Jc and the Actor

By Michael Bryan

Published on Sep 16, 2003


JC and the Actor, Chapter 14, Copyright 2003

The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or the personal lives of the members of NSYNC, or any other celebrities mentioned. If you are underage, or if it is illegal to read sexually explicit gay material where you live, don't read this.

Email me with your comments, questions or suggestions; I love hearing from all of you...mzbryan2003@yahoo.com

Chapter 14

Lance stood in front of me, his back to the door. My heart was pounding, and I felt like I was sweating, though I'm not sure if I was. Before Lance had the chance to say anything, I lunged toward him. He looked almost scared as I pushed him up against the door, pinning his arms to his sides. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before I attacked his mouth with my own. Hungrily I kissed him and I could hear him moan, partly from shock, partly from excitement. Lance equaled the force with which I kissed him, and I couldn't help but realize that Lance's face was smoother as compared to JC's stubble.

I grabbed Lance by his arm, and pulled him away from the door. I could tell that he didn't know what to expect next, though he looked ready for anything. I brought him toward the large chair that sat near the bed, and roughly pushed him into it.

"You like it rough, don't you?" he said, looking up at me and breathing heavily.

"Isn't this what you want?" I countered.

"You bet," he replied with a smirk.

I dropped down to my knees in front of him, and put my hands on his chest. In one swift motion, looking straight into his eyes, I tore his dress shirt open. He smiled at me, obviously impressed. I could hear a few of the buttons rolling around on the floor as I pushed my face into his chest. It felt warm, taught and completely smooth. I licked up and down the middle of his chest, looking up briefly to see the extremely pleased expression on his face.

"Boy, you really go for it," I heard him say from above.

I moved to his nipples and took turns sucking on each one. His body tasted different from JC's, but was not at all unpleasant. I traveled with my tongue down his golden brown chest to his naval, and then pulled back, my hands reaching up to his belt buckle. I undid his belt as quickly as possible and started unbuttoning his pants.

"Oh yeah, that's it," he purred.

I undid the button and unzipped his pants. I then hooked my fingers into his boxers in an attempt to pull them off along with his pants in one quick motion. However, his cock was already noticeably hard in his shorts, making it difficult. He thrust his pelvis out, and I pulled his pants down. I then eased his boxers over his cock and soon it stood before me in all its glory. His cock was the same golden color that he was, and while it was not as big as JC's, it was noticeably thicker and jutted straight up against his stomach. His ball sack was large, and looked like it was holding two heavy walnuts. My hands were holding his hips as I maneuvered myself over his cock, bringing my face toward it.

"Go for it, do it," Lance panted. His cock looked painfully hard.

I moved in closer to it. I could smell his musky, manly scent. I brought my lips within a half-inch of his meaty cock, and I heard a soft moan escape his mouth as he prepared himself for what was to come.

I paused for a moment and looked up at him. He met my gaze with a look of exasperation. He wanted it bad and he wanted it now.

"On second thought," I said suddenly, pulling myself away. "I don't think I want to do this."

"What?" he said as I raised myself up to a standing position. He was looking back and forth between his cock and me.

"Yeah, I don't know, it just seems wrong," I said.

"Uh, that's kind of the point," he laughed, a bit nervous. "You blow me and I don't tell Josh what a horny monkey you are."

"Hold that thought," I said, pointing at him. "I'll be right back." Lance didn't respond as I left the room and ran up the stairs. I was back a few seconds later, and he was still sitting in the chair, his cock soft and lying on his thigh.

"What the fuck is going on Nate?" he asked. He seemed like he was getting ready for something.

"Why Lance," I said in mock disappointment. "Nothing is going on. It's just that, well, I've had a lot of time to think this week, and I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to blow you and that you weren't going to be telling Josh anything."

"How do you figure?" he asked.

I looked at him and couldn't help but smile a little. "Do you like movies, Lance?" I asked, withdrawing a videocassette from behind me.

His eyes widened when he saw it, though I couldn't quite tell if he knew what it contained.

"No," he said calmly.

"Oh, come on," I kidded. "Well, I think you're going to like this one. Sure the camera work isn't top-notch, but the content is really amazing." I walked over to the TV that was in the room and popped the tape into the VCR. "Normally I would tell you to pull your pants up, but for this movie you might want to leave them down." Realizing that he was still undressed, Lance pulled his shorts and pants up, and turned his attention to the TV screen.

An image of Lance popped up on the screen. It was him getting a blowjob from some young guy. The guy was naked and jerking himself off at the same time. It was in vivid color and complete with sound. Lance stared at the screen, a look of horror spreading across his face.

"You son of a bitch!" he shouted, standing up. He made a movement to lunge for the VCR, but stopped himself. Apparently he was smart enough to realize that this wasn't the only tape.

"There are four more of these," I explained thoughtfully, gesturing at the screen. "They are currently on route to different parts of the country with express instructions that they not be opened unless I say so."

"You think you can blackmail me?" he asked angrily. "I'll fucking have you buried."

"Hmm, I really don't think so Lance. I have to tell you, for a while there I wasn't sure what I was going to do and I thought you really had me. But then I came up with this idea, and while at first I thought that it was pretty basic, I couldn't help but think that it might work out." He stared back at me, a million thoughts firing through his head. "Let's see now," I continued. "I have you on tape getting blown by this guy, then there's you fucking some other guy who must have really been something special since, if I remember correctly, you blew him for a bit." Lance's fists were clenching, but he just stood there, listening to my monologue. "And of course there's the girl you brought home last night who I had the toughest time trying to decide if she was over eighteen or not." I shook my head, showing him my confusion.

"I wonder if Josh knows what a piece of shit he has for a boyfriend?" Lance said, trying to wound me.

"Well, fortunately for me he's never going to know, because you are never going to tell him."

"The hell I won't," Lance replied.

"Come on Lance, you're going to ruin your entire career and reputation over me? I'm not worth it."

"You sure aren't," he mumbled, crossing his arms.

"So listen," I started, stopping the tape. "Here's the deal. You are going to keep your mouth shut about all of this and the other night. You're also going to pack up your stuff and leave Josh's house immediately." He went to say something but I raised my hand and he stopped. "I love Josh, and it kills me to see him think that you are his friend when it's clear you could give a shit about him."

"You don't know anything about our friendship," he snapped.

"I want you to stay away from him unless it has something to do with work. In return, I will agree not to have images of you fucking your brains out plastered all over the media."

"What if I don't care if people see it?" he asked, thinking he may be able to back me down.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take," I said dryly. "Something tells me you're not."

Lance slumped back down into his chair, looking somewhat defeated. I ejected the tape and started walking toward the door. "Jesus Nate," he said under his breath. "You didn't have to take it all so seriously. It was just a game."

I stopped and turned to him. "Yeah, and you lost. It had to happen sooner or later." Lance glared back at me and I could tell that aside from being angry, he was hurt. "You gave me no other choice Lance. I thought you were a cool guy, but now I think you are seriously fucked up. Maybe it's time you pull your shit together." I resumed walking toward the door.

Lance called from behind me. "It's funny that JC doesn't know that the kind of person he was always trying to protect me from is lying in bed next to him."

I stopped and without turning around said, "That is funny, isn't it?" Before walking out the door I tapped my finger on a section of the doorframe. "Smile!" I said, referring to the tiny black camera that blended perfectly into the dark molding.

I headed up the stairs, unable to erase the smile from my face. As excited as I was, I also couldn't believe what I had just done. I had never thought I would ever find myself in a situation like this, much less react the way I did to it. Sure I didn't have to go as far with Lance as I did, but I was an actor for God's sake. Drama was my life. It may not have been the most inventive scheme, but it worked.

I went into JC's bedroom and flopped down on the bed. I couldn't tell if I wanted to sleep for days, or go running. The feeling of freedom was incredible. After a while, I heard Lance emerge from his room and walk toward the garage. Moments later I heard his car start up and he pulled out of the garage. He was gone. There was no longer anything that could come between JC and me.

By the time JC got back to the house, I had showered and changed into a pair of jeans and a tight blue, short-sleeved dress shirt. I was sitting on a chair, tying my shoes when JC walked into the bedroom, pulling off his t-shirt. I heard a muffled, "hey" through the shirt as he pulled it off his head.

"You don't waste any time," I laughed, looking at the tight muscles covering his ribs.

"I have to shower before our big night," he replied, unbuttoning his pants as he walked toward the bathroom.

"Are you sure you don't want to just ravage me right here, right now?" I called into him.

"How did you like the tar pits?" he answered. I guess he wasn't in the mood for jokes.

I told him that we didn't go, that we both realized we had a lot of stuff to do. It wasn't really a lie.

"Well, you'll be back, right?" he yelled out. I heard him turn the shower on.

"Of course," I said. I could tell that he had gotten into the shower and, feeling kind of playful, even if JC currently seemed to be all business, I walked into the bathroom and stood by the shower. His back was to me as the water crashed down over his head. I admired his impeccably toned body, his smooth pale skin. He turned around and nearly jumped out of that smooth skin when he saw me standing there, smiling at him.

"Oh my God!" he yelled. He looked embarrassed at being caught off guard. "What are you doing?"

"Just looking," I said, looking him up and down.

"Um, ok, um, I'll be out in a minute."

"Ok, I'll just wait here." We were talking through the glass of the shower and I had to stop myself from laughing at the scene.

"You're gonna just watch me shower?" he asked, looking a little confused.

"Yeah, I'm pretty free for the next few minutes." I stepped back, conveying the feeling that I was settling down to watch the show.

JC hesitated, looking back at me, smiling nervously. "Um, ok, well, I'm just gonna shower then."

"Ok," I said cheerfully. He stepped back under the water and slowly resumed his bathing. I could tell that he was trying his hardest to seem comfortable, but that he felt completely awkward. I watched the soap and water drip down his body, and loved seeing his shyness when he turned around to wash his private areas. Occasionally I would tell him that he had missed a spot, but he just ignored me.

When he finished I got a towel and brought it over to him. "Thanks," he said, opening up the shower door.

"Thank you," I smirked. He laughed and told me I was nuts. He toweled off and then went into the bedroom where he changed into a new pair of jeans and a white, v-neck t-shirt. He pulled his necklace out from under his shirt and then went back into the bathroom to fix his hair.

I asked him what the plans were, but he just gave me a look that let me know I had no shot of finding out.

It was around five o'clock by the time we got down to the car. JC had wanted to leave a bit earlier, but I kept stopping him by pushing him down onto the bed and kissing him. For as much fun as I was having, I knew this was my final night in LA with him, and I didn't want it to end.

When we got into the car, he handed me a pair of sunglasses and told me to put them on. When I did, I was surprised to find that the lenses were completely blacked out, making it impossible to see out of them.

"Uh, Josh?" I said, wondering what he was up to.

"I don't want you to see where we are going," he said. "And I thought it would look a bit scary if people saw me driving around with a blindfolded guy. So I had these baby's rigged up."

"Very smart," I said. The glasses were very large, making what little I could see out of the sides rather irrelevant since I didn't know the roads very well.

We weren't driving for that long, but in LA you could be in so many different places in less than fifteen minutes. The car came to a stop and JC came around to my side, opening the door for me and escorting me out.

"This isn't going to turn into some wacked out bondage and domination scene is it?" I asked.

"You wish," he joked, leading me by the arm. I felt pavement under my feet, then grass, then more pavement. JC stopped and turned me around, stepping behind me. "Are you ready?" he asked.

I nodded and he reached up and slipped the glasses off my face. I was at first struck by the bright light of the sun, but as my eyes adjusted to the outdoors, I saw that I was on a large concrete balcony overlooking a great forest. I knew that we had to be in either Griffith or Elysian Park, but the outline of the trees seemed familiar from the angle at which we were standing.

"Where are we, Josh?" I asked, feeling his hands on my shoulders.

"Turn around," he said.

I turned and saw that we were standing in front of the Griffith Park Observatory. It was immediately recognizable, an amazing piece of early Hollywood architecture.

"We never made it up here the other day," JC said. I was surprised that he realized how much I really did want to see it. I brought my hand up to his face and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"This is awesome Josh, thank you."

"And this," he said, pointing to the ground. "This is the spot where James Dean filmed the knife fight for 'Rebel Without a Cause'." I turned back around and realized why the land looked so familiar. Then I realized something and whipped back around.

"Wait a minute, I thought you hadn't seen the movie," I said, looking at him. He smiled and shifted his eyes back and forth. "Oh my God, this is what you were doing upstairs yesterday? You were watching 'Rebel Without a Cause'?"

"Well, that's not all I was doing," he answered. "But it's like your favorite movie, right?"

"Yeah," I smiled, reaching over to hug him. "I saw it when I was twelve, and that's when I knew I would become an actor."

We stood overlooking the park for a while, chatting and feeling very close to each other. When JC pulled away from the ledge, I did as well, thinking that it was time to go to the next destination.

"Are you ready to go in?" he asked, taking my hand and leading me around the observatory, toward the entrance.

"Is it open?" I asked innocently. JC laughed and told me that it was open just for me. When he said that I realized that there were no other cars in the parking lot, and no signs of anyone being around. Apparently, for the next few hours, we owned the mountain.

We entered the building and JC brought me into the planetarium. It was dim and cool when we entered. It felt like a school trip had ended, and we were left behind.

"Why don't you go grab us a couple of seats," he suggested. I looked at him and realized he was serious. I smiled at him, a little confused but willing to go along with whatever he had planned. I walked to the middle row on the other side and sat down a few seats in.

"Is this good?" I yelled to him. He gave me a "thumbs up," and walked over to the control panel. I looked up at the huge, empty dome, then jumped when a voice came booming out of the speakers.

"For eons, man has gazed up at the stars wondering if he was alone in the universe..." JC started laughing into the microphone, unable to continue his Leonard Nemoy impression. "Just kidding, just kidding," he laughed. I was laughing in my seat, watching him fumble with the controls while he held a piece of paper.

Suddenly the room began to darken, and JC quickly scurried over to me, taking the seat next to me.

"The show is about to begin," he said, squeezing my hand.

"You're crazy," I said to him, leaning over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But this is really fun." We settled low into our seats and I leaned my head on his shoulder as the room turned to black, and the stars slowly started to appear. Once the sky was filled with sparkles, the recorded voice-over began and we found ourselves learning the stories behind all of the constellations.

The show lasted for about a half-hour. JC seemed to be totally engrossed with it, and I was totally filled with the most amazing feeling of comfort, love and companionship. JC was genuinely interested in my happiness. When the show ended, the stars did not disappear, and the room did not begin to brighten. I could see Josh in the dim light cast by the stars, but couldn't see much else.

"Do you think there is something wrong with the projector?" I asked him. He gave me a look that said "no," and I realized that nothing about this evening would be happening by accident.

Josh got up and walked toward the back of the room. I turned around but could barely see what he was doing. I heard some rustling and banging, followed by a slight groan. I was just about to call out to him when he emerged from the darkness carrying something large under each arm and holding what appeared to be a cooler in one hand and a large toolbox in the other. He also had a backpack hanging behind him. I jumped up and asked if he wanted some help but he shook his head and walked toward the center of the circular room, which was empty except for the projector. He dropped the stuff down and I walked over to him. I saw that what he was carrying were two sleeping bags, which he rolled out next to each other on the floor.

"You won't have to worry about coyotes here," he said. He pulled an electric lantern out of his backpack and set it in-between the sleeping bags. He flipped it on and it cast a warm glow in the middle of the room. I sat down on one of the sleeping bags, not sure if I wanted to laugh hysterically or tell him that he was one of the most romantic people I had ever met. I wondered how he came up with this idea, and thought it was really cute.

He didn't say much as he set up our camp. The toolbox turned out to be a traveling grill, which he soon had fired up.

"Josh," I said, growing a little scared when I saw the small bright flames, "we're gonna burn down the observatory."

"Everything is under control," he said, though he clearly looked a little nervous himself. "I got a special celebrity permit." I looked back at him, not trusting the situation. "And there's a fire extinguisher right over there," he reassured me, pointing over to the wall. He opened up the cooler, pulled out two hamburgers, and threw them on the grill. I nervously watched the smoke rise, hoping that alarms weren't going to start ringing out of control. The ceiling was very high, which I guess would help it disperse.

"Can I call you my little boy scout?" I asked him, lying back on the ground.

"Um, if you want to," he said. He wasn't paying too much attention to me as he watched the hamburgers with a sense of purpose and fear all at once. "Why don't you have some wine," he suggested, gesturing to his backpack. I went over to it and found a bottle and two glasses.

"Hmm," I joked. "There seem to be a few more items of interest in here."

"Never mind that stuff," he said. I giggled and poured the wine into both glasses, handing him one of them. With the stars hanging above us, and with the smell of the food, it really did look like we were out camping. "Everything in LA is fake," he joked, adding some pre-made French fries to the grill. "I just thought you should see how far it can go."

He finished the hamburgers without any casualties, and put them in rolls on paper plates. I admit that I had to pretend that they tasted good, but the company more than compensated for the cuisine.

"I'm going to miss this pampering," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Why don't you just stay," he said. "Give your understudy the chance of a lifetime."

I laughed. Even if I would have liked to, he knew I never would. I was really looking forward to going back on the stage, but it was bittersweet knowing that I would be seeing less of JC. The group was now going to be doing publicity in various cities throughout the country. Then there was talk about them going abroad for a while before starting up their summer tour. We would probably be able to see each other on a few weekends, but after spending nearly everyday of the past two weeks together, it was going to be tough.

JC reminded me that it wasn't always going to be like this, that after the tour he would probably have nothing but free time. But the reality was that in the middle of his touring, I would be going to Africa and God knows where else if I started to consistently make films. We talked about this stuff for a while, until we realized that we were really dampening each other's moods. We agreed that we would somehow work it out and resumed more fun discussions.

We finished "dinner" and laid back on our sleeping bags. The smell of the food lingered only for a short while before it was replace by the cool, clean air that pumped into the room. I had always found planetariums to be incredibly calming places, and now I felt that feeling stronger than ever. Being able to stare up at the sky without feeling creepy things under you, or wondering where some sound was coming from certainly had its benefits.

We talked for hours, at one point turning off the lamp and letting the darkness wash over us. I could see JC's bright eyes staring at me, and it suddenly felt like we were very far apart.

"So listen," I started. "If you're real quiet, maybe you can come over and slip into my sleeping bag without the camp counselor noticing." He laughed and he was soon sitting next to me. "Did you really think we were going to sleep in separate bags?" I asked him. I was already pulling his t-shirt over his head.

"It was more for the look of it," he answered. He started unbuttoning my shirt and I soon felt his lips pressing against my chest.

"Josh, I love you," I moaned, feeling his feathery kisses all over my body.

"I love you too," he said.

He started unbuttoning my pants and soon we had fully undressed each other. The room had gotten quite chilly, so we slipped into the sleeping bag and I rolled on top of him, feeling the warmth of his naked body beneath me. Neither of us could see that well, so we were relying primarily on touch. My lips never left his as I caressed his body, feeling the short hairs on his chest, his soft nipples, his taught stomach. His hands ran up and down my back as my hand brushed through his trimmed pubic hair and grasped his hard shaft. I stroked his cock slowly, feeling my own hard dick slide up and down his thigh.

"Oh, Nate," he purred, slipping his tongue into my mouth. His hands slid down and grasped my ass, squeezing my cheeks softly. We were nothing but lips, hands and dicks sliding up and down, all over each other. The darkness forced me to visualize what I was feeling, making me want him more and more. We kissed, nibbled, and caressed for a long time, tracing each other's bodies with our hands, trying to memorize each muscle and curve.

My hands reached under JC's ass as I kissed his neck. When my hand approached the crack of his ass, he called softly above me, "Nate, get the bag." I raised myself a bit out of the sleeping bag, feeling my cock slide up his body as I grabbed around for his backpack. Just when I got it, I felt him slide lower and take my cock into his mouth.

"Ohhh," I moaned, dropping my hands down onto the ground to support myself. He was bobbing up and down on my shaft, squeezing my cock with his lips and tongue. I rocked my cock into his mouth, feeling him take it to its base. After a while, I started to feel a familiar sensation in my groin and warned him that we weren't going to need the backpack if he didn't stop. He pulled off of me and slid back up underneath me as I sat down over his legs. I pulled a condom and the lube out of the bag and in no time was rubbered, oiled and ready to go.

I laid back down on him and he wiggled himself until he was laying on his stomach. He raised one of his legs to the side as my cock found his hole and slowly pushed itself in. My chest was pressed firmly against his back and he moaned as I slid my entire length into him. His leg lowered back down underneath me and we began a slow rocking as I alternated between leaning over to kiss him, and kissing his smooth back.

His ass was as tight as ever, and it felt warm and slick around my cock. "Oh Nate," he moaned. "I love having you inside me, filling me with your manhood." Our hands were locked together as we quickened our pace. "Grab my cock," he yelled, rocking his hips against me. "Grab my cock."

Our legs intertwined and I moved one of my hands, grabbing both of his with my other hand and holding them against the floor above his head. With my free hand I reached down underneath him and grabbed his cock, which was slick with precum. He was happier fucking my hand rather than the floor of the sleeping bag, and I could tell he was smiling as he pushed himself back on my dick. My chest was filled with sweat and easily slid up and down his back. I nibbled at his ear, and he began making his familiar erratic sounds.

We were reaching a maximum speed and I knew it would soon be over. The sound of his ass slapping up against me was the last thing I heard before I yelled, "Oh Josh, fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" My balls tightened and the cum shot out of me, filling the condom inside him. For the first time, I was the one making most of the noise, maybe because it was the first time I knew no one else could hear me. I kept fucking him long after I knew I had stopped ejaculating, moaning and whining as I enjoyed a dry, second orgasm. JC's cock widened in my hand and he let out a low, gutteral sound as he started shooting as well. I could feel his cock pulse with each shot.

When he finished, he started laughing. "Oh God," he said, wiping the sweat off his face with his hand. "That was so fuckin' good." He sighed and laid his head down. "I am really going to miss you," he said softly.

"Me or my cock?" I joked, tickling his ribs. He squirmed beneath me and I slowly pulled out of him.

"You're the whole package, Nate," he smiled. I snuggled up against him, pulling his back against my chest.

"Thanks for taking me camping," I said, kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome," he answered. He gave a small yawn and settled down against me. We closed our eyes and were soon fast asleep.

When we woke up, we had to check our watches to see if it was really morning. It was around eight, so we started gathering our stuff together. I had an eleven o'clock flight, so I was going to have just enough time to get back to JC's house, shower, pack, and get to the airport. We were both quiet on the drive back. Neither of us was particularly happy about my leaving.

"When do you think you'll be able to come to New York?" I asked him as we neared his house.

"I'm not sure," he answered. "Maybe in like two weeks? It's kind of up to Johnny if we go to Europe or not."

I didn't ask him any more questions. Part of me wanted him to say that he was just going to drop everything and come with me, but I had to remind myself that what I liked about our relationship was that we were two individuals who had our own directions in life. Sometimes it sounded better than it felt.

We both showered and I threw my things into my suitcase. Then it was off to the airport.

JC got a call from Justin, then Joey, then Chris. All of them sounded like they were flipping out over some miscommunication that was going to make them have to leave later in the day to perform in Las Vegas later tonight. JC told them that he was taking me to the airport, and they told him to wish me well.

Sure enough, Lance was his fourth call, and I braced myself when I heard his muffled voice on the other end of the line. After JC told him where we were headed, he handed me the phone. I stared at it, not wanting to take it.

"Lance wants to say goodbye to you," he said.

I smiled politely and took the phone from him. "Hello?" I said into the receiver.

"Hey Nate, just wanted to wish you well on your flight back."

"Thanks," I said, wondering if JC could notice how unenthusiastic my voice sounded.

"I really underestimated you, didn't I?" he asked cheerfully.

"I guess so," I answered.

"Well, you play a good game," he continued, his voice lowering. "And just between you and me, I was so turned on after you walked out of the room yesterday that I had to jack off before I left."

"Thanks for calling," I said, ready to hang up. I wondered if Lance was the kind of person that just couldn't be defeated. He laughed to himself, then told me to take care of myself. He hung up and I handed the phone back to JC.

When we pulled up to the terminal, my heart skipped a beat as I realized our united bliss was over.

"Um," I started, grabbing my bag from the backseat. JC was just staring ahead, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"I know that we are going to see each other again, but, I, uh, I really don't like goodbyes," he said.

"Do you want me to just leave?" I asked, not sure what I was supposed to do.

He turned his face toward me. "Is this going to work out?" he asked sternly.

"Josh, I've never dated someone who wasn't around all the time."

"I've always been that person," he said, his eyes slowly moistening. "And I've always been left in the end."

"Josh," I said, raising my hand to his shoulder. "I'm not leaving you. It's going to be ok, we're going to have to make sure it is."

He nodded, and I wiped the tear traveling down his face with my thumb. I leaned over and kissed him. It did feel like something was ending, but I just kept telling myself that it wasn't.

"I really love you," he said, looking directly into my eyes. I was tempted to tell him that I just wouldn't go, but I couldn't.

"I love you too," I said, I leaned over and we embraced. To anyone else it may have seemed like we were overreacting, but to us it seemed right. "I'll call you when I land."

I gave him one last kiss. "You better get out of here before somebody recognizes you," I said. I opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind me. I didn't look back as I entered the airport. I couldn't.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 15

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