Jc and the Actor

By Michael Bryan

Published on Aug 4, 2003


JC and the Actor, Chapter 2, Copyright 2003 ----------

The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or the personal lives of the members of NSYNC, or any other celebrities mentioned. If you are underage, or if it is illegal to read sexually explicit gay material where you live, don't read this.

Much thanks to those of you have written. Your comments are very appreciated and I hope to hear more from you and others in the future. I have been a fan of Nifty for some time and this is my first attempt at contributing. Send your comments or criticisms to me at mzbryan2003@yahoo.com

And now back to our story, already in progress. ----------

Chapter 2

I woke up on my left side, my eyes not quite willing to open. I slowly rolled onto my back and extended my arms above my head in a full stretch. Something smelled quite funky but as of yet I wasn't sure what. My cock was full, the usual morning wood, and I slipped my hand into my pants to stroke it. The pleasure I started to feel seemed to be having a strange effect on me as the images, feelings and sounds of a dirty bathroom, of denim rubbing against my legs, of uncomfortable groaning, of bass pumping, of fucking flooded my brain. I started thinking about what a vivid imagination I had when all at once I realized that I was still in my clothes, that the unpleasant smell was me, and that I had spent the better part of last night drinking and fucking with one of the most popular guys in music today.

I shot up to a sitting position. My head felt like it was going to explode. I had to make a run for the bathroom where I proceeded to vomit profusely. Upon finishing, I resisted the impulse to lay down on the cold tiles as that would be entirely to tragic. I used the sink to help pull myself off the floor and looked in the mirror. While I of course could not deny that I still looked adorable, at the same time I kind of looked like hell. There were dark circles under my eyes, and my lips looked dry and puckered. I splashed cold water on my face thinking it would help in some way, but it basically just made me feel cold and wet. I really wasn't used to drinking so much and hadn't developed any special remedies for the day after. The smell of sex and sweat permeated the room, so I pulled off my clothes and made my way into a warm shower.

My head was still pounding, and to make matters worse, while washing my hair, I forced myself to think about how I felt about last night. I felt as though I had suddenly made my life more complicated than it needed to be. Here I was opening a new show, getting movie offers from major directors and dealing with a break up. Now I had added impulsive sex to the mix. I had never really had a one-night stand before, and my immediate reaction was that it was wrong. I obviously was not handling my brake-up well and wondered if I was somehow trying to get revenge or prove that I could be uncaring as well. These thoughts though, were quickly followed by memories of how hot and good the entire experience was. JC and I clearly liked each other. I thought he was a really nice guy. Then I thought about the feeling of his ass, of his chest, how it felt to be inside him, the wild sounds he made. I had absentmindedly started stroking my cock and soon it was at full attention. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe I did just analyze everything to death. We were two young and hot guys who had a wild night and that was the end of it. I used protection and we had both clearly enjoyed ourselves. I continued stroking, trying to relive the episode. Wrapping my hand around my cock, I imagined it was JC's ass. Though I couldn't begin to recreate the incredible feeling of being in him, the intensity of my stroking soon had me sliding down to the floor of the tub and pounding my meat to an orgasm. I came hard, shooting three or four short, white streams of cum onto my abdomen. Lying there afterward, with the water hitting my face and body, I felt more relaxed about everything. No one had done anything wrong. We both had left feeling that it was not necessary to say anything. Relationships are certainly not born from such an encounter, and I certainly didn't think I should be in another relationship. Last night was last night. It was time to go on with the show. I finished showering, got dressed, took a couple of aspirin and went looking for a brunch.

The May weather was unusually pleasant for New York, and I was actually able to sit outside of a café. I had bought the paper to read, though I was afraid to read the review of the play. It was one thing to have everyone run up to you after a show and tell you how fabulous you were and how amazing the play itself was, but it was quite another for a New York theater critic to give you any satisfaction. However, I for one made a point of eventually reading every review I could get my hands on, in part because I was a narcissist, but also because I did think that occasionally a well-seasoned critic would make a good point, and I would find myself changing my approach to something.

Sipping my much-needed coffee, I decided it was time and turned to the theater section. My draw dropped at the headline: "Broadway Premiere's a Bona Fide Evening of Theater!" The critic went on to compare the feeling of last night's performance to going to see a new Tennessee Williams play. He stated that the play had all of the elements of classical tragedy while remaining entirely modern and timely in scope. I looked down the page to see a photograph of myself, shirtless. Apparently it had been taken right before I had to take it all off. Underneath the photo, in big black letters it said, "Brando's Heir Apparent, Nathaniel Murray, Shows He Has the Stuff in Neil Howard's new play." The article went on to say that while I was physically naked in part of the play, I showed naked emotion from the moment I took the stage. I got so excited at this I jumped out of my chair, nearly knocking over my table. Everyone at the café turned to look at me and I smiled, embarrassed. I quickly left some money on the table and ran to catch a subway up to Times Square.

I really couldn't believe it. With everything that had happened, I still pulled it off. The review made me realize what my priorities were. I was an actor. Mark had obviously never fully appreciated what it was I was doing. Maybe he had kept me from getting to this point sooner. I thought of a million people to call, but soon realized I had forgotten my cell phone. While on the subway, I read the rest of the review. The entire cast received glowing notices, with the exception of Liz, the matriarch and most seasoned member of the cast, who was described as being a bit of a caricature of the great performer she was 20 years ago. I hoped that the other critics didn't feel the same.

I walked out of the subway and headed to the theater, which was on Forty-third Street. The doorman let me in and I bounded backstage. To my surprise, I found Maggie already in her dressing room. She was on her couch with a sleeping mask over her eyes, and an ice pack on her forehead. "Maggie?" I called, wondering if she was asleep.

"You'll have to go on without me," she responded form under her mask. "I will never be able to see light again." I guess I wasn't the only one who had a good time last night. "Could you bring me some water?" I retrieved a glass from her dressing table and poured some water out of the bottle next to it. I walked over to her and sat down on the couch with her. I noticed she was still wearing her clothes from last night.

"Did you sleep here last night?" I asked. She sat up slowly, fumbling to get the glass from me without taking the mask off. Yeah, she definitely had a flair for the dramatic.

"I don't know," she started. "I think there may have been an after-after party back here. But maybe I just came back here and had my own party. How was your night? Did you make sweet love to your boy-band fantasy man?" My silence was apparently my undoing. Maggie pushed up her mask and stared at me. "Oh my God! You slept with him? You slept with JC?" I didn't really know what to say. I didn't think I should tell her that it wasn't exactly making love and that it wasn't exactly sweet.

"It was your idea." It was the best I could come up with. Maggie began pressing me for details, but being the gentleman that I am, I refused. I explained that it wasn't a really big deal, that we both had this intense attraction for each other, but that it was just a naughty hook-up kind of thing that would not be repeated. It wasn't like we were dating. For all I knew JC was back in LA, screwing some new temporary infatuation.

"Boy oh boy!" Maggie said. "All I got was an offer from my cab driver to get high and watch a geriatric fetish film that he claimed to have directed AND produced!" I looked at Maggie and twisted my eyebrows together.


She continued, "So how do you feel about all of this?"

"What's to feel?" I answered. "It was just a fling. I mean, people do it all the time. I am single and I obviously am not fairing very well in the boyfriend department."

"Oh come on," Maggie replied. "I've known you for quite a while and I know you're not your typical Chelsea boy. You loved Mark and you loved the stability it gave you."

"Well, maybe I am typical now. And Mark isn't here anymore. Maybe relationships just get in the way of what you really want. I mean, if I was with Mark yesterday, I would have had to pass up a chance with an unbelievably hot guy, or feel guilty if I didn't pass up the chance."

"So now you think what Mark did was fine."

"No. No because it was dishonest. But maybe I had pressured him into trying to be something he wasn't in the first place."

"But what were you in the first place?"

"At the moment I don't know. Isn't this just so much easier though? I can be with who I want when I want, and no one has to get hurt."

"Well, you sure have the philosophy down pat. Look Natty, I'm in no position to tell you what to do, and I'm glad you had fun and got to live out a fantasy and all that. Just don't make decisions in your life when so much is happening all at once. You could later be unhappy with the results." I was just about to rebut when there was a knock on Maggie's door. "Come in," she called, pushing the mask back over her eyes and laying back down. The door opened an in stepped a familiar face. More than a familiar face actually. It was JC.

As JC made eye contact with me, I found myself immediately looking down. This was stupid I thought, if it's not a big deal, it's not a big deal. I looked back up and said "Hey."

"Hey," JC replied. Maggie pushed her mask up to her forehead and I saw her eyes about double in size.

"Oh my God!" she suddenly called out. "I think I hear someone outside caught in a subway grate." She promptly got up as though she was on her way to provide aid when I stopped her.

"It's ok," I said, I have to check my messages in my room. JC, you wanna come down the hall with me?"

"Sure," he replied. "Oh, congratulations on your reviews Maggie, looks like the whole play is a hit."

"Oh shit!" I said. "Maggie, I forgot to show you the paper. Apparently you and I will be receiving matching statues on Tony night." I handed her the paper.

"Oh wow," she said. "They like me, they really like me!" She took the paper from me and began speed-reading it. "God, your stomach is going to end up being the play's trademark." I blushed, casting a quick look at JC.

"And all the other papers say the same thing." JC offered. I wondered if he was suddenly my biggest fan or something, and gave him a quizzical look. "My hotel delivers all the city papers in the morning," he quickly offered. I found myself smiling at him. He was one of the jitteriest people I knew, but it only made him cuter.

"Oh no," Maggie said. "Do all of them say this about Liz?" JC said some were nice, but there were a lot of ones that suggested she either didn't have it in her anymore, or just didn't care. Liz was a tough one to figure out. She had made an incredible mark on Broadway in the late 70s, and had spent the next few decades trying to surpass or at least maintain it. I didn't know much about her. She was quiet during rehearsals and I was often concerned about the chemistry between the two of us, as we played mother and son, and had some of the most emotionally challenging scenes together. I did think she was a nice person though, and a complete professional. I really hoped she wasn't too disappointed.

I bid Maggie adieu, and walked JC back to my dressing room. "So what brings you hear Josh? Have you been bit by the theater bug?" JC laughed nervously. He was wearing a tan golf hat, a short-sleeved sweater, and yet another pair of stylishly ripped jeans. Really adorable.

"I don't know, I kind of wanted to see you again." I came to a halt in front of my dressing table. I picked up the phone on the table. I turned around to face him and gave him a nervous smile. Now what? Was this where I was supposed to lay down the law? Tell him that there was nothing between us? That we had a good fuck and shouldn't be making such a big deal of it? Everything was telling me to nip this in the bud, but looking at him I knew I couldn't say anything to hurt him. How someone could remain with a look of complete innocence after more than willingly offering himself up in public bathroom was confusing to me. Then again, he was probably thinking the same thing about me.

"Could you just hold that thought for a moment?" I asked. I dialed my voice mail and listened to my messages. There were several, which was making this moment last for an eternity. There were lots of well-wishers and lots of calls from Allen, who I worried was about to become a real pain in the ass. "Are you happy with your representation?" I called over to JC. He nodded and I finished going through the messages. When I hung up, I still didn't know what to say, so I asked him for another second, picked up the phone, and dialed the voice mail for my cell phone, which contained more of the same. Ok. It was now or never. I hung up the phone and turned around once again. "JC, uh, Josh..." I was somewhat relieved that he decided to interrupt me.

"Look," he started. "I just wanted you to know that I had a real good time last night. The party was great and I think you're a lot of fun to be around. I know we don't really know each other, but I was thinking that since I'm going to be in the city for the next week, maybe we could hang out when we have the chance." I hadn't really expected this. He wanted to hang out? Like go to museums or something?

"Uh, yeah," I answered. We could try to do that. He seemed happy with my answer.

"Also," he continued, stepping toward me until he was within an arm's reach. He had shaved and his skin looked smooth and clear. "I think you should know that I don't really make a habit of doing what we did last night." I was shocked that he was bringing it up so easily. "I'm not saying that I have any regrets because I don't. I'm not sure if it was something you usually do, though I kind of think it isn't. But whatever the case, it doesn't bother me and doesn't have to be something we pretend never happened." We were making some serious eye contact at this point. I was totally knocked out by his analysis. Like I had thought before I met him, he was smart and perceptive. His shyness and his muttering were an anomaly of their own. His sudden self-assurance was intoxicating and without thinking I leaned in to kiss him. I had only kissed him for a moment when I felt him push me away, grabbing me by the biceps. He stared into my eyes intensely, the cold blue steel of them sending a shiver down my spine. He wasn't letting go and he wasn't saying anything.

"What?" I finally asked. "What is it you want from me?" He was starting to breathe hard.


"Ok Josh, we can be friends." My heart was racing. What the fuck was going on? He continued to stare at me, breathing hard and holding my arms. I felt like we were going to stay like this forever until he made an expression that suggested he had come to some sort of decision. Before I knew it, he pulled me toward him and crushed his lips against mine. He pushed his tongue between my teeth and pushed me up against my dressing table. I realized instantly that one did not have to be drunk to be turned on by this guy. My cock was already hardening as I felt him lift me up onto the table. I must have knocked over a million things, and I was on something that was most certainly making me uncomfortable. While still kissing me, his hands found the bottom of my shirt and he quickly stopped kissing me so that he could pull it off. He paused to take in the visual. He thereafter launched an oral assault on my neck, licking and sucking. Not wanting a love-bite, I placed my hands on his shoulders and eased him down a bit. He trailed his tongue down my chest, burying his face in the light, but dark hair on it. He found my left nipple and licked and nipped at it with his teeth. I groaned with pleasure as I held myself up by putting my hands behind me on the table. He moved to the other nipple then stuck out his tongue and licked down the trail of fine hair that led to my naval. I let him have control and was more than happy to give it to him. When he got down to my jeans, he grabbed me by the ass and pulled me off the table. He undid the button-fly and pressed his face into the fabric of my black boxer briefs. He slid my jeans to the ground, but he ran into my shoes. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and leaned down to remove my shoes and jeans.

Once I was just in my underwear, I walked over to the door to lock it, and then I went over to the couch. JC was still dressed, though his hat had gone somewhere. He was on me in a flash, kissing me and rubbing my cock through my underwear with his hand. Before I knew it he had pulled my underwear off and was once again bobbing up and down on my dick with his mouth. "Oh Josh," I moaned gripping the back of the couch behind me. Last night it was dark. Today it was light. The sight of him blowing me, of his gorgeous lips around my cock, was almost enough to send me over the edge. He looked up at me, looking pleased with what he was doing, as well as the visual I was providing. "Josh, I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.

"Not yet," he replied pulling his mouth off of me. He stood up in front of me while I tried to hold off blowing my load. In one swift movement he pulled his sweater off and tossed it to the floor. There in front of me, for the first time was the naked torso of JC Chasez. I think I may have started drooling at the site of his incredibly defined body. He was thin as a rail, but was definitely working it for all it was worth. He had perfect sized nipples and short black hairs covering his upper chest. It looked as though he trimmed, and it looked particularly great on him. His stomach was like smooth white marble, sculpted to perfection. As if that wasn't enough, he then began undoing his jeans, quickly sliding them off and throwing them next to me on the couch, leaving him in a pair of gray boxer-briefs. Within those briefs was a long tube that seemed to stretch up his pelvis. He peeled down his underwear and I had to bite my lip to make sure I was still awake. The rumors were true. JC was hung like a horse. While I'm no carpenter, if I had to guess I would say it was at least nine inches with a slight curve upward and to the left. It wasn't particularly veiny, and while it was pretty thick in proportion to the rest of him, it wasn't vulgarly so. His pubes were well trimmed and I could see that he shaved his balls. Before I had the chance to leap up on him, he was straddling my lap and back to kissing me. My hands grasped his strong thighs, pulling at the short hairs on them. I urged him to get up on his knees so that I could give his chest the attention it deserved. He did and I soon was licking down the line separating his hard pecs, going from side to side to suck on his nipples. Whenever I licked his nipples he groaned and tried to push his chest harder against me. Nipple play was obviously something he really enjoyed.

While sucking oh his chest, I could feel his cock rubbing up against my chest, leaving a sticky trail wherever it hit up against me. I placed my hands on his ass, a familiar feeling, and propelled him up a bit further so that I could wrap my lips around his gorgeous cock. Soon he was holding himself up by placing his hands on the wall above me. When I first made contact with his cock I nearly came myself. This was all too much stimulation. Concentrating, I began licking up and down its length, stopping on spots I could tell were making him whimper. I had serious doubts about my ability to deep throat such a massive tool, so I just did the best I could. JC began slowly fucking my face, moaning about how great it felt. He never started going fast or tried to make me take more than I was content with. I had just made the decision that this is what I would be doing with the rest of my life when he quickly withdrew his penis and sat back down on my thighs. He kissed me for a while, then reached down and wrapped his had around my pole, stroking it softly. With his other hand he reached over and pulled a condom out of his jeans. "Came prepared?" I suggested.

"Just like you." he responded, pulling the packet open with his teeth. He pulled out the condom and proceeded to start rolling it down my cock. I was speechless. I felt like I was one giant sex gland. He then pulled another packet out of his jeans, which I realized contained lube. He poured the lube over my cock and began stroking it. When he had finished he reached the same hand behind him and applied some lube to his hole. He moaned at his own touch, which of course made me want to explode. He then raised himself up, kneeled closer to me, grabbed my cock, and started lowering himself onto me.

"Oh fuck Josh!" I felt my head slide in and heard his moans as he lowered himself down to the base. His eyes were closed, but mine were wide open. I watched my cock from behind his balls slide in and out of him as he began to raise himself up and down. He was going fast sooner than I had expected. We kissed and I was all over his chest with my mouth. My hands kept sliding up his back and down to his ass. I began jerking off his massive tool and soon he threw his head back.

"Oh," he moaned. "I, I, I'm..." He started shooting ropes of cum onto my chest. His orgasms were apparently long and quite intense. The jerking movements he had started making tightened his ass around my cock and I shot off with a long, deep sigh. Once again, when I had finished cumming, he remained quivering fully finishing his orgasm. Leaving me inside him, he started kissing me deeply, placing his hands on either side of my face. Yeah, this guy was going to be hard to get rid of.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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