Jayson and Stacey

By moc.loa@SMniBnosyaJ

Published on Jan 13, 2000


Just the usual stuff: This story contains homosexual sex acts. If this stuff bothers you why the hell did you click on this link anyway??? If you're underage or if reading this stuff is illegal where you live then move on. Sorry I didn't make the law. Peace and love to everyone. Write me at JaysonBinMS@aol.com and let me know what you think. You can also check out my new, and very humble, homepage at members.aol.com/JaysonBinMS.

Jayson and Stacey, Part 2

Just my luck it wasn't the bright, cheery sunrise or the strong arms of a passionate lover that woke me up. It was hung-over-as-hell Stacey shaking my arm and grinning like a mad man. At this point somebody needs to remind me very quickly exactly why I fell in love with Stacey a few hours ago. I've had like three hours of sleep, I'm sore from carrying his drunk ass all over the place, and I'm very confused about my "dream." Did he notice? Did he wake up? What if I called out his name in my sleep or something stupid like that? Oh, and one more question, what time is it anyway?

"Wake up Jayson you have to take me to get something for my head. PLEASE!" Stacey begged painfully.

"Shit Stacey I just fell asleep, " I moaned. Damn he's not wearing anything but his boxers, and I think I caught a glimpse of his beautiful cock. Then he has to go and flash me a killer smile followed by a painful, tortured grimace as he hid his eyes in his hands. Okay so I just remembered why I fell in love with him.


"OK get some clothes on will ya. What you think I want to see you walking around town in your boxers?"

"Well don't ya." Now Stacey decides to be a flirt as he locates a pair of jeans and a tshirt. I never knew anyone could be so seductive in putting their clothes ON, but this guy should be a pro. The images before me have no doubt cause my own member to stand at attention. And when it does that it's going only one place - out of my boxers. No matter what kind of boxers I wear everytime I get a bone it manages to pop through the front. Damn uncomfortable and erotic at the same time. So my condition requires that I jump out of Kevin's bed facing away from Stacey and get my clothes back on in like ten milliseconds. I turn to see Stacey grinning at me.

"Hey Jay you sure are modest for a guy who carried my ass in the shower. What you got something you ashamed of down there?" Stacey teased pointing to my crotch.

"Didn't want to embarrass you little man, " I replied wiggling my pinky finger at him.

I sure hope he didn't notice my erection or anything. But he did notice something was up. He obviously remembered me being naked with him in the shower while he was still in the passed out phase. I thought he was checking me out but it can be just drunken curiosity on his part. I'm not making anything out of it. I can't get my hopes up. So anyways Stacey and I headed for his car. I'm thankful that this trip Stacey is walking by himself without any assistance. Even though he lets out an occasional painful sigh while still holding his head. We haul ass to the all night convenience store, and I go in and buy him some headache powders and get us a couple of cokes. He takes like three powders and swallows most of his coke when I return to the car.

"Hey Jay I feel like being out here. It's nice out. You want to just ride for a while? At least until my headache goes away?" Stacey asks.

"OK hey let's go to the airport!"

"Yeah that would be cool."

Now you have to realize that we are in a SMALL college town, and this airport consists of a couple of buildings, a long concrete runway, and a parking area. I think it's used like once a week or something. But the cool thing it's kind of on a hill in a huge treeless area. On a clear night you can see stars for miles. We all like to go there and chill. Lots of times we go there to start the drinking and stuff. And I've heard, but not yet experienced, that many a relationship was consummated on this very runway. So we pull Stacey's car to the very far end of the long runway. Thankfully no one else is around. We get out and climb on the hood and lay on our backs gazing up at the stars. There's not a cloud in sight, and a warm, gentle breeze is blowing through our hair. Stacey's car is a corvette so when we lay on the hood it's like a recliner position so it's just a naturally relaxing place to be. Except of course for my erection which has made its way out of my boxers.

Stacey's car is not all that wide so we're laying side by side very close together. The feel of his body next to mine is turning me on like crazy. Either my brain or my balls are going to bust from going crazy soon.

"It's peaceful out here, huh?" Stacey turned over on his side kind of facing me.

"Yeah, I love it out here especially alone...." well that's a nice little insult. Way to go JAY.

"Oh I see I'm invading your space. I can leave then, " Stacey tried his best to pout but ended up laughing at himself.

"NO man. I was just kidding. It's nice to be here with you too." Damn why don't I just wear my pink triangle shirt next time we go out?

"Yeah me too." He smiled.

We talked about everything and nothing. We laughed for about thirty minutes. His headache must have gotten better. He was smiling and concentrating on my every word as I was his. Eventually the subject came around to the dreaded sex. The talk. Now I'm not a flamer or anything, but let's just say that some of my friends have had their suspicions about me. Especially since I refused to sleep with my now ex- girlfriend who apparently turned out to be one of the best lays on campus.

"So Jay are you gonna tell me the real reason why you and Shannon broke up?"

"I told you already she was moving faster than I wanted to. I really don't want to talk about it please." I don't like where this conversation is headed.

"Man I thought we were tight. I mean look at what all you did for me. You fucking practically gave me a bath and hauled my ass around. You really saved my ass AGAIN Jay. You're the best."

"Look Stacey why do you drink SO much? Why do you have to do it SO much? Are you running from something or what?" I try to deflect the conversation away from Shannon. Touchy subject I know.

"I just want to ok can we leave that alone?"

"OK OK I don't wanna talk about Shannon, and can't talk about getting wasted all the time. Truce."

"Yeah. I just don't get you man. I mean GOD Shannon. She was all over you ALL THE TIME. You getting something on the side? " he smiled.

"Well, hmmm.... Honestly, I'm getting about as much as YOU DO!"

"Damn that was mean." He pouted again. Damn I could eat this boy for breakfast when he pouts.

"Sorry dude it's a hormone thing. DAMN! You're right I should have fucked her than left her." I joked.

"Don't say that dude you don't even know horny until you get like this," he laughed grabbing his crotch.

"That's horny?? No wonder you can't get any," I joked seeing where this would lead.

"HEY Are you making fun of my penis?"

"I would never do that Stacey," I laughed wiggling my pinky finger at him again.

"Yeah I'll show you a pinky bitch."

Next thing I know we're both staring at Stacey's beautiful six inch perfection. Rock hard. Kind of pointing up to the stars. And he doesn't just expose the head. NO, he pulls his jeans and boxers to his knees giving me the view. And he's gently stroking his hard meat. My gaze shifts back and forth from the lust in his eyes to the hardness in his hands. I'm sure he can see my mouth watering. He continues his slow, gentle stroking and smiles as my hand travels to unbutton my fly. Without thinking my pants and boxers are below my knees as well. Man what a flick this would make. Two young hot college studs with their pants down jacking off on the hood of a silver corvette on the far end of a dark airport runway. How many times will this happen in my life ever again? I match the speed of my strokes to his for what seems like an eternity. I want to touch his so bad, but I'm nervous. We are in synch tonight, stroking together, hell, even moaning quietly together. Next thing I know his body shakes as his cum lands on his chest and stomach and hands. Then what he does next almost makes me pass out. He scoops his cum off him with his hand, reaches over to my throbbing member, and uses his seed as lubricant as he sends me to the moon and back with his suprisingly smooth hands. As we lay spent beside each other I smile as I watch his once hard member shrivel to a four inch piece of soft flesh. As we pull our pants up to hide our embarrassment I hear him softly moan, "Now we don't have to hide anything from each other."

SO that's Part 2. How am I doing? I appreciate the overwhelming response to Part 1. All of the positive comments and encouragement from everyone rules. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Peace and love.

Next: Chapter 3

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