Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jul 9, 2001


JC Dreams returns!!!

DISCLAIMER: If you are under 18 (or 21 depending on place of residence) please do not continue on here. If you are underaged, I accept no responsiblity of your actions. Your mama walk in on you chocking the chicken it's all you and not me. If you are offended by m/m concepts, please leave now as they are here! I claim no inside knowledge to Nsync, their sexuality and private lives. I have no affiliation with Jive or Zomba records. All songs used in this story belong to respective artists and they will be acknowledged at the bottom.

FEEDBACK: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messenger available.


Garden of Song - (boy bands) my second series - Daniel Jones from Savage Garden with a non-celeb Dan. Touching at times, at other times in your face. I love writing it and I hope you like reading it.

Yesterdays Child - (high school) my third series - Jesse and Nick are two high school boys in love. It offers a stark look at life and how cruel it can be. I suggest this is read if you enjoy sad stories and love stories.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) my fourth series- Justin and JC from Nsync. It's taken me time to like writing it but I'm there and I will be putting up parts soon.

AUTHOR'S THANKS: I must thank everyone who wrote in and supported me during my abscence from posting on Nifty due to my personal problems. I didn't realise who many people read my work until all the mail came in. I still have a few things to sort out, but I am back on-line and happy to be back at working on the stories. Large thanks must got to Tim (Squiges), Jordan, Jill Gase, and the others who have been helping me with things and being friends to me. Without you all I would have sunk during this time away. I'm glad to know I have you all to talk to. Carsten, as much as I was away, it didn't stop you from writing and telling me how to improve the series. Somethings will never change. Always my editor who only gets his way when I'm too lazy to argue the point out. Hope the head is better my friend. Jordan, my friend you have wisdom beyond your years. I love ya for it and the support you give me. Tim, I hope that things improve for you my friend. It drives me to distraction that I can't help you more. You are in my thoughts. Jill, you bitch you're going to Nsync and not taking me!!! How rude!!! Cav, I don't know words to say my heart, mind or soul in relation to you. You are you... something I wouldn't change for the world. Thanks.

Well, that's enough of your time taken. Thank you all.

This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10 - January - 1980 to 21 - August - 2000. Eternal rest grant until him O'Lord, may he rest in peace. The series is born out of my love for him and his fascination with Nsync and JC.

JC Dreams 24 by Sun Child

JC, Justin and Tony stood there for a while then let go and smiled. Tony looked at JC.

"Do we tell the others?" JC shrugged not knowing or caring. Tony leant in and hugged JC again. Justin stood back and watched them. They seemed so happy and together with it all. Now they would be together forever. It brought a smile to Justin's face knowing that he hadn't totally screwed things up. The three walked out and onto the stage where the other three were going over some steps with Fatima. Fatima looked at the three which has just arrived.

"You will be pleased to know that Wade has handed in his resignation. He cannot reveal any of what he has seen under the contract he signed." The others all looked at eachother and smiled. The original team was back. With that the group went into rehearsal and revised what Wade had done and what Fatima wanted from them. Several hours passed and the group retired to the common room to get ready for the show that night.

Sitting in the dressing room Lance looked at Tony and JC.

"So have things been sorted out between you?" Tony looked at JC and smiled. JC nodded to Lance then spoke up.

"Guys, we have something to tell you." Chris and Joey looked at eachother and Lance got a worried look on his face.

"Good or bad?" Asked Joey, his concern betraying in his voice.

"Well that depends." Said Tony. "How would you feel if we asked you to all be best men at mine and Josh's wedding." Lance looked at them open mouthed, while Chris and Joey jumped up and hugged JC and Tony. Lance looked at Justin.

"You knew this didn't you?" Justin just nodded his head. Lance smiled.

"I take it you three are okay again." Again Justin nodded. Lance walked over and hugged Justin then turned around.

"GROUP HUG!!!!" The group gathered and gave each other a massive hug only to have it disturbed by a knock on the door. The group let go and Tony went and opened the door. Standing there was Sarah and Caleb.

"Think we'd miss tonight?" Asked Sarah laughing at Tony's jaw hanging open.

"It's your first show since everything expoloded so we though we'd better be here." Caleb explained. Tony nodded and motioned for them to come into the room.

"Well, you need to know the news now." TOny said standing next to JC and Justin.

"And it is?" Asked Sarah curious.

"I'm engaged." Tony blurted out to them.

"You serious? To who? Josh?" Tony looked at them.

"Of course not... Justin." With that he turned and kissed Justin who almost fell over laughing.

"Of course to Josh." He laughed. Sarah walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek then slapped him. Tony rubbed his cheek.

"That was for doing that to Justin and congratualtions hunny." Caleb came up and hugged Tony tight.

"Here I was thinking I'd have you to myself for a long time yet." Caleb let go of Tony and looked at JC.

"Welcome to the family Josh." JC put his hand out to shake Caleb's who grab the hand and pulled him into a hug.

"Family don't shake hands." Caleb told him. JC smiled and gave Caleb a hug back. The group sat down and talked about the time that had passed since they last spoke.

About half an hour later there was another knock on the door and Justin opened it. Christina graved in while Britney bounced on in with too much energy to be human. Justin hugged Britney and put his arm around her waist while Christina sauntered over and sat down on a couch. Tony did the introductions thing with Caleb, Sarah and Christina. They smiled and talked quietly. After a while there was a knock on the door.

"Half an hour before make-up and costume Nsync. Tony you go now." The group all looked at eachother.

"Here we go." Cheered Chris. Tony stood, kissed Caleb, Sarah and Tony then headed out the door. He wandered down the hall and into the costuming and make-up where he sat for half an hour then headed out when the guys arrived but not before getting a kiss from JC on the way back to the common room. He walked in and waved at Sarah and Caleb.

"Gotta do vocal warm-ups." They nodded as Tony walked away a little and started. He did patches from his sets as well as some scales. The others soon returned and they did a group warm-up.

My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all

the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all

And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall

it reminds me that it's not so bad

it's not so bad

I drank too much last night, got bills to pay

my head just feels in pain

I missed the bus and there'll be hell today

I'm late for work again

and even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the day

and then you call me and it's not so bad

it's not so bad and

I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life

Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life

Push the door, I'm home at last and I'm soaking through and through

then you handed me a towel and all I see is you

and even if my house falls down now, I wouldn't have a clue

because you're near me and

I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life

Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life

The group did it in perfect harmony. They came out of the song.

"Here's hoping it is the best day of our lives." commented Chris.

"It already has been." Smiled Tony and JC. They kissed and Tony ran out to get ready to go on stage.

The band was playing some eerie music when Tony spoke into his link to the band.

"Here we go... lights in 1, 2, 3... guitar in 1, 2, 3... drums in 1, 2, 3. Pryotechnics in 1, 2, 3!" With that the stage exploded with fireworks and Tony appeared at the top of the stage cloaked in black.

"I don't wanna know, just how far to go, I don't wanna know, if you see snow. I just don't wanna know." Tony started quietly into his mic after losing his link. The crowd screamed.

What do you wanna know

About what I have inside

Is it what I dont show

Is is what I hide

Slap my face

Knock me down

Take me outta the race

All you do is frown

I'm not gonna share

I'm not gonna be yours

I'm not gonna care

I'm not gonna be yours

Guess what I dont care

Guess what it can hurt

Guess what it's a nightmare

Guess what I dont wanna know

Treat me bad

Watch me leave

Make me mad

Only you grieve

Things that just don't care

You don't feel

I lay my feelings bare

You call them unreal

Guess what I dont care

Guess what it can hurt

Guess what it's a nightmare

Guess what I dont wanna know

Guess what I dont care

Guess what it can hurt

Guess what it's a nightmare

Guess what I dont wanna know

It was a rock song to make anyone move. The crowd screamed and Tony cheered.

"How we goin' people? You ready for fun? If you are, let's move." Tony nodded to start to another song and the band started to play. It was a song with energy and around the stage people could feel the energy. The band had Tony back and he had them, together they were working to create an energy.

She got your number

She know your game

She put you under

It's so insane

Since you seduced her

How does it feel

To know that woman

Is out to kill

Every night stance is like takin' a chance

It's not about love and romance

And now you're gonna get it

Every hot man is out takin' a chance

It's not about love and romance

And now you do regret it

To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance

And it seemed that everything was on my side

(Blood on my side)

She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance

And now she's out to get me

And I just can't take it

Just can't break it

Susie got your number

And Susie ain't your friend

Look who took you under

With seven inches in

Blood is on the dance floor

Blood is on the knife

Susie's got your number

And Susie says its right

She got your number

How does it feel

To know this stranger

Is out to kill

She got your baby

It happened fast

If you could only

Erase the past

Every night stance is like takin a chances

It's not about love and romance

And now you're gonna get it

Every hot man is out takin' a chance

It's not about love and romance

And now you do regret it

To escape the world I got to enjoy this simple dance

And it seemed that everything was on my side

(Blood on my side)

It seemed sincere like it was love and true romance

And now she's out to get me

And I just can't take it

Just can't break it

Susie got your number

And Susie ain't your friend

Look who took you under

With seven inches in

Blood is on the dance floor

Blood is on the knife

Susie got your number

You know Susie says its right

Susie's got your number

Susie ain't your friend

Look who took you under

She put seven inches in

Blood is on the dance floor

Blood is on the knife

Susie's got your number

Susie says its right

It was blood on the dance floor

(blood on the dance floor)

It was blood on the dance floor

(blood on the dance floor)

It was blood on the dance floor

(blood on the dance floor)

It was blood on the dance floor

(blood on the dance floor)

And I just can't take it

The girl won't break it


The crowd was out of their seats at the energy that Tony put into the song. It was his first night back and he made the crowd wild. After another song there was a silence and Tony looked at the band speaking into his mic.

"You guys gonna play for me?" The band started to play a few notes and Tony looked at them.

"That ain't my song." With the Justin bounced on stage.

"No it's ours."

You're all I ever wanted

You're all I ever needed, yeah

So tell me what to do now

When I want you back

It's hard to say I'm sorry

It's hard to make the things I did undone

A lesson I've learned too well, for sure

So don't hang up the phone now

I'm trying to figure out just what to do

I'm going crazy without you

Baby I remember

The way you used to look at me and say

Promises never last forever

I told you not to worry

I said that everything would be alright

I didn't know then that you were right

"Hey hey hey? What are you guys doing? I am meant to be doing another song." Tony said stopping the guys number.

"Well we were told we needed to come out here and perform." JC told Tony.

"Who told you?" Asked Tony.

"People backstage... they said the audience was getting bored." Chris chipped in. Tony looked at the audience.

"Were you guys getting bored?" The crowd screamed.

"We can't hear you." Justin said.

"NO!" The crowd roared back.

"Told you."

"Well why don't you just sing this song and shuddup?" Asked Joey. Tony shrugged and looked at the audience.

"Should I sing it?" The audience screamed.

"Should I sing it? I can't hear you."

"YES!" The audience roared once more.

"Do I let them join me?" Tony asked.


"What about us?" Asked Britney as she and Christina walked on from the wings. The crowd went balistic.

"Take it that's a yes." Britney said looking at Christina. Tony looked at them.

"Okay, but can we do a different song?" They all looked at each other then at Tony and nodded. Tony looked at the band and nodded,

"Hit it." The band started to play.

Hey, hey

Bye bye bye

Bye bye

Bye bye

Oh, oh, oh

I'm doing this tonight

You're probably gonna start a fight

I know this can't be right

Hey, baby, come on

I loved you endlessly

When you weren't there for me

So now it's time to leave and make it alone

I know that I can't take no more

It ain't no lie

I wanna see you out that door

Baby, bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie

Baby, bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't really wanna make it tough

I just wanna tell you that I had enough

Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie

Baby, bye bye bye

Just hit me with the truth

Now, girl, you're more than welcome to

So give me one good reason

Baby, come on

I lived for you and me

And now I've really come to see

That life would be much better

Once you're gone

I know that I can't take no more

It ain't no lie

I wanna see you out that door

Baby, bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie

Baby, bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't really wanna make it tough

I just wanna tell you that I had enough

Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie

Baby, bye bye bye

I'm giving up I know for sure

I don't wanna be the reason

For your love no more

Bye bye

I'm checking out, I'm signing off

I don't wanna be the loser

And I've had enough

I don't wanna be your fool

In this game for two

So I'm leavin' you behind

(Bye bye bye, yeah)

I don't wanna make it tough

(Make it tough)

But I've had enough and it ain't no lie

(Bye bye, baby)

Bye bye

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

I don't wanna be your fool but it ain't no lie

Baby, bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't really wanna make it tough

I just wanna tell you that I've had enough

Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie

Bye bye bye


With that Tony called out to the crowd,

"Was that worth it?" The crowd roared it's approval.

"Well can I go have a rest now and let this lot look after you?" The crowd roared and Tony looked at Britney and Christina.

"Ladies can you escort me?" With that he linked arms with Britney and Christina and walked off stage.

Switching off his mic we flopped onto the couch in the common room.

"You so went off, we were watching and your performance was fantastic." Bubbled Britney.

"I don't think I've ever performed that well before." Admitted Tony.

"Think that the audience knew that was all a set-up?" Asked Christina.

"Surely they would." Said Britney thoughtfully. Tony looked at Britney.

"I knew about the guys, but what happened with you two? I wasn't expecting that."

"We worked it out back here while you were performing and called agents and so on and we got it ready."

"Well, seeing as you are allowed to do parts of this concert, you two can join me for a song."

"What one?" Asked Christina.

"Dreams." The girls looked wrapped.

"That's such a cool song." Said Britney.

"It's faster though. We sped it up for stage from the album. This is a tape of rehearsal and speed." Said Tony fishing a cassette out of his bag and put it in the tape deck. Pressing play the music filtered out. The girls got the idea of the speed and did a quick run through. They then got word that they were due on stage. Running, Tony flipped on his mic and they got ready to go on.

Tony and the girls bounced on stage and took the audience by storm along with the guys who returned a short time later. After another set and finale with 'To Show I Care' and 'This I Promise You' the group collapsed into the common room where they all looked at each other.

"Our best show yet." Smiled Chris.

"My best day yet." Tony smiled and he turned and kissed JC.

--- There ya go. Long time in coming, I'm sorry but it's here at least. 1) Thank You - Dido 2) Guess What - mine 3) Blood on the DanceFloor - Michael Jackson 4) I Want You Back- Nsync 5) Bye Bye Bye - Nsync. Thanks for all your support, write to me and let me know how this went after my time away.

Thanks, hugs and cookies, Sun Child.

Next: Chapter 27

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