Jb Truck Service

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Oct 22, 2008


JB Truck Service 9

By Gruntraq - Comments welcome gruntraq@yahoo.com

Suddenly a knock at the door broke the bliss. He jumped up and ran down hall to the door. Laying there naked in the pile of filth with my asshole stretched and sloppy,  I heard the door open and muted voices. The trailer rocked with the weight of another entering and the door closed. I heard Jonny talking to another man in muted tones. Then I heard both of them walking back to the rear bedroom of the filthy trailer.

Being naked with my ass dripping with cum, fear of the unknown racketed through my body as I heard the man say, "Damn Dawg!" in a deep redneck drawl. "That's a nice piece of ass you got there Jonny. You gonna share some?" It made me feel used and exposed as he talked of me like a piece of property to be shared. Jonny was hovering behind the much larger and rougher looking man looking on passively.

This guy was a fucking scary sight more than even ex-con Jonny. His thick arms covered in faded tattoos and a neck thicker than his head. The trashy looking bearded man stood over me leering and snickering with a mouth of missing teeth. He had a pretty good gut on him and wore a faded black Harley-Davidson T-shirt, ragged jeans and a pair of old black boots. He smelled of cigarettes and sweat in a way that made my stomach muscles tense up.

Sensing my uneasy reaction to this stranger Jonny stepped forward and said, "This is Bobby. He lives next door. He and I are tight. Don't worry Rookie, he`s cool". I was not sure what the protocol was when you were laying naked in a guy's bed and you are introduced to a stranger. Reach out and shake hands?

The man looked down at me with a smirk. "I know you like taking it up the ass, I could hear you gettin it from my trailer next door," he tainted. My face flushed with embarrassment as I looked down at the dirty bed sheets wet with cum.  "He works with me at the shop, new kid," Jonny  explained. "Is he legal?" Bobby asked. "I don't need to add sex offender to my rap sheet" Jonny looked at me and replied to him. "He aint no jail bait". 

Feeling scared as hell I nervously looked around for my clothes and stood up saying, "I'd like to stay here guys ...uh...but I gotta get going". Bobby grunted and back handed Jonny  in the gut with a laugh. Looking back at me he gently nudged me back down on the bed. "You don't need to go running off." Bobby said, "Sit back down and let's smoke a joint and relax for a while. You got nothing to be afraid of."

When I walked out of that trailer an hour later my asshole hurt so bad. "If my Dad could see me now", I thought having just smoked weed with and given myself up as a fuck bitch for two ex-con street trash guys well older than him. These were the kind of people that my parents always warned me to stay far away from. Now I was in the gutter with them rolling in their filth and taking their seed.

My asshole burned and ached.  My jaw and throat muscles were sore and I had spindly hairs stuck in my teeth. My mouth  was pasty and gummy, unshakably tasting of cum, cock and ass. The beer I drank afterward washed it down a little but the taste came back as I drove down the street away from the old trailer park. My brain was still in a fog from smoking some downright mean weed. I should have felt used and dirty, but I didn't. I felt high and on fire.

How was I going to go home after this? I was crossing a line from that clean cut kid with straight A's headed off to college who had been Mom and Dad's straight laced pride. This was heading down a road far away from where they had brought me up to go. Being 18, I`m an adult but living at home one is still beholden to living out the visions of the parents.  The thoughts of what this was going to come to, where it was headed, and who I was fast becoming swirled in my head as I drove around town avoiding going home till my head straightened up a bit.

As if scripted, my cell phone rang and I recognized the number as my new trucker pal Chet. "Hello", I said. "Hey bud it's me", I heard on the other end. Remarkably similar to last week's call I got from him he said he was in town and wanted to get together again. "Tonight?", I asked. "Yeah,...if you want to," he replied. "I'm here overnight this time. I got a motel room and you can hang out here tonight." It was music to my ears. "Sounds great man" I replied. "You'll have to take it easy on my ass though, I got reamed pretty hard at work today. I`m a little sore," I said with a half laugh. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, you know I'm just a softie". After a bit more small talk he asked, "Can you pick up some McDonald's or something on the way in? I'll pay you back when you get here. "

Chet was in his mid  30's with medium brown hair all over his body. His square jawed face was framed with a bristling shortly trimmed beard and mustache. Chet's slim build, defined upper torso and arms was far more cowboy than truck-driver. Every time I had seen him he seemed to be wearing the same red baseball cap, flannel button up shirt, faded 501's and black leather lace up boots. Damn. Our first get-together in the parts delivery van was a "fast friends quickie fuck". Our second foray in the sleeper of his rig at the truck-stop was a surprisingly passionate flip-flop love-making session that was far removed from our first time.

I was excited to see him and about not going home just yet. I called my folks and told them I'd be late tonight - going out with some friends and might not be home to tomorrow. Mom gave me the usual concerned displeased tone with my staying out all night but bit her lip and said, "Okay, well be careful. See you later". Damn my asshole still hurt. Little did she know I would be sleeping with a man twice my age tonight.

At Chet's motel room,  he answered the door we exchanged a knowing smile. He was wearing his faded 501's and his red baseball cap was on backwards. His black work boots were in a pile at the foot of the bed and he was walking in his white tube socks. His bare haired chest and V-shaped upper frame caught my eyes as I walked past him and set down the bags of food.

Shutting the door and walking up behind me, he wrapped his arms around my torso and pressed his package against my ass. I felt his rough whiskers brush the back of my neck and his warm breath on my ears as his palms slowly roved around my stomach and below. He kissed the back of my neck and squeezed me in a tight hug. He whispered in my ear, "Thanks for coming. It's good to see you." I melted in his arms and the pain in my ass turned to a hungry itch.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 10

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