Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Feb 21, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are underaged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguements as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story.

Author's Words: I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. I wish to also note those who have complained about the sex scenes I have written. They aren't long or in-depth I know. Please remember that JC and Tony have only just started having sex and are taking their time with this. Please bear this in mind when you write in and bitch to me about it because I will tell you the exact same thing in the reply that I have just told you now.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web-site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man. Also, how could I forget me mate Casey. Thanks for your help and support throughout the entire series. You're a legend.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise.

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time, let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-08-2000. Eternal rest granted I pray. I miss you Boo.

JC Dreams 15 by Sun Child

After the episode between Justin and Steve, the others cleared out pretty fast, leaving Tony and JC alone with Justin and Britney in the next room.

"So much for going to do some writing." Moaned Tony lightly. JC smiled and kissed Tony on the forehead.

"Well, now you just get more quality time with me babe."

"Oh do I have to? It's such a burden to carry." Tony said with a shit eattin' grin plastered across his face. JC put on a face of mock hurt and then grinned back and leant over and kissed Tony lightly on the lips and then stood up and started to clear the mess. Tony climbed to his feet and started to clean as well only to have JC sit him back down.

"You can rest, my turn to pamper you. Sit." With that, JC took the various items Tony had in his hand and started to walk to the kitchen. Tony happened to glance over at JC and started to laugh. JC turned and looked at Tony.

"What's up with you?"

"You do realise you have a chip stuck to your ass don't you?"

"I don't."

"You do." With that, Tony got up walked over, reached around JC and pulled the chip off JC's jeans. Kissing JC again, he stepped back, placed the chip on the plate in JC's hands then turned and walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"For a shower if that's okay with you babe."

"Okay then. I'll see you when you get out."

"You aren't joining me?"

"If I join you, we both know, neither of us will ever get clean. I'll see you when you get out." Smiled JC who then returned to his cleaning. Tony shrugged and walked to the bedroom, collected a clean pair of boxers then headed to the bathroom.

Emerging a time later, he found JC asleep on the couch. Nudgiung him lightly, Tony tried to wake JC. JC eventually stirred and lazily opened an eye.

"Okay Mr Sleepyhead. Time to go to bed. You crashed on the couch."

"Okay." JC mumbled sleepily and staggered to his feet. Just about carrying JC to the bedroom. As soon as JC's head hit the pillow, he was asleep again. Tony shook his head and then lay down beside him. Running his hands through JC's hair he eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next week for Tony was a long list of promotional visits to radio stations, tv stations and the such. Within a few days, Tony had done all the radio stations and was exhausted. Then the promo for his single kicked off. There was several hundred in-store appearances and performances. The fact that JC was there made it easier, but that was probably also what brought the crowd and sold the single. Within a few weeks, the tour neared starting and Tony started to stress.

"What am I gonna do about Butterscotch? I can't just dump her somewhere. It just wouldn't be right. I can't do that to her."

"Take her with you. She could keep Busta company."

"I don't know Josh. This would be the biggest trip she's ever had."

"Well, why don't we just sleep on it." JC suggested. Tony nodded and rested his head on JC's shoulder as they watched the television. The VJ on MTV introduced Tony's single.

"Now we have the debut single of Nsync's suport act and ain't he doing well. He's managed to enter the charts at number ten. This is a big thing for such a new name. Here's hoping he can do well... all the best to Tony Scott, Nsync's support act and now here's his single 'To Show I Care', his debut single featuring JC from Nsync. Tony's clip started and Tony flicked off the TV.

"Number ten? Why didn't I know this? I thought someone would have called me." Tony said shocked.

"Rarely. If you hit number one they'll give you a call." JC advised.

"Nothing to stress about." Tony told himself. With that, Tony got up.

"What do you want for food tonight?" He asked JC over his shoulder.

"Whatever, it doesn't worry me." With that Tony walked into the kitchen busying himself with cooking.

The week flew past and the first day of tour arrived before it was welcome. Tony had a couple of suitcases packed the night before and was ready to throw them in the boot of the bus and leave. JC walked in and saw the suitcases and looked at Tony.

"Two suitcases? That's all your taking? Shit, I pack light and I usually have four. Justin usually has at least nine."

"That's all the suitcases I have babe. I can't help it."

"It's cool, you can throw some clothes in my bags as well. I mean come on, it's not like I'm not wearing your clothes anyways."

"You are? Like what?"

"Remember that red shirt with the black dragon embroided on it? I wore it two or three days ago... that was yours." JC told Tony.

"I thought it looked familiar. Alright, but I should tell you now... you're lion boxers are comfy." Tony told JC with a shit eattin' grin. JC sauntered over to Tony.

"You're wearing my lion boxers are you? I wanted to wear them y'know. I might just have to take them off you." JC told Tony kissing him long and hard. When the kiss broke, Tony looked at the clock.

"Well, you'll have to get them off me later, we have an hour to get to the shed and catch the bus." JC started to pout.

"Get them off me at the hotel." Tony said winking at JC. JC grinned back and knew instantly what Tony had in mind. Tony grabbed a few more items from his wardrobe and passed them to JC who stashed them in his bags. Then, once they had both finished Tony wrapped his arms around JC's neck and kissed him on the lips then pulled away before too much could happen.

"Come on babe, we gotta get to the shed before the others shit major bricks." Picking up the bags they made their way out to the main part of the house. As Tony opened the door, Caleb and Sarah walked out of elevator.

"Ready to go?" asked Sarah.

"As I'll ever be." Tony replied.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just think of them all as students." She smiled hugging Tony. Tony put his hand out for Caleb to shake only to pulled into a hug.

"Feel like shock value?" Caleb whispered in Tony's ear.

"Always." Tony whispered back smiling. The two loosened their embrace and Caleb leant Tony back and kissed him long and hard on the lips. When they came up, JC's mouth had hit the floor and Sarah was trying hard not to pee herself laughing. Tony walked over to JC.

"Babe, it's cool. Caleb and I are best friends, we do it every now and then to keep people on their toes. He's straight, and I love you. You have nothing to worry about." JC kinda picked his jaw off the ground and nodded making a strange 'uh huh' noise. With that Tony scooped up his bags and Caleb grabbed some of JC's. JC picked up his others and Sarah collected Butterscotch. Closing the door, Tony locked it and put the keys in his pocket. He then picked his keys up and walked down to the elevator.

About half an hour later, Tony was standing beside the bus getting ready to board. He was talking quietly to Sarah.

"Sarah, I don't know if I can do this. I've never toured or sung professionally before all this. I don't know what to do or anything."

"That's why you're touring with JC and the guys. You'll be fine."

"Yeah, I don't know. It's all so weird to me." Joey stuck his head out the door.

"Tone, we gotta get going."

"Coming Joe." Turning back to Sarah. "I'll call you both tonite after we check into the hotel."

"You better." Sarah said hugging him tightly. She let go and stepped back. Caleb then stepped up for his as he hugged Tony he whispered.

"They're all watching. Shock value?"

"For sure." With that they did a repeat performance of their kiss and when they came up for air they both grinned.

"I'll see you both later. I'll miss you as well." He said.

"You too Tony. Call us." Sarah called.

"Later Tone, I'll miss ya too." Caleb smiled. Getting on the bus, the door hissed shut behind Tony who turned and waved one last time.

Sitting down with the others all of them looked at him in shock, except JC of course who knew the deal.

"How could you Tony? Especially with JC watching." Lance said to him shocked.

"How could I what? I said good-bye to Sarah and Caleb. Big deal."

"You stuck your tongue down Caleb's throat."

"Oh that, we do that all the time. Ask JC... he's seen us do it." They all looked at JC shocked.

"Yeah they do... they did it before we left the apartment. It was interesting to watch. My boyfriend and another guy... very entertaining."

"You are both sick." Joey commented scrunching up his face.

"I can't believe you're okay with this." Chris threw in. Tony looked at Justin, whom he was expecting to comment but looking at him, Tony realised Justin was trying hard not to laugh.

"Justin, can I have a word in private please?" Asked Tony sincerely. Justin nodded and stood up with Tony and they walked into the bunks. As soon as they were, Justin burst out laughing.

"You are such a shit stirrer Tony. You amaze me."

"Caleb and I do do that reguarly, but we do it for shock value. That's what you get for being best friends." Tony giggled along with Justin. When they had both settled they returned to the others who were still disgusted and in shock with Tony. They all sat there, quietly glaring at Tony.

"Will you lot get over it. Caleb and I did it to shit stir. We did it to JC earlier and if you lot hadn't been hawk eyeing us, we wouldn't have done it then." The others reddened slightly at the assumption that Tony was doing something behind JC's back. JC, Tony and Justin all looked at each other, smiling, knowing why the others were all red.

Over the next few hours, Butterscotch won over the others more than she already had, leaving JC glaring at her. After jumping off Tony's lap she walked away a bit and lay down in the sun. It was at this point Busta, decided to appear. He was obviously looking for a little sun as well and decided that where Butterscotch would be a good place and proceeded to try and get her to move. In response, Butterscotch decided she needed a new scratching post and took a swipe at Busta's nose, who yelped and moved well away. Busta then lay down a meter or so away from Butterscotch. Butterscotch lay back where she had been but continued to glare at Busta until she eventually got bored and went to sleep. Busta climbed to his feet and walked a little closer only to have Butterscotch open her eyes and glare at him, making him back up a little. She then returned to her sleep. After a sleep, she climbed to her feet and walked away, leaving the space free for Busta. She then walked up to JC and climbed up into his lap. Pushing her head into his hand, JC carefully began to stroke her head. Tony looked at the pair and smiled. Maybe Butterscotch would give up her hate of JC and let him be.

When they pulled into the hotel later that evening, Butterscotch got stashed into the same area as Busta, as neither pet was allowed inside the hotel. Butterscotch selected her corner and when Busta tried to approach she lifted a paw and extended one claw. Taking the hint, Busta crawled away.

Inside, the group were dividing up into the rooms. Justin and Lance were to share, Joey and Chris were to share as were Tony and JC. The group then split, agreeing to meet an hour later and go and find food. Dumping their bags on the floor, Tony looked at JC.

"Are all bus rides as long and boring as this?"

"Most of them. Some are even longer, that's why we have the bunks in the bus."

"Yeah but they're single bunks."

"Just means you have to lie closer."

"Now that sounds like a plan." With that Tony leant in for a kiss and then grabbed his portable CD player and flicked it on. Selecting one of his CDs he started it and walked up to JC and started to dance slowly, both holding each other and relaxing in the others arms.

Indian summer


You were new in town

I was nineteen

And spark flew

The called us crazy

Behind our back

'Romantic folls'

We just let them laugh

Because we knew

It may be a long shot

We may be lonely down the line

But love knows no reason

And I won't let them make up my mind

My money's riding on this dark horse, baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And its' true color's connga shine through someday

If we let this

Let this dark horse run

Stars are brighter

In a desert sky

No need to wonder

Or justify

Where this will led

I wear your locket

Our picture's inside

Inscription says, 'The joy's in the ride'

And I believe something so sacred

Is something worth this kind of fight

Cause love knows no patience

You can't please everyone all the time

My money's riding on this dark horse, baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And its' true color's connga shine through someday

If we let this

Let this dark horse run

So sweet

Together baby

We can be free

My money's riding on this dark horse, baby

My heart is sayin' it's the lucky one

And its' true color's connga shine through someday

If we let this

Let this dark horse run

As the song finished, Tony stopped the CD and took it out.

"I love you my dark horse."

"I'm a horse?" JC joked, totally breaking the mood.

"Well there goes the mood. As for you being a horse... you're just hung like one." JC reddened and Tony laughed. He then kissed JC again on the lips and went to the CD player and threw another CD on and pressed play.

What makes this world go round

Will the answer let her down

She is so sweet and young

And her life has just begun

What does her future hold

That's a story left unknown

Will she make it through her day

Let our love lead the way

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

Everything will work out fine

If you let love

Love lead the way

Sitting there all alone

In the window of her room

Watching the world go by

Brings tears to her eyes

All she sees is hurt and pain

And she wants to break the chain

She'll keep pressing every day

And she'll find her own sweet way

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

You can be all that

And she can be who you are

You've got to know for sure

That this ain't make believe

You may feel weak

But you are strong

Don't you give up girl

If you keep holding on

You'll never be wrong

Just close your eyes

Cos it lies deep in your heart

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

Everything will work out fine

If you let love

Love lead the way

Love lead the way

Love lead the way

Love lead the way

The song finished but JC and Tony looked at eachother and sang once more in perfect harmony.

"Let love lead the way." Their lips met and kissed. Nothing aggressive in the kiss, it was a sweet, tender moment that the pair shared. It was as though the rest of the world had disappeared and there was only the pair left alive. They had reached their eternal moment. When the kiss broke JC rested his head on Tony's shoulder. The pair just stood there holding each other. After a time, the pair lay down on the bed. They had been there for a short time when Justin knocked on the door and called.

"Time to stop doing whatever and come and have food you two."

"But Justin, we wanted you to join us." Tony called smiling.

"Not in this life time. I don't want you or your boyfriend sorry. I got me a Britney and that's enough." Justin laughed through the door.

"Meet you in the lobby in five." Tony called back.

Ten minutes later, the entire group had gathered.

"Where's eats?" Asked Tony. The others looked at each other.

"Wherever the driver takes us."

"Oh ... okay then." Tony said, not realising that they had no say in food.

"We decide what type of food, tell the driver and he drives."

"So what type of food then?"

"Chinese?" Suggested JC. The others all nodded in agreement. With that, they all headed out and got into the car and went to a near by chinese restraunt.

After the group had finished chowing down, they all piled back into the car and headed back to the hotel.

"Meeting in my room in half an hour." Lance told the others. "Then free reign."

"Schedules?" Asked JC.

"Of course." The others half groaned.

"Why do we have these meetings? We never remember and you end up telling us anyways." Justin whinged.

"Because we are meant to have them. Or so the company says. If we don't there'll be hell to pay, you know that."

"Lance is right you all know." Said a voice from behind them all. The group turned and Justin raced up to the new speaker.

"Jason... you our tour manager again?" Justin asked hugging the newcomer.

"Would I not be?" Asked Jason.

"YEAH!" Justin smiled. He hugged Jason again. He grabbed Jason by the hand and dragged him over to the group.

"Jason, meet Tony. He's our support act."

"Nice to meet you Tony. I like your song by the way." Tony smiled and nodded.

"Thanks. Nice to meet you as well." With that he shook Jason's hand and smiled. A short time later the group disperesed agreeing to meet in Lance's room in half an hour.

As soon as they got inside the room Tony looked at JC.

"Jason is so gay."

"What makes you say that."

"I just know these things."

"If you say so." JC shrugged. With that JC kissed Tony and pulled him down onto the bed. Cuddling up together they lay there talking and just sharing quality time.

--- Jason... now there's something... is he gay or straight... only time will tell.

  1. Dark Horse - Amanda Marshall

  2. Let Love Lead the Way - Spice Girls

Well, let me know what you think. Feedback is listed at the top of the story. Thanks for reading by the way.

Keep safe and happy. Hugs, kisses and cookies. SC.

Next: Chapter 17

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