it meant to just have you there holding me through it all." Josh smiled then leant over and kissed Tony lightly on the forehead.

"What else am I here for but to support you?" Lying down JC started to wrap his arms around Tony went he felt something sharp land and bite into his skin. Sitting up abruptly he yelped. Tony sat up in somewhat shock.

"Tony your psycho kitty is back." JC continued to yelp dancing around the room. Tony grinned then climbed out of bed and walked over to where JC was trying to get Butterscotch off. Sliding his hands lightly under butterscotch, he lifted the cat away and put it outside the bedroom and closed the door. Coming back he wrapped his arms around JC who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Why doesn't that cat like me?" JC asked.

"Mainly because when I was seeing Matthew and he would beat me, he would also hit the cat. Then the cat would run to me and I would hide it and get hit for it. So the cat only really likes me. It'll tolerate Caleb but no one else. Now come on, we need sleep. I have class tomorrow." Tony told JC unhappily.

"You think you have it bad ... I got rehearsals for the upcoming tour tomorrow ... imagine how happy I am." Tony looked over at JC.

"Tour?" JC's face fell when he realised what it meant.

"Oh man, I don't want to go on tour anymore. I want to stay here. I guess we'll cope though. I mean, it's not that long." Tony looked at JC.

"Josh, it's over 8 months long, and international."

"I know Tone, I know. We'll find a way to make it work. I'm not going to lose you now. Not when I just found you. Not now." JC promised and hugged Tony tightly. Together they lay there, falling into a deep sleep.

Seven the next morning Tony was jolted awake by the alarm at his side going ballistic. Reaching over, Tony switched it off and looked over at JC, still asleep. He leant over and kissed JC lightly. Not moving, Tony started to drag his fingers lightly over JC's bare back. At this JC stirred then when Tony kissed him again, was wide awake.

"Mmmmm. Two morning straight of waking up to this, I could start to like this." Tony smiled.

"So could I. Now if you'll let me go, I have to go get ready for school." JC shook his head.

"Not fair, I wanted to lie here and cuddle."

"What time are your rehearsals Josh?"

"Nine. Why do you ask?"

"Because before that time, we have to get me up, showered and dressed. You, up, home, showered, and dressed and at rehearsals in less than two hours." JC nodded.

"Good point. I'll go make some breakfast." Tony nodded and walked over to his wardrobe and grabbed some clothes then headed off to the bathroom. Reappearing ten minutes later, Tony found JC sitting down at the table with a cup of coffee and a fruit salad he'd made. Tony kissed him lightly on the cheek as he sat down as well. Looking down he saw he had the same fruit salad.

"Culinery genius aren't you." Commented Tony to JC.

"If you say so." Smiled JC.

"Well, let's eat the I can drop you home and then to rehearsals and I'll pick you up after school?" JC nodded.

"What time would that be?"

"Well, for me that's just after one seeing as it's Monday." JC nodded again.

"Well, I won't finish until about two." Tony just nodded.

"Cool, I'll come watch you." JC grinned.

"I'd like that. Now come on, eat. Otherwise we'll both be late." Smiling Tony chowed down on the salad infront of him.

As 8:30 ticked by, Tony and JC again climbed into JC's car (Tony again behind the wheel) and sped away from JC's flat. Pulling up outside a large warehouse, the saw the other guys standing there on the sidewalk waiting for JC. As JC got out of the car he turned back and said

"Just walk into the side door and you'll be where we rehearse." Tony nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you about 1:30 this afternoon." Smiling, JC closed the door. Tony was about to drive off when there was a tap on his window. Looking up with a start he saw Chris. Winding the window down he looked out.


"You gotta teach me how to get JC to let me drive this thing." He grinned.

"Well, I'll give you a few hints. Smile sweetly, give him something he wants and if that doesn't work ... just take off with his keys." Chris nodded and laughed. "Okay Chris, I'll be back about 1:30 to watch you guys rehearse then drop JC home." Chris nodded.

"Cool man, see ya then." Smiling, Tony waved and wound up the windows and started to drive off when Justin stepped infront of the car. Shaking his head, Tony put the car in reverse and did a perfect u-turn and drove away.

Tony was sitting in class later that day when one of his students came up to him and handed him a rough copy of an essay to look over. As he read the student spoke softly.

"Mr Scott do you have a new girlfriend?" Without looking up Tony responded.

"No I don't have a girlfriend." The student's eyes widened then they spoke in a more hushed tone.

"Then you must have a boyfriend?" Tony's head jerked up.

"What makes you say that?" His voice also soft so that only the student could hear.

"Because hickey's like that don't appear out of no where." Tony groaned inwardly.

"It so happens I met a lady Saturday night and I had what's known as a one night stand." Tony lied. The student just nodded.

"Then why are you driving her car if it was a one night stand sir?"

"Because that's a friend's car, not hers and not mine."

"Wow, rich friend ... it's a nice car."

"Thank you. If you or any of your friends touch it though."

"Touch that car... you gotta be kidding. Who owns it?"

"Josh, he's a good friend of mine."

"Does Josh have a last name?"

"Do you?"

"Yes, of course I have a last name." The student replied indignantly.

"Well there's your answer." Tony replied.

"Come on sir." Tony looked up at the student.

"Does it really matter."


"Fine, Josh's last name is Chasez." The students eyes widened again. Tony brough his finger up to his lips.

"One word and you fail." The student nodded. Tony finished marking the paper and gave it back to the student murmuring

"One word."

By the time one rolled around Tony was glad to get out of school and pulling up outside the warehouse where he had dropped JC off he was surprised to see that the entire band were sitting out the front having a break. JC looked up and saw the car and then started to walk towards it. Tony smiled then his face fell as he saw Justin also stand. Fortunately though, Lance put his hand on Justin's shoulder and pulled him back down. Tony opened the door of the car and climbed out only to be swept into a hug by JC.

"Josh?!?!?! What are you doing?" Asked Tony shocked.

"It's okay. When I got here this morning Justin had already told them all. They were all cool with it. They all know about you and me as well."

"HE DID WHAT!" Exploded Tony. JC cringed. The others all heard him though there was over 20 meters seperating them, then they all turned to look at Justin. Stepping around JC he started to walk towards Justin. Justin stood and back away slightly. Being a teacher, Tony had learnt the ways to play students to his own needs, this was no different. Tony was playing fear, and playing the guilt that he assumed Justin would also be feeling.

Stopping only feet away from Justin Tony seethed.

"What the fuck gave you the right to do what you just did?"

"You were taking Josh away from the band."

"Hmmm ... funny I seem to remember driving him to and from the recording studio yesterday, then to rehearsals today." Tony threw back, his voice cold and hard. Justin's eyes darted nervously.

"You blew your chance to get me onside, I'm not a good person to cross Justin." Tony said and turned away. As soon as Tony's back was turned Justin spoke.

"Why? Are you going to pervert me like you did Josh, change me to your fag ways as well?" Tony turned and covered the distance between them in seconds, then grabbed Justins shirt, lifted him off the ground and up against the wall of the warehouse.

"I did't pervert anyone Justin. Now either you grow up and retract that statement or have a hole where your face used to be." In respone Justin spat onto the ground beside him. Tony didn't blink instead he pulled back his other fist and started to drive it home.

--- Guess who's gonna get a black eye. Maybe, maybe not. We'll just have to wait and see won't we. Well, sorry it took so long to get this up but I've had things on my mind and that. I'll try to keep the postings more regular in future. Write to me and let me know -= heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com =- Keep it safe ya all. SC.

Next: Chapter 6

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