Jc and the Actor

By Michael Bryan

Published on Aug 25, 2003


JC and the Actor, Chapter 10, Copyright 2003 ---------- The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or the personal lives of the members of NSYNC, or any other celebrities mentioned. If you are underage, or if it is illegal to read sexually explicit gay material where you live, don't read this.

Thanks to everyone who has written me. I love hearing from such a variety of people and hope you all continue to enjoy the story. Please keep the comments coming. mzbryan2003@yahoo.com

Chapter 10

I sat across from Larry Ridgecliff, a large glass desk separating us. Allen sat next to me, waiting to give me a warning look each time I spoke.

"Larry," (he had told me to call him Larry) "I have complete confidence in your ability to make me a star. You obviously have done it with several people and have made some of the biggest films of the past ten years." I didn't tell him that I had only seen one of them, and that it was a few days ago. "But at some point I'm going to need to know what the movie is about."

Larry looked at me and rolled his eyes. I could tell that Allen was ready to rip the arms off of his chair. "You artists," Larry sighed. "Always want to start working on your characters. Are you worried that you can't bring what I want to the table?"

I stared back at him. "No." He smiled. I instinctively knew that in Hollywood, being a bit of an ass could get you really far.

"Ok," he said, slapping his hands together. "It's based on a novel about a guy studying chimpanzees in Kenya. You basically get all obsessed with the monkeys, and when poachers begin killing them, you form this militant group of people that start hunting the poachers." He smiled and bobbed his head.

"So, it's kind of like Jane Goodall meets the Terminator."

"Exactly!" he laughed. "But with a lot of class. "It's actually a really in depth character study and the main character, you, is basically in every scene. It would be a real showcase for you." He saw that my expression was not changing. "Plus," he added. "We get to go film for three months in Africa."

I had to admit that I was hiding my excitement. While I was truthfully concerned about what kind of movie this would be, I could see that it had a "breakout" star quality to it. Larry pulled out the screenplay and handed it over to me.

"Take a look," he said. "It's actually really good. The author wrote the screenplay himself, and the bastard somehow got a contract that said we couldn't alter it." My interest increased at the prospect of making a movie that wasn't written by thirteen people.

"Well, I'll have to read this and get back to you." I think both Larry and Allen were expecting me to accept right away.

Larry leaned closer to his desk. "You should know that the studio is pushing me to put Ben Affleck in this, and he wants it. But I don't like him."

I laughed a bit. "Neither do I."

We discussed the movie for a while, and Larry gave me a preview of some of the more exciting scenes they would be filming. The idea of filming on location was absolutely thrilling to me, but I made sure Larry didn't know that. He explained to me how much he likes working with new talent and that he thought my look against the backdrop of the African jungle would be cinematic magic.

Before Allen and I headed out the door, Larry called to me. "Nathan, the buzz around you isn't going to last forever. You best strike while the iron is hot."

I turned back, smiling, placing my hand on the doorknob behind me. "We'll see."

A car dropped me back at JC's house and I headed up to the bedroom. Outside of Larry's office Allen had read me the riot act, asking me what the hell I thought I was doing. I told him that I didn't see how eagerness would help my autonomy in the long run and that I still had other offers to consider. "They're from frikin' Merchant-Ivory!" he yelled. "Don't you want people to see the movie you're in?"

JC's bed was abnormally large and all white. I stretched out on it, lying on my stomach with my feet turned up in the air. I didn't know when JC would be coming back, but figured he would call. I cracked open the binding of the script and started reading. By the second page I could already tell that it wasn't bad, and by the tenth page I started thinking that it was good. I wondered how such a project fell into the hands of Larry Ridgecliff, but reminded myself that I really didn't know enough about his work.

I had read about one-third of the script when I heard a knock on the bedroom door. I turned toward it and said, "Come in," expecting it to be JC. Lance poked his head in and asked if I was busy. I said no and he came over and hopped up on the bed, sitting back on his heels.

"What'cha doing?" he asked, staring at me with his big blue eyes.

"Just reading a script." I answered.

"Cool, is it for a new play?"

"No, it's for a film." I wondered if he had heard me on the plane when I talked about why I was going to LA.

"Awesome, is it good?"

"Pretty good actually." I closed the script, thinking that this conversation wouldn't be ending shortly. Lance rocked back and forth for a bit.

"So do you want to go swimming?" he finally asked.

"Not really." I didn't.

"Do you want to go for a drink?"

I looked at my watch. It was two o'clock. "Are you bored Lance?"


"No clubs or movie premieres to go to right now?"


I sat up, realizing that I wasn't going to get out of this. I was going to ask him why he wasn't with the others, but decided against it. "Well, I'm kind of hungry."

"Cool, let's go." He hopped off the bed and headed toward the door. I got up and followed.

When Lance showed up last night, he was claiming that he didn't know what he was thinking when he had agreed to stay at Justin's. Apparently, all the guys weren't great fans of Justin's relationship and thought that it was as confusing as I did. "Is he not getting how much older she is?" he laughed. "It's like going out drinking with my mother." He struck me as being a little bitchy, and I thought it was kind of funny. Lance said he didn't want to stay in any more hotels and brought his stuff into the guest room JC had on the first floor. I had been hoping JC and I would have had this time alone, but knew it wasn't my place to say anything since JC himself raised no objection.

Lance took me to an outdoor café on Sunset. His driving style had been quite different from JC's, and I found myself putting a lot of faith in the German construction of his BMW as he sped through the city.

We talked for a while about this and that. He told me what a great guy JC was and that he was happy that he liked me. "You're nothing like his past boyfriends," he said. I kept telling myself that I should be aggravated by the some of the comments he made, but for some reason they didn't annoy me coming from him.

"Well, not many people are like me," I said, sipping my water and trying not to speculate about how many relationships JC had been in.

The waitress came over. She was blond and pretty, and smiled demurely at Lance while she took our orders. When she walked away Lance leaned over the table and whispered, "I fucked her two weeks ago." Long ago I had learned that registering shock at what people may say to you was not the way to continue a conversation. I nodded and said, "cool."

"She's not just a waitress, she's also an actress." He picked up his glass. "I think she'll be very big one day." He was staring at me again and I found myself feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Um," I began, hoping to start a new topic of conversation. "So didn't you guys have press to do today?"

"Yeah," he replied. "But I get really sick of doing it sometimes. We've basically been doing this shit for weeks now, so I decided to take the day off. All of us play sick now and then. It's the only way to keep your sanity."

"You're a bad kid, Lance." I smiled and he winked at me in acceptance of my statement. The food arrived and I ate quite quickly. I hadn't really eaten since the late lunch JC and I had yesterday. Lance started telling me about the different spots he loved in LA. I had been to a few of them during previous trips, but most I had never heard of. In the few moments where he was quiet, I looked at him and thought to myself that physically he definitely had to win the vote for most-improved NSYNC-er. When the band had started he was a bit stocky, put in the past couple of years he had really gotten himself into shape. While he was certainly still stockier than JC, or even Justin for that matter, he had definite defined muscles under the t-shirt he was wearing and absentmindedly I looked at his smooth golden arms. I wondered if his new approach to life went hand in hand with his new body.

"So is there a gym near JC's house?" I asked suddenly. I think Lance's arms may have reminded me that I would need to work out while I was here.

"Ahah, there is a gym in JC's house. That boy doesn't like to let anyone see him sweat." For some reason I couldn't really picture JC at a public gym, regardless of how upscale it might be. He wasn't a real show off.

"Oh, cool." I said. "He didn't tell me about that."

"Well, he probably only wants you doing your workouts with him." I smiled again and, for lack of anything better to do, picked up a breadstick and started chewing. He continued, "Yeah, so Justin told me that you're like naked in that play your doing. He seemed quite impressed with your, uh, confidence." I imagined that Justin would always take note of someone who seemed to possess more self-confidence than he did, regardless of what area it was in.

"It doesn't really bother me," I said calmly. "And it really is essential to the play's meaning."

"Yeah," he said, picking up a breadstick as well. "I don't think it would bother me either."

I don't know why people who seem a bit off intrigue me, but Lance fit the description of this type of person perfectly. We would talk about something mundane, then he would just come out with a strange or suggestive statement that I really never knew how to react to. It was like he had a little motor inside him that would periodically get revved up. If he wasn't attractive maybe I would have found it more annoying to be around him, but he was a cute, silly guy to be around, and all and all I thought he was fun.

We had finished lunch and were driving when my cell phone rang. "Hey Allen," I said casually, knowing it would piss him off.

"So have you read it?" he asked quickly. I told him that I had started reading it and that I didn't think it was bad. "So can I tell him you'll do it?" he asked.

"Allen, I have to give it some serious thought. I mean, I'm doing the play now, and Larry didn't say when filming was to begin."

"Three months."


"Production starts in three months. Larry called me a while ago and worked out some of the logistics with me."

"Allen, there's no way I can leave the play in three months, we've only had four performances! And you shouldn't be negotiating things without me." Lance gave me a 'thumbs up' from the driver's seat and shook his head up and down.

"Listen Nathan, I know how to work for your best interests, so don't worry about that. But I've been in this business long before you were, and I know how to get you where you want to be." I began to interrupt but he kept talking. "I'm telling you not to pass this up. You've already gotten your reviews from the play. You'll probably win the Tony. You'll have three months to do it and then its time to do this. This is what will give you the power to control your career in the future. But if you stay in the theater or make some fucking independent movie that four people go to see, you'll stay at the same level. You'll keep having to audition and hope that a good project comes your way."

I had let him rant with the intention of objecting at the end, but by the time he had finished I no longer knew what to say. I realized that he was right. I did want to be involved in high-quality productions. I did eventually want to be able to decide what play or movie to be in. I wanted to have the power to pitch projects and request directors. I wanted to be an actor and a star. I looked over at Lance who was looking back at me, probably wondering why I had been silent for so long while still on the phone.

"Tell him I'll do it." I said. It was perhaps the most impulsive statement I had ever made. I hoped it was the right one.

"Excellent," Allen yelled. "I'll let Larry know."

I clicked off the phone and Lance smiled and reached over to pat me on the back. "Wow, that was quick," he said. "I guess you're a movie star now?"

"How much do you think you get for a first film?" I asked. Lance laughed and said that now we had to celebrate. I said it wasn't really necessary but he insisted on taking me for a drink at some bar that opened early. We both ordered beers and clicked our bottles together before we drank.

"This is cool," Lance said. "So now you'll be around a lot." I told him that the movie was actually going to be filmed in Africa. "Shame," he said, sipping his beer. I looked back at him, not saying anything. After a minute or two, he looked straight at me and said, "Josh told you some stuff about me didn't he?" I knew what he meant but feigned ignorance.

"What do you mean?" I swallowed hard.

"That I'm a big slut." He raised his eyebrows in mock shock at his own statement.

"Well, he didn't say it quite like that."

"And he probably told you how worried he is about me and how my behavior is probably symptomatic of some underlying problem."

"He does seem to be concerned about you."

"The guy has got to lighten up," Lance laughed. "What he refuses to get is that I really just love to fuck. It doesn't really get any deeper than that."

I didn't quite know how to make a counterpoint to that statement. "I think he is just worried about you getting into a situation that no one can get you out of."

Lance rolled his eyes. "What situation? Everyone knows the rules." There was a certain logic to what he was saying. I did think JC was overreacting a bit. After all, it wasn't necessarily any of his business unless it affected the group, and the idea of some guy being willing to tell the public that he blew Lance in a club couldn't be very likely.

"And if anyone should be worried about scandal, shouldn't he be?" I looked back at him, suddenly feeling very protective of JC.

"Josh isn't afraid of people knowing who he is. He's worried about you being accused of something you claim you're not." I added the 'claim' language to insult him a bit, but I didn't feel good about it after I did. In any event, it didn't seem to matter to him.

"Look," he said. "Just tell Josh to stop worrying. There's a whole exciting world out there, and I'm just not willing to take only a small part of it." We had long finished our drinks and he stood up to go. I followed him out and we headed back toward JC's house. Our conversation slowly turned back into what it had been during the day. When we were back in JC's garage he told me where the gym was and then headed up to the guest bedroom on the first floor, which was above us. He said he had to make some calls. Before leaving he turned to me at the top of the stairs and said, "So if you're ever interested..." He smiled again and went in the house.

I changed into a sleeveless t-shirt and gym shorts, and then I worked out in a bit of a daze. In only a few short hours I had changed the course of my career, made arrangements to star in a gigantic Hollywood film, and, if I was not mistaken, been propositioned by my boyfriend's best friend. I was worried that I had maybe given Lance some idea that I was interested in him. I told myself that he was just a big flirt and that he probably was just kidding around. But then I thought about the type of guy he was and realized he probably wouldn't have any problem fucking his best friend's boyfriend. He probably wouldn't even know what the big deal was.

I knew that I would never cheat on JC. I would never want another person to feel the betrayal that I did. Still, I couldn't help but at least visualize being with Lance. I imagined for a second going over to his room, opening the door, dropping down in front of him, pushing his pants down, and roughly taking him into my mouth. He would probably have gotten hard in an instant, and my hands would have started roaming up his smooth chest.

I came back to reality and could feel the erection in my gym pants. I told myself that there was no controlling my imagination so I resisted the temptation to feel guilty. I did, however, think that a cold shower was in order.

The shower in JC's bathroom was a wonder of engineering and plumbing. It was as large as a small bathroom itself, and enclosed by thick glass. Two of the gray stone walls of the room were exposed inside it, and it had a smooth, gray stone floor. Inset throughout the stone walls were nozzles that sprayed water in all heights and directions. There were showerheads in all four corners, and there was one giant showerhead located in the ceiling that rained water directly on top of you. As I pulled off my t-shirt I thought to myself that this is what heaven must be like.

I had decided against the cold shower in favor of playing with all of the shower's functions. I started turning different knobs on the control panel and watched as different jets of water came flying at me in all directions. The water was instantly warm and felt incredible against my body. I hadn't realized I was that tense until I heard myself sighing in relief as some of the water pounded my shoulders. I switched the steam on and the shower quickly became a box of clouds.

Through the mist I reached for the shampoo that was on a built in shelf. I was thinking about whether I should tell JC about Lance. I didn't want to become the Yoko of the group and start creating problems. I kept thinking about this while I soaped up my hair. The water had relaxed my brown curls and they hung loosely around my face. I heard a small noise come from behind me and before I could turn around, I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders. I nearly jumped out of my skin in fright. I whirled around, half-expecting to find Lance rock hard and looking for action. To my delight, it was JC.

"Oh God you scared me," I gasped, placing my hands on his arms.

"Sorry babe," he said. "But I wanted to surprise you." He kissed me and I was shocked to feel how happy I was that he was with me again.

"You know, I've never seen you all wet," I smirked. "You're kind of cute." JC looked down for a second, maybe he was blushing. He looked very sexy with his hair matted to his face, and water dripping down his smooth shoulders. The tiny hairs on his chest danced around as the water hit him, and when I looked down I could see the water running off of his cock.

"Do you like it in here?" he asked. He was running one of his hands up my back while the other one rubbed my chest.

"Yeah," I answered. "But with this kind of water pressure, I'm wondering what you need me for."

"Well," he said. "The shower doesn't have one of these." He brought his hand down to my already rising dick and squeezed it.

I laughed and pulled away. I walked over to where the body wash was and started soaping myself up. "So how was your day dear?" I asked in my best 50's housewife voice. "Did you boys play nice?"

"Oh, same old same old," he said walking over to me, trying to play the game. "The boy-band business just isn't what it used to be." He took the soap from me and started lathering up. I didn't know why I wasn't immediately tackling him to the floor, but I was enjoying the flirtation for the time being. "So how was your day?" he asked.

"Good," I said. "Lance showed up here this afternoon and we went lunch."

"What?" he turned and looked toward the door. "He said he didn't feel well."

"Well, apparently he lied." I walked over and put my arms around him. "And apparently he's not the only one who likes to play sick sometimes." JC smiled at me.

"I guess we all need a break sometimes." I asked him if he could play sick tomorrow, but he said that might seem a bit strange the day after Lance did the same thing. I suggested that Lance could have easily transferred his twenty-four hour bug to him, but he wasn't persuaded.

We started kissing again, enjoying the feeling of the water and each other. I told him that I missed him and he said he felt the same way all day. I could feel that things were just starting to escalate when he told me to turn around so that he could soap up my back. I did as requested and soon felt him massaging the soap into my shoulders. "Is Lance still here," I asked, suddenly realizing we may not be in the house by ourselves.

"His car wasn't in the garage," JC said, continuing my massage. There was so much water that I could tell the soap kept washing off in seconds. He moved lower until his hands were at the small of my back. I felt his lips start kissing my shoulders and I closed my eyes to fully enjoy the feeling. His hands went lower, until they were soaping up my ass. I loved the feeling of his hands rubbing my smooth, muscular ass cheeks, combined with the feeling of his lips descending further down my spine. He was soon kissing the small of my back, grabbing the backs of my thighs. I looked down to see my own cock staring back at me. I wanted to start stroking myself, but felt momentarily paralyzed by the pleasure.

I felt his lips kissing my bottom, and then felt his hands slowly separating my cheeks. I felt something rub up against my smooth hole, but it was soon replaced with his tongue. I immediately sighed and slumped forward, holding myself up against the wall as he began probing my ass with his tongue. Mark didn't like rimming, but it was something that had always really turned me on. I felt JC's tongue wiping around the wrinkly ridges of my anus, then slowly pushing itself inside. I thought I could hear moaning, but wasn't sure if it was him or me with the noise of the water. Once he had gotten his tongue in he started wiggling it from side to side and I pushed back from the wall, hoping to get him to push it further inside. The pleasure was intense and I had to reach down with one hand and start pulling on my dick. His hand reached up and pushed mine away. Apparently he wanted me feeling only one sensation.

As he increased his oral assault on my hole, I eventually felt him grasp my balls in his hand and he started rolling them around. "Oh Josh," I moaned. "I love this." He liked the words of encouragement and pushed his tongue in deeper. He started slightly tugging on my balls. Eventually his tongue left my hole and traveled up the crack of my ass back to the small of my back. I didn't want him to stop but was also eager to see what might be next. His hand moved to my dick and he continued kissing my back, slowly standing up until he was kissing my neck and biting my earlobe.

"Do you like that?" he whispered.

"Yes," I panted, as he stroked my cock. "You can go further you know?"

I felt a slight hesitation in him. Then he said, "You mean you want me to..."

"Yes Josh."

"I wasn't sure if you liked to do that."

"I do Josh, I like it very much."

I could tell he was still uncertain, though his hand never stopped stroking me. "I'm, well, you know, kind of big."

I turned my head toward him and smiled. "I'm a big boy Josh, I can take it." He gave a slight nod and then suggested that we go into the bedroom. "No, let's do it here, go get the stuff." He looked a bit confused, but then he darted out of the shower and returned seconds later with a condom and lube.

"This is going to be kind of difficult," he said, wondering what the next step was.

"It's ok, I like a challenge." I laid down on the shower floor. The stones were warm from the water, which was now beating against my chest and a bit on my face. I stretched out, raising my arms way above my head.

"You're fucking gorgeous," JC said, lowering himself down to the ground. I was practically squirming at the idea of JC entering me. Mark also wasn't a big fan of topping so it wasn't a feeling I got to experience all that often. I bent my knees and put my feet on the floor as JC kneeled down between my legs. He was stroking his cock to its full length, which did make me worry momentarily about his size. He opened the condom and rolled it down his shaft. He seemed very excited through his apprehension.

I took the lead by lifting my legs into the air and putting them over his shoulders. My legs were thicker than JC's, and they looked good up on his thin frame. While we both continued to be splashed with water he poured the lube into his hands and started working it into my hole. I groaned as his fingers penetrated me. He used two and worked them both all around the inside of my ass. Then he withdrew his fingers and started lubing up his pole, trying to keep the water from washing it off by placing a hand over it. Once he seemed ready he moved closer to me and I could feel the head of his cock at my entrance. He leaned forward and guided the head of his cock in with his hand. My hole immediately resisted, but I started pushing against it, opening myself up. He made his way inside and it felt amazing. I looked up at him and saw him staring at my cock, which was hard as a rock and stretching across my pelvis. The water was smacking against it, adding to the pleasurable sensations I was feeling.

He pushed in further and I could hear him moaning. "Oh God," he panted. "You're so tight." I urged him to go deeper by pushing on his shoulders with my legs. He pushed in more, and I was just beginning to feel discomfort when he stopped. I felt completely full inside and started to slowly rock my hips when suddenly a shot of pain ran through me as I felt him pushing even more into me. I yelped and he immediately stopped. "Sorry," he said. "Are you ok? I won't go all the way." I propped myself up on my elbows and looked between my legs to see that he still had about three inches to go until he was fully inside me.

"No, its ok," I groaned, relaxing back on the floor. I just wasn't expecting...you're fucking huge." He smiled at me and I think I saw a look of pride on his face. Gay or straight, there wasn't a boy who didn't love his own cock. I told him just to go slow so I could get used to it. He did as he was told and I slowly adjusted myself to get ready for more.

It was a mixture of pleasure and pain as he pushed himself fully into me. At one point I grabbed my own pecs and twisted my nipples to send some of the pain receptors in different directions. This of course only excited him more and soon we were rocking back and forth. I didn't know if I would ever be able to walk properly again, but it started to feel amazing. I was having an adrenaline rush thinking about and feeling that JC's cock was inside me. Periodically he would stop to reapply the lube that had washed off. As we fucked, I could hear the sounds coming from him were a mixture of pleasure and discomfort as well. I realized his knees were probably really starting to hurt, because he eventually moved himself to a push-up position, supporting his weight on his arms and toes. He started to go faster and I realized that there were definite benefits to being with someone in such great shape and with such stamina. All of the muscles in his arms were flexed, yet he looked like he would be able to hold the position forever.

I grasped my own cock, realizing there was no way JC could really tend to it, and started stroking it. JC's eyes went from the bulge in my bicep to my cock, which I could tell was leaking like crazy though the water made it difficult to see. He lowered his head and started kissing and nipping at my chest. He pulled with his teeth at the matted down hairs on my chest and I yelped in excitement. My knees were almost touching my chest as he began to really pound into me. I kept telling him how good it felt to have him inside me and, in-between asking me if I was ok, he kept telling me how good I was.

I was pumping away at my cock, with my other hand between my legs so I could feel his cock sliding in and out of me. My balls were tightening and after twenty minutes or so of having JC's huge cock work me over, I was ready to burst. "Josh, I can't hold out much longer. I have to cum."

"Cum baby, do it, do it!" His balls started slapping against me as I screamed. Ropes of cum started flying out of my cock and landing all over my chest where they started beading up under the water. I kept moaning and groaning while JC plowed into me. "Oh fuck!" he finally yelled. His head reared up and I could tell he was cumming inside me. I was still pulling on my cock as he had his orgasm, and I loved watching him shake and whimper. When it was finally over he collapsed on top of me. His hands grabbed me on my sides, and he started lightly sucking on my left nipple. Slowly he sat up, easing himself out of me. The sudden feeling of emptiness made me wish he could put it right back in. He pulled off the condom, which was completely full of cum, and temporarily placed it outside of the shower. He rolled his body on top of mine and hugged himself to me. I noted the reddened shade of his cock and thought about what a good workout I had given it. We lay like that for a while, just letting the water wash over us. Eventually he sat up, placing his arm on my chest. "I love you," he said, smiling, his big blue eyes wide. It was the first time he had said that. I wanted to tell him I loved him too but he brought his lips over mine. Actions sometimes speak louder than words.

It was dark by the time we made it downstairs. We looked like two pale prunes, but there was an invisible energy around us that seemed to keep us both beaming. JC had someone fully stock his kitchen in preparation for his return to LA, so we both went over to the refrigerator to see what we could make.

About a half-hour later we were eating steak. JC was sitting at the large center island, looking very happy to be alive, while I took the vegetables I had grilled off of the stove. We heard a door slam and Lance came bounding in. "Smells good boys," he proclaimed. He walked over to the plate I had just emptied the vegetables into and picked a few up in his hands. He turned to JC. "So what do you think of our movie star?" he asked, smiling brightly and patting me on the back again.

JC looked at the two of us and smiled. "Careful," he joked. "He isn't one yet, we don't want him getting a big head." My face lost all expression as I realized JC didn't know what Lance was talking about.

Lance laughed, waving a carrot at JC. "Well, considering he signed the deal today, I don't know how long you plan on waiting for that big head to develop."

JC looked over at me with a mild look of shock. "You already agreed to do the film?"

I looked back at him, wondering why it wasn't the first thing I told him when he got home. "Uh, yeah, it was kind of an impulsive decision I guess." I looked at Lance who seemed a bit confused, but not any less chipper.

JC looked back at me. He seemed confused as well, but definitely seemed less chipper. "Why didn't you tell me?"

To be continued

Next: Chapter 11

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