Jayson and Stacey

By moc.loa@SMniBnosyaJ

Published on Jun 1, 2000


Just the usual stuff: This story contains homosexual sex acts. If this stuff bothers you why the hell did you click on this link anyway??? If you're underage or if reading this stuff is illegal where you live then move on. Sorry I didn't make the rules. Peace and love to everyone. Write me at JaysonBinMS@aol.com or stop by at http://members.aol.com/JaysonBinMS and let me know what you think.

I know, I know it's been a LONG time since I posted anything. Sucks to be me sometimes. UGH. Anyways when I last left off with the story Jayson's best friend just confessed that he was going out with a GUY. Imagine that. And Jayson was so shocked he couldn't say anthing. Nolan interpreted Jayson's silence as rejection and ran off to Jayson's dorm room with Jared chasing after him. A very confused Stacey took Jayson to Stacey's dorm.

Jayson and Stacey, Part 5

I remember vague details. I remember dinner with Stacey, Nolan, and my little bro Jared. I remember riding with Nolan since Jared drove Stacey's car back to the dorms. I remember my shock when Nolan came out. Sadly, I remember him running off crying. I somehow followed Stacey back to his dorm room where once behind a safely locked door I did something that shocked me more than what Nolan told me. I cried in front of him AGAIN. What's up with me and this crying. I never used to cry like this. I cried so much that I didn't even feel Stacey's arms around me. And I must confess that I did something I'm really not proud of last night. You see, Stacey's arms couldn't comfort me enough. I was THAT upset. And I was that stubborn. So I did what I saw him do when things get really bad. Two of his little white pills and a couple of whiskey chasers later it's morning and I'm in Stacey's bed. Under Stacey's covers. With a naked Stacey wrapped around me. His six inch morning wood is pressed against my thigh. I look under the sheets to peak at Stacey's prize when I realize that my own is pressed against Stacey's perfect abs. SHIT I don't remember taking my clothes off. Out of shock I tried to push away from his sleeping form only to have him pull me closer. I guess he thought I was falling off the bed or something. In his sleep he kisses my neck and rests his soft cheek there. Realizing that I can't get out of bed without waking him I look down past his abs to his manhood. I feel kind of guilty just staring at it but I just can't help myself. I gently reach down and wrap my hand around its hard girth. I close my eyes as its warmth and strength overwhelm me. Stacey's penis is just that beautiful. That powerful - not because it's big or anything. But just because it's Stacey. I rub his swollen mushroom head down to Stacey's cleanly shaved base. I get chills because it makes ME feel so good to touch his most private area. Yep, I have finally found perfection.

"Damn I could wake up like this every morning!" Stacey yawned out.

"FUCK! Stacey..."

I yell at him as I nervously jerked my hand back with such force he grimaced when his erection hit his stomach. I quickly move away from him and would have really fell off Stacey's small bed had he not had his arms wrapped around me. I shiver just a little from his touch which, of course, makes him hold me even tighter. I feel my fact get hot as precum leaks from my very erect penis onto his warm thigh. Then my face gets even hotter when Stacey's expression confirms that he felt it too. Plus when I jerked back the sheet fell of us leaving both of us totally exposed. All of the sudden I am really embarrassed. And confused. I mean, we've seen each other boned up. Hell we jerked off together at the airport. But this is so different. I don't want to just get off. I want Stacey. I can admit my desire, finally, for the first time. Well I can admit it to myself at least. I want Stacey. I need Stacey. But I can't tell him that. Are ya confused yet? Stacey smiles as I wiggle out of his grip just enough to reach down and pull the sheet over our naked bodies.

"What? You shy all the sudden?" he asks all sarcastic like.

"Stacey... oh damn ... I am SO sorry."

"What is UP with you? You got something I hadn't seen yet? Or touched? You all embarrassed why?"

"Stacey... Stacey just shut up and let me GO!"

"WHAT? So I wake up while you're feeling me up. Big deal. I like it. What is WRONG with you? First you get all crazy with Nolan last night. Damn near have a nervous breakdown. And don't even think that we're not going to have a talk about that. You cried until you passed out. So if you're wondering how you got in bed, THANK ME. YEAH I wanted to hold you. I wanted to be naked with you. So I undressed you. Relax, it's me, STACEY. "

As he lectured me he holds me tight and stares straight in my eyes. Damn I wish he would stop looking at me like that. He can read me too well. He smiles and inhales deeply as he wraps my hand around his erection. Yep, he's STILL Stacey. He knows exactly what he wants. He's not afraid to go after it. He must know what I want, too.

"Stacey I can't... I gotta go talk to Nolan. Please let me up." I started crying again. Damn.

"Shhh.... just for a minute. Just touch me. Finish what you started, for me, ok? Or tell me you DON'T like it."

"Stacey I can't do this," I weakly mumble as my hand gently stroked him. BULLSHIT.

You know how time stands still and the world stops moving when you're alone with the one you love? How you feel? I get these little butterflies in my stomach, and I know why. It's because I am so nervous; you see, right now I'm living in a moment that I will remember forever. I let go of time and space and self as I gaze into his eyes. I look so deep I can almost see the REAL Stacey. For me, the intensity of this moment paralyzes every part of my body except my hand moving up and down his penis. He buries his face in my neck whimpering as I stroke him harder and faster. I close my eyes and savor our moment until I hear his deep breath and gasp escape from his mouth as six spurts escape from his throbbing member. I hold his softening organ ; now is Stacey's turn to tremble. I relax my grasp as the look in his eyes tells me it's way too sensitive. But I can't let go.

The ringing of the phone next to Stacey's bed brings us back to Earth. Reality is a bitch when you've been in the dreamzone. The instant Stacey grabs the annoying phone I realize what time it was. Stacey had practice an hour ago. SHIT!

"SHIT!" Stacey screams as he jumpd out of bed to grab some clothes. He smiles at me as he wipes himself off with a towel before getting dressed. He runs out the door in less than two minutes without even catching his breath. I realize how SEXY he looks. It would take me an hour or so to look like Stacey looks when he first gets out of bed. That's how good he looks. OH well.... I take a deep breath as I process the events of the past twenty four hours. Stacey and me. Me and Stacey.

Nolan. I have to make this right.

I put the key in my dorm door not knowing what to expect. How am I going to explain to my best friend exactly why I couldn't talk to him last night. I let Nolan down. He needed me last night. I could've helped him. I could've hugged him, supported him, and understood him. I don't understand why I am so confused about Nolan. I should be happy that he is like me. Sure it's a shock, just as I am sure he'll be shocked when I tell him about me. So why can't I tell him already?

I can't shake this feeling that my life is getting REALLY complicated as I turn the knob and quietly open the door. If I was in shock last night then absolutely nothing could have ever prepared me for the sight that appeared before my very wide open eyes. There before me on my bed is a very naked Nolan facing away from the door as he lowers himself onto my little brother's NOT so little erection. They didn't even hear the door open. I cringe at the sounds of my little bro plunging into Nolan mixed with the low moans coming from my dorm room. And the beads of sweat running down Nolan's back prove they've been at this for a while.

"Oh my GOD" I slap my hand over my mouth but it is too late.

Nolan gasps out as he jumps off my brother while trying to cover himself. My brother, not at all modest, just lays there exposed and hard with this really spaced out/pissed off look on his face. I swear the expression on his face looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Mixed with some very unhealthy anger. BUSTED. I giggle. Nolan and my brother? Nolan and my very UNDERAGE brother? Nolan and my... very well hung... brother? Damn I knew my brother THINKS he is all that; apparently he can deliver the goods. Anyway he damn sure got blessed in THAT department.

"Maybe I should come back later." Yeah good one JAY duh YA THINK.

"Jay .... I... " Nolan stutters out.

"JAYSON exuse US for a minute please. We'll get dressed."

The tone in Jared's voice startles me into stepping back out into the hallway while closing my door. I know better to mess with Jared's confident, authoritative voice. Plus he called me JAYSON. He never calls me that unless he's mad at me or really serious. A minute or so later the door opens as Nolan and Jared walk out fully clothed. Nolan is still somewhat red in the face. Jared looks pissed.

"You hungry? Let's get some food. Then we'll talk. OK?"

Jared orders us down the hall, but his voice softened when he added the "OK?" I even hear a hint of uncertainty, maybe guilt, even a little fear in his voice. Sometimes my little bro just amazes me so much. Here he is caught in a VERY compromising position yet he doesn't miss a beat. He is the most complex guy I know. At times he can be so sure of himself, so self confident, and so much the center of attention. You don't get to be the most popular guy in his grade by accident. When he has to take charge he does so without breaking a sweat. Yet he can still be sweet, gentle, innocent, and even vulnerable. So you take all of that and mix in a kick ass body, great fashion sense, and championship track times, oh and let's not forget the very HEALTHY dose of manhood he's packing, and you get my little bro. See why I'm the shadow in the family?

Well, that's part 5. As always thanks for the emails. Peace and love.

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