Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Mar 15, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.


If you are underaged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguements as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story.

Author's Words:

I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. I wish to also note those who have complained about the sex scenes I have written. They aren't long or in-depth I know. Please remember that JC and Tony have only just started having sex and are taking their time with this. Please bear this in mind when you write in and bitch to me about it because I will tell you the exact same thing in the reply that I have just told you now.

Author's Thanks:

Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web-site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man. Also, how could I forget me mate Casey. Thanks for your help and support throughout the entire series. You're a legend.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just finding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me.

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time, let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-08-2000. Eternal rest granted I pray. I miss you Boo.

JC Dreasm 17 by Sun Child

JC sat there, Britney and Tony watching him. He drew on his smoke and exhaled slowly.

"Look, just let me deal with my demons my own way." He finally said standing and turning away. Tony stood and moved after him.

"Josh, I want to help you. I want to help you get through this. Like you helped me deal with things."

"This is different Tony."

"How Josh? You're feeling down and needing help. I was down and needed help. It's the same."

"Circumstances aren't though." Tony, turned and leant on the railing over looking the city, JC facing the hotel room. Britney stayed in here seat and looked between them. She slowly stood and placed a hand on Tony's arm. He looked at her then shook his head and she moved away. She walked over to JC and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. JC made no response at all. Removing her hand and looking down, the young girl walked quietly from the room. She had just witnessed, what seemed to be the death of two of her closest friends relationship. Walking down the hall, she leant against the wall next to Lance's room. Sliding down the wall she felt the tears build and slip down over her cheeks. She sat there crying quietly. Never before had she seen such hurt and sadness. She didn't lift her head as Justin walked out of the room. He turned and almost tripped over her. Kneeling beside her he lifted her face.

"Brit, what's wrong?" Britney leant forwards into his arms.

"It's over for them Justin. It's all over and the room. It's so sad and painful that I can't be in there. It hurts too much." Justin hugged her then lifted her up in his arms and carried her inside. He looked at Lance

"Emergency group meeting. Everyone apart from Tony and JC." Lance set to work quietly of gathering the group.

Soon the group gathered together.

"Guys, from what I can understand, JC and Tony are just about over." Justin told them. The others bowed their head, not knowing what to say and feeling the pain that Tony and JC were.

"Lance, I want you to call Jive and request a new tour manager. I don't want Jason a part of this company any more. Tell them what you have to, I want him out of here." Lance nodded and moved to the phone and started dialling. While Lance talked Justin looked at the rest.

"Who has the room next to Tony and JC?" Chris raised his hand.

"Britney, where are they?"

"They were on the balcony when I left." Britney told them quietly. Justin went to his bag and pulled out a CD.

"Here, I have a copy of when Tony and JC did 'Promise You'. I say we play it so they can hear what they mean to each other."

"Don't bother." Came a voice from the door. The group all looked over. They all saw Tony standing there.

"I'm leaving the tour. It's best for everyone." He told them. Joey jumped to his feet.

"No you're not." He told Tony angrily.

"We are a family and not about to let one hiccup pull that family apart. You are a member of Nsync like it or not." He told Tony. Tony looked at Joey.

"I've already called Lynne and talked to her about it. She's giving me an hour then she's doing the calls to pull me out." The others all looked at each other. Justin then strode from the room, a storm cloud over his head. He returned five minutes later with JC over his shoulder and dumped him on the bed. JC had a hugely pissed off look on his face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Fumed JC.

"Telling you to build a bridge and get over it." Justin told him, just as heatedly.

"Why? Your perfect tour disrupted?"

"No, because you won't let someone who loves you help you, they're leaving tour and frankly, if Tony walks so do I." Justin spat at him.

"The contract won't let you." JC glared at him. "Besides what do you care? You're the one who dragged his ex out of the closet and threw it infront of him."

"Justin didn't know. It wasn't his fault." Tony threw in Justin's defense.

"He could have broken up with Steve when he learnt what he was like."

"JC it isn't up to me or you who he goes out with." Tony told him firmly. JC recoiled as if slapped. The second time Tony had ever called him JC and not Josh. The others all saw it and knew things were in bad repair.

"Meeting closed." Announced Lance. "Tony, you can sleep in here tonight, you're not leaving tour. JC, I suggest you wake up to how Tony feels about you and work it out or tour's gonna be a shit." Tony shook hs head.

"Never mind. I'll sleep on the bus. Butterscotch will need me." With that he turned on heel and left the room, heading down to the bus. The others looked after the departing Tony and looked at JC who didn't meet any of their eyes. He just stood and left the room, walking the other way to which Tony had gone.

Tony climbed wearily onto the bus and made his way to where his cat was waiting for him. Standing before him was the cage she was kept in. She was lying down, not looking at him, glaring at Busta. Opening the gate, Tony bent down and picked Butterscotch up and then closed the gate.

"Well kitten, looks like you have me to yourself again now. Josh and I are over." He smiled sadly at her and kissed her lightly on the top of the head. He then found his bunk and climbed in, holding his family close. He lay there wondering what he was going to do without JC. A tear ran down over his cheek, wetting his pillow.

In the hotel room, JC sat there holding Tony's shirt close. Holding onto his memories that he would probably never have again. He replaced Tony's shirt into the suitcase and lay down, wondering what he was meant to be doing now Tony was gone. A tear traced his cheek and dropped to the pillow, making way for another to follow.

Tony got up off the bunk and left Butterscotch sitting there and collected his guitar from the luggage compartment. Playing a few chords, he started to sing.

When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here when you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Sitting up in his bed, JC flicked on MTV and walked out onto the balcony. Hearing 'Promise You' playing on the TV, JC sang along sadly.

I've loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And know this feeling won't go away

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Neither Tony or JC knew what the other was singing or if the other was even awake but both knew the felt the other's heart breaking.

Over and over I fall

When I hear you call

Without you in my life, baby

I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And knwo that this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

I promise you

Thinking of JC's handsome face Tony replaced his guitar back in lugage compartment and lay back down on his bunk.

"I love you Josh." He whispered as Butterscotch cuddled into him and he scratched her head absent mindedly.

JC clicked off the TV and lay down on the bed, tears streaking his face.

"I love you Tony, and I miss you so much." He rolled onto his side and wished that it was Tony beside him and not the empty space.

The next day, Tony knocked lightly on Lance's door. Lance opened the door sleepily. Seeing Tony he was instantly awake.

"I've called Lynne." Tony said looking down. "I'm staying on tour." Lance smiled and hugged Tony.

"I'm glad Tone, I'm glad. We'd all miss you if you left." Tony smiled and nodded.

"Do you have the spare key to Josh's room. I need to get clothes and I don't want to wake him." Lance nodded and disappeared for a moment, returning a moment later, key in hand. Tony smiled and took the key.

"Thanks, everyone needs an albino, I mean friend like you." Lance smiled and hit Tony playfully in the arm.

"You watch yourself, I might take offense." Tony smiled and walked down the hall.

'Please be asleep, please be asleep.' Tony prayed as he quietly unlocked the door. Opening the door, he walked in quietly. There was JC, asleep on the bed. He looked so peaceful. Tony felt his heart break as he realised that he would never wake beside JC, kissing him first thing in the morning. Tony quietly collected his belongings and wrote a quick note to JC.


I came and got my stuff. I would have woken you, but I didn't have the heart. Love always,


Putting the pen and paper down, he walked out of the room, closing it quietly. Returning to Lance's room he knocked again and Lance opened the door and Tony held the key up.

"Thanks man, I owe ya one."

"Nah, don't worry about it."

"Could I bug you for one more favour?" Tony asked.

"Bathroom is all yours." Lance smiled knowingly.

"Thanks man." With that Tony walked into the room and padded quietly by Justin and into the bathroom. Setting down his bag, he selected a few items of clothing. Got undressed and showered. As he felt the water cascade down over him, he remembered all the times that he and JC had shared the shower at home. Usually after they had... had... Tony couldn't bring himself to remember the details. He sank down in the shower and cried. After a time, Tony reached up and shut off the water. He then climbed out of the shower and towelled down.

Exiting the bathroom, Tony put his bag down beside the bathroom door, out of the way. He looked at the others.

"I'll catch ya all later. I've got sound check. See you in an hour or two." With that he headed for the door.

"What about food?" Justin called after him.

"I'm not hungry." Tony called back. As Tony walked out of the door, he almost collided with JC. Looking up to see who it was, he saw it was JC and looked back down.

"Sorry." He mummbled and walked towards the elevator. He pushed the button to go to the lobby and looked up as the doors were closing and saw JC still watching him.

At sound check, Tony was off key and not doing so well. In the end he called a break and headed to the rest room. He pulled out his cell and gave Lynne a call.

"Hi Lynne... Things are okay I guess, I'm not sure I can stay on tour... I sound like shit... I know I'm bound by contract... okay, well can you at least do me a favour?... I want to do a special song at the concert and I need permission... okay... well..." Tony gave Lynne the details and hung up. He stood and walked out to the stage where the official people were waiting. He handed his cell phone to an assistant.

"If this rings, answer it and if it is Lynne, ask if I can sing it or not. She'll understand." The assistant nodded and sat down with the phone next to her. The sound check continued but was soon interrupted by the screaming of fans out the front, Tony guessed the guys had turned up for the meet 'n' greet. As the screaming got worse, Tony's cell rang. The assistant answered and took the message then looked up at Tony.

"She said you can." Tony smiled and nodded then looked at the band.

"We got a new song to learn before tonight guys. Time to get crackin'." The band sighed good naturedly, Tony was a pleasure for them to work with. He was a musician and knew how draining it could be. With that the group set to work learning the song. By the time the meet 'n' greet was over and Nsync entered the stage area, the song was perfected and they had moved on to the next song. Tony lost his guitar and stood with Fatima as he started the next song. Nsync sat back in the seats watching Tony rehearse and were amazed at how talented he was. He could sing, dance, write great songs and had a source of inner strength none of them had seen before. The only member of Nsync who couldn't watch the high energy display was JC who looked away.

Dare to dream your dreams

Dream of what no one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

Don't be afraid to dream

Dreams are what keep us sane

It's like hopes and nightmares on the silver screen

It's what says you are the one who remains

Dare to dream your dreams

Dream of what no one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

Unleash your soul and dreams

Don't be afraid of what is on the inside

Only you can be brave to face what it means

Because only you know the tears you've cried

Dare to dream your dreams

Dream of what no one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

Tony did the last twist and finished the routine along with the rehearsal for his set. He then bowed and headed backstage. The group sat there, they heard the song so many times before, but he had really belted it out with gusto they had never seen before. Tony reappeared a few moments later, a bottle of water in his hand a towel around his neck. Fatima went through a few of the steps he needed to clean up and he worked through it with her. When she was happy she hugged him and he collected his towel and water bottle and made his way to the steps where he would be able to access the others. As he was talking to them, JC and Tony finally made eye contact and held it. JC was about to speak when they head a voice behind them.

"TONY!" Tony looked up and smiled when he saw who it was. He kind of pushed through the guys, right by JC without really acknowledging him. He moved up to the guy and picked him up and swung him round. They hugged for a moment and talked. As JC watched, he felt his heart break. Tony and the stranger then moved down to the others.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Mark." The others all looked at Tony questioningly and JC looked like he was about to walk away. His face had gone cold.

"Hi, how do you know Tony?" Justin asked stepping forwards.

"We're brothers." Tony told them. A total look of relief washed over JC's face. It didn't last long but long enough for Tony to notice it.

Mark, meet Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and Josh." He smiled. Mark shook all their hands and when he went to shake JC's there was a slight hesitation on JC's part to shake the hand but he did anyways. Tony smiled at JC who smiled back faintly. Tony felt a surge of hope course through him. Maybe the relationship could be saved. Tony was about to say something when they were interrupted again.

"JC!" Came a happy cry. The group all looked and Tony saw Justin, Lance and Joey flinch and saw Chris clench his fists in anger. JC had left the group and was swining the stranger around. Tony nudged Justin.

"Who's that?"

"That, is Bobby.

--- Can the relationship be saved? Here's hoping huh. What's the song Tony's arranged? Fine out in part 18 (when I get it out).

  1. This I Promise You - Nsync (I LOVE THIS SONG!) 2) Dreams - Mine

Well keep safe y'all. Feedback to above addresses. Laters, SC.

Next: Chapter 19

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