Jayson and Stacey

By moc.loa@SMniBnosyaJ

Published on Mar 9, 2000


Just the usual stuff: This story contains homosexual sex acts. If this stuff bothers you why the hell did you click on this link anyway??? If you're underage or if reading this stuff is illegal where you live then move on. Sorry I didn't make the law. Peace and love to everyone. Write me at JaysonBinMS@aol.com or stop by at http://members.aol.com/JaysonBinMS and let me know what you think.

Jayson and Stacey, Part 4

One thing about my life is that when I make plans it NEVER happens the way I planned it. You would think that I had learned my lesson. Not me I just keep on. The first thing that went wrong wasn't really that bad anyway. My little bro Jared and Nolan showed up EARLY. Like that has happened before EVER. So now I have two extra people to take to dinner. And then Mr. Let's Just Take A Couple of Pills Stacey decides he doesn't want to eat with everyone else. He wants the two of us to take Jared and Nolan out to some new place. So in typical Stacey fashion he announces plans for dinner, jumps in the Corvette, and cranks it up waiting for me to get in leaving no time for discussion of course. I admit defeat and motion for Nolan to follow with Jared in his truck if he can. Let me warn you all that riding with Stacey is a treat. He's not one of those defensive drivers. He's one of those "there's a stop sign my car is faster so F**K you I'm going first" kind of drivers. We pull up to this new place fifteen minutes faster than Nolan and Jared, and I need a drink to calm my nerves. Stacey loved the idea and joined me at the bar to wait for our slower, saner friends.

SO why do I put up with this BS from Stacey. Well, he's cute. He's my friend. He's quickly becoming my best friend. He's got a great personality when he's not passed out. He's got a great body. He's cute.... You get the picture? Anyway by the time our dinner arrived I had a slight buzz going on so I relaxed. Whatever pills Stacey swallowed mixed well with the several whiskey shots, and all he did was stare at me with this stupid grin plastered on his cute face. At least he wasn't sloppy drunk YET. Normally, I would be nervous in a situation like this, but the alcohol had numbed my brain just enough and also gave my other head a kick start as well. Plus any time you're with Stacey you can pretty much throw NORMAL out the window.

With all the liquid we were downing, bathroom trips became top priority. This must have been amusing to Nolan and Jared. Nolan only sipped on an import beer, and goody two shoes Jared drank a soft drink. It must have been Stacey's second trip to the bathroom when I finally couldn't hold out any longer. As much as I wanted to (or hated to) I went to the bathroom knowing Stacey was in there. I was kind of scared (and excited) when I thought about what had happened the last time Stacey got in this condition. But I can't think about those thoughts because right now I have to go. And I have to go in the little men's room that had only two urinals and no privacy. It's actually one of those where you go in and lock the door behind you for privacy. But Stacey, not known for his modesty, forgot to lock the door so I bust up in the bathroom laughing as I see Stacey finishing his business. I step up to the urinal and do my thing while Stacey washes up. When I zip up I turn to face a smiling Stacey who is leaning against the wall with that cute sexy gorgeous grin of his. Uh oh.

"What you grinning at Stacey?"

"YOU," he giggled pointing at me.

"Well what's so damn funny anyway. My dick hanging wrong or something?"

"No it's not your little dick. It's YOU staring at me at the table. You got that look in your eyes. That 'Please don't embarass me in front of my little brother" look. And you're trying so hard to NOT look at me. But don't worry I'll be good tonight. I got other things on my mind." He assured me.

"What are you on? I haven't been staring at you," I laughed knowing damn well that I was busted.

Stacey just grinned at me.

"What things you got on your mind anyway? If there's anything left in there!" I joke reaching over to knock on his forehead.

"You know what's on my mind," he teased me smiling.

"WHAT is it Stacey? What did you do?" I asked in my parental tone.

"You know what's on my mind. An airport. A corvette. Me. You. Lots of stars. I know I saw stars!" He smiled pointed from himself to me and back a few times.

"Stacey I thought...." I stuttered preparing for the worst.

"Besides I didn't do anything... YOU did it. See what you did to me?" Stacey asked quietly as he unzipped his jeans and showed off his six inches of hard perfection. All I could do was stare. I wanted to feel it. I needed to touch it. I had to have it. I knew deep down inside that this bathroom was probably the worst place I could image to taste Stacey for the first time. But I wanted to so bad. I reached out to feel his warmth. I wrapped my hand around it and felt it pulse in time with his heartbeat. Stacey knew what was happening. After all we had nothing to hide from each other now, right? He knew what I wanted. What I needed. He pushed against my hand. I guess he knew what he needed too.

SO why in the hell did somebody pick this exact moment to decide they needed the bathroom. WHY? WHY? WHY? I jumped up yelling "JUST A MINUTE" as I turned the water on to hide the sound of Stacey stuffing his erection back in his pants. SHIT! It's a good thing that I had enough common sense to lock that bathroom door. We both took a deep breath as Stacey opened the door to a very wide eyed Nolan.

"DAMN gotta go! " Shrieked Nolan with a very painful expression. He didn't even bother to wait for me to close the door behind us as I heard his stream begin. So I followed Stacey back to the table where we both downed a quick shot. A relieved Nolan returned to the table with a grin as Jared continued his meal with his usual blank face. Every time I looked across the table Stacey grinned at me. He knew he had me.

"SO Stacey can I drive your car? You shouldn't if you're drinking you know." Jared's voice knocked me back into reality, and I blushed a little knowing that I had been in such a daze dreaming of Stacey. I managed a smile at my little brother as I realized that the gentle, caring side he rarely showed was kind of sneaking through his smug attitude. Plus I knew he had a thing for sports cars. So you can imagine the huge grin on his face as Stacey threw him the keys.

"I'm riding with though. I don't let JUST ANY FREAK drive my baby!" Stacey smiled.

"Damn Stacey only a freak would get in the car with you anyway. Besides myself of course. I took you on as a charity case, remember?" I tried to joke around because I was nervous that everyone would see right through me and discover my true feelings. I gulped as I realized that the one person I was most afraid of finding me out was STACEY himself. Go figure that one out. But anyway since Jared was driving Stacey's corvette, and Stacey insisted on going with Jared, I got to ride with Nolan. I must admit that as nervous as I was about Stacey being alone with my goody two shoes brother I enjoyed a break from the stress of being so close to the person I wanted to touch yet not being able to. I shook my head as I laughed at my luck. Anyway I had lots of time to think because there were lots of pauses in our conversation.

"I heard about Shannon." Nolan cleared his throat nervously.

"Oh yeah. It sucks to fall out of love. I can't say it suprised me. We wanted different things."

"Different things huh." Nolan knew me better than I knew myself sometimes.


"Such as?"

"Well, um.. She was getting too serious for me."

"Different things. " Nolan shook his head and laughed softly. Insert long pause in conversation here.

My heart started to pound in my chest as sweat soaked my palms. Nolan was going somewhere with this conversation. He never said anything that didn't have some meaning attached to it. The only problem was I am really not liking where I think this conversation is headed.

"So you gonna tell me or do you just not want to talk about it?" Nolan gently inquired.

"Hey let's talk about her some other time. I know I need to. But I just want to enjoy tonight. OK?"

"OK then you've just been so quiet. Something's up with you. You know I can read you like a book." He reminded me. Uh oh.

"I know wouldn't have it any other way man." I smiled. Maybe if I cheer up and stuff he'll back off.

Another long, uncomfortable pause in our conversation goes here.

"Well I've kinda need to talk to you about some stuff, too." He almost whispered.

"Yeah? You know I would much rather talk about your sorry ass life than mine!" I joked.

Nolan only smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of Stacey's dorm. Stacey and Jared sat on the hood of the corvette talking about the car and just making small talk I guess. Nolan reminded quiet as he shut off the truck engine and looked at me. I reached for the door handle but something in Nolan's eyes made me stop.

"Jayson I need to tell you something," he said almost in tears.

"What's wrong man? Hey I was just kidding about you having a sorry ass life!"

"NO I know Jayson look this is real hard for me but if I don't say it now I won't ever be able to." Nolan said as his voice shook and got even quieter. The fact that he wouldn't even make eye contact with me made me sick to my stomach with fear. Oh my GOD. I have been found out. Nolan knows the truth about my feelings for Stacey. I thought I hid it pretty good. Damn how did I betray my secret? I need to throw up.

"I'm going out with someone Jayson," Nolan mumbled so quiet I thought I heard him wrong.

"Huh?" I answered out of confusion.

"I'm.... uh. Falling for someone. Someone you know REALLY well," he said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"Nolan that's awesome man! That's so cool. So why the sad face? You gonna tell me who she is?"

Nolan looked up and took a couple of really deep breaths and finally made eye contact with me as he prepared to tell me his secret. Now remember that my life never works out the way I plan it. In fact somebody upstairs is getting lots of comic relief on a regular basis at my expense. Then I began to realize. Nolan and Shannon, my ex turned super-slut, were good friends, too. Nolan is so scared of telling me because it must be Shannon, right?

"Let's just say that you know HIM very well Jayson," he explained after taking a deep breath.

"WHAT!!???" I yelled.

This is like the second time in my whole life that I am absolutely speechless. Nolan just told me he was falling for a HIM. Meaning another guy. Meaning my best friend is GAY. I am not really happy or sad for Nolan. I'm so damn confused. I was almost ready to admit to him what was really going on with Stacey, and I get blindsided with .... Oh SHIT Nolan is in love with another GUY. Oh my GOD I have got to talk to Nolan now. The instant I realized that I had just basically screamed WHAT!! At Nolan was the same instant he jumped out of his truck without even taking the keys out of the ignition. He must have interpreted my shock as anger. Nolan hauled ass in the direction of my dorm room. Seeing him run off in such an upset manner got Stacey and Jared's attention. Stacey came running over to the truck with a "Hey what the f**K" look on his face while Jared ran off after Nolan. I just put my head in my hands and started crying. I can't take this SHIT anymore.

OK how is that for Part Four? I know it is SO late everyone probably had to go back to the other parts to refresh their memory. My bad. I rewrote this chapter three different times because I couldn't get the mood right. And of course I want only my best for my NIFTY readers, right? I wanted to capture the feeling that while everything may be confused and uncertain right now, all the good stuff is right around the corner. That's kind of how my life has been the past few months. Lots of confusion before absolute bliss. As always thanks for the email I read each one. Peace and love to all.

Next: Chapter 5

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