Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jul 27, 2000


Warning: Okay, this is the obligatory part for me to say that if you aren't 18 (or 21 in some places) GO AWAY!!! I accept no responsibility at all should your mother walk in on you choking the chicken to this, this all you not me. So if you are under the ages I said before or are offended by M/M concepts (why are you on this site if you are?) then please leave.

This story in no way represents any of the true sexuality of any celebrity mentioned, or at least, to the best of my knowledge. Now what else, oh yeah the butt kissing when saying read the folllowing really cool stories which I'm not going to do... not in this chapter anyways.

Also, all songs featured in this story belong to respective artists. Any poetry included without acknowledging another author is mine ... you touch you die.

And before you criticise my spelling and writing, I am Australian so any slips I don't mean, I try to write to the American spelling and terms but at times it will be hard, sorry.

Okay, you want to ask me questions or just write to me -- here is the address to write to: heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com now one last thing

To my man... I LOVE YOU!!!!! Now I will start don't worry, unless of course you want me to talk more next time, in which case let me know and I will. And JC, if you don't like the way I portray you in this, just drop me a line and we can discuss it.

JC Dreams by Sun Child

Flicking the video off, Tony glanced around the room, wondering what to do. He had just finished watching his ritual Friday night hollywood hunk video. Every Friday night, he would go to the local video store and hire a movie with a hot hollywood hunk in it.

"This is sad Butterscotch." Tony told his cat. "This is something one of the girls who I teach would do. Not a 24 year old teacher. God help me huh matey." Giving Butterscotch a scratch behind the ear he stood up and made his way to the kitchen. As he walked by the phone, it started to ring. Glancing over at the time, Tony could guess already who was on the phone.

"Hey Caleb." Tony answered the phone.

"Hey, how did you know it was me?"

"Who else would call at 11:30 on a Friday night?"

"Okay, point taken. Look Sarah and I haven't seen you in like 5 months, and there's this really cool new club opened and ..." Bubbled Caleb

"Yeah I'll come sounds cool." Tony replied.

"There'll be heaps of people and lots of cuties and .... hang on, did you just say that you would come?" Caleb asked.

"You bet I did. I need to get out, even Butterscotch is going out so I guess I should I too." Tony commented as Butterscotch disappeared out the window.

"Okay, Sarah and I will be around in about am hour." Caleb told him excitedly.

"Okay, see you then." Tony replied as he put down the phone.

Half an hour later, Tony was sitting on his couch watch MTV. He has showered, shaved and dressed and was awaiting Caleb's arrival. To tell the truth Tony looked good, no he looked more than good. Okay, he goes to gym, he's a physical education teacher with a HOT body, brilliant features on his face, and having a great sense of fashion didn't hurt. He was sitting there with a tight black shirt that buttoned down and red jeans that looked hotter than a model you see in TV ads and all that type of stuff. He sat there watching MTV and the song that had just been playing finished and the VJ appeared to have their little rave on for a while. Then the next song began to kick of and it grabbed Tony's attention. It was Nsync's 'It's Gonna Be Me', it had been charting really well and had gone number one in a few countries. For some reason the boys seemed to have gone a little more rock this time around than the bubble gum pop that they were renowned for. Not that he was complaining, as long as JC kept with the band, Tony would never complain.

Watching the boys jump across the screen made Tony wonder what they were really like. Next thing he knew, there was a banging on his door making him jump from the chair and wander over to the door. There stood Caleb, cute as ever to Tony, looking at him.

"Are you ready to go, 'cause Sarah is out waiting in the car for us." Caleb asked. Tony nodded and reached over and grabbed his wallet, keys and cell phone.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go." Said Tony as he closed the door and walked out after Caleb.

"So is there a Mr Right yet?" asked Caleb as they walked.

"Not unless you're offering." Tony joked. Caleb shook his head.

"You've met my Ms Right." Caleb replied.

"Yeah and he, I mean she was lovely. But tell me, didn't last night mean anything to you?" Tony pushed. Caleb laughed and put his arm around Tony's waist.

"Well, I must admitt it was pretty good." Caleb then turned and kissed Tony gently on the cheek.

"We really need to find you a man Tony. You're even trying to pick me up. That isn't like you Tony. I know Steve hurt you bad, but you can move on. You will meet someone." Caleb said gently.

"Yeah I know," Tony said, "But it's so hard. I loved him and how would you cope if you lost Sarah that way? I know you won't but it makes it bloody hard to move on. You gotta realise that. What if I lose the next guy the same way?"

"Tone, it was nearly 4 years ago now. The world is different now. You need to move on, there are plenty of guys out there looking for you, all you have to do is open up a little and let them come in." Tony reached around and hugged Caleb close.

"Thanks, let's go party." Tony smiled weakly.

"Before we go any further I do have something to tell you." Caleb said making Tony look over.

"If I were going to have a gay experience or something like that, it would be you there, no one else." Caleb hugged Tony again and then headed off down to where the car was awaiting his impending arrival. Tony was left their standing open mouthed, somes times Caleb still managed to take him by surprise.

As Tony climbed into the car, Sarah turned around in the front seat and smiled.

"Hey Tony, haven't seen you for a while ... what gives?"

"Been busy with assignments and all that type of shit. But I'm finshed for the term thank god." Tony told her.

"Cool, and tonight we're taking you out for a good time ... sound good?"

"Totally ... where's this new club."

"Oh around, there might even be the right person there for you." Sarah smiled.

"Oh man, you promised you wouldn't do that to me again scince last time we went to a gay bar, someone tried to pick up Caleb." Tony groaned.

"I can't help it if I'm just so tottaly adorable that guys come after me." Caleb piped up.

"Here we go, ego trip." Moaned Sarah from the front. All three of them laughed then continued the way is a comfortable silence.

As they pulled up near the club, Tony noticed that there was quite a few people waiting out the front. As they climbed out of the car, Sarah and Caleb started to walk on past all the people in line.

"Guys, what are you doing?" Squeaked Tony, amazed that they would do that.

"Oh, didn't we tell you ... we've gone into the club business."

"Huh? When, where, how ..." spluttered Tony.

"Well we needed something to do in your absence, so we decided to open some clubs." Sarah explained.

"Oh, okay then." Tony mused quietly.

As they approached the front of the line the bouncer turned to greet them.

"Evening Ms Baxter, Mr Bond. Come right through." The bouncer told them unclipping the cord.

"Thanks Mike." Sarah and Caleb said in unison. As Tony started to go through with them, the bouncer replaced the cord.

"Back to the end of the line fella." Growled Mike.

"But I'm here with Sarah and Caleb." Explained Tony.

"Sure you are, go to the end of the line, just like the rest of the others who are here with them." Growled Mike again, a little more menacingly. At that moment Sarah came up and unclipped the cord.

"It's alright Mike, this is our friend Tony Scott. He's with us." Mike glanced down at his board.

"There's no Tony Scott on my list ma'am."

"Well, make sure there is by the next time he comes here." Sarah told him quietly but commandingly.

"Yes Ms Baxter." With that Mike stepped aside and let Tony through. Sarah handed Mike the cord which he replaced and took Tony's hand and led him inside.

Once inside Tony was hit by a vibrant array of sounds and sights. The spectacular lights and atmosphere that Tony would never have believed possible in a club. Sarah and Caleb led the stunned Tony to a table which was further to the back of the club, but still gave a commanding view of the club. Tony sat down and started to let his gaze drift over the club.

"You two did all this?" he asked, still in awe of all that he could see.

"Yeah we did. Like we said, we got bored while you weren't here." Sarah told him. Caleb then got up.

"So Tony ... your poison still the usual? Martini?" Tony nodded vacantly. Sarah and Caleb exchanged a glance and then Caleb left to collect the drinks.

"Hi Sarah." Said a voice from just behind Tony. The voice was familiar, but Tony couldn't place it. "Caleb not here?"

"Hey Josh, no, he's up at the bar getting drinks ... want to join us?" offered Sarah.

"Josh my man, been a while scince I last saw you." Called Caleb as he returned to the table.

"Howdy Caleb, yeah, I've been busy touring and that, but it's all pretty cool now, few months off."

"Sarah, have you introduced Josh to Tony yet?" Caleb asked.

"Not yet, I was going to but you came back." Sarah told him sweetly.

"Oops, my bad." Grinned Caleb. "Josh, I would like you to meet Tony, he's been a friend of mine for years." Tony turned to look at the guest to whom he had just been introduced. The face was familiar, then it hit him ... Joshua Chasez or JC as he's better known from Nsync. Tony's mouth fell stlightly open as he realised. JC just grinned and put his hand forward. Not truly comprehending, Tony took the hand and shook it. Across the table, Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on Tony, you live in LA, you've got to expect to run into the odd celebrity here."

"Like you can talk Sarah, you had a similar reaction when we first met." Laughed JC.

"That's more because of what you were wearing ... or rather not wearing." Tony noticed that JC reddened at little on that comment.

"Something tells me that I don't really want to know." Tony commented.

"Let's see ... he was wearing a pair or leather pants, that left little or nothing to the imagination, and this tiny shirt that clung to him like it was 3 sizes too small ... how did you fit into that ... I am curious?"

"With a lot of effort Sarah, with effort." Grinned JC reddening a little more.

"Sounds delicious." Commented Tony thinking out loud. When the other three laughed he blushed. "Did I just say that out loud?" He asked quietly.

"You sure did Tone." Laughed Caleb. "Forgive him, he gets like this when he's flirting." Tony reddened even more.

"I feel like dancing ... you?" Sarah asked Caleb. Before he had a chance to reply, Sarah was up dragging him to the dance floor.

"So, I take it that you are gay." JC said turning to face Tony.

"Uh, yeah I am." Said Tony, taken aback at how forward JC was.

"Hey, that's cool." JC remarked, aware that he had offended Tony. "So what do you do?" JC asked rapidly trying to defuse the tention.

"Well, I am a teacher." JC nodded.

"Cool, what subjects?"

"Drama, English and Pyshical Education." Tony told him.

"Now that's a combination that I haven't heard of before." Remarked JC. "Sounds like fun."

"Yeah it is, except for the 500 or so assignments that I have to mark. So what do you do again?" Tony joked, feeling comfortable in JC's presence.

"Well, I'm with this band, maybe you've heard of them 'Nsync? We've done a few good songs, or at least I think so." Laughed JC.

"Yeah, I think I may have heard of you. Though I must admitt, I found that I thought a lot of the songs were kinda stereotyped boy band songs. Here we have 'I will love you and only you, you are my one and only' coming from five different guys in one song." Smiled Tony. JC was quiet for a moment.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. No one has ever put it in that context for me before. Have to talk to the guys about that." JC said truthfully.

"Just as long as you don't quote me on it." Smiled Tony.

"I won't." JC replied.

"Hey, you want a drink?" asked Tony.

"Sounds good. Bud Weiser if that's okay."

"Sure not a problem, I'm gonna have a martini." Tony told him and headed off to the bar.

After placing the order, Tony could feel eyes staring at him so he turned around and saw JC watching him. Realising he was caught, JC smiles his sexy smile and looked at the dance floor, blushing slightly. Tony turned back to the bar, not totally sure as to what the staring meant.

'Could he like me? Could he be gay as well?' wondered Tony as he carried the drinks back to the table where they were sitting. The thoughts tumbled through his mind as they talked about his childhood, JCs childhood and things like recording, touring, exams and so on.

About two hours later, JC was fairly tipsy, but still good enough to know what was happening, vaguely. Tony looked at him, wishing that JC could hold his alcohol a bit better. Sarah and Caleb reappeared at the table.

"What have you been giving JC? I've never seen him this drunk before!" Sarah told Tony.

"Yeah well, he's been throwin' back the drinks like no tomorrow. Don't be fooled though, he's only tipsy, not drunk." Tony told them knowingly.

"Fair enough then, well we're off, you ready to go?" Caleb asked him.

"Umm, yeah I guess. Should we take JC?" Asked Tony.

"Go if you want, I'll be fine." JC told him finally finding his voice, though it was slurred.

"I think I'll wait here with him until he sobers a bit then take him home." Tony guessed looking over at JC.

"Your choice. Did you drive JC?" asked Sarah.

"Yeah I did." JC told them.

"That's it, I'm stayin'." Tony told them.

"Okay cool, well we're off." Sarah told them. She leant down and kissed JC and Tony on the cheek and then made her way towards the door. Caleb waved and Tony stood up.

"I'll be right back." Tony told JC then hurried after the other two.

Away from the table Tony turned to Sarah.

"What do you know about JC" he asked.

"Well, he's a nice guy, good friend." Sarah began. "But I dont think that's what you are after is it?"

"You know me too well Sarah." Tony smiled.

"Well I don't know. Sometimes he says things that make me wonder, but I don't know."

"Okay, thanks Sarah. I'll keep that in mind. I better get back to him before he drinks any more." Tony smiled and turned to leave.

"What ever happens, just make sure you look after yourself Tony, you're our first worry. JC may come and go, but you have been our friend scince we met, so take care hey." Sarah gave him a hug then gave him a slight push in the way of JC. Tony smiled and headed back into the main part of the club.

Tony wandered back to the table where JC was staring at the petite blonde that was sitting at the next table.

"Looking for those who want to get in bed with Nsync are you JC?" Joked Tony. JC's gaze flicked back around as he blushed.

"Why would I need to when I have such great company here?" JC is an flirty fashion. Tony just looked towards the dance floor.

"I have some energy I need to burn ... want to join me out there?" he asked.

"Sure, sounds like fun." Agreed JC. Tony rose to his feet and waited for JC to throw back the last of his beer and headed out on the floor.

The song they were dancing to stopped and the Backstreet Boys "Larger than Life" came on. Tony slowed his dancing.

"You want to stop now or keep going?" he asked.

"I like this song, why stop?"

"Because it's competition."

"So, it doesn't matter that much, it's all a heap of shit media throws at us."

"Okay, cool." Tony nodded understanding. The song soon gave way to another , several songs later, the first bars of 'It's Gonna Be Me' started to pump through the clubs speakers, JC started to head towards the table.

"Don't you dance to your own songs?" asked Tony intrigued.

"No, makes us look all cheesy like if we do." admitted JC. Tony nodded comprehending.

"Well, why don't we just head home. You've had too much to drink, so I'll drive." Said Tony. JC nodded, feeling slightly woozy. Together, they made their way out the front where there was a cold wind whipping around. Tony stepped outside and shivered.

"I should have warn a warmer top." He groused to himself. JC slipped off his jacket and handed it to Tony.

"Here wear this, it'll warm you up pretty well." Tony looked at JC in surprise.

"What about you? Wont you get cold?"

"Nah, I'll be fine." JC smiled. They walked further out towards the front rope where Mike stopped them.

"Excuse me Mr Scott, can I get a few details off you to add to the list so that you can get in next time." Tony and JC stopped to give Mike the details then headed off towards JC's car.

Standing at the car, JC was about to get in the drivers side when Tony shook his head.

"Man, you're still too out of it to drive, give me the keys." JC looked at Tony.

"Let someone else drive my baby, I don't think so."

"Well you then got shit all chance of me gettin' in the car haven't ya. I'll catch a cab." Tony told JC as he started to walk away to find a taxi.

"Don't do that, it's cheaper if we take my car."

"Yeah, so cheap one or both of us could die if you get in an accident while you are driving drunk." Tony retorted.

"Okay, fine then, you drive." JC told Tony conceding defeat. "Man I hate logical people, they agravate me." JC threw Tony the keys and walked around the other side of the car and got in. Tony grinned and got in the drivers side.

As they drove JC asked

"So have you found a Mr Right?" Tony swallowed.

"Uh no I haven't. There hasn't been a Mr Right for about four years now." Tony told JC grimacing.

"Why's that?"

"Because something happened four years ago and I just haven't been looking for anyone yet. I guess I'm still not over it all." JC nodded, not fully understanding but also not wanting to push the subject.

"What about you JC, you found Mr Wonderful yet?" JC reddened visibly.

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Is what that obvious?" asked Tony lost.

"That I'm gay, I mean I try to hide it. I do hide it, only Curly knows that I am from the band."

"Well, I wasn't 100% sure but just some of the things you said and did made me wonder. That and being in a boy band didn't help any."

"Oh great, thanks." said JC in mock hurt. Not realising JC was joking, Tony tried to save his ass.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that ... you make good music and it really isn't that obvious ...."

"Dude relax, I was just jokin'." JC told Tony laughing.

"Bastard. Where do we go? My place or yours?" Asked Tony feeling stupid.

"Now that's a proposition if ever I've heard one. Uh, why not mine. It's just a few blocks away. Turn left here." JC told him. After giving Tony the rest of the directions and ending up back at the flats, JC looked over at Tony,

"You handled my baby pretty well. Not many can, not many actually drive it though I suppose." Tony leaned back.

"Wicked, I done something that not many do." He grinned and sank back in the leather seat. The next thing he knew, he had JC's lips on his, kissing him. Tony's eyes flew open.

"HELLO! Where did that come from?" Tony asked in surprise.

"Sorry, I've been wantin' to do that all night. I guess I shouldn't have been so forward." JC turned away blushing again and feeling embaressed. Tony looked at JC.

"JC look at me." When JC turned back Tony pushed his lips against JC and let his eyes drift shut. He felt JC stiffen slightly then melt into the kiss. As there lips pulled apart Tony let his eyes slowly open and saw JC smiling at him.

"Guess I wanted it all night too." Confessed Tony. JC smiled again.

"How about we go inside before we give the security guard a show he won't forget." Tony smiled and opened the car door.

"Now that sounds like a plan." JC then got out of the car and after locking it, they both headed up to JCs apartment.

Once inside, JC led Tony to the bedroom where he turned and kissed Tony once more and let his hands slip down to cup his ass. Tony slid his hands around JC's waist and then slid them up the back of his shirt. JC moaned softly through the kiss. This fueled his touch and brought his hands around and started to unbutton Tony's shirt, pushing it from his shoulders and onto the ground. Next JC, let his hand slip down to the belt that was holding up Tony's jeans. After pulling it away, JC undid Tony's clasp and fly and pushed them to the ground leaving Tony standing there in nothing but his midnight blue boxers. Tony lifted his hands and removed JC's wifebeater. Then, ran his hands down to JC's pants and undid, letting them fall to the floor, where his own clothes lay strewn on the floor. JC then lifted Tony, or at least tried, onto the bed. There, JC placed his lips delicately against Tony's and kissed him long and tenderly. Tony reached up and placed his arms around JC's neck and pulled him closer to the kiss and let his body take control of itself. JC's hands were soon on the waist band of Tony's boxers. Sliding them down over Tony's hips, JC then pushed them all the way off. He then proceeded to take his own boxers off. JC then rested his body down against Tony's.

As he did, Tony realised what was happening and his entire body stiffened. JC started to try to slip between Tony's legs. Tony sat up as best he could with JC on top of him.

"What's wrong?" JC asked at the sudden movement.

"I'm sorry JC. I can't do this. We've only just met. Hell, are we even going out? I don't do one night stands." Tony said nervously.

"Well, I was hoping that we would be, I really like you. I guess, if you don't want this, I can cope." JC smiled. "Thanks for being honest about this."

"I'm sorry, I know you wanted something but I just can't do it. I still need to get to know the real Joshua Chasez, not JC from TV or magazines that I may read." JC nodded.

"That's cool. Do you want to just get our boxers back and go to bed?" Tony nodded.

"I think I can do that." They both retrieved their discarded boxers and slid in between the covers, holding each other gently, JC's head on Tony's shoulder. Together, they drifted off to sleep and dreamt of things that could happen the next day.

Well guys, there's the first part of the story. Let me know what ya think of it. Heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com. I appreciate any comments. SC

Next: Chapter 2

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