Jayson and Stacey

By moc.loa@SMniBnosyaJ

Published on Jan 23, 2000


Just the usual stuff: This story contains homosexual sex acts. If this stuff bothers you why the hell did you click on this link anyway??? If you're underage or if reading this stuff is illegal where you live then move on. Sorry I didn't make the law. Peace and love to everyone. Write me at JaysonBinMS@aol.com and let me know what you think. You can also check out my new, and very humble, homepage at members.aol.com/JaysonBinMS.

Jayson and Stacey, Part 3

I woke with a start as I rubbed my eyes. It took me a minute to realize that I am not in my dorm room but in Kevin's bed again. I looked over to Stacey's bed to find him curled up under the covers dead to the world. I watched him sleep for a while, but realizing it must be around noon, I jumped out of bed and got dressed. The absence of my usual morning woody reminded me of the airport last night and made me smile. I can't believe Stacey did that to me. Damn I hope he wants to do it again. I leaned over his sleeping form to give him a kiss on the cheek. I hauled ass to my dorm not even considering making my last class since I've missed all my other ones today. It's Friday anyway. It should be illegal to hold classes on Fridays.

Busting up in my dorm room I found a note from my roommate. My best friend from high school, Nolan, is coming to spend the weekend with me on campus. He's a senior in high school and is very much looking forward to joining me on campus after he graduates. In fact, we plan on being roommates. Nolan is one of the coolest guys I've ever met. He's like this really awesome musician. He can play a dozen different instruments. Funny thing is he is so shy and introverted that I'm probably the only one who knows it. Nolan is a trip to hang with because his parents are loaded so he always has the best and coolest of everything. Not that having all that stuff is what makes him my friend or anything. It just gives us something to do when we don't want to talk about each other.

More surprises. It seems that that my little bro Jared is tagging along with Nathan this weekend. Hmmm... What's up with that? Probably the parent's idea. You see Jared does no wrong. He is two years younger than I am and is a sophomore at my old high school. Jared is Mr. Popularity on a mission: to get the right girl, the right car, the right friends, the right grades, and the right track times. You get the picture? Don't get me wrong I love him and all, but I just get a little annoyed at being "Jared's Older Brother" instead of just being Jayson. Besides we get along ok as long as I don't get in his way. So my parents talked Jared into coming to spy on me. I'll remember to give him something to talk about.

So I sit down on my bed and lean back just trying to absorb the events of the past few hours. I went to a kick ass party, broke up with Shannon, took a shower with one of the hottest football studs on campus, had a wet dream about this guy, and then got a handjob from him. Who says life in the dorm is boring? So what's up with Stacey? I know I like him, I mean REALLY like him, but why does he insist on partying himself unconscious with such frequency? And was he checking me out in the shower? Why did he jerk off in front of me? Did he hear me scream out his name during my dream or something? And most importantly why in the hell did he jerk ME off? What was his remark about hiding things from each other? I am completely, totally, absolutely clueless about him. The only thing I know is that I want to do some more Stacey research.

I guess I was in a daze or something the rest of the day as I forced myself to get some studying done. Before I realized it, a knock on my door reminded me that it was almost dinnertime. I was supposed to go eat dinner with Stacey and the gang before Nolan and Jared got to my dorm. I was a little startled when I opened the door to meet Stacey's longing gaze.

"Hey man what's UP," Stacey asked shyly.

"Just getting some work done for Lambert's class. U?" I laughed.

"I wanted to talk to ya before we go out. Oh by the way we're eating Chinese tonight, ok?"

"Yeah I guess I need to talk to you too Stacey." I'm not liking the way this conversation is headed.

"Well, um, I'm sorry, you know, about this morning and everything," he began.

At this point I guess the color drained from my face as my heart fell to my feet. This is just what I needed right now in my life. Stacey was getting all homophobic on me. I mean I was so close to getting something I wanted, FINALLY. I've never done anything with another guy but look. And here was this absolutely gorgeous football all-star with a kick ass body about to turn me down BIG TIME. I could feel the tears of defeat already gathering in my eyes. I stared at my feet praying for a distraction, a miracle even, just anything to get me out of this room.

"God, Jay, you can't even look me in the eye?" Stacey asked as he reached to my chin to pull it up.

"Stacey, I know, it was my fault. Look no one will ever know. I just crossed a line..." I stuttered.

"Is that what you think Jay that it was all you? Are you crazy? It's not like you held a gun to my head and made me touch you like that. I did that. ME. I started it. I wanted you to see me like I wanted to see you. I thought just WATCHING you get off would be enough. But I had to fuck everything up. You hear that, it was ME. I had to touch it. To see what it was like. IT was me Jay." Stacey cried.

"It's cool Stacey, we were horny. It just got out of hand."

"I can't be like that Jayson. I can't live like THAT. Christ, my parents have already picked out names for my kids. I'm not ..." he said frantically.

"I know you're NOT gay Stacey," I said admitting defeat. Now I'm not an overly emotional person, but the stress of the situation, the horniness and confusion, and maybe even fate all came crashing down on me at that instant. I cried. Not just a couple of tears and a sad face kind of cry. I cried. I cried for all of the times I felt guilty for looking at a cute boy in the shower after practice. I cried for all of the times I lied to my family and my friends about why I rarely showed any interest in dating and dancing with girls. I cried for all of the dumb ass excuses I fed to my ex-girlfriend Shannon when she was crawling all over me begging for sex. I cried for having a wet dream about Stacey. I cried for allowing myself to climax in his hand, and I cried for wanting to do it again. I cried so much I briefly forgot Stacey was facing me. I couldn't feel him reach out to hold my hand nor did I feel him pull me into a powerful embrace. You see I put up this wall. It was my defense mechanism, a only means of survival at the moment. I refused to feel the comfort of his arms, and I refused to allow him to share my feelings. I tried to push him back. Here he was still in my dorm room after realizing my secret. He knew. What he said about not hiding things from each other suddenly became all too real for me. He spoke softly in my ear words I don't even remember. He gently ran his hand over my back as he held me tighter. He rocked me back and forth ever so slightly as he patiently waited for me to stop crying.

"Damn it Stacey I never cry like this. See what you did!" I smiled at him trying to defuse this tense situation so maybe I could calm myself down. Stacey simply smiled at me as he led me to sit beside him on my bed. All the while he kept one hand on my shoulder.

"Jayson, we'll work this out, ok?" Stacey offered.

"Yeah it's just so much to deal with at once. I don't have any answers." I replied.

"You don't need all the answers. But you know what ya do need right now?" he asked.

"What?" I answered knowing full well that curiosity killed the cat.

"You need to get your sorry ass OUT of this room so we can go eat. I'm STARVING!!!!!" he laughed as he reached down to my abs and tickled me. We both stood up quickly and walked out the door, but not before Stacey turned at me, smiled, and kissed me gently on the cheek just like I did to him earlier. I was so stunned that I pretended not to notice the three white pills he popped in his mouth when we stopped at the water fountain.

That's it for Part 3 Guys. I hope you all like it as well as the first two parts. I realize there isn't any sex in this part, but I not really horny today and the characters just didn't seem to be either at this point in my story. Even though this stuff is fictional I actually had a similar experience in real life. Funny thing how art imitates life. As always, thanks for all of the positive comments and encouragement. I LOVE email. Peace and love to everybody.

Next: Chapter 4

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