Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Found the missing Chapter so many of you are after and with it comes my most sincere apologies!

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means associated with JIVE / ZOMBA records. Nor do I claim any knowledge of the members of Nsync and their true sexuality. If you are under 18 (or 21 as by law) I at this point as if you could please cease reading. If you are offended by male/male concepts please stop reading. I accept no responsibility from you or concerened others if this story offends or gets you in trouble.

AUTHOR'S WORDS: I am thanking so many of my wonderful readers for having put up with me not posting this part for so long. I am glad that you have all continued reading and supporting JC Dreams for as long as you have. To reach the heights the series has means a lot to me... an Australian author who one day sat down and started writing a series called JC Dreams. If I were to think of all the names of encouragement I would not have enough time left to post this story. I hope that this story reaches you all and gives you something to kick back and enjoy. All owners of songs are listed at the end of this story. SC.

AUTHOR'S THANKS: My first big and major thanks goes to the Nifty Archivist. Without his support, JC Dreams wouldn't have reached the heights it has today. Many thanks also goes to Carsten, my fav ambo who never ceases to give me hapiness as he writes and gives me hints and company with his emails and wry sense of fun. Carsten, you are a pleasure to know, even if only through email. Jordan, my little brother, if I can call you that. Your age defies your wisdom my young friend. I hope you reach out in life for your dreams because I know you deserve it. Jillybeans, my never ending source of JC pictures. It's always a pleasure to talk to you through whatever medium is made available to us. Your laughter is one of the gems of the world as are you. Tim, my friend, so many hard assed edges in life and you seem to cop more than your fair share. I'm not here to offer sympathy, but friendship... as always. Finally, thanks to any reader who takes the time to, not necessarily write in, but to read JC Dreams and enjoy it for what it really is. SC.


Search and Rescue - (boy bands) JC and non-celeb, Matt.

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) Justin Timberlake and non-celeb.

Cruel Intentions - (boy bands) Justin, JC and non-celeb Rick



JC Dreams 26 by Sun Child

The days and weeks passed as JC and Tony talked and tried to figure out what to do with Lance's new found feelings for Justin. Justin remained thankfully oblivious to it all. Everytime they thought they had a soloution something would happen and it was back to the drawing boards. Fortunately, the group was tied up with their tour and promotion of 'Celebrity'. Tony was also busy with his own album promotions and tour so minds were taken off emotions frequently.

Tony and JC were relaxing in their hotel room after a long promotional day. All that Tony could think about was sleeping while JC wanted to talk.

"Tone, what are we going to do about Justin and Lance?" JC asked, bringing up their most common of conversations of late.

"I don't know. At the moment, I'm going to slee and am not in the mood to really think about it." JC looked over at Tony in surprise.

"Okay what who are you and what have you done with my Tony?" Tony looked at JC with an arched eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"That's the first time I've ever heard you want to leave someone else's problem alone or at least act slightly ignorant to it for even five minutes." JC commented.

"Thanks Josh, just make me sound like a busy body." Tony smiled poking his tongue at JC.

"I didn't mean it to sound bad, which it probably did, but I didn't mean it to." JC tried to get out of the hole he'd just dug himself. Tony laughed at the attempt and leant over and kissed him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just tired and probably a bit testy. I have just spent the day being mobbed by a few hundred prepubescent teenage girls." Tony told him grimacing.

"You get used to it after a while."

"My ass was pinced by more than half of them and I had one ask me to marry them." Sighed Tony.

"I hope you told them no, you are engaged to one of your incredibly sexy tour companions."

"But I told Joey I'm with you!" Tony sighed in mock disappointment. JC rolled over on top of his boyfriend and kissed him on the lips. Tony closed his eyes as he kissed back. He felt JC's hands run down his side and then up under his shirt and moaned at the sensation then jumped and squirmed as JC started to tickle him.

"No fair." Tony wheezed out as JC continued his tickle assault. Eventually JC stopped and kissed Tony passionately on the lips. Tony kissed JC back gently but passionately and opened his mouth and let JC's tongue intrude. Soon the pair were both undressed and making heated love.

Half way through there was a knock at the door and JC groaned. Tony called out

"We're busy!"

"It's important!" Came Justin's voice through the door.

"Can it wait?"

"Not really."

"Give me five minutes."

"Okay." JC fell forwards on Tony's chest.

"You give in to him too easily." He said quietly.

"I know. I also give way to you too easily as well. I was going to slee when you wanted to start all this." JC shrugged.

"We're getting married."

"He's family."

"Do I have to move?"

"Yes. We'll finish when I get back." Tony promised. JC nodded and rolled off Tony after kissing him one last time. Tony reached down beside the bed and found a pair of boxers and slipped them on. He then walked over to the suitcases and raided them for a pair of jeans and shirt. After pulling them on, he grabbed his cell phone, a cap and his wallet and headed out. Justin was leaning against the wall opposite.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you two while you were sleeping."

"We weren't sleeping Juz. Don't play ignorant with me, you knew exactly what was going on." Tony said seriously.

"I can't help it if you have bad timing."

"Juz, every time Josh and I try to over the last two weeks, you have knocked on our door." Tony told him smiling.

"Not my fault you two bunnies go for it in between radio promos, in stores and sound checks." Justin retorted grinning as well.

Soon the pair were down in the hotel coffee shop.

"Now what can I do for you?" Asked Tony.

"Well, I wanted to know if Lance is okay. Every time I go to talk to him he runs away from me. Have I done something to upset him or do I just have really bad B.O.?"

"I don't know Juz. Maybe he has some issues he wants to deal with and anyone else around him just sets him off. I'll talk to him if you want."

"No, it's okay. I'll work it out." Justin said looking at the table.

"Okay Juz. I know you too well. What else is wrong?" Tony asked.

"I'm a book aren't I, easily read."

"I would have said more like a magazine, a whole heap of shit to cover the deep truths, but that's me. I look past it and I know there's something wrong now tell me what it is."

"I'm full of shit? Geez thanks Tone, love you too." Justin said poking his tongue at Tony in mock hurt.

"You know what I meant, now tell me what's wrong." Tony pushed.

"Well, I guess it's the whole thing to do with you and me. I am over you, don't get me wrong and that just sounded really bad didn't it."

"It did but we will ignore it for now okay." Tony told him.

"Well, I don't want to sleep with you anymore, I don't want a relationship with you anymore, but I want something. That sounds weird I know, but it's just what's inside."

"Well, how about friendship as a trade off." Suggested Tony. Justin shook his head.

"No, I already have that. It's like I want you as family I guess. It's like I want to be able to cuddle of up to you and have you know there's nothing behind it and not have JC staring at me plotting my demise."

"Well, you know I am here, you know I consider you a little brother and as for cuddling up to me, you don't have to worry about me thinking there's something behind it because even if there was I would play ignorant and just think of it as you being friendly. Juz, I love and care for you, I don't mind if you want a cuddle every now and then, and to be honest, Josh won't care. I've talked to him about it and he's fine. It's all in the past now. For all three of us as far as Josh and I are concerned." Tony confided in Justin who smiled at the news. Finishing their coffee's they headed back up to the room. Justin to his room and Lance and Tony into his and the awaiting JC.

Several hours later, the group met to head to the stadium for a sound check. The group did a few warm-ups and settled down to wait for the show to begin. Tony sat on the couch next to JC and talked idly when Justin plopped down beside them and lay across both Tony and JC's laps.

"Private party or can anyone join?" He grinned. Tony looked down at Justin.

"That's what you ask when you knock on our door tonight." Justin made a disgusted face.

"Too much information."

"Well don't ask. Now what can we do for you."

"Slap Lance?"

"Why would you want us to do that?" Asked JC in surprise.

"Because I went to speak to him before and he said something about having to go talk to management and walked out of the room. Five seconds later, I walked into Joey and Chris' room and he was there talking to them. I mentioned something about it and he just got up and left the room. I wanted to ask him if I had done something wrong but everytime I walk near him he walks the other way." Justin said confused. Tony motioned for Justin to move.

"I'll go talk to Lance." Justin moved and Tony got up.

"I'll be back." Tony told them and walked off.

Tony found Lance on the stage going through some moves with Fatima. He looked up as Tony walked on stage and tripped on the step and landed face first in the floor. Fatima just rolled her eyes.

"Thank you Tony. We just about had it."

"What song?"

"Digital Get Down."

"I'll go through it with him." Tony offered. Fatima quietly thanked all deity's that were close by.

"Okay sure. I'll be backstage if you need me." Tony nodded and offered Lance a hand up. As they went through the steps Tony assisted at the steps Lance had problems until it was running smoothly. When the pair had finished, they sat down and Tony looked at Lance.

"Why do you keep running from Justin?"

"I don't."

"James, don't you dare lie to me. I talk to Justin and you know it, you know he tells me all about things like that. You lied to him earlier and he's really hurt by it."

"I don't go near him so I can control myself."

"Well control yourself and be honest with him."

"I can't he's hate me."

"You know that for a fact do you?" Asked Tony. Lance shook his head.

"I know he would." Tony shook his head and stood up.

"Show how much faith you have in your friendship. If you really did trust him as a friend, you would go and talk to him about it. Friendships and relationships are based on truth. Give and take, try giving out honesty and take the response and run with it." Tony suggested. With that he walked backstage leaving Lance to ponder what he had said.

When Tony got back to the common room, JC and Justin were there talking and both looked up as he entered.

"Give him time, he'll open up." Tony advised and sat down. The other two just nodded and went back to talking. Tony sat down on JC's lap and kissed him on the forehead. JC's hand crept up under Tony's shirt. Tony looked at JC and grinned while Justin groaned beside them.

"Get a room you two."

After a time, Lance wandered into the common room and saw Justin, JC and Tony sitting talking and wandered over.

"Juz, can you spare some time to talk?" Justin looked up and nodded. Tony looked at Lance with an arched eyebrow and Lance nodded his head very slightly.

Justin came back into the common room a short time later, his face showed a slight distress and happiness mixed into a confusing mess of emotions tracing his face. Tony was instantly on his feet and by Justin's side.

"Juz? What's wrong?"

"Lance said he loved me." Justin admitted. Tony hugged Justin.

"How did you leave Lance?"

"He told me, I said it was cool and we talked then his phone rang and I left."

"I'm guessing you don't really feel the same do you."

"No I don't and I feel bad for it."

"Don't feel bad for what isn't your fault Justin. Look, we're on stage in an hour. Forget about it for now and we can work it out tonight when we get back to the motel. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good. Thanks Tony."

"Any time Juz."

--- Sorry it took so long to get it to Nifty. The missing is now found. Feedback as per usual -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- SC.

Next: Chapter 29

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