Jc and the Actor

By Michael Bryan

Published on Sep 11, 2003


JC and the Actor, Chapter 13, Copyright 2003 ----------

The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or the personal lives of the members of NSYNC, or any other celebrities mentioned. If you are underage, or if it is illegal to read sexually explicit gay material where you live, don't read this.

Show some love [ or hate if the case may be :) ], let me know what you guys think (mzbryan2003@yahoo.com)

Hmmm, unlucky number 13...who will it be unlucky for? Lance? Nate? JC?

Chapter 13

I was in a store in the heart of Hollywood when JC called to tell me that the guys had finished the show and were headed to some party where they were supposed to meet up with some of Justin's friends. The salesman was just about to show me the items I was interested in, so I had to tell him to hold on for a moment while I stepped outside to talk to JC. I didn't tell JC where I was, but told him that I was feeling kind of tired and wouldn't mind spending the rest of the evening at home. He offered to cut his evening short, but I told him not to worry about it and to have fun.

"If I rest now, maybe I'll be up for some excitement later," I kidded.

"Yikes," he responded. "I'm still recovering from this afternoon. Well, I guess I'll see you later then."

"Oh, I almost forgot," I started. "I think I'm going to stay through Sunday, that is if you don't mind."

"Mind? Are you kidding? That's one more entire day with you. Awesome."

"I'm glad you're as excited as I am," I said. I told him that I would talk to him later, and headed back into the store.

The salesman walked toward me. "This is the smallest of its kind," he said. "And this thing here can pick up a signal from hundreds of feet away."

"Cool," I said, taking out my wallet.

"Will this be all, then?" he asked. I told him that it was and he proceeded with the sale. I could tell he was curious about what I was going to do with these things, but I didn't really think an explanation was necessary. He handed me the bag and I headed out the door. I was a little nervous about leaving JC's rather expensive car in a somewhat shady part of LA, so I was happy to see it parked outside, apparently untouched. I sped back toward his house, wondering what my chances were of my plan working in my favor. With any risk naturally came the possibility that the whole thing could backfire on me and make me lose everything I was trying to keep, but I felt that the odds were in my favor. Part of me couldn't believe I was even doing this, but I kept telling myself that there was really no other way. I had to guarantee that Lance would not tell JC anything about the other night.

It was nearly two in the morning when I heard the garage door opening. I scurried out of the guest room and flopped myself on the couch in the den. I flipped on the TV. Naturally MTV was the last station that had been on, and oddly enough NSYNC'S new video was playing.

"Whoa!" I heard from behind me. "MTV is actually playing videos?" I turned my head and saw JC walking toward me.

"You look so hot in this," I said, turning my head back to the television. He sat down on the couch next to me and put his arm behind me on the back of the couch. "Do you realize that everyone in the country thinks you don't own any shirts with sleeves?" I joked, pointing at the screen where he was dancing with other guys and looking really good.

"One of the many benefits of living in LA," he said, leaning over to kiss me. I could smell a bit of alcohol on his breath, but he wasn't drunk. So what have you been up to?" he asked.

"Not much, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. How about you?" He told me that the interview went well, though Larry King didn't direct many questions toward him. He said that they all then went to some club, but that he left early because he wasn't having any fun knowing that I was here all by myself. I asked him if Lance was here and he told me that he took Lance's car back, and that Lance looked pretty determined to make the most of his evening.

"So we're all alone again," I stated. JC pushed me down onto the couch until he was lying on top of me. He started kissing me, fully pressing his lips against mine. "You think I'm really easy, don't you?" I kidded.

"Who said this is going any further?" he answered. "I think you're a little presumptuous." He smiled at me and resumed kissing me. We were both fully clothed and he still had his jacket on, but I felt incredibly comfortable. We made-out for a long time, concentrating on each other's lips and mouths, not feeling the need for things to progress. I couldn't remember the last time I just kissed someone for a long period of time, but it felt incredibly sexy.

A half-hour probably passed, and without meaning to do so, I yawned widely during one of JC's kisses.

"Ok," he said, propping himself up on his elbows. "You're bored. The magic's gone."

"No, it's not that Josh, I'm just..." I yawned again. "I'm just exhausted." I had basically been running around like a madman since JC left for the interview, and now lying still for so long allowed my body to feel its tiredness.

"Well, let's just get you to bed then," JC said, pulling me up off the couch. "I'd carry you up the stairs," he said, looking me up and down. "But I, uh, don't think I could." We laughed a little and went to get ready for bed. We brushed our teeth side by side, and then went into the bedroom. We stripped to our underwear and slid under the covers. JC wrapped his arms around me, and reached over to kiss my cheek.

"I'm sorry Josh, I hope you don't mind." I could feel my eyelids involuntarily closing. "You can have your way with me if you want, I'll just be asleep."

"Uh, that would be kind of gross," he laughed. "And don't worry, I'm plenty tired myself." He tightened his grip around me and I felt safe and secure.

"Josh," I said before drifting to sleep. "We have to spend more time together while I'm here."

"We will," he said softly, kissing the top of my shoulder. "We will."

"This is like checking a mouse trap," I thought to myself as I looked to see if the work I had done while the guys were out paid off at all last night. "Shit," I said out loud. There was nothing. I told myself not to lose hope, that there were still four days left. I heard the water to the shower stop and ran back into the bedroom. Josh came out with a towel wrapped around his waste, whistling a little tune.

"You know, you never sing to me," I said to him, suddenly realizing that I had never heard him sing in front of me.

"Do you want me to sing something to you now?" he asked, drying his hair with another towel.

"Yes," I said, sitting myself at the foot of the bed. "Go for it."

He looked at me for a moment and it seemed like he was about to start when I saw his face redden and slump down. He laughed a bit. "I can't," he said. "It's too embarrassing." Having seen him on stage, I had trouble believing that JC could be shy when it came to his vocal talents, but I could understand the one-on-one thing being a little different.

"Ok," I said. "Come here you silly boy." I motioned for him to come toward me. I pulled him closer by his waist and kissed his hard stomach. "I'll just have to sneak up on you some time when you're practicing," I said, smiling up at him. Lowering my head I realized I was face to face with JC's towel covered crotch. Without much thinking, I pulled his towel loose and was greeted by his soft, but long hanging cock. I took it in my hand and gave it a squeeze. JC made a sound and I could feel his dick plumping in my hand. "I forgot to say good morning to all of you," I said, staring up into his eyes.

He seemed to be letting me do what I want, so I guided his cock into my mouth and started sucking on it. It was a delicious feeling to feel him growing hard inside my mouth. JC brought his hands up to the back of my head and softly started running his fingers through my hair. His cock was reaching its maximum length and once again I was finding it hard to fully take him down my throat. I concentrated on the area of his cock, just below the head, licking and applying pressure to it with my tongue. JC was moaning softly. My hands were on his naked hips and I could feel him slowly start to rock his body.

I wrapped my lips just around his mushroom shaped-head, and traced it over and over with my tongue, causing him to give a slight grunt. My tongue found the slit in his penis, and wiggled it open. JC trembled when he felt that, and I heard his breathing quicken. I was using my hands to pull him deeper into my mouth, and he was starting to help, slowly fucking my face. I resisted the temptation to move my lips down to the large balls swinging beneath him, enjoying the total concentration on his cock. It wasn't much longer before I saw his scrotum tightening, drawing close to his body as he prepared for his orgasm. He had been making sounds for quite some time, and they were becoming louder. I slid my hands lightly over his thighs, feeling the soft hairs stand on end as I came into contact with them.

"I'm almost there," he moaned, wanting to warn me. I looked up at him for a moment, my lips still covering his dick. They hadn't left in all this time. Now I pulled them off and replaced them with my hand. I started jerking him off hard and fast, urging him to give all he's got. I thought he was going to start crying as he quickly fucked himself against my hand. My fist barely covered his eleven-inch cock, so I had to slide it up and down his length, the trip being made easier by his slick precum.

After a few seconds he gave a final loud grunt, and the cum started spurting up out of his cock and dribbling down my hand. I kept jacking him, allowing him to enjoy the full extent of his orgasm. He squirted three or four times. His cum covered my hand and was slowly moving down my arm. Once I had milked him dry, and saw that my stroking was starting to be uncomfortable for him, I slid my hand off of him. He collapsed face down on the bed, panting, his palms flat on the bed on either side of his head.

After a few moments he turned his head and tucked his arms under his face. "That was a nice surprise," he smiled.

"I was a bit surprised myself," I answered. "That thing you've got there is a little hard to resist." I was hard as a rock and JC must have noticed the bulge in my shorts as I stood up, because he offered to "help me out."

"That's ok," I winked. "You can get me later. We should probably get the day started. JC slumped back down onto the bed and I excused myself to the bathroom.

As requested, JC arranged to have the entire day off. The guys were scheduled to spend the day doing a press junket, and apparently JC was going to have a bad sore throat, which prevented him from speaking. JC and I ran into Lance downstairs, and JC thanked him for helping the two of us get to spend the day together.

"Oh, it's my pleasure," Lance said. "If you can't tell a little lie for a good friend, who can you lie for?" He looked in my direction and gave a slight nod. I was really starting to hate this kid.

JC and I decided to spend the day cruising up the Pacific Coast Highway. I had never traveled on it for very long, and I liked the idea of taking a trip with no specific direction. With the top down and the wind in our hair, we drove and drove, talking about everything and nothing, yelling over the wind and the sound of the engine. The Oceanside was beautiful, and it was fun to look across at the coastal towns off of the highway. We stopped at a roadside diner some hundred miles outside of LA and JC enjoyed no one recognizing him for a change. For the most part I was enjoying myself, though I couldn't completely remove the anxiety I harbored concerning my being blackmailed. I kept telling myself that Lance would have to mess up at some point, thus freeing me from my burden.

We got back to the city around nine in the evening. We had a quick dinner at a small Mexican restaurant, then went to an all-night coffee shop near JC's house. We sat close together on comfy couches, sipping our coffee and laughing about our experiences of the day. I didn't think people would necessarily assume that we were a couple, but JC looked as though he wouldn't really care if they did. As the evening progressed I realized that I simply could not be bored around JC. It wasn't that he was endlessly fascinating or a brilliant conversationalist. It was that we just fit.

"You want to know something?" I asked him quietly, finishing my coffee.

"What?" he asked, looking very curious.

"In the two years I spent with Mark, I never felt as close to him as I already do with you." I was mildly embarrassed at my own admission, and I went to sip my coffee again, but I realized it was empty.

"I'm flattered," he responded. He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Are you trying to make me kiss you in front of all these people?"

"I wouldn't make you do anything," I said. It truthfully was not my intention.

JC looked around the room, his face deepening a shade. He brought his eyes back to me and seemed to have come to some conclusion.

"Fuck it," he said, leaning over to press his lips against mine. It was very brief but electric. He sat back against the couch and we both casually looked around the room. A couple of people definitely seemed to have noticed, but no one seemed particularly impressed.

I chuckled to myself a bit, and then turned to face him. "You are so going to get lucky tonight," I laughed. He seemed happy with the risky action he took.

We got back to the house and ran up the stairs. Lance was nowhere to be seen and for the moment I was happy about that. In the bedroom, I made good on my promise. JC did get lucky. He got lucky twice.

The sun had already started to rise by the time JC and I settled down to go to sleep. We were sweaty and exhausted, having both just cum for the second time in a few short hours. I rolled off of him, and he slowly lowered his legs back down onto the bed. I saw him wince a bit as he turned on his side to face me.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered. "I guess that's just what I get for being such a hungry bottom." It was the first time JC had ever referred to himself like that. I didn't like it, not because of the label, but because it was a reminder that he had enjoyed this activity with other men.

"We probably shouldn't do that twice in a row like that," I said, feeling bad now that the moment had passed. I shifted one hand under, and one hand over him, kissing his lips. I brought my hand down to his ass and massaged his cheeks. He smiled at me and closed his eyes. I brought a finger to his hole, which was still open and slick with lube. I traced my finger along the outside of his anus, hoping it would soothe him.

"You're gonna get me all worked up again," he said quietly, but I could tell he was drifting off to sleep. I made a mental note to ask him someday why he enjoyed receptive anal sex more than I had ever seen anyone enjoy it, but for now I was content to go to sleep as well.

Needless to say, we were both somewhat upset when we heard a banging on the door a few hours later. "Come on sleepyheads!" Lance called from outside the door. "'Good Day Live' can't exactly be taped at another time!" JC gave me an annoyed expression and stumbled into the bathroom. When the water from the shower started I saw the knob to JC's bedroom door turn and Lance came walking in.

"Wow, so that's the thing you're working over JC with. Not bad." I had forgotten that I was still naked and quickly pulled the sheet over me.

"Fuck off Lance," I said casually. He walked over and sat on the bed next to me, forcing me to shift over a bit.

"Just so you know," he started. "I don't suck or get fucked. That would be a little too gay for me." I glared at him and he just stared back. "I just thought you should know how things are gonna go when you come around." He was smiling but once again it wasn't a devious smile. It was an honest one.

"You're really insisting on doing this?" I asked, possibly still hoping that he was going to say it was all some elaborate joke.

"Well, I thought to myself that I might be behaving a bit silly. But, to tell you the truth, after hearing Josh respond to what I assume must have been you giving him a blowjob yesterday morning, I'm more curious than ever."

I rolled my eyes, not really knowing how else to respond. "Whatever," I said.

Lance raised his eyebrows. "Wow, that wasn't a complete no, was it?"

"Lance, I have to get dressed."

"Sure dude, no problem." He hopped off the bed and headed for the door. He reminded me that I only had until Friday, since I was leaving on Saturday. I told him that I had extended my trip to Sunday, to which he responded, "Hmm, buying time. Ok, we'll see how it goes."

Once I heard him descend the stairs I shot out of bed, pulled my underwear on, and ran over to one of the rooms JC had yet to furnish on the second floor. I was now hoping beyond hope that my plan would take action. I went into the small closet and pushed the pile of blankets aside. After about five minutes of waiting, I nearly had to sit down on the closet floor. It had worked. I was free.

For the next couple of days, JC had arranged his schedule so that he would only be working in the mornings, leaving the afternoons and evenings for us to enjoy together. None of the guys seemed bothered by that, I guess it was something they all did for each other at one time or another. I was no longer interested in visiting with the friends I still hadn't seen. I wanted to spend every moment I could with JC. We had great lunches and dinners, and even went to a movie. I got a real kick out of the fact that no one in the theater knew who was sitting in there with them. We had gotten into a routine of having sex as soon as he got home, and then before we went to bed. We were obviously trying to consume each other, knowing that I soon had to head back to New York.

Lance continued to make his presence known at inopportune times, which always put me on edge, despite my mounting confidence that I now had the upper hand. I checked on the things I had in the empty room every morning and was happily greeted with what I hoped to find. Part of me still didn't know if I could go through with this plan, but I trusted that I would know how to handle the situation when it appeared.

JC had planned Saturday totally around me. He wouldn't tell me anything that we were going to do, but I knew that it took some arranging since he disappeared upstairs for quite some time the day before. I especially remember him doing that because he left me downstairs with Lance, who continued to bother me with innuendo as well as endless chatter about mundane topics. In-between his threats to tell JC if I didn't play ball, he would actually bring up a song, or a movie or restaurant. I wondered if aside from being really manipulative, perhaps he was also mental.

It was around two in the afternoon on Saturday when JC and I got back from a long lunch in Santa Monica. Lance was sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for us. "Ok," JC said. "Now I have to just tend to a few more things, but Lance here offered to entertain you while I'm gone."

"What?" I almost yelled. Lance walked toward us, never taking his eyes off of me. "Josh, come on, we have such little time left together. I don't need any more surprises."

"Oh, but I think you'll really like this one," he smiled. "And besides, you wanted to see the LaBrea Tar Pits, didn't you?"

"What?" I said again. "I mean, yeah, but what..."

"Well, since I hate the smell of tar, and since Lance offered to serve as your tour guide, I thought it would be a perfect way for you to get to see everything you wanted to see."

I didn't want to let on too strongly how much I didn't want to be left alone with Lance. There was always the chance that Lance could blurt out something at any minute.

"You'll love it," Lance said. "Tar is cool."

"Uh, ok," I said, somewhat resolved. I knew a showdown was coming. Perhaps it was time to get it over with.

"Great," JC said. "I'll call you in like an hour." He kissed me on the cheek and headed back down to the garage. I wondered if he would ever realize what a little son of a bitch his friend was. I turned my attention to Lance and I could feel my blood start to boil.

"So," Lance began. Here we are."

"Yup," I said. "By your design."

"Well, it is Saturday Nate, don't you think it's time you make your decision?"

I looked at him for a moment. "What about the tar pits?" I asked.

Lance smiled at me. "Come on Nate," he said in a friendly way. Let's just have some fun while we're young. It's good to be a little naughty sometimes."

"But you're naughty all the time," I said, my voice growing a bit more confident.

"I know, and look how happy I am all the time," he said. I found myself staring into his bright green eyes. I thought to myself that it was an easy solution to the problem.

"Lance, by doing this you're hurting not only me but Josh. He thinks you're his best friend. How can you do this to him?"

"Oh Christ!" he yelled. Apparently he had enough. "Are you gonna keep making us have this discussion? Look, you know the situation, and you know the way out of it. Why do you have to make it such a big deal? It's just sex! Trust me, I know you'll enjoy it!" I could tell he was looking at my mouth. "I know I will."

I looked back at him, a feeling of disgust and excitement creeping through me all at once. It was true that most guys would give their left nut for a shot at not one, but two boy-band members. In front of me was an attractive, extremely famous guy who was practically begging for me to blow him. I wondered how many people in my situation would turn him down.

It took me a moment to take the next step. I was still staring into his eyes, and I could tell he had no idea what I was about to say or do.

Finally, I took a deep breath and spoke. "Let's just do this," I said. There was no hesitation in my voice and I could see Lance's eyes widen in shock. I turned around and headed toward Lance's bedroom. He followed me inside, closing the door behind him.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 14

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