Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 24, 2000


Warning: Okay, this is the obligatory part for me to say that if you aren't 18 (or 21 in some places) GO AWAY!!! I accept no responsibility at all should your mother walk in on you choking the chicken to this, this all you not me. So if you are under the ages I said before or are offended by M/M concepts (why are you on this site if you are?) then please leave.

This story in no way represents any of the true sexuality of any celebrity mentioned, or at least, to the best of my knowledge. Now what else, oh yeah the butt kissing when saying read the folllowing really cool stories, well I ain't done it in past chapters (yeah I know there's only been two) but I'm gonna do it this time:

Justin's Dark Angel - what can I say, a supernatural fanfiction type thingy, but it still goes off.

Affirmation - Savage Garden - gotta love it.

Brandis Redemption - Haven't heard from Jonothan Brandis on the big or small screen in ages but hey, it makes for a good read.

Jamie's Secret Romance - another Justin story (where is JC?) that totally goes off.

My Suprise Romance - Lance (again where is the JC story? That's right ... I'm writing it) and it is one of the best stories that I have read.

Also, all songs featured in this story belong to respective artists. Any poetry included without acknowledging another author is mine ... you touch you die. If it's a character writing the poem ... it's mine ... if it isn't look at the bottom of the story, it will be there

And before you criticise my spelling and writing, I am Australian so any slips I don't mean, I try to write to the American spelling and terms but at times it will be hard, sorry. Yes, I'm almost done, bear with me.

Okay, you want to ask me questions or just write to me -- here is the address to write to: heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com now one last thing

To my man... I LOVE YOU!!!!! Now I will start don't worry, unless of course you want me to talk more next time, in which case let me know and I will. Here we go:

JC Dreams 03 by Sun Child

Hearing JC cry out, Tony bolted from the bathroom to find JC dancing around the lounge room with Butterscotch hanging on for dear life to JC's back.

"Tony, can you get this psychotic cat of my back." Yelped JC. Tony walked over and placed his hands around the offending feline.

"Sorry, I forgot to mention Butterscotch doesn't like strange men in the house." Tony apologised with a slight smile and the event which had just unfolded. JC just shook his head then came and wrapped his arms around Tony's waist after the car had taken it's leave.

"Yes well, that cat needs to learn manners. I don't intend to stop coming around here just for it. I might want to see my boyfriend every now and then you know." Tony smiled at JC and looked into his piercing blue eyes.

"Well, I would hope you would want to come visit me every now and then." Groused Tony playfully.

"Try and keep me away." JC leaned into kiss Tony and as their lips were to meet, JC's cell phone rang in his pocket. JC groaned and Tony smiled.

"Sorry about that. I'm gonna start to turn this thing off." Tony just shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'm goin' for my shower now." With that Tony turned and headed back down towards the bathroom.

After Tony had showered, shaved and changed he reappeared in the lounge room to find a very sullen looking JC.

"Babe what's up?" asked Tony, plopping down beside him in the lounge chair.

"That was Scoop. They want us to go back into the studio to relay a few tracks. Looks like the plan for the day is gone. This was meant to be one of my days off as well." Scowled JC.

"Well, you want the money, you gotta put in the time." JC just nodded then brightened a little.

"Hey, you want to come watch us. Yeah it might be a little boring, but you would be able to meet all the guys. You'd love them and I know that they'd love you." Tony looked at JC in surprise.

"Wouldn't you get in trouble?" JC shook his head.

"We're always bringing friends along to the studio. It won't be anything new." Tony just nodded.

"I think I can do that for you, yeah I'll come. I've always wanted to see inside a recording studio." With that JC grabbed Tony by the hands and dragged him towards the door.

"Well come on then. I have to be there, I mean, we have to be there in like 30 minutes." Tony half laughed as he felt himself being dragged out the door. JC's enthusiasm was infectious.

JC and Tony were walking towards the car when Tony turned to JC.

"Yes you can drive." JC told him without looking.

"Thank you babe!" Bubbled Tony leaning over kissing him on the cheek. JC smiled and handed Tony the keys.

"Scratch the paint on it and look out." Smiled JC as Tony climbed in behind the wheel.

"Okay babe, give me directions." smiled Tony, starting the car.

"Left here ... here here here!" JC yelled.

"Okay babe, no need to yell at me." Tony said defensively.

"Sorry, I just thought we'd go by the turn off street."

"Hey, I wouldn't get you lost. I want you in that studio so I can hear my baby singing. Watching what he's doin' at work." JC blushed slightly.

"Just remember to behave in front of the guys for me hun." JC murmered at Tony.

"Would I do that to you babe? Come on, give me some credit, the others don't even know me..." Tony was about to say more when JC interupted and pointed.

"That's the studio." Tony indicated and pulled the car over and into the parking lot where the rest of the band were all waiting.

Climbing out of the car, JC looked back in where Tony was breathing deeply.

"Are you coming or not?" Tony looked up.

"Yeah, but it's like a big step for me here ... meeting all your friends for the first time." JC smiled at Tony.

"Shut up and get out of the car." Tony smiled and opened the car door.

As soon as he stepped out of the car he heard the others all call out to JC. Tony swallowed hard.

'Here it comes.' He thought. 'The part where they kill me for stealing there man from them.' Tony looked up and saw the Justin wave to him. Tony smiled back not wanting to wave incase it was at JC who was basically right beside him. As Tony and JC made their way over to the others Tony felt his palms start to sweat.

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet Tony, he's a friend of mine." JC said to the others. On the word friend, Justin's head jerked up and looked hard at Tony. Feeling slightly intimidated, Tony stepped back. The others all smiled and greeted him like they would a fan, friendly, smiling but slightly distant.

"Well come on, we gotta go do this recording." Lance said to the rest of the band. As they all started to head into the studio, Chris fell into step beside Tony.

"Man, I gotta ask ya. How did you get JC to let you drive his car? He doesn't even let Curly drive it."

"It's called being able to manipulate. I'm a high school teacher, I know these things." Laughed Tony. JC heard Tony laugh and turned to see what was going on. He saw Tony walking with Chris and smiled.

'Maybe they will just accept him without the usual distancing thing they do.' JC thought to himself.

Tony sat in the mixing booth watching the group do vocal warm ups.

'He sounds so good. Looks good too.' Thought Tony as he watched JC. He then moved his gaze a little and caught Justin giving him the evil eye again.

'What is his problem? Man, I wish he would stop that.'

Tony then watched as the group went into the recording booth and stepped up around the mics provided.

"What are they recording?" Tony asked the guy sitting next to him.

"They're re-recording 'Promise You' and doing a song that they just got. It's called 'Love in the Beyond' should be great. I heard a little about the story behind it. Some guy's ex-boyfriend committed suicide and wrote it as a poem then worked it to a song. Sounds bloody fantastic, well the music does and should sound awesome, JC's doin' lead vocals and the others just do back up. Hang on, they're ready to start." The technician pushed some buttons and made some adjustments on a board infront of him and he saw the group all start to pay serious attention to the song.

When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here when you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

I've loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And know this feeling won't go away

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Over and over I fall

When I hear you call

Without you in my life, baby

I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And knwo that this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

I promise you

Tony sat there, his breath taken away. When they finally stopped singing, JC looked up and smiled at Tony. The technician spoke up.

"Guys that was great, you did it all beautifully, I think we can just take that recording of it and play with the music a bit now but the vocals were spot on. Why don't you take an hours break and then come back and we'll do 'Love in the Beyond'." The guys cheered, removed the headphones and walked out of the recording booth. Tony walked out of the recording booth and met up with the rest of them.

"Wow, that was really well done. Justin, your harmonies with JC were amazing. I loved it." Tony told them. Justin smiled hollowly, his blue eyes hard. Tony felt himself shiver.

"So what are you saying? We aren't all that good?" Joey asked pouting.

"Of course I am. We all know that Nsync is a JC and Justin band." Laughed Tony. Joey looked over at Chris and Lance,

"I say we get him don't you." Tony looked at them blankly. JC lightly tapped Tony on the shoulder.

"Can I give you a hint here... RUN!" Tony turned with a blank expression on his face.

"Whaaaa...." started Tony as he felt Joey and Chris tackle him. Then he felt himself being picked up and carried off.

"Let me down you big oafs." Tony told Chris and Joey. "I am so going to get you both back for this you realise."

"Really? How are you planning to do that?" asked Joey.

"I'm gonna bring my year 9 english class to the studio tomorrow if you don't put me down now." The comment stopped both in their tracks.

"You wouldn't do that would you?" Chris asked, a slight tremor in his voice.

"Have you ever taken on a guy who has his rags?" asked Tony. Joey and Chris quite promptly dropped Tony to the ground.

"You'll keep, just no more jokes about the Curly and JC only band. There are five people in this band not two." Chris told him.

"It was only meant as a joke." Tony told them. They nodded and walked back towards the rest of the group.

As Tony made his way back he called off to the side to go use the bathroom. Half way there he felt someone grab his arm. Turning he saw JC.

"Heya babe." Tony told him turning around, wrapping his arms around JC's neck.

"Heya yourself." replied JC leaning in for a kiss. Gently their lips met and the kissed, neither wanting the sensuality of it to end. Eventually they finished and pulled apart.

"So what were you about to do?" asked JC.

"Go use the little boy's room if that's okay with you." smiled Tony.

"Well, I just finished there, so I'm heading back out to the tea room. I'll wait for you there then we can go get lunch. Scoop managed to get us an extra hour off." JC smiled and started to turn and walk away. Tony reached out and grabbed his shirt.

"Hey you." Tony said.

"Yes what?"

"Who said I was finished? I want another kiss before you disappear into the other room." JC leaned over and kissed Tony's lips softly and seductivly. As the broke apart Tony smiled.

"Okay, got what I wanted you can go now." JC smiled and as Tony turned, whacked Tony on the ass. Laughing, JC scooted down the hallway. Tony shook his head and continued on his way to the bathroom.

As Tony was washing his hands, Justin walked in.

"Hey Justin." Tony said smiling. Justin just glared over at Tony.

"Okay that's it. What is your problem?" asked Tony, smile falling. "All you've done the entire time I've been near you all is frown and glare and give me the evil eye. What is your problem?"

"I will tell you this once and once only." Began Justin menacingly. "You stay away from JC or you will live to regret it. That's not a threat, that's a promise." Not knowing what to make of the comment Tony turned and walked out the door.

As Tony made his way to the tea room he kept on going over what Justin had just said to him. Tony walked into the tea room and saw JC sitting over talking to Lance and Chris. When JC saw Tony he waved and smiled. Tony half waved and walked over to where he was sitting.

"JC, can I borrow your car so I can go home. If you give me a call, I can come and pick you up." Tony asked on the quiet.

"Why? I thought that you wanted to stay here and watch how this part was done." JC said, clearly confused.

"Yeah well, some people have just made it clear they don't want me here." Was all Tony said. JC nodded and handed Tony his keys.

"I'll walk you out to the car." JC told Tony and with that they both stood up.

"I'll see you all later. It was nice meeting you all, I hope I can do it again sometime." The other three nodded and waved goodbye. On their way out of the tea room Justin walked in. He gave Tony an icy stare when he saw JC standing behind Tony.

"Going already Tony? Here we were, getting along so well. You'll have to come visit us again sometime." The words were pleasant enough, but Tony knew the underlying meanings that sat there just beyond reach.

"I hope so Justin, I hope so."

As they reached the car, Tony turned to JC.

"I'm sorry that I'm bailing on you like this, I don't mean to, but like I said, some people have made it clear that I'm not welcome."

"Really? Who? No wait ... Justin?" JC guessed. Tony looked up startled.

"What makes you say that?"

"Hey, I've known Justin for years. He's one of my best buds. The thing is he doesn't like the idea of me being gay. Well, he doesn't mind the idea of me being gay, but if I find a boyfriend he sees that as them trying to take me away from him. I guess he's kinda grown attatched to me over the years because whenever we toured, I would be the one who would look out for him and stuff like that ... nothing to major but yeah. I'll sort it out. I'm really sorry about that though."

"That's okay, I don't mind. Are you going to stay at my place tonight?" asked Tony.

"With that maniac cat? I dunno."

"Well, I'll be there to scare away the maniac cat and keep it at bay." JC smiled.

"Well I think I can do that then." Tony kissed JC lightly.

"Okay, well give me a call when you are done here and I'll come pick you up."

"But I wanted you to hear the song we're doing next ... this guy, his ex-boyfriend killed himself and the guy took it really hard and wrote a poem. He then changed it to a song and sent it to us along with a demo. He has the most beautiful voice, it was so sad and soulful the way he sang it and he asked for me to do the lead vocals."

"Well, bring the demo home of you can and we can listen to it tonight." Tony suggested.

"Okay cool, I just gotta get it off Daniel, the technician. Tell him I just want to listen to it in it's original format."

"Okay see you then sweetie." Tony told JC as he leaned in and kissed JC gently on the lips. He then opened the driver's door and climbed in and started the car.

"Drive safe, I don't want my baby hurt."

"Don't worry there won't be a scratch anywhere on the paint work." Smiled Tony and drove off.

Several hours later Tony heard the phone ring and was about to let it ring out when he remembered JC. Springing from the couch he leapt to the phone.

"Hello?" Tony answered.

"Hey babe, I'm finished here and was wonderin' if you wanted to perhaps bring my car back and sort of pcik me up and that type of stuff?"

"Okay, I'll be there soon... could you get the song?"

"Ayup, it's right here in my hand, waiting for you to listen to it with me."

"Cool, well I'll come and get you now."

"Bye" Tony hung up the phone and grabbed the keys to JC's car and headed for the door, grabbing his wallet on the way out.

Pulling up outside the studio, Tony noticed only JC.

"Don't tell me all the others bailed on you already." JC shook his head.

"Nah, I just told them that they didn't need to wait so they left. That and Justin isn't in the best of moods with me."

"You didn't tell him about us did you?" asked Tony suddenly worried.

"Ummmmm... yeah I did. Don't worry it's cool. He's just gotta take time to get used to the idea." As they started to drive JC pulled the demo CD out of his pocket. Opening the case, he slid it into the car's stereo.

"Prepare to be blown away." Said JC. Tony listened as gentle acoustic guitars started to filter through the system followed by a somber tone of a piano. Then a beautiful, rich voice came through over the top.

Love beyond grief

Love beyond pain

Tears falling like the saddest rain

Love, your life's theif

We both hurt eachother

Now you are gone

I love you, closer than any brother

You are gone now, so how do I go on?

We promised to be there forever

I promised to look after you

Promises made over a white feather

My promises now untrue

I wasn't there for you

I promised I would be

I feel empty without you

I'm sorry I didn't know this would be

Even now in your death

I feel you watching me

I know you loved me in total truth

I was just blind and didn't see.

Tony was blinking back tears as the voice faded and the instruments faded as well.

"I can't begin to imagine the pain this guy is feeling. How old is he?" Tony asked JC.

"18, 19 in a few weeks. The guy was 21. Such a young age to die. Promise me you won't do anything to make me hurt like that." JC said to Tony.

"I never could Josh, I never could." Tony told him as he pulled into the parking space, then leaned over and hugged JC tight, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Okay, there it is, the latest in JC Dreams. So how do you think it's going? Thanks to Chris for pointing out a mistake that I have made... I will do my best to correct it. Let's see how many others can pick it ... the mistake is in the previous two chapters. Good hunting.

Also the song 'Love in the Beyond' is mine, the story behind it is true as well. Which is why I dedicate the JC Dreams series to Brendon. I loved him for a long time and always will. JC was Brendon's fav Nsyncer so JC Dreams was born at Brendon's request. I hope you all enjoy it as much as he would have.

If you have any comments on ways I can improve this series for you the reader drop me a line and let me know : heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com

Keep safe ya hear me, SC.

Next: Chapter 4

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